***BREAKING: Brandon Marshall traded to the Jets***


HS Referee HoF
Aug 20, 2012
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You do realize that fans have to have a motivation to keep watching, buying merchandise, and buying tickets. This is not one of those motivations.

The Hawk

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Excuse me, other players should look at how Marshall plays the game, they should look at how he takes care of himself in the offseason, they should look at how he practices in the offseason and in camp. He is a FOOTBALL PLAYER for crying out loud. Not every player has a problem with Marshall in the locker room. Just ignore him and play fucking football. You guys act like he is the only football player to play with and attitude.

Are Chicago sports fans fucking bipolar or something? They want "the fire", "the passion", and "the toughness" but hey let's get rid of one of the best, most passionate, and certainly toughest players on the team.

Most of you guys would want to see the entire 85 team cut. WTF is wrong with you fans?

Great damn Post, Jester. It is so damn easy for people who see someone who doesn't look or act like them to point fingers and criticize them. Maybe Marshall didn't conduct himself like some fucking model player or teammate BUT........he busted his ass off to win and many, MANY of them did not. ANd when he called them out on it(including Cutler and Gould) they got their poor whittle feelings hurt. Tough shit.

Marshall TRIED to light a fire under a team that was fucking underachieving and giving up including a whole lot of highly payed veterans. A team that had no leadership from a coaching staff that got undermined by a lot of these same veterans. THEY FUCKING GAVE UP.

So, you are right, Jester! Some of these Bears fans want things all wrapped up in a nice neat package. Heaven forbid a 6'4" 230# monster of an all-pro wide receiver gets pissed off an yells at his teammates. Shame on him.

Next players to go:

Bennett -- FIghts with defensive players(think that didn't happen in '85?). Shoots his mouth off occasionally

Forte -- Wants to get paid for performance and not shy about saying it.

Houston -- Former Raider -- Can't have those guys on this buttom down collar team

Bostic --- Personal fouls can't be tolerated

The Hawk

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Jan 21, 2014
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I wonder if part of the reason for trading Marshall, in addition to him being a problem, is that WR is a good position for where the Bears will be drafting. Also, as good as Marshall is, he's not the fastest guy and he and Jerrery are very similar. Whether it's Cooper or White, each have good 40 times.

If the Bears were a good contending team with an excellent offense, I might agree with you:) Replace a guy who earns a good chunk of money who has pissed off some of his teammates. IF this team was solid on both sides of the ball, then sure. Trade Marshall and draft a young faster receiver. Happens all of the time in the NFL.

But this isn't what the current situation is with the Bears. They have more holes than a package of swiss cheese both defensively and offensively. They need a quarterback, a center, an offensive tackle, a quality receiver, two safeties, a cornerback, at least two linebackers, a tight end, and another running back. That is 11 players not including major help on special teams.

The Hawk

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By all accounts he was universally despised by his teammates in Denver, Miami and Chicago as a locker room cancer. His me me me first agenda wears thin real quick everywhere he goes. In 2-3 years the Jets will show him the door.

Not true. Chris Carter who is not afraid to criticize players, said that Marshall is well respected across the league as a good teammate and a quality receiver.

The Hawk

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What you're basically saying here, Jester, is that you know how to run a football team better than Ryan Pace and John Fox (as well as the front offices of two other NFL teams).

Maybe, just maybe, they know a little more about how Marshall really is than you do.

Yeah, Bearmick knows a lot about running a football team. What a lame post! This same post has been issued when the two bozos who preceded him were here.


CCS Hall of Fame '20
Aug 20, 2012
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lol shit Hawk arguing with an empty room again.... :lmao:

The Hawk

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Jan 21, 2014
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I am not denying Brandon Marshall has mental issues, WE ALL KNOW THIS. I hoped an experienced staff could get the some of the bullshit under control. What some of you fail to realize is that Brandon Marshall DID have leadership qualities as well and that cannot be denied.

Brandon Marshall was also a great football player which cannot be denied.

I also get fucking tired about all of this "he has mental issues" stuff. The guy has a diagnosed mental disorder and has been under a doctors care for it since it was diagnosed. I have PTSD myself and have been under VA care myself as have thousands of other fellows like myself. My message is this. No one asks for a mental disorder. It is named a disorder for a reason. What medicine and counseling do is to put the disorder back into order. Smart people have it treated and once again become productive members of a society. Dumb ones do not and become problems to society.


Silicon Valley CA Bears H
Aug 21, 2012
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Silicon Valley, CA
They have more holes than a package of swiss cheese both defensively and offensively. They need a quarterback, a center, an offensive tackle, a quality receiver, two safeties, a cornerback, at least two linebackers, a tight end, and another running back. That is 11 players not including major help on special teams.

If true - and I agree with you - the team cannot realistically compete in 2015, and with luck, maybe fight for a playoff spot in 2016.

In 2 years' time, BM is finished in the NFL or near it, and either way not worth the distraction. Therefore, one can conclude that BM cannot under any foreseeable circumstances be part of the Bears' winning future, so WTF keep him on - to win 7 games instead of 5-6 in 2015? This is why the tears are raining down?


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2012
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i think it's vitally important that you admit that ryan pace and john fox have far more knowledge then you about brandon marshall and his relationship with the team and his behavior behind closed doors.

and that he wouldn't have been traded for a near worthless draft pick had the issues not been untenable.

to suggest marshall is the only one who cares because he plays hard is misguided.

there is more to this story then you will ever know, because even a locker room as dysfunctional as the bears was last year still keeps most of it in house.

all you need to know is the result. a new staff traded an elite receiver for pennies. they didn't do it because they were cowards, or stupid. they did it because brandon marshall is locker room cancer who puts himself in front of the team. it's not hard to figure out.

i mean, unless you think ryan pace is just stupid and did this for know reason, i feel it is incumbent on you as fans to understand that there is more to the picture then you are capable of seeing and what happens on the field is only a small piece of the pie.


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Aug 22, 2012
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This is exactly my worry. If this is the start of a house cleaning then I can see the logic. As someone said earlier in this thread this team has been in rebuilding mode since 1986 and they don't know how to do it right. A house cleaning would be one way not tried.

BUT - if the rest of this new offseason is dropping a few insignificant players and moving forward w/ SSDD trying to compete next year then this absolutely shows Pace is a yes man to the McCaskeys and Phillips. Why? How in the hell can looking at video of Marshall on the field can Pace/Fox not want to keep this player if they want to compete next year? Bernstein has been going on and on since last season how his source in the front office at Halas Hall said Marshall was done in Chicago. Okay. Let me for a moment assume that this is true. Then Pace/Fox come in. Pace finally confirms that he has final say on this roster. And based on this video evaluation of Marshall he decides to trade him away for the whopping compensation of a 5th round pick. That deserves a collective WTF?

I was not in the blow it all up camp. But I am now. Because if Pace doesn't unleash a shit cleaning in the next few weeks it shows that this was a decision above Pace not in line w/ his plan.
I don't like the trade but I don't see how trading Marshall proves that Pace is a yes man.. If these reports are as half as bad as they seem.. Marshall has been an asshole behind the scenes and it didn't take much digging for Pace to see that he doesn't want that kind of attitude in the locker room. Doesn't mean Pace was forced to trade him for a 5th against his will.


Well-known member
Aug 24, 2012
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i think it's vitally important that you admit that ryan pace and john fox have far more knowledge then you about brandon marshall and his relationship with the team and his behavior behind closed doors.

and that he wouldn't have been traded for a near worthless draft pick had the issues not been untenable.

to suggest marshall is the only one who cares because he plays hard is misguided.

there is more to this story then you will ever know, because even a locker room as dysfunctional as the bears was last year still keeps most of it in house.

all you need to know is the result. a new staff traded an elite receiver for pennies. they didn't do it because they were cowards, or stupid. they did it because brandon marshall is locker room cancer who puts himself in front of the team. it's not hard to figure out.

i mean, unless you think ryan pace is just stupid and did this for know reason, i feel it is incumbent on you as fans to understand that there is more to the picture then you are capable of seeing and what happens on the field is only a small piece of the pie.

When Trestman/Emery was running the team into the ground, did you tell yourself this same thing? That he knows more than us all, we don't know what's happening behind the scenes and he has a higher plan? Just curious.


Active member
Aug 22, 2012
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I look at the trade as "did this make the Bears better?". The answer is no.
We don't know yet.. could go either way depending on what pace does in free agency. Could end up making the team better in the end. Hell, for all we know we get a stud with the 5th round pick.


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Sep 9, 2012
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Wait a minute, didn't Pace and Fox said they came here to win championship? It's a joke to hire guys just to blow the team up. What a waste of Bears fan's time and money. All they had to do is band-aid this coming season, get in the playoffs next season, not rebuild. Neither Pace or Fox mention anything about rebuilding, winning now and championships is what I heard. Say goodbye to the guys we know, we'll be lucky to keep Kyle Long & Kyle Fuller.

So this roster is just a few band-aids away from playoff contention? Interesting.
