Game of Thrones Thread


Bald, fat, toothless
Mar 29, 2012
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Jon won't kill the red bitch. probably have her put in a dungeon.

Jamie won't kill Frey. Probably leave that to Bronn and it will likely have to do with all those swell things Jaime promised him. A Lannister always pays his debts.

The epic war is coming. Don't think there's many episodes left in the series, maybe a dozen or so stretched over 2 more seasons after this season from what I've heard. With the Lannisters all but done for, the 2 big powers will be Dany and Littlefinger. Jon, of course, figures in there somewhere. I think he'll be forced out of the north with this favor Sansa has to do with Littlefinger. little Finger will be controlling things through Robin and Sansa and will push Jon out when he starts getting too much in the way and most believe Jon will join up with Dany at some point. Of the 2 Jon would have the stronger claim to the trone if R+L=J and he was born legitimate.

House Tyrell in the books anyway, have an army of over 200k.... Just a heads up on your figuring of who's has force and who does not.


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Aug 21, 2012
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House Tyrell in the books anyway, have an army of over 200k.... Just a heads up on your figuring of who's has force and who does not.

I thought it was like 20,000 not 200,000

For comparison the Bolton's had 6,000 men when they got the Karstarks and Umbers to join them.

Warrior Spirit

The Truth
Sep 12, 2010
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Don't see it that way. I think Jamie and the Terells will still be a force into the final season. And I think that Bran and his uncle will be key additions to Jon's army's battle with the White Walker's. Jon, I think, knows the location of the dragon glass, right and maybe his uncle Benjin also? I think that possibly they will go get the dragon glass and form it into a slew of arrows that will bring down the Walkers.

If you are a lover of happy endings(which I am a sucker for), this series will end up with Jamie and Breiene wed. Sansa and the Imp wed. And Snow and Khalesi wed. They will decree that all toilets in the realm be transgender friendly thereby ensuring that the Grey Worm, Theon, and Varys not get ill treatment. The Mountain will give the Hound the toy he stole back and they will form an impossible to beat mixed martial arts team until they meet up with the team of Arya and Joqen.

Bron will end up the King of it all, getting married to Margery T. Pod will be his Hand and official cock of the walk. And they all will live happily after:)
Silly. Bronn won't end up on the iron throne. Margaery is out of Bronn's league. Jon won't marry his aunt and Sansa was already married to Tyrion (not a dream matchup anyway) and will marry LF next.

The Hawk

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That would be all good and quite possible. But looking at the preview for the finale with Jon telling Sansa they have to trust each other cause they'll have a lot of enemies, I get the feeling Sansa can't be trusted.... because she'll be under the control of Littlefinger. Wouldn't mind seeing him killed but we have to have some bad guys, no?

Sansa has shown that she is really a manipulator and I think that she just set up Littlefinger for a fall. She has also shown that she really is her mother's daughter as the Blackfish implied when he read the letter that she sent him. What we are really seeing in all of this series is how the women are really winning throughout this mess. the real power brokers in all of this(except for the Imp and Littlefinger) are the women:

Dorne -- the Snake bitches

House Terrell -- the dowager Queen and Margery

House Lancaster -- Cersei

House Stark -- Sansa

House Targarean -- Mother of Dragons

House Greyjoy -- Theon's sister

House Mormount -- The little girl (forget her name)
THen you have the other power brokers like the Red Witch(s) , Arya, Brienne

The guys in this series only think that they are going to end up in power but in the end, it is only really the Imp that will end up knowing how to deal with the women in his life.


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Aug 21, 2012
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Sansa has shown that she is really a manipulator and I think that she just set up Littlefinger for a fall. She has also shown that she really is her mother's daughter as the Blackfish implied when he read the letter that she sent him. What we are really seeing in all of this series is how the women are really winning throughout this mess. the real power brokers in all of this(except for the Imp and Littlefinger) are the women:

Dorne -- the Snake bitches

House Terrell -- the dowager Queen and Margery

House Lancaster -- Cersei

House Stark -- Sansa

House Targarean -- Mother of Dragons

House Greyjoy -- Theon's sister

House Mormount -- The little girl (forget her name)
THen you have the other power brokers like the Red Witch(s) , Arya, Brienne

The guys in this series only think that they are going to end up in power but in the end, it is only really the Imp that will end up knowing how to deal with the women in his life.

Lol you forget about Varys and Little Finger.... the 2 who have been running the entire show for the entire time.

The Hawk

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Silly. Bronn won't end up on the iron throne. Margaery is out of Bronn's league. Jon won't marry his aunt and Sansa was already married to Tyrion (not a dream matchup anyway) and will marry LF next.

It was a joke, Spartan.

The Hawk

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Teaching someone to use a bow and being an expert marksman are not the same thing lol.

Robb and Jon taught Bran how to use a bow, I don't/didn't consider them expert marksmen.

Nearly everyone learns to use a bow.... Ramsay was far better with a sword than a bow until the last episode.

It doesn't make sense why he didn't bother with a sword, nor why he didn't manage to even grapple/fight Jon.... I get he went bow cause he assumed Jon was a better swordsman, but to not have a sword to defend yourself with is Special person. On top of that Jon was exhausted and wounded.... Ramsay could have had a chance in a draining contest of arms.

I don't remember Ramsey being a swordsman in this series. I think that he used a dirk or dagger most of the time. It was clear to me that he knew that he couldn't beat Jon in a sword fight so he turned to his weapon of choice, a bow and arrows. Ramsey got to where he was on sneak attacks and was a good planner. He relied on his innate cunning and deceit to win like when he took a bunch of his thugs and burned his enemies food and killed most of his horses, ruining any chance of success when they attacked.

Give Ramsey some credit, though. His suckering of Jon was masterful and his battle plan excellent. But as in all battles, all the planning of his failed to result in success because of the Knights of the Vail. Jon, on the other hand, had a shit for brains attack plan because he rushed into a battle he should have known he couldn't win. Yet he ended up winning despite himself.


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Aug 21, 2012
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I don't remember Ramsey being a swordsman in this series. I think that he used a dirk or dagger most of the time. It was clear to me that he knew that he couldn't beat Jon in a sword fight so he turned to his weapon of choice, a bow and arrows. Ramsey got to where he was on sneak attacks and was a good planner. He relied on his innate cunning and deceit to win like when he took a bunch of his thugs and burned his enemies food and killed most of his horses, ruining any chance of success when they attacked.

Give Ramsey some credit, though. His suckering of Jon was masterful and his battle plan excellent. But as in all battles, all the planning of his failed to result in success because of the Knights of the Vail. Jon, on the other hand, had a shit for brains attack plan because he rushed into a battle he should have known he couldn't win. Yet he ended up winning despite himself.

Ramsay fights with a sword against the Ironborn.... just about everyone in Westeros knows how to use a sword.

I can concede the argument "Well he knew he had a better chance using arrows so he used them", but it doesn't answer the "Why the fuck didn't he have a sword at all?" question.

The Hawk

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I don't get the sense he'll kill LF. I do get the sense he has no loyalty to Dany at all. Is there another he would support over her cause I do think he turned on her and maybe even called for that attack.

Yeah, Varys did tell the Imp that they needed friends in Westeros. Something that the red witch said at the Pyramid really scared the shit out of him and he really bugged out quickly. I think that he really doesn't trust how this is going with Mother of Dragons and her army. I wonder if he isn't going to line himself up with old lady Terell and Margery?

Warrior Spirit

The Truth
Sep 12, 2010
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Ramsay fights with a sword against the Ironborn.... just about everyone in Westeros knows how to use a sword.

I can concede the argument "Well he knew he had a better chance using arrows so he used them", but it doesn't answer the "Why the fuck didn't he have a sword at all?" question.
Didn't he use a couple of knives vs the Ironborn, not a sword?


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Aug 21, 2012
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Didn't he use a couple of knives vs the Ironborn, not a sword?

Thought he used a sword and a knife.

It doesn't matter because he knows how to use a sword.... and other close quarters melee weapons, yet he had none to protect himself with when Jon came for him.

Ramsay was a sick conniving fuck, but he was a fighter.... at the end him losing the fight so easily rang hollow to me.

Would have preferred to see him give Jon a serious fight.... he was an asshole, but I didn't see him getting tackled and facepunched into submission like that.


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Aug 21, 2012
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Owno what he has in the right hand, knife or sword or something else.

But you don't bring a knife to a sword fight usually.... but then again Ramsay brought nothing to a fight for his fucking life so yeah.

The Hawk

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Lol you forget about Varys and Little Finger.... the 2 who have been running the entire show for the entire time.

They certainly are playing the game in the background of it all. They all are playing the Game of Thrones. I just think that the women in it all are winning except for Cersei.


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Aug 21, 2012
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They certainly are playing the game in the background of it all. They all are playing the Game of Thrones. I just think that the women in it all are winning except for Cersei.

You got a funny definition of "winning".... Cersei got captured and forced to do a walk of shame.... Margeary captured and held until she "turned" to the Faith with Tommen.... Arya lost her family, got captured and abused, went to Bravos and got trained/abused.... Sansa was captured, beaten, threatened with rape, forcibly married to a dwarf, forcibly married to Ramsay, then she got rape-tortured for a while....

The women do just as much losing in this story as the men, if not more.

The Hawk

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Ramsay fights with a sword against the Ironborn.... just about everyone in Westeros knows how to use a sword.

I can concede the argument "Well he knew he had a better chance using arrows so he used them", but it doesn't answer the "Why the fuck didn't he have a sword at all?" question.

That isn't important to me whether he had a sword on him or not. He knew that he couldn't win a sword fight with Jon. Look at it this way, if Jon hadn't have grabbed that shield, he'd be dead as that Giant.


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Aug 21, 2012
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That isn't important to me whether he had a sword on him or not. He knew that he couldn't win a sword fight with Jon. Look at it this way, if Jon hadn't have grabbed that shield, he'd be dead as that Giant.

You seem to be missing my point entirely.... Ramsay didn't fight Jon.... he tried to snipe him and then he was done.

That isn't who Ramsay was as a character.... he was a fighter.... he should of gone down fighting Jon where Jon would have had to of finally disarmed him and beaten him as he did.... but Ramsay was a guy always with another weapon, another trick up his sleeve, he wasn't one to just give up and go quietly.

The way he went down didn't ring true to who the character was in the show nor book story.

He was a decent fighter and he didn't fight Jon.... even though it meant his life he didn't really fight.

The Hawk

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Jan 21, 2014
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You got a funny definition of "winning".... Cersei got captured and forced to do a walk of shame.... Margeary captured and held until she "turned" to the Faith with Tommen.... Arya lost her family, got captured and abused, went to Bravos and got trained/abused.... Sansa was captured, beaten, threatened with rape, forcibly married to a dwarf, forcibly married to Ramsay, then she got rape-tortured for a while....

The women do just as much losing in this story as the men, if not more.

But....... other than Cersei, they pretty much all have gotten what they wanted, namely revenge for all of the shit that happened to them. They are really using the men in these stories as their tools to get what they want. I think that Sansa, for example, is well aware of what LF wants namely the King of the North and I believe is setting him up for a "FALL" along with her cousin, the prince of the Vail. Obviously QOD is using her good looks and dragons despite all the shit laid on her. Arya ended up on top with Joqen and company. Then there is the Greyjoy wench and her navy. Margery will end up triumphant over the High Sparrow(BTW, could it be that Tommen is in on it with her?)


Well-known member
Aug 21, 2012
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You got a funny definition of "winning".... Cersei got captured and forced to do a walk of shame.... Margeary captured and held until she "turned" to the Faith with Tommen.... Arya lost her family, got captured and abused, went to Bravos and got trained/abused.... Sansa was captured, beaten, threatened with rape, forcibly married to a dwarf, forcibly married to Ramsay, then she got rape-tortured for a while....

The women do just as much losing in this story as the men, if not more.

Not sure I agree... No boobs have been cut off...


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Aug 21, 2012
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Not sure I agree... No boobs have been cut off...

Sansa got rape-fisted for a few months..... I think that is as bad as what Jaime got.
