For Those Not Wanting Fox as HC

Teddy KGB

Cultural Icon
Apr 25, 2011
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Oh, I'm a big one, but at least I don't purposely tired to mislead a football fan base.

Neither do I. That you think people are out to get you with fake posts makes you a paranoid douche


Well-known member
Aug 31, 2012
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I'm cool with Fox. I'm just wondering about his actual in game coaching style. I've heard he's pretty conservative and is shitty with clock management. His team sure didn't look prepared for the Super Bowl. I haven't seen many Broncos games though so I don't know for sure. I just hope he is balanced with run/pass and hope he places importance on offense/defense and special teams. None of this "only coaching one side of the ball" crap. We should strive to dominate all 3 phases. I hope he can bring over some good coordinators to help.


Get rich, or try dying
Aug 21, 2012
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Charlotte, NC
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I'm lukewarm on Fox... until I see who his OC/DC/ST will be. Then I'll determine how I feel about the hire. One thing I like about Fox, is that I don't think he's a loser of a head coach. But I'm not sure if he's the kind of winner that will lead us to the promised land either.

He's better than Trestman. So whatever. :p

Midway Fields

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Aug 21, 2012
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He has a history of not being able to make game time adjustments and freezing. One incident is when there was 35 seconds before halftime and the Broncos were on the opponents 45 yard line. He made manning take a knee. The Broncos forum has plenty of these stories. While the Broncos defense was good statistically this year, they have failed every time in key situations over the past 3 years. There have been tons of time when they couldnt get pressure on the QB and Fox and his staff had no solution.

Bronoc fans are celebrating this guy being gone

Notice how no solutions were offered^

If if you want to if Omelet is bitching just see if his mouth is moving.


CCS Donator
Nov 27, 2014
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Domination? No. I expect competence from the HC- that will be a big improvement for this team. Fox needs to be competent. It's up to Pace to do the rest. If Pace is competent- the Bears are in business for a few years.

The harder part of the equation is that the Bears need either a really good defense or a really good QB (preferably both)- of which they have neither.

Said it before- and will say it again- Head coaches get too much credit and too much blame.

Sometimes yes, sometimes no, look at the turnaround in Detroit, without any significant changes in player personell.


Seattle Bears Fan
Aug 22, 2012
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As I stated in another thread, this is not a bad hire at all. Just doesn't feel like a "new direction, new way, modern concepts" hire that I thought the hiring of Pace would bring. To me Fox is a coach for a team that may be on the cusp of making a run. To me, the Bears are not that. I think they are rebuilding, and I think it is going to take a long time. I am not sure Fox, at his age, would be the coach for a long rebuild. In my opinion a younger vibrant coach would have been the best option for a team that, in my opinion, is starting over. He could grow along with the team.

I also have issue with the lack of results for a team that was Super Bowl caliber the last few years. To fail with all that talent, and one of the greatest qb's of all time is concerning. And Cutler wouldn't even be in the same level as that(IF he is even here). And I will NEVER get a on a coach for losing a SuperBowl, but the way the Broncos got absolutely drubbed was bad.

But considering how AWFUL the past two years were, if Fox is Lovie 2.0, then I will take it and like it....


Not really sure how I feel about the Fox hiring. Then again, not sure how I'd feel about any of the other candidates. Truth is we don't really know how it will turn out. It could be that Fox looks at this as his last run in the NFL and wants to build something special to end his career and cement his legacy and a top coach in the league. It really comes down to his staff and the organizational leadership. The culture needs to change and the Head Coach alone can't make that happen. The OC and DC are just as important. We can no longer afford to focus solely one one side of that ball based on who the HC is.

Is Fox a good hire? Only time will tell. I sure hope so.


Well-known member
Aug 20, 2012
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He has past his prime. His best days are behind him. Funny, players age and end up with dimiinshed skills that made them successful. They had their glory and at some point it is over. I believe the same stands with coaches. At some point the league catches up to coaches and styles. Fox like Shannahan is one of those to me. Bring in young talent and let's get new blood with new ideas. I liked Bowles. I thought he was moving in a positive direction. Fox is a has been. he's not a look at the future guy. He just isn't!

Nail Polish

CCS Donator
Aug 20, 2012
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Quinn has always had a reputation of being flexible with schemes and fitting in players into those schemes. His players love him. Additionally, he is a thought leader on one of the most progressive minded teams in the league. His own HC loves him and has been saying for a long time Quinn is ready for an HC job.

OTOH , Fox has been average. I have never heard anyone ever talk about Fox being progressive or a thought leader. He is a grind it out guy. He is a really conservative thinker and we had that with Lovie for years. OK, that may get us an occasional 10-6 but more liekly 8-8.

This is our chance to shake up the barrell and shoot for potential excellence not more of the same

We shook up the barrel when we hired Trestman..How did that turn out?

Nail Polish

CCS Donator
Aug 20, 2012
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Quinn has always had a reputation of being flexible with schemes and fitting in players into those schemes. His players love him. Additionally, he is a thought leader on one of the most progressive minded teams in the league. His own HC loves him and has been saying for a long time Quinn is ready for an HC job.

OTOH , Fox has been average. I have never heard anyone ever talk about Fox being progressive or a thought leader. He is a grind it out guy. He is a really conservative thinker and we had that with Lovie for years. OK, that may get us an occasional 10-6 but more liekly 8-8.

This is our chance to shake up the barrell and shoot for potential excellence not more of the same

Didn't shake it up so much as looking at the very bottom of it.

Well, they were going to change the face of the franchise from a defensive team to an offensive that failed experiment...BRING ON FOX!!


CCS Donator
Nov 27, 2014
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We shook up the barrel when we hired Trestman..How did that turn out?

Yeah, therefore we must conform to the status quo. Trestman was so out of the realm of conventional thinking it defies explanation. At least the "longshot" assistants being discussed have recent nfl experience and ties.....

Nail Polish

CCS Donator
Aug 20, 2012
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Yeah, therefore we must conform to the status quo. Trestman was so out of the realm of conventional thinking it defies explanation. At least the "longshot" assistants being discussed have recent nfl experience and ties.....

Right, cause Fox doesnt


New member
Aug 21, 2013
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He has past his prime. His best days are behind him. Funny, players age and end up with dimiinshed skills that made them successful. They had their glory and at some point it is over. I believe the same stands with coaches. At some point the league catches up to coaches and styles. Fox like Shannahan is one of those to me. Bring in young talent and let's get new blood with new ideas. I liked Bowles. I thought he was moving in a positive direction. Fox is a has been. he's not a look at the future guy. He just isn't!

Yeah we don't need any old coaches like Fox, Bill Bellichek, and Pete carrol.....these guys are getting schooled by these new blood coordinators.
