Game of Thrones Thread


HS Referee HoF
Aug 20, 2012
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Wouldn't mind seeing Ned Stark alive again and slaying bitches beside Robert or possibly going further back to the Mad King's rule before Jamie killed him.


High Ranking Member
May 18, 2014
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Wouldn't mind seeing Ned Stark alive again and slaying bitches beside Robert or possibly going further back to the Mad King's rule before Jamie killed him.
Not sure about Ned Stark but there are definitely rumors of a Targaryen spinoff. They confirmed at least 4 spinoffs will be made, but have not specified what they'll be about. I kind of feel like the head maester alluded to the spinoffs when he was talking about the few times that "the end" was a foregone conclusion but was overcome.


CCS Donator
Nov 27, 2014
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Jon will tell Sansa and then Littlefinger will catch on... if he doesn't already know. Come to think of it, there has been hints that LF does know so it will likely be him. Still, no matter in the grand scheme of things.

I don't think this is true, LF dies this season while Jon is away, so in order for that to happen he would have to tell Jon before he leaves WF (episode 2-3) and before he meets Dany.


Discoverer of Dragosaurs
CCS Hall of Fame '22
Aug 20, 2012
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Well yeah you are, and here is the reason why. NO One could get so many of his predictions right, while at the same time completely bungle the past (you know the stuff that isn't being talked about atm).

It just boggles my fucking mind how much he consistently gets wrong. Virtually every post he makes whiffs on some major plot point or another. We're all aware his brain is a mush of shitjelly to begin with, but I don't get what the point of continuously posting about something he can't follow is.

I mean, how would this show make any sense at all if: it was Jamie at the Tower of Joy, a Stark wasn't Jon's mother (thus Robert's Rebellion wouldn't have happened to begin with [setting this entire series of events into action]), the "White Walker story line has never been explained..." (I mean, seriously, just from the show you know that they were created by The Children to fight The First Men, were turned back, the wall was built by Bran the Builder to keep them at bay, The Night's Watch was founded to stop them from returning, they've slept under the ice waiting for a long winter, and so on), apparently the Blackfish was the rightful ruler of Riverrun and at the Red Wedding prior to magically escaping, Tyrion was at the siege while simultaneously wandering around Essos, none of the background of the Tullys took place (Hoster dying, Edmure succeeding him, etc.), Tyrion promised Bronn a new castle/wench prior to making a foray into I missing anything?

I am truly confused as fuck by The Cawk's version of what has been going on in this show. Could someone explain it to me?


Señor Member
Aug 25, 2012
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To the Hawk and anyone else that has every story line fucked up, watch this guys videos. I'm not sure an explanation will fix the Hawks problems, but I always check out his stuff after every episode, he usually puts out a video on Wed or Thur.

Warrior Spirit

The Truth
Sep 12, 2010
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I don't think this is true, LF dies this season while Jon is away, so in order for that to happen he would have to tell Jon before he leaves WF (episode 2-3) and before he meets Dany.
Not surprising. That first episode showed LF has no power over Bitch face anymore. She has no respect for him at all so he'll try some other scheme seeing he can no longer manipulate her. 1 episode in and it looks like he already lost his mojo anyway. He won't be missed. I'm thinking the big Jon Targaryen reveal will come in the finale of this season or might even be saved for the final season. Jon and Dany will get to know each other before finding out they are related. I think they'll tease with some tension between the 2 for a while before a mutual respect is formed and they'll be on good terms when they do find out they are related. I think the big death for this season will be Cersei.

Warrior Spirit

The Truth
Sep 12, 2010
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It just boggles my fucking mind how much he consistently gets wrong. Virtually every post he makes whiffs on some major plot point or another. We're all aware his brain is a mush of shitjelly to begin with, but I don't get what the point of continuously posting about something he can't follow is.

I mean, how would this show make any sense at all if: it was Jamie at the Tower of Joy, a Stark wasn't Jon's mother (thus Robert's Rebellion wouldn't have happened to begin with [setting this entire series of events into action]), the "White Walker story line has never been explained..." (I mean, seriously, just from the show you know that they were created by The Children to fight The First Men, were turned back, the wall was built by Bran the Builder to keep them at bay, The Night's Watch was founded to stop them from returning, they've slept under the ice waiting for a long winter, and so on), apparently the Blackfish was the rightful ruler of Riverrun and at the Red Wedding prior to magically escaping, Tyrion was at the siege while simultaneously wandering around Essos, none of the background of the Tullys took place (Hoster dying, Edmure succeeding him, etc.), Tyrion promised Bronn a new castle/wench prior to making a foray into I missing anything?

I am truly confused as fuck by The Cawk's version of what has been going on in this show. Could someone explain it to me?
He's read the books and watched all the shows more than once. He's either got a severe comprehension problem or is trolling everyone. The fact he keeps doing it makes me think it's the latter. I hope so for his sake anyway.


D.J. Moore is phat
Aug 20, 2012
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Dany and Jon are going to link up like wonder twins.

The battle against the white walkers is going to be anti climactic. 3 dragons and a few dozen archers is all it will take to hand the Army of the Dead it's ass.

1) Sit back and let the Dragons burn the Wights to ash from the Air. Should be done in less than an hour. We know that dragons fire kills wights instantly-maybe it will kill White Walkers too.

if not...

2) After everyone finishes their popcorn and mai tais, while watching Danny's dragons wipe their asses with the army of the dead...send in few dozen highly skilled archers to rain dragon glass tipped arrows on the actual White Walkers.

An hour or so of entertainment, then everyone can go back to fucking their sisters, and killing one another.

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CCS Donator
Aug 14, 2010
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It just boggles my fucking mind how much he consistently gets wrong. Virtually every post he makes whiffs on some major plot point or another. We're all aware his brain is a mush of shitjelly to begin with, but I don't get what the point of continuously posting about something he can't follow is.

I mean, how would this show make any sense at all if: it was Jamie at the Tower of Joy, a Stark wasn't Jon's mother (thus Robert's Rebellion wouldn't have happened to begin with [setting this entire series of events into action]), the "White Walker story line has never been explained..." (I mean, seriously, just from the show you know that they were created by The Children to fight The First Men, were turned back, the wall was built by Bran the Builder to keep them at bay, The Night's Watch was founded to stop them from returning, they've slept under the ice waiting for a long winter, and so on), apparently the Blackfish was the rightful ruler of Riverrun and at the Red Wedding prior to magically escaping, Tyrion was at the siege while simultaneously wandering around Essos, none of the background of the Tullys took place (Hoster dying, Edmure succeeding him, etc.), Tyrion promised Bronn a new castle/wench prior to making a foray into I missing anything?

I am truly confused as fuck by The Cawk's version of what has been going on in this show. Could someone explain it to me?

The Blackfish was at the Red Wedding. He got up to piss before the slayings took place and escaped.

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D.J. Moore is phat
Aug 20, 2012
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Jon will tell Sansa and then Littlefinger will catch on... if he doesn't already know. Come to think of it, there has been hints that LF does know so it will likely be him. Still, no matter in the grand scheme of things.

LF is already scheming to use jealousy, and to find a way to use mistrust to drive a wedge between Sansa and Jon.

Ultimately he'll fail. I think that she sees too much of her father's and brother's honor in Jon to betray him.

She is hardened in many ways, but not to her family. Her time in King's landing, seeing the machinations and plots of the Lannisters, Tyrells, etc...she is far more cunning in the Game than Jon-she'll only defy him to protect him. She knows that no one else plays by her Father's rules. In fact, I see her being the one that brokers the alliance between Dany and the North. She already has in-roads with Dany's Hand.

Furthermore, the Imp combined with Varys will out maneuver Cersei.

She's fucked.

But fuck all that-I'm loving that the Hound is getting more and more story time. After Oberyn's mind getting blown, Sandor is now hands down my favorite character.

Moment of silence for the Red Viper-he was the man.

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D.J. Moore is phat
Aug 20, 2012
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It just boggles my fucking mind how much he consistently gets wrong. Virtually every post he makes whiffs on some major plot point or another. We're all aware his brain is a mush of shitjelly to begin with, but I don't get what the point of continuously posting about something he can't follow is.

I mean, how would this show make any sense at all if: it was Jamie at the Tower of Joy, a Stark wasn't Jon's mother (thus Robert's Rebellion wouldn't have happened to begin with [setting this entire series of events into action]), the "White Walker story line has never been explained..." (I mean, seriously, just from the show you know that they were created by The Children to fight The First Men, were turned back, the wall was built by Bran the Builder to keep them at bay, The Night's Watch was founded to stop them from returning, they've slept under the ice waiting for a long winter, and so on), apparently the Blackfish was the rightful ruler of Riverrun and at the Red Wedding prior to magically escaping, Tyrion was at the siege while simultaneously wandering around Essos, none of the background of the Tullys took place (Hoster dying, Edmure succeeding him, etc.), Tyrion promised Bronn a new castle/wench prior to making a foray into I missing anything?

I am truly confused as fuck by The Cawk's version of what has been going on in this show. Could someone explain it to me?

He's trolling

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D.J. Moore is phat
Aug 20, 2012
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Trust me, he's not.

I'm certain he is. The "Bran following Jaime" post leaves no doubt. He's winding people in this thread up, like a troll at a Star Trek convention, intentionally referencing things from Star Wars while talking about Star Trek characters.

"My favorite episode of Star Trek Deep Space Nine was when Kirk was temporarily blind, but still knocked Khan into the Pit of Sarlacc"

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High Ranking Member
May 18, 2014
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I'm certain he is. The "Bran following Jaime" post leaves no doubt. He's winding people in this thread up, like a troll at a Star Trek convention, intentionally referencing things from Star Wars while talking about Star Trek characters.

"When Kirk was temporarily blind, but still shot Khan into the Pit of Sarlacc-my favorite episode of Star Trek Deep Space Nine"

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As much as I'd love to discuss star trak, captain luke, and the millenium enterprise, this is about the hawk. Read any post of his about any subject. He's not trolling.


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Aug 21, 2012
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Guize, the Sand Snakes are from Mereen and Bronn is hand of the country.... just accept it.


HS Referee HoF
Aug 20, 2012
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Chicago, IL.
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Is it selfish to want more than one episode to encompass the battle with the white walkers and the Night King?


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Aug 21, 2012
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Is it selfish to want more than one episode to encompass the battle with the white walkers and the Night King?

No, but I think at most you get 2.... probably 1 battle at the Wall where it comes down or is breached, and a 2nd where all (or most) of Westeros finally does the right thing and fights together.

That or 1 episode this season where the Wights breach/bring down the wall and rout/slaughter the North and then season 8 would cover how you push them back.

Or Night King just wins and takes the Iron Throne with Wight Hodor serving him ice water.

The Hawk

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Jan 21, 2014
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Well yeah you are, and here is the reason why. NO One could get so many of his predictions right, while at the same time completly bungle the past (you know the stuff that isn't being talked about atm).

follows Jamie to the castle where Jon's mother has just given birth. Damn......those Targaryen women were beautiful:


It was a young Ned Stark he followed to the "tower" and that was Lyanna Stark giving Birth, not a targaryen.

Your right. Once again, I got the names mixed up. It was young Ned not Jamie. Refresh me please on the girl who gave birth. Was that Ned's sister? Was she married to a Targaryen or was Jon born a bastard? I do not remember that part of the story. I assumed after watching the re-run of the episode that she was a Targaryen and my remark was based on how beautiful both she and Khalesi were.

I know that you think that I somehow used some "aids" to get my predictions right and that is fine with me. You are completely entitled to your opinion on that. But no, I do not. The mistakes that I have made primarily are due to getting a few names wrong as in Mereen, Dorne, and now Jamie and not Ned. If I had proof read my post I would have caught it but normally I just type and send and if I get a name of a character wrong, then so be it. I knew that Bran followed Ned up those steps and not Jamie. It was just simpy getting a name wrong. Hell, someone chastised me for calling Walder Frey, Walter Frey. It really isn't very important to me making a slip like that. I am having fun on this thread speculating and commenting with you all.

The Hawk

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I stand corrected, they have mentioned an 8th season. Not sure where you're getting 2 from, unless you're referring to the 7th (current) season.

Yeah. At the end of last season we were told that there would be two more seasons. We also were told that the current season I think was to have fewer episodes I think but some of the episodes would be two hours instead of one.

Also I also have asked but not received an answer to my question about Martin's latest book and when you think it will be ready? My guess would be that once that book comes out, that there will be an additional season or two depending on its story line, right?

The Hawk

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Jan 21, 2014
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To the Hawk and anyone else that has every story line fucked up, watch this guys videos. I'm not sure an explanation will fix the Hawks problems, but I always check out his stuff after every episode, he usually puts out a video on Wed or Thur.

Wow, this stuff really has an audience, huh? A lot of people have way too much time on their hands:)
