Game of Thrones Thread


You wake him up, you keep him up
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CCS Hall of Fame '22
Aug 10, 2013
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Bronn is quite simply, the man.
He fucks bitches, kills people, drinks and doesn't give a shit.
He's literally survived the sand snakes, Blackwater bay, and nearly killed a dragon.
If he were alive today, he would be an SJW's worst nightmare.

Warrior Spirit

The Truth
Sep 12, 2010
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He's tried to teach her his game for much of their interactions. Hell he just did so again recently when he talked about everyone being an enemy and a friend and how one should fight every battle simultaneously. She'd have to be pretty stupid not to have gained some insight from the man considering all the pearls of wisdom he's dropped on her.
I wouldn't say he's tried to teach her as much as he tried to manipulate her. She was young and stupid but now has seen enough to know he's full of shit. LF will make 1 more move to try to gain the upper hand but with the all seeing Bran and the trained killer Arya, I'd say LF not only cannot manipulate the Starks any more but the hunter will become the prey and be taken down quickly and easily by them.


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Wow. You dudes are way ahead of me in terms of "whats next". I'm just wondering if the dragon that got shot was also poisoned, or can still fly!

That's what I was wondering, does Dany have dragon vets?


CCS Donator
Nov 27, 2014
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It's really the only thing that makes logical sense. And quit the fucking insults. Bronn is going to rescue the snake. And I didn't reach that conclusion from reading your "spoilers" either. Too bad that you cannot be just a good sport about things.

Dude, she has already been given the poison, what part of that don't you understand, she is dead. Same way Cersie's daughter died. So how in anyone's world is it logical? If you don't like the insults, stop being so dam dense.


CCS Donator
Nov 27, 2014
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You guys seem to harbor a giant misconception about how wagon-trains/supply lines work. The Lannister army wasn't wiped out, that was only a small portion of it. Hell, right before the battle Jaime et al were discussing how their line was stretched too thin to be able to defend itself (with the head already having delivered the gold to KL and the tail being made up of stragglers that good ol Randyll wanted to have flogged as motivation). So, the army was stretched out over a number of miles and the attack hit the middle of it. It appears to have lost it's primary commander, but old many Tarly is a stud in that respect, so Jaime will simply be replaced as the vast majority of the army should have survived the assault.

As for reinforcements, they already discussed employing the Golden Company with a future loan from the Iron Bank once they paid off their current balance (done).

They got the gold, but lost all the food. Tarly's fate is as much, if not more in question than Jamies. But your right, they only lost a small portion of the Army, but still, little loss's add up.


CCS Donator
Nov 27, 2014
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Yeah I was just using the Hawk's terminology. My point was simply once this attack is known and I am the Iron Bank, there is no logical reason for me to lend Cersei more money for an army until these dragons are dealt with. It's wasted money.

It would be like lending money for a guy to go buy more guns when the opponent has a nuke. Until you neutralize the nuke, all you are doing is throwing money down the toilet.

Unless of course that money is being spent on building a shit ton of those dragon cross bows. It's a lot easier to promise more loans and shit when a dragon attack is just theory. Now people have seen what 1 can actually do and she has 3 of them.

Simple thing to do would not be to let the gold make it back to Bravos...........It may have made it to KL, but it still has to travel by ship to bravos.


CCS Donator
Nov 27, 2014
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I wouldn't say he's tried to teach her as much as he tried to manipulate her. She was young and stupid but now has seen enough to know he's full of shit. LF will make 1 more move to try to gain the upper hand but with the all seeing Bran and the trained killer Arya, I'd say LF not only cannot manipulate the Starks any more but the hunter will become the prey and be taken down quickly and easily by them.

Brann is his demise.


CCS Donator
Nov 27, 2014
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Lets see now. The Lancaster army has been wiped out now. The Tyrell army is gone. But the sea belongs to Euron and his blokes. Somehow what remains of Dany's fleet has to get the Worm back into the fight. I could see Theon and Davos sneaking past Euron's navy and getting the Worm back into the fight. Maybe the Imp's knowledge of the weaknesses of Kings Landing gets them into it to rescue Theon's sis also. Don't see the Dothraki talents coming into play in the attack on king's Landing. I could see them as key participants in the fight against the White Walkers, though.

You do realize Casterly Rock is not on an island right? They can March back to KL if they have too.


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Sep 15, 2012
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I wouldn't say he's tried to teach her as much as he tried to manipulate her. She was young and stupid but now has seen enough to know he's full of shit. LF will make 1 more move to try to gain the upper hand but with the all seeing Bran and the trained killer Arya, I'd say LF not only cannot manipulate the Starks any more but the hunter will become the prey and be taken down quickly and easily by them.

Those two things are not mutually exclusive. He tries to manipulate everyone. However, he has also clearly tried to teach her how to play the Game. She's become better at it precisely because of his tutelage not despite it. The whole thing with LF is that he doesn't completely lie to you. He flat out told Ned not to trust him and the dude did so anyway.

At every step in the process, LF has taught Sansa and also told her to be weary of him and everyone. He's more like a Sith Lord where you either learn from his tutelage and manipulations in order to eventually surpass him or you get destroyed by those manipulations.


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Sep 15, 2012
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Dude, she has already been given the poison, what part of that don't you understand, she is dead. Same way Cersie's daughter died. So how in anyone's world is it logical? If you don't like the insults, stop being so dam dense.

There is an antidote though because Cersei drank it after kissing her. I suppose there is also the possibility that the Sand Snakes have built up some sort of immunity to it if it's there poison of choice. Perhaps they take it in small doses to build up a resistance.

Of course, I think both are far fetched and unlikely but every man is entitled to their dreams. Let the Hawk fly free with his.


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I agree with those that think Jamie will join Dany and Jon. I think Dany will convince him by giving him the whole speech on how she wants world peace (unlike Cersei), and then she'll also thank him and tell him how much she appreciates him killing her father, something he hasn't gotten much of since doing that. Coming from the own mad king's daughter, I think that'll really tug his heartstrings.

That and she has dragons.


CCS Donator
Nov 27, 2014
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There is an antidote though because Cersei drank it after kissing her. I suppose there is also the possibility that the Sand Snakes have built up some sort of immunity to it if it's there poison of choice. Perhaps they take it in small doses to build up a resistance.

Of course, I think both are far fetched and unlikely but every man is entitled to their dreams. Let the Hawk fly free with his.

She was given the poison two episodes ago, far pass the time for any antidote to be effective. They might have built up some resistance, but even Ellaria had to take the antidote fairly quickly after she gave the deadly kiss to Mrycella. While I guess in GOT anything is possible, it would be a huge plot hole to imagine that a month after the poison had been administered an antidote could still be effective, if that were the case, the dose of poison probably wasn't fatal to begin with.

Now, Bronn might find out and be enraged by this, and I hope that is a case, and it leads to his changing sides, as he is one of my favorite characters, and I was quite conflicted in the last battle scene, wanting Dany to slaughter the Lannisters, yet have Bronn and Jamie live.


CCS Donator
Nov 27, 2014
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I agree with those that think Jamie will join Dany and Jon. I think Dany will convince him by giving him the whole speech on how she wants world peace (unlike Cersei), and then she'll also thank him and tell him how much she appreciates him killing her father, something he hasn't gotten much of since doing that. Coming from the own mad king's daughter, I think that'll really tug his heartstrings.

That and she has dragons.

I think we did see a bit of foreshadowing when Jamie was talking to Dickon (lmao) about the reach soldiers not deserving to die.

when it becomes obvious that Cersei has no intentions on keeping her promise to a cease fire and help Jon and Dany against the WW's, that is the last straw for Jamie, and he leaves, disgusted.


Captain Objectivity
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Aug 20, 2012
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Am I the only person in America who has never watched this show?


Captain Objectivity
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Aug 20, 2012
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Yes, wtf is wrong with u

Just doesn't appeal to me. Everyone I know watches it and tells me to start watching it. It surely must be the most popular show in TV history. I've never in my life heard so many people constantly go on about a show. It's almost like a religion. Maybe that's partly why I avoid it - it's annoyingly overwhelming.


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Aug 21, 2012
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Just doesn't appeal to me. Everyone I know watches it and tells me to start watching it. It surely must be the most popular show in TV history. I've never in my life heard so many people constantly go on about a show. It's almost like a religion. Maybe that's partly why I avoid it - it's annoyingly overwhelming.

So too many people enjoy the show, thus you don't like the show, while admittedly never having bothered to watch a single episode.

FYI you are not the first person I've encountered who has done this routine.... thus far they have all wound up trying the show out and then binge the entire series.

You have no obligation to watch the show, but I would say don't deprive yourself of a good show just because people are cult fanatics.... truth be told I did that during the 1st season, then I watched it and never looked back.


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Just doesn't appeal to me. Everyone I know watches it and tells me to start watching it. It surely must be the most popular show in TV history. I've never in my life heard so many people constantly go on about a show. It's almost like a religion. Maybe that's partly why I avoid it - it's annoyingly overwhelming.

It's one of the most popular shows on right now, but it only averages around 10 million viewers a show (probably more with illegal streaming, etc.) Compared to a lot of other shows in history, 10 million isn't that much. Maybe because it's on HBO, and not everyone has HBO, idk.

It didn't appeal to me either, but I got hooked. Actually, after I watched three episodes, I actually found the show boring, and didn't watch the 4th one until 3 months later when I had nothing else to do. Got hooked after that.

In regards to people constantly going on about the show, I think that's common for all popular shows. It's the same way with the Walking Dead, it was like that for Breaking Bad, and I'm sure a million other shows.
