For Those Not Wanting Fox as HC

Nail Polish

CCS Donator
Aug 20, 2012
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Ditto, at least I can tell the assistants and the head coaches apart........

Assistants or HC's..They were all being considered for the current HC job..Now please go away and bother someone else


New member
Jun 29, 2010
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The OP
Trestman wasn't someone "nobody else wanted" as other people had been interviewing him that year and Indy+ another team I forget who, also interviewed him the year before.

What indication is it that makes someone like Fox their prime? When has he limited creative approaches and innovation as a HC letting good hires shift things around as well under his watch? His track record is that he has done that pretty well for a HC actually shifting and being successful from multiple approaches.

Believing things on assertion when not definitively true is the stupid program I'd rather stop first.

Nail Polish

CCS Donator
Aug 20, 2012
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I think he would do even better than that. But get our Bears back to the Superbowl??? Better pray he grabs the correct assistants or it is Lovie & Trestman all over again.

yup...He might do better, but IMO, he isnt a SB winner
But right now we need stability, and IMO he is the answer. There are others, but Id be happy with him


CCS Donator
Nov 27, 2014
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Assistants or HC's..They were all being considered for the current HC job..Now please go away and bother someone else

Maybe you should as it is obvious you don't have a clue.......Enjoy your 500 Bears..........


Bald, fat, toothless
Mar 29, 2012
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What type of Defense is Fox going to run? Doesn't he run a 2 gap 3-4 with real big DT's? Currently, we don't have really big DT's. Bears may end up drafting a DT at #7.

Warrior Spirit

The Truth
Sep 12, 2010
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Fox won a playoff game with Tebow. Broncos beat the Chiefs in a game where they completed one pass the entire game. Under Fox the Broncos also threw 55 touchdowns in one year. It doesn't get more flexible with schemes and fitting players into schemes that fit them more than that.

The position to shake up the barrel and shoot for potential excellence was after Lovie got fired and the Bears missed miserably. The Bears have to get back to where Lovie had them before they can take that shot again. Another miss with an unknown coach like Quinn would send the franchise back another six years.
8-8 getting you to the playoffs has more to do with luck and mediocrity around you than anything else. Bears did more, that year, to get the Broncos to the playoffs than Fox or Tebow did.


Well-known member
Aug 14, 2010
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This thread is the problem with a Fox hire. Cherry picking stats. Fact is, he was both great and horrific in Carolina. Which Fox are the Bears getting? Same could be said in Denver, he had Manning and couldn't get it done. Now, Fox also had Jake Delhomme and went to the Superbowl. Again, which Fox are we getting?

Personally, I think he will help solidify this team, calm things down, allow Pace to really evaluate what the Bears are and where they're at. Give him a great chance at fixing holes, honest holes. But I don't see Fox as a long term solution. He's been to up and down.

Agreed. I had a post saying something similar buried somewhere within this thread that got zero replies. Probably because I didn`t directly insult someone along with making that post. He will give the Bears an honest assessment of what they have.


CCS Hall of Fame '20
Aug 20, 2012
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So the argument now for FOX is that he can help the bears win half their games???

I'm optimistic about Fox but I think anyone that is cool with no playoffs because it's better than no playoffs with Lovie or Trestman needs to get their heads checked.


CCS Donator
Nov 27, 2014
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8-8 getting you to the playoffs has more to do with luck and mediocrity around you than anything else. Bears did more, that year, to get the Broncos to the playoffs than Fox or Tebow did.



Well-known member
Aug 20, 2012
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Trestman wasn't someone "nobody else wanted" as other people had been interviewing him that year and Indy+ another team I forget who, also interviewed him the year before.

What indication is it that makes someone like Fox their prime? When has he limited creative approaches and innovation as a HC letting good hires shift things around as well under his watch? His track record is that he has done that pretty well for a HC actually shifting and being successful from multiple approaches.

Believing things on assertion when not definitively true is the stupid program I'd rather stop first.

So, what would you say was his relationship with Manning? To me, Manning was the offense. What we saw was the same offense as we saw from Manning in Indy. Not the same offense we saw from Fox. Not his fault I agree, but he aged during those years. yes prime does matter. Would you bring back da coach? Hell no. Would you bring back Lovie? hell no. Each's time has expired. Tampa is slowly figuring that out with Lovie. It will be yet another year gone by by the time next year kicks in. The man was unhealthy in the past. His best days are behind him to me. I'm good with new blood.


Well-known member
Apr 24, 2013
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I just don't think he brings innovation on plays and what not. I think he won't adapt to this new era. I honestly think in decisions, he will always pick the safe thing to do than take risks, I honestly think he won't be nothing special. I think it's the same o same o with him as our previous coach. That's all. That's my opinion and nobody else's. So nobody has to like it. I want Quinn, Patricia, or Austin. I wanted Bowles at first but he's gone. I like them guys because how they lead there defense. That have leadership and implement great plays and blitzes which shows they think outside the box and take risks. There not afraid to try new shit. And also because I would gladly take a risk with a rookie head coach. Young one too. This fox character is probably going to have another heart attack or whatever it was on our sideline.

That's just my shit.

With that said, Fuck John Fox!!

Sent from my iPhone 6 Plus using Tapatalk

We're back to learning how to block and tackle. Fuck cute plays. We need players to master the basics.


Son of beech
Aug 27, 2012
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Valhalla with Crom!!
Sometimes yes, sometimes no, look at the turnaround in Detroit, without any significant changes in player personell.

Agreed with the larger point you are making about Caldwell. Trestman was incompetent. Fox has demonstrated competence. Problem with hiring an unknown is you are more likely, statistically, to get a dud. You may hire a great coach and he may still flame out (Belichick and Carroll both failed miserably in their first attempts as NFL head coaches). The talent that Pace assembles is the most important factor in this variable. We go to great lengths and use the intangibles (leadership, discipline, moxie, blah, blah, etc.) to explain why a guy succeeded. It's a pretty simple equation- give a competent coach enough talent and they will win. Fox can win if given enough talent. The other candidates? Who knows? Maybe yes- but more likely, no.

Nail Polish

CCS Donator
Aug 20, 2012
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We're back to learning how to block and tackle. Fuck cute plays. We need players to master the basics.

Believe it or not, there are some fans that think we are going to find a magical coach somewhere that no one else knows about that will get us to a SB win in 2016


CCS Hall of Fame '20
Aug 20, 2012
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Believe it or not, there are some fans that think we are going to find a magical coach somewhere that no one else knows about that will get us to a SB win in 2016

no there aren't.


New member
Jun 29, 2010
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The OP
So, what would you say was his relationship with Manning? To me, Manning was the offense. What we saw was the same offense as we saw from Manning in Indy. Not the same offense we saw from Fox. Not his fault I agree, but he aged during those years. yes prime does matter. Would you bring back da coach? Hell no. Would you bring back Lovie? hell no. Each's time has expired. Tamps is slowly figuring that out with Lovie. It will be yet another year gone by by the time next year kicks in. The man was unhealthy in the past. His best days are behind him to me. I'm good with new blood.

I think to draw those conclusions is asinine. Lovie was in charge of garbage his first year with the Bears too, I don't think a 1st year bad year with bad weapons is sufficient evidence to make a judgement on something.

Fox did let Manning basically take over but they did that for good reasons and he allowed that shift. He's not the O gameplanner but he's allowed for these shifts from Peyton, Tebow, to a dual running back approach he has had at other times. He's not some stifling un creative innovator who doesn't change his schemes and either side of the ball. That just doesn't accurately describe his track record.

Fox isn't some coaching genius or great gameday coach but these specific claims don't really meld with how things have gone on.
