So, they are scumbags for securing a future for them and their families by taking roids when, at the time, probably over 80 percent of major leaguers were on the juice. They are scumbags for taking their immense talent and enhancing it to secure more money in a dog eat dog world of sports. Riddle me this, Robin, say you have less then a 20 year span to make all the money you will need in life by playing a sport that make millions and millions off your name. You can sit in the minors or be a sup par player in the majors and make decent money, but surely not enough to live for years after ball. Or, you can even the playing field with 80 percent of baseball and take the roids and make yourself millions upon millions. What would you choose? Steroids helped those players. Steroids didnt make those players. Their talent was great. Bonds probably still would go down as a top 15 player of all time without the roids. McGwire still would have cranked a lot of homeruns. The same with Sammy. They put in the work. They put their blood, sweat, and tears into the game. To call them scumbags is the ultimate arm chair QB. Do you call 90 percent of NFL players scumbags?