***BREAKING: Brandon Marshall traded to the Jets***


Dissed membered
Aug 17, 2011
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Palatine, IL
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I disagree with your assessment. IF a teammate is not pulling their weight, there is not a damn thing wrong with calling them on it. If you and I are supposed to do a job that we are being paid to do upon completion, and you are not doing yours, you think I don't tell you about it? You can be damn sure that I would. And at least Marshall had the balls to say it in front of the person who he was calling out, not the sniffling crap some of his "teammates" did. That is being a man not a cunt. And don;t think that embarrassing a player doesn't help to get him pissed off and motivated. It certainly can work. Not always but it can.

You have to live in a pollyanna world to think that guys do not get pissed off at their teammates and call them out on it. Happens all of the damn time. And players will not wait for their coaches nor should they. Hell, its their career and livelihood is it not.

I don't remember either of Marshall running to the press about what he said. Did he not say it in the locker room? THe fact that someone ratted on what was said is on the rat and no one else. So fuck the rat(s). YOu say it, YOU OWN IT!!!!

Since I'm being directly addressed I'll give a short response. Just to be clear, lots of reporters heard him outside the locker room. He made no effort to keep it there and the Cutler dumping was on the radio. I'm the only one that cares and you're all fucked and should play like me isn't exactly rallying the troops.


Well-known member
Aug 20, 2012
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:facepalm2: Dear Lord... the guy makes one move you don't like and the honeymoon period is over? The overemotional meatbalism on here right now is just ridiculous.

Can we give the guy one freaking year at least? I mean two or three is ideal. But at least give him one year.

Yes, because it was the biggest move made in the past few years. I'm not saying to fire Pace; he should get at least 3 years. All I'm saying is that my optimistic attitude has turned into a "prove me wrong" attitude.


Silicon Valley CA Bears H
Aug 21, 2012
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Silicon Valley, CA
I'm just not resigned to the 'suck in 2015' thing. l

It was virtually guaranteed, with or without BM/Cutler/Forte.

I feel the same way going into 2015 as i did 12 months ago, knowing the personnel level isn't near competing in the playoffs.

Difference is, last year apparently i was a Hater-that-should-die because i refused to crown Emery the Great, and this year i am far more optimistic about the team's direction yet everyone else seems to be vag-bleeding.


New member
Aug 20, 2012
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I don't care if he's different. I wouldn't have bitched if he stayed. I just understand why he's not. I don't recall the other guys on your list not showing up for games. You're just rationalizing a bunch a shit and talking out of your ass. I liked the Marshall signing and his play until last year. It's not his play that's an issue. If you don't get it or agree, that's fine but those make believe extreme non-examples are juvenile. Jesus, the guy has a pattern of wearing out his welcome yet somehow this is not his fault. Somebody's got blinders on and it's not the fans you referred to. The ESPN documentary thing, the Cutler thing, the locker room thing, the knowing better than coaches how to practice thing, the insistence on continuing to do the show thing. Consider that the show may be an off day but Mr Team was taking plain rides and sitting behind a desk instead of getting his ankle up or worked on.

The reasons for not retaining him are obvious. If you don't think them serious enough in a team sport to warrant a trade for a new regime that doesn't want to deal with it, you're entitled but don't make nonsense extrapolations. It's not like Gase doesn't know what he would be getting into both good and bad. If we kept him, I wouldn't bitch but for a staff that's trying to instill team to one that's lost a bit of it, losing a member that throws his QB under the bus, calls a guy that stands up for himself 'only a kicker' and basically goes mental because he's unhappy about his and the teams production, I get it. You don't get better play out of teammates by calling them out and belittling them in the media. You get self satisfaction and dissidence. Rip your coworkers or the guy above you and see if they want to help you out. Way different than your boss ripping a few.

You, my friend, are unfortunately correct.


New member
Aug 20, 2012
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Simply put, I understand marshalls apparent 3 year window; but I put this fully on Trestman for a puss


Sep 27, 2010
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A single move is not how I judged it. Its the combination of Marshall gone, Forte and/or Cutler is next, no interest in keeping our best defensive lineman, no guarantee that Pace even gives a fuck about keeping Alshon coupled with the fact he's a god damned rookie GM that I frankly have no confidence will even be able to draft for shit.

But hey, if you want to drink the kool-aid. By all means.

That's just it. If Cutler is gone, and by all rights he should be sooner or soon. With a rookie QB having 2 good WR's is better than having one. We were guaranteed to have 2 good WRs. Now the only guarantee is we have 1.

Marshall on the trade block after the draft and we have some alleged great, that would make a little sense. Up for trade after we get a FA great, OK. But "OMG, we gotta get rid of Marshall ASAP for whatever we can get" is tough to excuse away as a good move at this point.
The only way this makes us a better team is if he was a problem in the locker room.
We shall see.


HS Referee HoF
Aug 20, 2012
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Chicago, IL.
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That's just it. If Cutler is gone, and by all rights he should be sooner or soon. With a rookie QB having 2 good WR's is better than having one. We were guaranteed to have 2 good WRs. Now the only guarantee is we have 1.

Marshall on the trade block after the draft and we have some alleged great, that would make a little sense. Up for trade after we get a FA great, OK. But "OMG, we gotta get rid of Marshall ASAP for whatever we can get" is tough to excuse away as a good move at this point.
The only way this makes us a better team is if he was a problem in the locker room.
We shall see.

Honestly even that is a weak ass excuse. People are already licking the head coach's balls and lauding the coaching staff as a whole. If this coaching staff is even remotely as good as people are claiming and expecting then they should be more than well equipped to manage a classic prima donna wide receiver.


CCS Donator
Jun 19, 2011
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Since I'm being directly addressed I'll give a short response. Just to be clear, lots of reporters heard him outside the locker room. He made no effort to keep it there and the Cutler dumping was on the radio. I'm the only one that cares and you're all fucked and should play like me isn't exactly rallying the troops.

So you are saying this is the worst BM did in Chicago? And that warrants shipping him away? lmao, ok.


CCS Donator
Jun 19, 2011
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how the fuck do people question BM's commitment to the team? What the fuck is wrong with you people?

We are talking about perhaps the best blocking WR in the nfl over the last 3 years. Fucking BLOCKING. A WR.

The guy that would not come out of the game last year even though he could barely walk. Dude that NEVER ducked a high throw no matter how many defenders had him lined up.

How dare you fucks question BM's commitment to the Bears and to football. And over what, running his mouth? Or being committed to causes outside football that had no impact on his play whatsoever?

Brandon Marshall proved his commitment where it counts, on the field. Dude bled for chicago. You people are going batshit insane with this nonsense.


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2012
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how the fuck do people question BM's commitment to the team? What the fuck is wrong with you people?

We are talking about perhaps the best blocking WR in the nfl over the last 3 years. Fucking BLOCKING. A WR.

The guy that would not come out of the game last year even though he could barely walk. Dude that NEVER ducked a high throw no matter how many defenders had him lined up.

How dare you fucks question BM's commitment to the Bears and to football. And over what, running his mouth? Or being committed to causes outside football that had no impact on his play whatsoever?

Brandon Marshall proved his commitment where it counts, on the field. Dude bled for chicago. You people are going batshit insane with this nonsense.

and for the dolphins, and for the broncos. and yet here we are, with brandon marshall on his 4th team. no one questions his play on the field. that clearly isn't the issue. this is nothing new with marshall...see:


that's from after his trade from the broncos to the 'phins., TWO trades ago for those keeping track. those issues manifested in miami and they manifested here. his passion on the field is great, but there's more to this equation then that.


Minister of Archaic Titillations
Aug 20, 2012
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how the fuck do people question BM's commitment to the team? What the fuck is wrong with you people?

We are talking about perhaps the best blocking WR in the nfl over the last 3 years. Fucking BLOCKING. A WR.

The guy that would not come out of the game last year even though he could barely walk. Dude that NEVER ducked a high throw no matter how many defenders had him lined up.

How dare you fucks question BM's commitment to the Bears and to football. And over what, running his mouth? Or being committed to causes outside football that had no impact on his play whatsoever?

Brandon Marshall proved his commitment where it counts, on the field. Dude bled for chicago. You people are going batshit insane with this nonsense.

Great post. Good points, man.


Minister of Archaic Titillations
Aug 20, 2012
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and for the dolphins, and for the broncos. and yet here we are, with brandon marshall on his 4th team. no one questions his play on the field. that clearly isn't the issue. this is nothing new with marshall...see:


that's from after his trade from the broncos to the 'phins., TWO trades ago for those keeping track. those issues manifested in miami and they manifested here. his passion on the field is great, but there's more to this equation then that.

It just would have been nice to see the new, experienced h.c. to try and coach him up-for whatever kind of drama he was bringing to the table.


Silicon Valley CA Bears H
Aug 21, 2012
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Silicon Valley, CA
Pace and Fox took over a team with a ton of holes

WR was not one of them.

It is now.

That's why I don't like the trade

I understand being upset about losing BM's production.

But you can't evaluate this trade fairly without factoring in the return consideration (draft pick plus cap space).


Sep 27, 2010
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Honestly even that is a weak ass excuse. People are already licking the head coach's balls and lauding the coaching staff as a whole. If this coaching staff is even remotely as good as people are claiming and expecting then they should be more than well equipped to manage a classic prima donna wide receiver.

I agree. And even if he was a problem in the locker room how would they know about it? Asking other players who are just as likely to be the real problem as the one they are fingering?

They had better hope this first moves works out. But I really don't see how it does.


Well-known member
Aug 21, 2012
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I agree. And even if he was a problem in the locker room how would they know about it? Asking other players who are just as likely to be the real problem as the one they are fingering?

They had better hope this first moves works out. But I really don't see how it does.

Is this question real life? The whole organization has the low down on Marshall not just the players. If anybody thinks the new regime just made some half assed rash decision on parting with Marshall they're delusional. They've had two months to "investigate" this whole thing.

The people saying, "I don't see how this makes the team better". It likely doesn't, So for the FO to make this kind of a move should be a hint to those that question it just how bad things really were behind the scenes.


Well-known member
Aug 20, 2012
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and for the dolphins, and for the broncos. and yet here we are, with brandon marshall on his 4th team. no one questions his play on the field. that clearly isn't the issue. this is nothing new with marshall...see:


that's from after his trade from the broncos to the 'phins., TWO trades ago for those keeping track. those issues manifested in miami and they manifested here. his passion on the field is great, but there's more to this equation then that.

The difference is that Marshall was beating people and getting in trouble with the law once a month for the Broncos and Dolphins. The only "problems" he had in Chicago was getting frustrated because the whole team was fucking terrible these past two years. If this coaching staff is so great, why can't they handle some locker room drama?


Sep 27, 2010
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and for the dolphins, and for the broncos. and yet here we are, with brandon marshall on his 4th team. no one questions his play on the field. that clearly isn't the issue. this is nothing new with marshall...see:


that's from after his trade from the broncos to the 'phins., TWO trades ago for those keeping track. those issues manifested in miami and they manifested here. his passion on the field is great, but there's more to this equation then that.

Except the problem with McD on the Broncos shouldn't have been here. If it did happen here already we have another McD on our hands and surely you're not claiming McD handled the Broncos right when he gutted them and left them with nothing.

The problem with Marshall and Miami or the Broncos hasn't existed here. All that was before his diagnosis and treatment.
Since he's come to Chicago and has been getting treated we've seen none of that. We have had reporters and their parrots trying to make shit up all because of someone with a mental illness goes public with it in an attempt to help others.

There could be a reason for this loser trade. But what you did was just make shit up to condemn someone for the past.


Well-known member
Aug 20, 2012
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Is this question real life? The whole organization has the low down on Marshall not just the players. If anybody thinks the new regime just made some half assed rash decision on parting with Marshall they're delusional. They've had two months to "investigate" this whole thing.

The people saying, "I don't see how this makes the team better". It likely doesn't, So for the FO to make this kind of a move should be a hint to those that question it just how bad things really were behind the scenes.

Let's say Marshall was causing problems behind the scenes, just for the sake of argument. What could be the worst thing he was saying? Was he ripping on teammates? Could he have been bad mouthing some of the moves the front office made? Maybe. But my point is that it doesn't matter what the fuck he said that made them trade him, it's the fact that saying anything was cause for a trade. Marshall didn't murder anyone. He hasn't beaten any women since coming to Chicago. He's been one of the most stand-up guys on the team over the past few years, and a model for people struggling with mental disorders. If Marshall had pulled a Ray Rice, I would say sure, send him off for a 5th. But trading the best receiver in franchise history for a 5th because he might have bad-mouthed one of his peers or someone higher up? Bullshit.


Well-known member
Aug 21, 2012
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Let's say Marshall was causing problems behind the scenes, just for the sake of argument. What could be the worst thing he was saying? Was he ripping on teammates? Could he have been bad mouthing some of the moves the front office made? Maybe. But my point is that it doesn't matter what the fuck he said that made them trade him, it's the fact that saying anything was cause for a trade. Marshall didn't murder anyone. He hasn't beaten any women since coming to Chicago. He's been one of the most stand-up guys on the team over the past few years, and a model for people struggling with mental disorders. If Marshall had pulled a Ray Rice, I would say sure, send him off for a 5th. But trading the best receiver in franchise history for a 5th because he might have bad-mouthed one of his peers or someone higher up? Bullshit.
No, being Disgruntle with coaches and doing his own thing on the field, free lancing routes which directly lead to turnovers.

If people don't think Marshall was hard to work with go watch his "Football Life" Again. Mind you this is a program that trys to paint a rosey picture. However, watch his antics on the practice field. Getting Pissy with coaches and taking himself out of practice. Its maybe a three minute clip of training camp but it shows his dark side and I couldn't imagine dealing with it on a daily basis.
