CSN Chicago: Source states paramaters in place for multi-year deal with Cutler.

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Nail Polish

CCS Donator
Aug 20, 2012
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People are so petrified with fear over the Bears regressing to the past run of QBs its made them nonsensical and delirious - same goes for some media members as well.

Its like they don't get that for the first time since Papa Bear, we finally have an offensive innovator who should be able to at least pick out an average QB from a crowd blindfolded...

He already has an ABOVE average QB..Why would he want to throw him away and take an AVERAGE QB


Well-known member
Aug 20, 2012
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Win a bunch of games with inferior talent around him and coaching.

Not much different from Grossman or Orton, other average QB's who won on the back of a very good defense. Cutler is just a small step up from those guys but gets treated here like he's Tom Brady. Kind of amazing really.

Teddy KGB

Cultural Icon
Apr 25, 2011
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He already has an ABOVE average QB..Why would he want to throw him away and take an AVERAGE QB

Cutler is an average QB with an elite arm.

The arm is the only elite thing about him. His mechanics are poor and revert to bad under pressure, he makes poor decisions on the field by not utilizing his checkdowns more and getting the ball to his receivers in space, he locks onto his primary receiver too much, and holds onto the ball too long.

If you think that can be mostly magically fixed in one offseason for a guy who has trusted his arm over any system his entire playing career, you have a lot more faith than I do that Cutler is coachable to THAT level, where he is able to UNLEARN his instincts he's had his whole life.

Not saying he can't do it, and the Bears fan in me would love to be wrong about him, because if he COULD do that, then I'd grant you he's above average, and potentially even elite across the board, and I'd be happy to have him. But the Bears fan in me is concerned, and rightfully so, that he ISN'T coachable to THAT level, and that whatever he learns, he will always revert to his instincts in high pressure situations instead of taking a more measured, calculated approach.
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