Dbldrew hates Fields and will let us know


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Sep 15, 2012
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The Only way you could come to this conclusion is if you completely ignore what I actually said

and here is the post that makes you look stupid "granted it could turn out that after a few years Fields is the better QB" so how can you take me saying that Fields could turn out better and make the argument that I'm saying he will never turn out better? your vortex makes you look so stupid here Remy

But this wasnt just 7 games now was it? here lets look at what I actually wrote "Is this just another Nail in the "fire Pace" coffin?" and also "if the Bears are evaluating both Pace and Nagy this year then all they have to go off is this years QB numbers."

You see how that thread was actually about Pace and Nagy? So the evaluation of the people that the thread was actually about was much more then 7 games.

I'm going to Remind you again Remy, nobody is forcing you to continue on this vortex of stupidity, all you are doing with stubbornly replying is show the world how dumb and insane you are.. Its Ok to just walk away

Yes you left yourself an out. I already said that. But what the above is saying is that you think Fields sucks now and will continue to suck. Thus Pace got it wrong. Acknowledging that you could be wrong doesn't mean you aren't making a future prediction. It just means you allow for the possibility that your future prediction could be wrong.

And no, you made several comments in that thread about how Fields season to date has been a complete failure. That was in fact after 7 games.

if you want to make excuses for him then thats fine.. But to say i'm not talking about reality is just stupid. The reality is so far Fields has been a complete failure. Now there is plenty of reasons and excuses that you can point to for the reason why he has failed if you want to make yourself feel better about the pic, but the end result is a failure so far. Bottom line here is I really dont care which excuse or reason you want to point to. Every excuse for the failure of this team is pointing right to Pace.. where it belongs

This is you saying Fields not Pace has been a complete failure. You made that determination after 7 games. So you are full of shit. You clearly claimed Fields was a failure based on just 7 games and 5 starts. The fact you said it could change once again doesn't mean you didn't judge him after 7 games. Your argument was clearly that Fields was a complete failure through 7 games and that meant that Pace may have been wrong again. So it doesn't matter that the thread was about Pace and Nagy. In that thread you concluded Fields was a complete failure based on the 7 games he had played thus fair which again is asinine.


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Aug 24, 2012
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Yes you left yourself an out. I already said that. But what the above is saying is that you think Fields sucks now and will continue to suck. Thus Pace got it wrong. Acknowledging that you could be wrong doesn't mean you aren't making a future prediction. It just means you allow for the possibility that your future prediction could be wrong.

And no, you made several comments in that thread about how Fields season to date has been a complete failure. That was in fact after 7 games.

This is you saying Fields not Pace has been a complete failure. You made that determination after 7 games. So you are full of shit. You clearly claimed Fields was a failure based on just 7 games and 5 starts. The fact you said it could change once again doesn't mean you didn't judge him after 7 games. Your argument was clearly that Fields was a complete failure through 7 games and that meant that Pace may have been wrong again. So it doesn't matter that the thread was about Pace and Nagy. In that thread you concluded Fields was a complete failure based on the 7 games he had played thus fair which again is asinine.
So you quote me saying he is "so far" a failure as proof of a future prediction? Lol"The reality is so far Fields has been a complete failure. "

They you quote me blaming Pace as proof this was not about Pace? More LOL

"Bottom line here is I really dont care which excuse or reason you want to point to. Every excuse for the failure of this team is pointing right to Pace.. where it belongs"

Again Remy your vortex of stupidity is your own doing..


CCS Hall of Fame '20
Aug 20, 2012
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So you quote me saying he is "so far" a failure as proof of a future prediction? Lol"The reality is so far Fields has been a complete failure. "

They you quote me blaming Pace as proof this was not about Pace? More LOL

"Bottom line here is I really dont care which excuse or reason you want to point to. Every excuse for the failure of this team is pointing right to Pace.. where it belongs"

Again Remy your vortex of stupidity is your own doing..
Still at it, eh?


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Aug 24, 2012
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Still at it, eh?
yes he is, I'm sure @remydat is scouring that old thread looking for a post where I was negative about Fields and happen to not put a "so far" or "right now" and he will try and use that in his next attempt..

The Vortex of stupidity is an amusing thing.. good thing this thread started out as a troll job anyway. at lest its not ruining a good debate


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Sep 17, 2013
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yes he is, I'm sure @remydat is scouring that old thread looking for a post where I was negative about Fields and happen to not put a "so far" or "right now" and he will try and use that in his next attempt..

The Vortex of stupidity is an amusing thing.. good thing this thread started out as a troll job anyway. at lest its not ruining a good debate
It’s a really good debate


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Sep 15, 2012
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So you quote me saying he is "so far" a failure as proof of a future prediction? Lol"The reality is so far Fields has been a complete failure. "

They you quote me blaming Pace as proof this was not about Pace? More LOL

"Bottom line here is I really dont care which excuse or reason you want to point to. Every excuse for the failure of this team is pointing right to Pace.. where it belongs"

Again Remy your vortex of stupidity is your own doing..

You are getting lost. Here is what I said.

You are suggesting Pace made the wrong pick. The only way to suggest that is to presume Fields will continue to struggle. If you think his play after 7 games was just rookie struggles there would be no need to ask whether Pice picked the wrong QB because the answer would be we dont know yet. Instead you ran on for 30 pages suggesting Pace got it wrong ie Fields struggles are likely to continue in the future.

The above statement is about your judgement of Fields after 7 games not Pace. Your response was you are not judging him after 7 games and I just provided the proof that you were. So yes you judged Fields after 7 games and called him a complete failure. That is asinine. Doesn't matter that you added so far. It is asinine to judge a rookie QB after 7 games and then try to use that 7 game sample to attack the GM.

You don't seem to grasp that in trying to shit on Pace you also shit on a guy with just 7 games and 5 starts. That is the issue. 7 games and 5 starts is not enough time to judge Fields and hence not enough time to judge whether it was a good pick or not. You then try to get around this fact by defaulting to your dumb argument about "well Pace got Trubisky wrong so he must be wrong about Fields too." That is a clear indication that you know you don't have enough data to support your argument.

If you thought Pace sucked overall the solution is to start a thread about Pace sucking as a whole. Instead you started a thread on the premise that after 7 games, it was ok to judge whether Pace picked the wrong QB. Note that your initial post in the thread is not a discussion on Pace's many failures. It is you posting the stats after 7 games of Fields and Jones. So you based the entire premise of that thread on a 7 game comparison of Fields and Jones. That is what makes it monumentally stupid.
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Aug 24, 2012
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The above statement is about your judgement of Fields after 7 games not Pace.
and the vortex of stupidity continues to spin.. Your ability to completely ignore reality is amazing

"but if the Bears are evaluation both Pace and Nagy this year then all they have to go off is this years QB numbers. And so far it looks like Pace picked the wrong QB again"

Here is a few more gems from that thread..

yeah but that still falls on a Pace failure. Either Fileds sucks because he is a bust as a QB.. which is a failure of Pace for picking him. Or fields is really a talented QB that has no help with the OL, WR and has a r*tarded HC.. well thats all a failure of Pace as well. Pace is responsible for putting the team together and picking the HC.

No my measure is what Pace does and is it working. And so far the Fields pick is not working. Again that could be because of the other mistakes that Pace has done to this team. But it really doesnt matter which mistake you want to point to.. the reason this team is not working is Because of Pace

This thread is really more about a failure of Pace, so if your going to go the blaming the Coach and supporting cast angle.. thats still a failure of Pace

And F.y.i. Cassel had his best season after he left the Pats

Again Remy this vortex of stupidity can end any time you want it..


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You are getting lost. Here is what I said.

The above statement is about your judgement of Fields after 7 games not Pace. Your response was you are not judging him after 7 games and I just provided the proof that you were. So yes you judged Fields after 7 games and called him a complete failure. That is asinine. Doesn't matter that you added so far. It is asinine to judge a rookie QB after 7 games and then try to use that 7 game sample to attack the GM.

You don't seem to grasp that in trying to shit on Pace you also shit on a guy with just 7 games and 5 starts. That is the issue. 7 games and 5 starts is not enough time to judge Fields and hence not enough time to judge whether it was a good pick or not. You then try to get around this fact by defaulting to your dumb argument about "well Pace got Trubisky wrong so he must be wrong about Fields too." That is a clear indication that you know you don't have enough data to support your argument.

If you thought Pace sucked overall the solution is to start a thread about Pace sucking as a whole. Instead you started a thread on the premise that after 7 games, it was ok to judge whether Pace picked the wrong QB. Note that your initial post in the thread is not a discussion on Pace's many failures. It is you posting the stats after 7 games of Fields and Jones. So you based the entire premise of that thread on a 7 game comparison of Fields and Jones. That is what makes it monumentally stupid.
He won't get all that and change context again. He enjoys making dramatic proclamations and then dancing away from them.


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Aug 24, 2012
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He won't get all that and change context again. He enjoys making dramatic proclamations and then dancing away from them.
How have I changed context again? lol Remy is dancing all over the place here not me.


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@dbldrew was more entertaining when they were touting Mac Jones because they disliked Fields so much 24/7


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Aug 24, 2012
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Nah you the one cutting the rug here bro

Nope I said 3 pages ago when the vortex first started that I dont make grand predictions I evaluate based on that point in time, I also said I dont care about Jones that thread was actually about Pace.. everything I have posted supports what I originally said and Remy has been all over the place.

He literally quoted me blaming Pace as evidence that I was not blaming Pace..


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Do you think Jones is a great QB or a bad QB? because pointing out that Fields and Jones are statistically the same is strange . I thought you said that Jones was terrible?


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Do you think Jones is a great QB or a bad QB? because pointing out that Fields and Jones are statistically the same is strange . I thought you said that Jones was terrible?
Merely pointing out Yac Jones significantly regressed in year 2


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Aug 24, 2012
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Merely pointing out Yac Jones significantly regressed in year 2
and if I cared about jones maybe I would be upset but Like I said I used Jones to attack Pace, Pace is gone so I couldnt care less about Jones at this point. Its just strange to point out that they are both bad as some sort of a pro Fields argument here.. I mean here is the problem with pointing out his 85.2.. its a bad QB rating, its towards the bottom of the league, so you have identified that Fields was a bad passer.. I agree, so thanks?


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and if I cared about jones maybe I would be upset but Like I said I used Jones to attack Pace, Pace is gone so I couldnt care less about Jones at this point. Its just strange to point out that they are both bad as some sort of a pro Fields argument here.. I mean here is the problem with pointing out his 85.2.. its a bad QB rating, its towards the bottom of the league, so you have identified that Fields was a bad passer.. I agree, so thanks?
You appear to significantly care about Jones and Pace...as you've mentioned them often on this page


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Aug 24, 2012
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You appear to significantly care about Jones and Pace...as you've mentioned them often on this page
actually its you guys bringing up Jones not me. You literally just brought him up and then accuse me of bringing him up? has the Remy vortex of stupidity got you a little confused?


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actually its you guys bringing up Jones not me. You literally just brought him up and then accuse me of bringing him up? has the Remy vortex of stupidity got you a little confused?
