Game of Thrones Thread

The Hawk

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Owno what he has in the right hand, knife or sword or something else.

But you don't bring a knife to a sword fight usually.... but then again Ramsay brought nothing to a fight for his fucking life so yeah.

Different situation with Jon compared to that scene. This was not a close quarters fight with Jon. Ramsey had just killed the Giant and was targeting Jon next who was some distance away with no armor on. He kills Jon with an arrow if Jon doesn't find that shield quickly. Shields can be used as weapons and Jon knows how to do it so he strikes Ramsey in the throat with it and it is over for Ramsey.

Warrior Spirit

The Truth
Sep 12, 2010
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Lol you forget about Varys and Little Finger.... the 2 who have been running the entire show for the entire time.
Varys is the most difficult character to figure out, I think. I've read some theories that it's another Targaryen he'll get behind and support for a run at the Iron Throne.

Warrior Spirit

The Truth
Sep 12, 2010
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But....... other than Cersei, they pretty much all have gotten what they wanted, namely revenge for all of the shit that happened to them. They are really using the men in these stories as their tools to get what they want. I think that Sansa, for example, is well aware of what LF wants namely the King of the North and I believe is setting him up for a "FALL" along with her cousin, the prince of the Vail. Obviously QOD is using her good looks and dragons despite all the shit laid on her. Arya ended up on top with Joqen and company. Then there is the Greyjoy wench and her navy. Margery will end up triumphant over the High Sparrow(BTW, could it be that Tommen is in on it with her?)
Think Margaery is scheming not only planning the demise of the Faith but using them to take Cersei completely out of the picture which is why she got Tommen to join them and take away trials by combat.


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I still feel like this scene is telling us something


By the time Dany gets to Kings Landing, has Cersei already destroyed the place? Since it's ruined, does she then head to the wall and help Jon Snow defeat the white walkers? Or because there's snow in Kings Landing in this scene, did the White Walkers get to Kings Landing before she did?

The Hawk

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Think Margaery is scheming not only planning the demise of the Faith but using them to take Cersei completely out of the picture which is why she got Tommen to join them and take away trials by combat.

Could be. What I don't figure too well is Tommen in all of this. He appeared to be pretty cozy with his mother and I think he may be faking the entire thing with the High Sparrow. I think that the High Sparrow may be a loser in the "game" next episode.

The Hawk

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That battle scene was reminiscent of the scene in which the British king, Longshank, ordered his bowmen to fire at everyone in the field in the battle with Braveheart. WHen his captain tells him that they will hit their own men, the king just says so what, we have reserves:(

The Hawk

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Thought he used a sword and a knife.

It doesn't matter because he knows how to use a sword.... and other close quarters melee weapons, yet he had none to protect himself with when Jon came for him.

Ramsay was a sick conniving fuck, but he was a fighter.... at the end him losing the fight so easily rang hollow to me.

Would have preferred to see him give Jon a serious fight.... he was an asshole, but I didn't see him getting tackled and facepunched into submission like that.

Did you not see the nature of the fight when the Giant broke down the gate. It was a fight between bowmen not swordsmen. Ramsey ran when he saw the gate broken down and ditched his sword and grabbed his bow. The fact is that he thought that he'd kill Jon with an arrow and almost did. I also liked that Jon saved Ramsey for his sister's revenge and not kill him himself.

The Hawk

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I thought that Sansa became very dark in this episode. She could have told Jon that she asked for help from Littlefinger which would have changed the entire battle plan. So, in a sense, she actually betrayed her brother and a lot of unnecessary deaths on his army occurred. IT especially was poignant when in the battle plan someone mentioned how they really could use some cavalry. Duh!!!!


CCS Donator
Aug 14, 2010
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What I'd like to see in the season finale....

R+L=J revealed- I think Bran reaches Jon and Danny perhaps in their dreams. Idk but the Starks and Danny are natural allies. Both have scores to settle with the Lanisters and both houses are lead by women.

Lady Stoneheart revealed- I think Walder Frey is shown in the preview to setup her arrival with his is death. She'll allow Jamie to leave because he held up his part of their bargain.

Danny and Arya sailing to Westeros- the alliance with Yara and the masters' fleet gives Danny what she needs to head over. Arya said she was going home maybe she hitches a ride with Danny lol.

Sent from my davenport using my teleporter


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Aug 21, 2012
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Did you not see the nature of the fight when the Giant broke down the gate. It was a fight between bowmen not swordsmen. Ramsey ran when he saw the gate broken down and ditched his sword and grabbed his bow. The fact is that he thought that he'd kill Jon with an arrow and almost did. I also liked that Jon saved Ramsey for his sister's revenge and not kill him himself.

Good god you are dense.


Just your everyday fail.
Aug 21, 2012
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Lost OMW to the Point

Owno what he has in the right hand, knife or sword or something else.

But you don't bring a knife to a sword fight usually.... but then again Ramsay brought nothing to a fight for his fucking life so yeah.

You're over thinking it Ares, there was no way out, Ramsay knew it. He had his bow and arrow and he used it. Even if he killed Jon, someone was going to kill him. What I don't get is why didn't he kill Jon while he was staring at the Giant. It seems more in character for Ramsay to take the cheap shot and shoot Jon in the head while his focus is drawn elsewhere then to put down a defeated foe, let alone put it out of its misery.

That to me is more confusing then why he had a bow and not a sword.

The Hawk

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What I'd like to see in the season finale....

R+L=J revealed- I think Bran reaches Jon and Danny perhaps in their dreams. Idk but the Starks and Danny are natural allies. Both have scores to settle with the Lanisters and both houses are lead by women.

Lady Stoneheart revealed- I think Walder Frey is shown in the preview to setup her arrival with his is death. She'll allow Jamie to leave because he held up his part of their bargain.

Danny and Arya sailing to Westeros- the alliance with Yara and the masters' fleet gives Danny what she needs to head over. Arya said she was going home maybe she hitches a ride with Danny lol.

Sent from my davenport using my teleporter

Good stuff:)


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Aug 21, 2012
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You're over thinking it Ares, there was no way out, Ramsay knew it. He had his bow and arrow and he used it. Even if he killed Jon, someone was going to kill him. What I don't get is why didn't he kill Jon while he was staring at the Giant. It seems more in character for Ramsay to take the cheap shot and shoot Jon in the head while his focus is drawn elsewhere then to put down a defeated foe, let alone put it out of its misery.

That to me is more confusing then why he had a bow and not a sword.

Not over-thinking this at all... Ramsay didn't fight at the end, he was a fighter.... defeated or not he should have been trying to kill Jon.... arrows.... knives.... fists.... that is who he was and for some odd reason, he just took a shield to the face and laid there.

The entire sequence was fine, except for him lying down and taking a pounding without any sort of a struggle.

As for him shooting WunWun.... well the Giant is still more dangerous than Jon and if you assume Ramsay saw he was done, then he killed the Giant as one final "Fuck You" to Jon.... probably hoped Jon would charge unprotected so he could snipe him too.

The Hawk

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Quote Originally Posted by The Hawk View Post

Did you not see the nature of the fight when the Giant broke down the gate. It was a fight between bowmen not swordsmen. Ramsey ran when he saw the gate broken down and ditched his sword and grabbed his bow. The fact is that he thought that he'd kill Jon with an arrow and almost did. I also liked that Jon saved Ramsey for his sister's revenge and not kill him himself.

Good god you are dense.

Wow. Nice retort, moron. When that Giant broke through that gate, all of the casualties were caused by arrows from both sides. Ramsey showed how good a bowman that he was by killing that Giant with an arrow through the eye which further proved you wrong about him not being a good bowman. Just admit that you are full of shit and move on. Change a signature lately BTW?:(

The Hawk

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Ramsey was stupid... He could have shot John in the eye instead of the giant. Missed his window.

Yep. For all his cunning, he ended up dead because of a bad decision. Actually two bad decisions I'd say. Not feeding his "loyal beasts" being the 2nd one:) That was a great line, though.


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Aug 21, 2012
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Quote Originally Posted by The Hawk View Post

Did you not see the nature of the fight when the Giant broke down the gate. It was a fight between bowmen not swordsmen. Ramsey ran when he saw the gate broken down and ditched his sword and grabbed his bow. The fact is that he thought that he'd kill Jon with an arrow and almost did. I also liked that Jon saved Ramsey for his sister's revenge and not kill him himself.

Wow. Nice retort, moron. When that Giant broke through that gate, all of the casualties were caused by arrows from both sides. Ramsey showed how good a bowman that he was by killing that Giant with an arrow through the eye which further proved you wrong about him not being a good bowman. Just admit that you are full of shit and move on. Change a signature lately BTW?:(

You are not comprehending the stuff I am posting, you are fixated on Ramsay using a bow as if that precludes him from swinging on Jon in a life or death struggle.

Just shut your dum fucking mouth.

The Hawk

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You're over thinking it Ares, there was no way out, Ramsay knew it. He had his bow and arrow and he used it. Even if he killed Jon, someone was going to kill him. What I don't get is why didn't he kill Jon while he was staring at the Giant. It seems more in character for Ramsay to take the cheap shot and shoot Jon in the head while his focus is drawn elsewhere then to put down a defeated foe, let alone put it out of its misery.

That to me is more confusing then why he had a bow and not a sword.

It was just another character flaw in Ramsey I'd say. He liked to run his mouth a lot and show his snarky smile.


Just your everyday fail.
Aug 21, 2012
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Lost OMW to the Point
Not over-thinking this at all... Ramsay didn't fight at the end, he was a fighter.... defeated or not he should have been trying to kill Jon.... arrows.... knives.... fists.... that is who he was and for some odd reason, he just took a shield to the face and laid there.

The entire sequence was fine, except for him lying down and taking a pounding without any sort of a struggle.

As for him shooting WunWun.... well the Giant is still more dangerous than Jon and if you assume Ramsay saw he was done, then he killed the Giant as one final "Fuck You" to Jon.... probably hoped Jon would charge unprotected so he could snipe him too.

You ever been hit by a large object like that to the upper chest area? Ramsay most definitely had the wind knocked out of him by that blow. Not to mention Jon also had 20-30 pounds on Ramsay easy. No way Ramsay is winning that battle. Fact of the matter is Ramsay had his trap laid and it worked early on until the Knights of the Vale showed up.

I think part of the reason Sansa didn't show her hand until the battle was mostly won for Ramsay was that Ramsay would never have left Winterfell to fight them if he knew that they had the Knights of the Vale with them, then their armies would have been equal at best and he would never have fought them with those odds.

I agree the killing of the Giant was definitely a fuck you move but If I was Ramsay I would have shot john in the leg or arm area then shot the Giant immediately after as an additional fuck you, then turned back to the wounded Snow to finish him off. I just feel like for the character the writers messed up that part a bit. wounding and toying with his prey is more the way Ramsay has been throughout the series.
