So basically every baseball fan or general sports fan that would rather spend their time watching baseball (and maybe some other sports like hockey, soccer, football, basketball, etc.) than spending all of their time on to study sabermetrics is stupid? I wouldn't say anyone looks stupid for using HR and average when those are still the most commonly used stat. I mean, unless someone looks it up to see if there are better stats, and they won't even know if there are, how would they know to use different stats? What stats do they show when a batter comes up to the plate? Average, HR, and RBI. Who would know that baseball is all in the metrics and what you actually see in the game is apparently lies? Basically you are saying that any person who likes to watch baseball, but never thinks to look up "Do the stats they show me on TV suck?" is a fucking moron. I mean, I don't know one person, except for you, that would rather study advanced stats than watch a hockey game, a football game, a basketball game, a soccer game, or a lacrosse game (depending on what sports they like, I just listed the more frequent ones). If Soriano is "a beast" in LF because "everyone else sucks", how is being an average fan stupid? Explain that, now.