I have never heard a complaint about Lebron not being a good team player on the court until this losing streak happened. Lebron has always been a good team player, how do you think the Cavs won all of those games? He was just criticized this season for passing the ball in the clutch...though it was the right, and unselfish thing to do...
Let me first off state a few things. I've been trolling the White Sox/Bulls/Hawks boards for a while now, but decided to join and will finally start to participate. I know that I have zero reputation here, so that's okay if you want to falsely apply the 'newb' term to me. I don't know everything but I know a few things. Let me state a few things about this debate.
- I thank you guys for this thread. It is hilarious! While this houheffna guy or girl knows more then basic knowledge (and probably more) he/she ruins their entire argument by obviously being biased. Sure, a thread about MVP for Rose will be biased on a Bulls message board, but the blind LBJ love is hilarious. I have also seen him completely ignore commenting on intelligent posts that bring up great counter-points to his arguments, but he comments on everything else. Typical board-elitist behavior. Keep up the stellar work
- The overuse of 'truth' and 'facts' in this thread is awesome.
- I picked this quote by houheffna because it is one of the easier quotes of his to pick apart. You have never heard of Lebron not being a team player? I don't even need stats to point this out. Hello! Last years playoffs against the Celtics. He QUIT on his team. He gave up. He waved the white flag so he could take his talents to south beach.
- The MVP race is between D. Rose and D. Howard. If Dwight Howard maintains his pace, he will be only the 4th player in history to register a 20 point/10 rebound/60 FG% season. The other 3? Wilt, Kareem, and Shaq. D. Rose? If he stays on pace, only the 5th player to average 24 pts/8 Assts/4 rebounds per game. The others? Oscar Robertson, Jerry West, MJ, and your lover-boy, LBJ. (Of course, LBJ isn't doing that this year. In fact, his assists are down from his career average, which is kind of funny, since he is supposed to be Magic Johnson on his team full of all-stars). If you purely want to go off of stats, LBJ is doing something that numerous people have done, meanwhile, Rose and Howard are having historic seasons. Of course, you shouldn't purely go off of stats, you should look at leadership skills, team chemistry (probably similar to leadership skills), improvements, the teams final standings (probably shouldn't be considered but it is), and finishing games. I could argue you that Rose is better then LBJ on all of those accounts, but ESPECIALLy leadership and finishing games. It-isn't-even-close.
Anyways, hello to all of you, I'm a big White Sox, Bulls, and Hawks fan. Looking forward to the playoffs and some good discussions here... along with some humor by some of the posters