Game of Thrones Thread

The Hawk

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Other than that and a few other things, The Hawk nailed it! Please keep in mind The Hawk has read all the books and watched every episode of the TV show, and he used to work out with G. R. R. Martin, so, yeah...

Saw where TJ gave you a thanks for your insulting post. TJ? Hilarious. Birds of a feather:(

The Hawk

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Nope… that would be Jamie and it was siege not an assault and it wasn't Blackfish's castle.

Your point still stands I guess but you really should re-watch season 6 maybe 5 also.

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Nah. I am a big picture person and frankly do not have time to re-watch entire seasons of any show. I like this show better than any I have seen is all. And I do not get caught up in minutia like if something was a siege or an assault because they pretty much follow the other. All that I know is that Blackfish took that castle from the Freys' so it was HIS CASTLE and the Lannisters and Frey's wanted it back and used the Tully kid to get it back.

I am especially amused by people who take the minutia of this series so fucking seriously. Some dick head actually called me off for Walter Frey versus Walder Frey? Is that important? Perhaps he should call himself JT instead of TJ?


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I want to know something, Number 51. Here we have a thread talking about a series on television, the Game of Thrones where people talk about hypotheticals and story lines about said show. I commented as other people have and got a couple of details wrong and you and Ares chose to ridicule me. Is it that big a fucking deal to you? I do not mind a bit about being corrected, especially on a subject with as many fucking names and story lines in this series. But your fucking insults are bullshit and reflective of you as a person. For cripes sake, grow up:(

It is a tough story to follow, two pages ago I screwed up big time and got called out on it. Here is how I reacted.

I stand corrected.
I was kinda rooting for the Hawk to get one right, blind squirrel style, but no, he said Meereen, you just tried to drop some knowledge. Sorry.

I admitted my mistake, apologized, and moved on, like a grown up.

I'm sorry you feel attacked regarding your errors on the show, but we all get called out, the difference is how we handle it.


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I'll just leave this here for The Cawk:



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Interesting to see some of the characters in real life, but best tittie doesn't go to Ros....sorry

Amrita Acharia


Was a Dothraki and Taught Dany the language after she married Drago.

That pic on the bottom is of an English glamour model, not an actress.


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I'm hoping that we get to see the Hound kill his zombie brother. Maybe burn him. Would be poetic.

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Aug 14, 2010
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Cannot wait till Sunday. Here is how I see it.

1. I think that Jon will find out from Bran who his mother is and seek a connection with Danerys. But i also believe that he will also have a dream in which NED fulfills his promise to tell him about his mother as he promised in the first season.

I think it'll be little finger and Bran confirms.

2. Jamie will emerge as a hero and end up killing Cercei at the end of the series.

Agreed that he'll kill Cercei but he'll end up dead. No way Dany lets her father's murderer walk. Maybe Tyrion convinces her to let Jamie join the watch.

3. Arya will kill Littlefinger and will be helped in her pursuit by Joguen.(sp?)

Could see Arya killing little finger but I think it'll be Sansa. Her first kill.

4. Sam will prove to be a major factor in the last two seasons with his research and knowledge. He may end up helping Mormont cure his scale, find the glass that will kill the white walkers, and also possibly confirm Jon Snow's parentage. Mormount will join Khalesi and merge with Jon and his Mormount niece to take the fight to Cersei

I think Mormount gets waaaaaay worse and Bran confirms Jons parentage but the rest I think will happen.

5. Cersie will need a navy and recruit the Iron born thug(Euron?) in return for marrying him. He was aced out by his niece with Khalesi and will try out Cersei. This will further piss off Jamie. THere will be a sea battle with his niece and her brother.

This is almost a certainty. Just have to watch the preview

6. I think that the Hound will continue with the brothers including the guy with the fire sword in helping Jon and Khalesi.

Agreed. The brotherhood serves the lord of light who serve Dany.

7. But it will be the IMP who will figure out how to defeat Cersie and the Lannisters. THe guy knows a LOT OF SHIT and will use that knowledge to find a way into Cersei's castle from within to open it up to Khalesi's throng of Unsullied and Dothraki.

Cersei's castle aka the Red Keep won't really need to be opened up. That's what dragons are for. Plus Dany won't just have the unsullied and Dothraki, she'll have the Tyrell's (2nd biggest army in Westeros), Dorne's, part of iron born fleet, and probably Stark's support. She'll be able to attack Kings Landing from land, sea, and air. Stannis proved that attacking from the sea was nearly good enough.

8. So in the end of this story, it will be the least impressive characters, physically, who will end up the real heroes of this epic tale and I think that is really the lesson that Martin puts out there.

I don't really think so. I don't really think there is a lesson to be learned from GOT.

The heroes are:

1. The Imp

2. Arya

3. Sam

4. Lady Mormont

5. Varys (who really is an underrated character in all of this but always winds up well)


1. Jon Snow (Dany may make him an actual Stark even though in reality he is a Targarean)
2. Dany
3. Arya
4. Bran

All in all I think this is the season that the Starks finally get justice for all the crimes committed against them.

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The Hawk

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All in all I think this is the season that the Starks finally get justice for all the crimes committed against them.

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Good stuff.


HS Referee HoF
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All in all I think this is the season that the Starks finally get justice for all the crimes committed against them.

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I can virtually guarantee you Martin will end the series in a way that the vast majority of viewers and readers will hate. If anything I expect more Starks die and none of them manage to avenge anything. Hell, the person who ends up on the Iron Throne will likely be someone no one gave any thought about.

The Hawk

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It is a tough story to follow, two pages ago I screwed up big time and got called out on it. Here is how I reacted.

I admitted my mistake, apologized, and moved on, like a grown up.

I'm sorry you feel attacked regarding your errors on the show, but we all get called out, the difference is how we handle it.

The difference is the insults themselves. Everyone makes mistakes. But decent people do not insult people when they point the mistakes out. Ares insulted me as did you and TJ naturally piled on as the a-hole that he is. BTW I admitted my mistakes and even pointed out that it was I and not Ares who mentioned Mereen.

The Hawk

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I can virtually guarantee you Martin will end the series in a way that the vast majority of viewers and readers will hate. If anything I expect more Starks die and none of them manage to avenge anything. Hell, the person who ends up on the Iron Throne will likely be someone no one gave any thought about.

Could be but I hope not. ANother series that I liked a lot, BLACK SAILS, had a shitty ending and I hope this one doesn't do the same kind of thing. ANother thing that complicates this for me is Martin's latest book is I believe close to being finished and he said that there will not be any further episodes of GoT until that book is finished. That means, I believe, that the closing of the 7th season will end up being a cliff hanger once again in some way and a new series will likely occur after it.

Also, aren't they also talking about prequels to GoT? We may be looking at a Star Wars kind of thing coming up in which they show a young portrait of the characters as in The Mountain burning the Hounds face when they were kids, Jamie killing Khalesi's father, the origin of the white walkers, etc.


HS Referee HoF
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Could be but I hope not. ANother series that I liked a lot, BLACK SAILS, had a shitty ending and I hope this one doesn't do the same kind of thing. ANother thing that complicates this for me is Martin's latest book is I believe close to being finished and he said that there will not be any further episodes of GoT until that book is finished. That means, I believe, that the closing of the 7th season will end up being a cliff hanger once again in some way and a new series will likely occur after it.

Also, aren't they also talking about prequels to GoT? We may be looking at a Star Wars kind of thing coming up in which they show a young portrait of the characters as in The Mountain burning the Hounds face when they were kids, Jamie killing Khalesi's father, the origin of the white walkers, etc.

You mean you didn't like Captain Flint turning out to be a flaming homo? :smug2:

As for GoT. They already said there are only two truncated seasons left. So that means this is a short season and there is one more left which of course as you know won't be for another bloody year after this short S7 ends anyways. If that isn't long enough for Martin to release his book its kinda stupid for him to hold back S8 even longer.

All I know is that if they never bring a close to the White Walker storyline I am going to be fucking pissed. Its one of the main reasons I even liked GoT. Aside from the Stark drama of course.
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CCS Donator
Nov 27, 2014
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I can virtually guarantee you Martin will end the series in a way that the vast majority of viewers and readers will hate. If anything I expect more Starks die and none of them manage to avenge anything. Hell, the person who ends up on the Iron Throne will likely be someone no one gave any thought about.

Honestly, i don't thing George ever finish's the books, he made his $$, and now he is just getting lazy.


CCS Donator
Nov 27, 2014
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Cannot wait till Sunday. Here is how I see it.

1. I think that Jon will find out from Bran who his mother is and seek a connection with Danerys. But i also believe that he will also have a dream in which NED fulfills his promise to tell him about his mother as he promised in the first season.

2. Jamie will emerge as a hero and end up killing Cercei at the end of the series.

3. Arya will kill Littlefinger and will be helped in her pursuit by Joguen.(sp?)

4. Sam will prove to be a major factor in the last two seasons with his research and knowledge. He may end up helping Mormont cure his scale, find the glass that will kill the white walkers, and also possibly confirm Jon Snow's parentage. Mormount will join Khalesi and merge with Jon and his Mormount niece to take the fight to Cersei

5. Cersie will need a navy and recruit the Iron born thug(Euron?) in return for marrying him. He was aced out by his niece with Khalesi and will try out Cersei. This will further piss off Jamie. THere will be a sea battle with his niece and her brother.

6. I think that the Hound will continue with the brothers including the guy with the fire sword in helping Jon and Khalesi.

7. But it will be the IMP who will figure out how to defeat Cersie and the Lannisters. THe guy knows a LOT OF SHIT and will use that knowledge to find a way into Cersei's castle from within to open it up to Khalesi's throng of Unsullied and Dothraki.

8. So in the end of this story, it will be the least impressive characters, physically, who will end up the real heroes of this epic tale and I think that is really the lesson that Martin puts out there.

The heroes are:

1. The Imp

2. Arya

3. Sam

4. Lady Mormont

5. Varys (who really is an underrated character in all of this but always winds up well)

In all due respect "most" of this is common knowledge gleaned off of any fan site. .


CCS Donator
Nov 27, 2014
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Wasn't it Blackfish's castle originally that he took back from Walter Frey? I believe that Blackfish said that he was born in that castle, right? Also, yeah it was a siege but the end result would have been an assault on the Castle because Tyrion didnt have the time to wait the Blackfish out. And Tyrion also did put Bronn in charge of getting the assault forces in order? It was a funny episode with the Frey dorks getting kicked around a bit.

It was Hoster Tully's Castle, who was Bryndon brother (the blackfish). Edmore had three children, all of which preceded the Blackfish in the line of inheritance. Edmore was the last surviving child heir (making the blackfish the next in line). However, Edmore was being held captive by the Frey's, so the blackfish assumed command in his absence.

It's not really minutia as it explained what and why things were unfolding as they did when the Lannisters and Freys were laying siege to riverrun. The blackfish had the right to assume command in Edmore's absence, however, when Edmore was released, he immediately resumed control of the Castle. Jamie had previously threatened that after he released Edmore, if he didn't enter the Castle, resume control, and then surrender, Jamie was going to take his infant child, load him up in a catapult, and splatter him against the castle walls.


Discoverer of Dragosaurs
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Aug 20, 2012
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All I know is that if they never bring a close to the White Walker storyline I am going to be fucking pissed. Its one of the main reasons I even liked GoT. Aside from the Stark drama of course.

I can pretty much guarantee that this season will see the end of the warring between factions for the Iron Throne, then next season will be the struggle of the "united" people of Westeros vs. The Others. I mean, the vast majority of people either don't know about or don't believe in the threat from the Walkers -- so it would make more sense that the immediate invasion is resolved (a horde of Dothraki on ships from the Iron Islands all joined up with the Dornish, and likely the Northerners) then the focus will be turned towards the real threat that has been ignored by virtually everyone the entire series.

Or, who knows, maybe the Walkers will show up right in the middle of the war and have to be dealt with then. But, from how they tend to structure obstacles and resolutions within individual seasons (pretty much every season has some sort of major battle or event in the penultimate or antepenultimate episode that resolves at least a portion of the war [Red Wedding, Blackwater, Battle of the Bastards, Hardhome, Night's Watch vs Wildlings, etc.]) it just seems more likely that they'll break up the two major remaining conflicts between the final two seasons.

I am kind of curious as to how they'll resolve the Dothraki issue though. Unless they're entirely wiped out by someone they'll either have to return to Essos or undergo a complete cultural shift (Danny won't be too fond of them wandering around raping and pillaging all her other subjects). It would bother me if they just leave a massive horde of Hun stand-ins just chilling on the continent with nothing to do with themselves.


CCS Donator
Nov 27, 2014
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I can pretty much guarantee that this season will see the end of the warring between factions for the Iron Throne, then next season will be the struggle of the "united" people of Westeros vs. The Others. I mean, the vast majority of people either don't know about or don't believe in the threat from the Walkers -- so it would make more sense that the immediate invasion is resolved (a horde of Dothraki on ships from the Iron Islands all joined up with the Dornish, and likely the Northerners) then the focus will be turned towards the real threat that has been ignored by virtually everyone the entire series.

Or, who knows, maybe the Walkers will show up right in the middle of the war and have to be dealt with then. But, from how they tend to structure obstacles and resolutions within individual seasons (pretty much every season has some sort of major battle or event in the penultimate or antepenultimate episode that resolves at least a portion of the war [Red Wedding, Blackwater, Battle of the Bastards, Hardhome, Night's Watch vs Wildlings, etc.]) it just seems more likely that they'll break up the two major remaining conflicts between the final two seasons.

I am kind of curious as to how they'll resolve the Dothraki issue though. Unless they're entirely wiped out by someone they'll either have to return to Essos or undergo a complete cultural shift (Danny won't be too fond of them wandering around raping and pillaging all her other subjects). It would bother me if they just leave a massive horde of Hun stand-ins just chilling on the continent with nothing to do with themselves.

They can have Dorne, no great loss. :)


CCS Hall of Fame '20
Apr 18, 2010
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I can pretty much guarantee that this season will see the end of the warring between factions for the Iron Throne, then next season will be the struggle of the "united" people of Westeros vs. The Others. I mean, the vast majority of people either don't know about or don't believe in the threat from the Walkers -- so it would make more sense that the immediate invasion is resolved (a horde of Dothraki on ships from the Iron Islands all joined up with the Dornish, and likely the Northerners) then the focus will be turned towards the real threat that has been ignored by virtually everyone the entire series.

Or, who knows, maybe the Walkers will show up right in the middle of the war and have to be dealt with then. But, from how they tend to structure obstacles and resolutions within individual seasons (pretty much every season has some sort of major battle or event in the penultimate or antepenultimate episode that resolves at least a portion of the war [Red Wedding, Blackwater, Battle of the Bastards, Hardhome, Night's Watch vs Wildlings, etc.]) it just seems more likely that they'll break up the two major remaining conflicts between the final two seasons.

I am kind of curious as to how they'll resolve the Dothraki issue though. Unless they're entirely wiped out by someone they'll either have to return to Essos or undergo a complete cultural shift (Danny won't be too fond of them wandering around raping and pillaging all her other subjects). It would bother me if they just leave a massive horde of Hun stand-ins just chilling on the continent with nothing to do with themselves.

I think the last episode of this season will be the Walkers getting past the wall. I also think that the Night's King and the Walkers may use Bran to breach the magic defenses of the wall(considering he was marked by the NK last season).

The Hawk

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In all due respect "most" of this is common knowledge gleaned off of any fan site. .

I didn't know of fan sites. Do these sites have inside information about what will happen?

The Hawk

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It was Hoster Tully's Castle, who was Bryndon brother (the blackfish). Edmore had three children, all of which preceded the Blackfish in the line of inheritance. Edmore was the last surviving child heir (making the blackfish the next in line). However, Edmore was being held captive by the Frey's, so the blackfish assumed command in his absence.

It's not really minutia as it explained what and why things were unfolding as they did when the Lannisters and Freys were laying siege to riverrun. The blackfish had the right to assume command in Edmore's absence, however, when Edmore was released, he immediately resumed control of the Castle. Jamie had previously threatened that after he released Edmore, if he didn't enter the Castle, resume control, and then surrender, Jamie was going to take his infant child, load him up in a catapult, and splatter him against the castle walls.

I guess what I am saying is that there is a right and then there is a right. Yeah, the Tully kid had the right of heritage for the castle but the Blackfish took control of it. So in the spirit of possession being 9/10s of the law, it was the Blackfish's castle by right of possession. It was a smart play by Jamie in the end because taking that castle by force would have taken a long time and cost many of his forces. IT also ended any further need to bring the squirrly Freys into the story:)
