Ditka on Mike and Mike this morning

Monsieur Tirets

Well-known member
Nov 8, 2012
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While Tucker does need to go, that still doesn't explain why no one seems to remember how to tackle or remain in their gaps. These are things that even players receiving zero coaching should be able to do on their own.


New member
Nov 25, 2013
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When it comes down to effort, it is tough to distinguish whether the blame should be placed on the coach or players. I say both. At some level, the players need to have it within them to just bring it; whether they are "coached up" or not.

Bear Pride

Bears Gonna Shock the World!
Aug 28, 2012
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Correct..Its one thing for an inferior player to line up and get beat..But the Bears are hardly in a position to get beat one on one...The spot is empty most of the time cause the player is out of position..This is coaching IMO
Yeah, it's time we stop using the injuries as an excuse. It's definitely a big part, but the real problem is Tucker. All you need to look at is the play of Shea. I'm done supporting this guy. He has absolutely NO concept of what containment is. Just look at the two big runs that both led to TD's.

LITERALLY, on every play, Shea is crashing the middle! His first step is to the inside, and he immediately gives up his outside shoulder thus losing containment. The Rams would run it to whatever side Shea lined up at.

The BASIC concept of being a DE is to contain the outside. Once you let the RB or the QB outside of you, YOU'VE LOST! Remember when Vick came to town? Lovie and Rod would preach not letting Vick outside of the pocket. I remember Pep just sitting outside and forcing Vick inside!

Shea crashing the middle is also messing with the young LB's as well, imo, as he has them looking for the wrong gap since he's not containing the outside where he should be! Imo, getting Shea off the field is the single best thing for our defense right now. This is why Ratliff could be huge.

The thing is..... how the heck can our defensive coaches not notice this? If I were the coach, I would have been in Shea's face after the first big run for a TD. He immediately bit inside, and lost the containment by taking the wrong pursuit. He should have been chasing Tavon from behind, but INSTEAD, he crashed the middle!

Go watch the plays and see Shea do it literally every time. And the fact that NO coach said anything show a lack of discipline and coaching, imo, unfortunately.

Nail Polish

CCS Donator
Aug 20, 2012
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Yeah, it's time we stop using the injuries as an excuse. It's definitely a big part, but the real problem is Tucker. All you need to look at is the play of Shea. I'm done supporting this guy. He has absolutely NO concept of what containment is. Just look at the two big runs that both led to TD's.

LITERALLY, on every play, Shea is crashing the middle! His first step is to the inside, and he immediately gives up his outside shoulder thus losing containment. The Rams would run it to whatever side Shea lined up at.

The BASIC concept of being a DE is to contain the outside. Once you let the RB or the QB outside of you, YOU'VE LOST! Remember when Vick came to town? Lovie and Rod would preach not letting Vick outside of the pocket. I remember Pep just sitting outside and forcing Vick inside!

Shea crashing the middle is also messing with the young LB's as well, imo, as he has them looking for the wrong gap since he's not containing the outside where he should be! Imo, getting Shea off the field is the single best thing for our defense right now. This is why Ratliff could be huge.

The thing is..... how the heck can our defensive coaches not notice this? If I were the coach, I would have been in Shea's face after the first big run for a TD. He immediately bit inside, and lost the containment by taking the wrong pursuit. He should have been chasing Tavon from behind, but INSTEAD, he crashed the middle!

Go watch the plays and see Shea do it literally every time. And the fact that NO coach said anything show a lack of discipline and coaching, imo, unfortunately.
Like I said...Coaching. I saw everything like you did, and I agree wholly. They keep repeating the same mistakes..It's insanity
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Bolland > You
May 27, 2010
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This is no new kid on the block. Twice he was an offensive coordinator in the NFL, and both times he was fired after one year. Circumstances did cause that though, like the whole coaching staff getting fired. To me, I think that he would make a great offensive coordinator.

Oh, I agree.

But I'm not certain that he couldn't be a great head coach, either.

Not saying he will be, either. Just saying that the jury is still out on that one.


Bolland > You
May 27, 2010
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Yeah, it's time we stop using the injuries as an excuse. It's definitely a big part, but the real problem is Tucker. All you need to look at is the play of Shea. I'm done supporting this guy. He has absolutely NO concept of what containment is. Just look at the two big runs that both led to TD's.

LITERALLY, on every play, Shea is crashing the middle! His first step is to the inside, and he immediately gives up his outside shoulder thus losing containment. The Rams would run it to whatever side Shea lined up at.

The BASIC concept of being a DE is to contain the outside. Once you let the RB or the QB outside of you, YOU'VE LOST! Remember when Vick came to town? Lovie and Rod would preach not letting Vick outside of the pocket. I remember Pep just sitting outside and forcing Vick inside!

Shea crashing the middle is also messing with the young LB's as well, imo, as he has them looking for the wrong gap since he's not containing the outside where he should be! Imo, getting Shea off the field is the single best thing for our defense right now. This is why Ratliff could be huge.

The thing is..... how the heck can our defensive coaches not notice this? If I were the coach, I would have been in Shea's face after the first big run for a TD. He immediately bit inside, and lost the containment by taking the wrong pursuit. He should have been chasing Tavon from behind, but INSTEAD, he crashed the middle!

Go watch the plays and see Shea do it literally every time. And the fact that NO coach said anything show a lack of discipline and coaching, imo, unfortunately.

This ain't Pop Warner football, man. You realize it's more often LBs/DBs who have the responsibility to set the edge? Sure, sometimes he has containment responsibilities. But Shea has a gap assignment, and it's not always the end one.


New member
Nov 5, 2012
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Oh, I agree.

But I'm not certain that he couldn't be a great head coach, either.

Not saying he will be, either. Just saying that the jury is still out on that one.

At this point, he has done much more good as a head coach than bad.

Nail Polish

CCS Donator
Aug 20, 2012
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At this point, he has done much more good as a head coach than bad.
Actually, he hasnt..Under his leadership he has..

1..Improved the offense
2..The D is horrible
3..The ST is horrible

Not saying he cant be GREAT in the future, but right now as we speak, he is NOT a good HC. He is a good OC and QB coach


Bolland > You
May 27, 2010
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Actually, he hasnt..Under his leadership he has..

1..Improved the offense
2..The D is horrible
3..The ST is horrible

Not saying he cant be GREAT in the future, but right now as we speak, he is NOT a good HC. He is a good OC and QB coach

1 and 3 I'll give ya. But I'm grading No. 2 on a curve, for reasons I don't think I need to explain.


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Dec 12, 2011
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Actually, he hasnt..Under his leadership he has..

1..Improved the offense
2..The D is horrible
3..The ST is horrible

Not saying he cant be GREAT in the future, but right now as we speak, he is NOT a good HC. He is a good OC and QB coach

We are 6-5 despite a ton of injuries and our QB missing his 4th game this week.

When Lovie had defensive injuries and our QB out we went 1-5 and missed the playoffs and there was still way more talent than there is on this defense.

The fact that we are 6-5 is a coaching miracle.

Is Jim Harbaugh a bad coach because his offense is not very good?


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Dec 12, 2011
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Its still under his leadership no matter what the reasons..Its his show

Yes he has supervised 6 defensive starters being out and 3 of them Pro Bowlers.

There is a reason everyone, Schefter on ESPN 1000, is shocked we are still in it with the injuries that we have had.

Nail Polish

CCS Donator
Aug 20, 2012
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We are 6-5 despite a ton of injuries and our QB missing his 4th game this week.

When Lovie had defensive injuries and our QB out we went 1-5 and missed the playoffs and there was still way more talent than there is on this defense.

The fact that we are 6-5 is a coaching miracle.

Is Jim Harbaugh a bad coach because his offense is not very good?

We are 6-5 cause of #1..He improved the offense so we barely won 6 games

But the other 2 are just horrible

Nail Polish

CCS Donator
Aug 20, 2012
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Yes he has supervised 6 defensive starters being out and 3 of them Pro Bowlers.

There is a reason everyone, Schefter on ESPN 1000, is shocked we are still in it with the injuries that we have had.
Almost every team has injuries...The packers lost one of the best QB's in the league and they are still in it also..


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Dec 12, 2011
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We are 6-5 cause of #1..He improved the offense so we barely won 6 games

But the other 2 are just horrible

The defense is horrible because they got old and injured.

How do you blame a guy who has been here half a season for a defense that got old and injured?

Trestman won 6 games despite inheriting a mess on defense, which is impressive to me.


Bolland > You
May 27, 2010
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Yes he has supervised 6 defensive starters being out and 3 of them Pro Bowlers.

There is a reason everyone, Schefter on ESPN 1000, is shocked we are still in it with the injuries that we have had.

I don't see how people can justify the firing of Tucker after this season. I don't believe it's a fair evaluation.

The Bears D has certainly had some clunkers, but Sunday's game came after 3 performances where the defense played well enough for the Bears to win. Isn't that exactly what we were begging the Bears' offense to do in the Lovie era?


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Dec 12, 2011
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Almost every team has injuries...The packers lost one of the best QB's in the league and they are still in it also..

Because they have a great coach in Mike McCarthy.

Great coaching overcomes injuries to stay in the playoff picture. See the similarities?

We have a better record than the Packers so why is and McCarthy a good coach and Trestman is a bad coach.


Bolland > You
May 27, 2010
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Almost every team has injuries...The packers lost one of the best QB's in the league and they are still in it also..

Well, considering the Bears lost Pro Bowlers at every level of the defense, that seems to be like a bigger blow than just that one player, regardless of how good that one player is.
