Game of Thrones Thread

The Hawk

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Jan 21, 2014
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Hopefully this will be the last post on the subject and you will just drop it. Virsery's never "raped" Dany. Did he physically abuse her? Yes. Two different things. This is confirmed in Grmm's books by the simple fact on Dany's wedding night, Illyrio Mopatis, kept vigil over Dany's tent, to assure her maidenhead was not taken by Viserys, before she was wed to Drogo. So, it was never even "possible" that Dany was raped by Visery. End of story.

Next up is the argument of what constitutes rape in a mid-evil society. Rape, simply defined is forcing one to have sex against there will. Your confusing the definition, which doesn't change, regardless of the societal norms, with its legality.

So was raping your wife on your wedding night legal in Westeros? Yes, but that does not change the fact it was still rape.

Could he not have had sex with his sister before that wedding night? Hell, he told her that he would willingly give her to thousands of Drogos riders if he gained him an army. He also groped her before the ceremony.

What I am saying is that you nor I know whether or not Dany was raped by her brother and I do know that I think that under the culture of the day, that she wasn't raped by Drogo. I really do respect your insight on GoT but you haven't made your case on these questions.

The Hawk

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New rule if you make 6 posts in a row you are banned from that thread.

Back to back posts are fine, 3 okay, 6 go away you are an insane attention whore, and you're just ruining a thread with spam.

Four of the 6 were replies to Ares, multi quote it and make the response one long rambling wall of gibberish that is easily ignored.

Wow. So now, when you cannot argue substance, you resort to this crap. So ban me assholes. 51 has been proven to be an idiot once again. I respond to posts one at a time. Always have. Always will.

When 51 talks his shit, his substance is ignorant and superficial. His posts throughout this site are sophomoric and stupid no matter the subject matter.

But 51 is a "Cool guy" on this board who must give good lip service to his "pals"eh, ?

The Hawk

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I've made it a policy to just breeze past Hawk posts in this thread.... I recommend everyone does the same.

That is because, little one, that I have once again, proved you to be a stupid ass. You tried to make a case that I have tried to claim 100% of medieval culture was somehow adopted into Martin's story is one of the most stupid statements on this board. Face, it, Ares, you are definitely a "cool' guy on this board and have many people who are in your little fucking clique. I give a shit about you or them because you are not in my league in terms of insight or intelligence.

So now, after clearly throttling you in argument, you lie about "breezing" past me in my posts on this thread. Once again, you lie because you haven't. You engaged me in this thread and I have owned you in it. Now you are cowering like a little BIIIIIIITCH and trying to bring you little pals into it like 51.

IN other words, Ares, I won you once again. Perhaps now you will return to your little software wannabee bit bucket and sulk like the weak ass punk that you are.

The Hawk

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It's like being in high school debate and The Hawk is doing the Gish Gallup, only the Hawk is your 50 year old drunk uncle that lets his eye linger a little too long on his nieces.

Wow......Another one of Ares little pals joining in. Can't argue substance, so lets shore up one of my "buds", eh, Shifty? Fuck you.

The Hawk

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It's like being in high school debate and The Hawk is doing the Gish Gallup, only the Hawk is your 50 year old drunk uncle that lets his eye linger a little too long on his nieces.

BTW, asshole, do you have an opinion on the argument about how Martin does or doesn't line medieval history into the story line of GoT? Or are you just cheerleading for your "pals" . I guess that you are one of the cool guy club on this board. Never mind. Don't bother. I already know the answer.

What is sad about you and your little fan club is that even in a simple subject like GoT, your abject refusal to discuss things and arguments without attacking people you disagree with is astonishing.


Discoverer of Dragosaurs
CCS Hall of Fame '22
Aug 20, 2012
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Jesus, are you still going? The butthurt is palpable. What you should really do is just start acting like a child, throw an hour+ long tantrum, add in a bunch of name-calling, accuse others of attacking people (while still acting juvenile), then strut around as though you've won something. I guess we could give you your own GIF as a prize? Oh, right...



CCS Donator
Nov 27, 2014
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Could he not have had sex with his sister before that wedding night? Hell, he told her that he would willingly give her to thousands of Drogos riders if he gained him an army. He also groped her before the ceremony.

What I am saying is that you nor I know whether or not Dany was raped by her brother and I do know that I think that under the culture of the day, that she wasn't raped by Drogo. I really do respect your insight on GoT but you haven't made your case on these questions.

"This is confirmed in Grmm's books by the simple fact on Dany's wedding night, Illyrio Mopatis, kept vigil over Dany's tent, to assure her maidenhead was not taken by Viserys, before she was wed to Drogo."

Reading comprehension?


CCS Donator
Mar 27, 2011
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It's so lazy to pick on Hawk and post that gif.

So, so, so, so lazy.

It's pathetic. He has his opinions, you have yours. If they are different, so fucking what.

The actual hatred is pathetic.


HS Referee HoF
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That is it. I finally fuckin lost it. Hawk is permanently blocked. I can't take one more post from that nut job.

Warrior Spirit

The Truth
Sep 12, 2010
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Could he not have had sex with his sister before that wedding night? Hell, he told her that he would willingly give her to thousands of Drogos riders if he gained him an army. He also groped her before the ceremony.

What I am saying is that you nor I know whether or not Dany was raped by her brother and I do know that I think that under the culture of the day, that she wasn't raped by Drogo. I really do respect your insight on GoT but you haven't made your case on these questions.
No, not possible. She had to be pure for the great Khal. There really is absolutely no doubt who she was referring to when she said she was sold like a broodmare and raped. The actress who portrays her even spelled it out in an interview. Think it's safe to drop this now.

The Hawk

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Jesus, are you still going? The butthurt is palpable. What you should really do is just start acting like a child, throw an hour+ long tantrum, add in a bunch of name-calling, accuse others of attacking people (while still acting juvenile), then strut around as though you've won something. I guess we could give you your own GIF as a prize? Oh, right...


One of the little clique members rises to the occasion once again. Congratulations. 51 and Ares really appreciate your pulling for them:(

The Hawk

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That is it. I finally fuckin lost it. Hawk is permanently blocked. I can't take one more post from that nut job.

Oh, my....I am so hurt:( xer0h0ur just doesn't have the intellect to follow basic logic on Dany's theoretical "rape" or how Martin borrows medieval history in his books. Poor baby just can't grasp the subject matter.

By the way, xero(has anyone been so aptly named), what did you "fuckin" lose?


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One of the little clique members rises to the occasion once again. Congratulations. 51 and Ares really appreciate your pulling for them:(

You got us. We formed a clique, there are strict requirements for entry:

1 - No weird obsessions with boning minors
2 - Must poses at least 14 brain cells
3 - No arguing the finer points of rape

You can apply for entry, but I'm afraid you may not make the cut.

The Hawk

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"This is confirmed in Grmm's books by the simple fact on Dany's wedding night, Illyrio Mopatis, kept vigil over Dany's tent, to assure her maidenhead was not taken by Viserys, before she was wed to Drogo."

Reading comprehension?

No and spare me the insult. There was no "certification" done on Dany before the wedding night. There was no dialogue at all about Drogo demanding that she be a virgin.

But I am done with this argument because it can't be proven one way or the other who Dany was referring to as having raped her. Perhaps she was just trying for sympathy as being persecuted in her younger days:) Maybe we will have to poll the feminists on the board, eh?

The Hawk

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You got us. We formed a clique, there are strict requirements for entry:

1 - No weird obsessions with boning minors
2 - Must poses at least 14 brain cells
3 - No arguing the finer points of rape

You can apply for entry, but I'm afraid you may not make the cut.

No thanks, little one. You can keep your little clique. There are some smart people on this board. Your little group is not representative on it.


Well-known member
Aug 21, 2012
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You got us. We formed a clique, there are strict requirements for entry:

1 - No weird obsessions with boning minors
2 - Must poses at least 14 brain cells
3 - No arguing the finer points of rape

You can apply for entry, but I'm afraid you may not make the cut.

Shit... is there a waiver for #2 when drinking?


CCS Donator
Mar 27, 2011
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Honestly, a lot of you are bullies. Team up and you think you're right, when it's just freaking opinions.

It shows how weak some of you are.


Discoverer of Dragosaurs
CCS Hall of Fame '22
Aug 20, 2012
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You know not of what you speak Gun. The Cawk has been spouting vile, hateful, shit on here for years and has earned any ridicule he receives. I mean, you know someone has gone far and beyond when they manage to get themselves banned from B&I -- a feat only accomplished by two others that I'm aware of (one for repeatedly making blatantly racist comments; the other for wishing death upon a man's wife and unborn child ad nauseam) -- and has received their very own reaction gif from the admins. It's not as though I pulled that gif out of my ass, they literally installed it into the "smiley" menu specifically for use in reaction to his posts. He is the author of such thought provoking quips as "...she's a bitch and a dyke. If she were a female dog I bet she'd lick herself." That seems like a reasonable observation in a discussion about political candidates, right? It definitely got to the heart of the issues facing our country, that's for sure. Then he goes off on these paranoid tirades about how people he thinks are mods (they aren't) are all ganging up on him and such -- when it was the actual mods (or maybe just one of them, I don't know) deleting his posts due to content they thought too extreme for a message board on which you can say virtually anything with little to no repercussion. But hey, if you think that's all normal, acceptable, behavior of an (assumedly) adult human being, then more power to you compadre.

Now, any chance we can get back to actually discussing the show from now on? I mean, swearing at people you disagree with is fun and mature and all, but it isn't really moving the conversation along particularly well.


Señor Member
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Honestly, a lot of you are bullies. Team up and you think you're right, when it's just freaking opinions.

It shows how weak some of you are.

Nope, not opinions.

Theon Greyjoy


Theon's uncle Euron Greyjoy.


Tyrion Lannister


Tyrion's dead uncle Kevan Lannister.


These are not opinions. If you really want to know the truth go back and read how wrong the Hawk is about everything. That's fine we all make mistakes, but he entered this thread acting like an expert. He said he had read every book and watched every show, then proceeded to get everything wrong, by a lot. When corrected he played the victim and claimed he was being picked on. It was a self fulfilling proficiency after all his crying he lashed out with bizarre attacks, so posters responded in kind.

You want to White Knight The Hawk, good for you, he's a great guy.

From 7/28 this thread.
Guess what, jerk-off, your latest post just proves how fucking ignorant you really are. I really do not understand people like you. The immaturity that you have is amazing. Even the way that you try and insult people is amateurish. You can't really be a man, right? You have to be a young teenage slug living in your mommy's basement, right? A sissy who finds a fit for himself on an internet board. Do you even have a job? I doubt it unless it is as a burger flipper if that. Probably couldn't hack it, though, if you had to make change at the register, though. Way to complicated for morons like you to comprehend.

That poor innocent little sweetheart, just minding his own business when the bullies attacked.

