While our school districts have their issues, this isn't a fair depiction of what is happening with AH. We can have another debate on school districts later and my gut tells me you and I would probably agree on 90% of the issues, but that's not the case this time
It was shady as hell to buy that land at one price, knock down everything on it, then go and argue to the county assessor that now the land should be valued at $100M less than what they just paid for it. While perhaps a "smart" business move by the Bears, it was a dick move when the county depends on that property tax revenue to help support/pay for the schools.
If the land was really worth what the Bears are saying it is, then that is the price they should have paid for it, but they didn't. They paid like $100M more, therefore, like it or not, they should be paying the taxes on it.