Game of Thrones Thread


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Aug 21, 2012
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It's one of the most popular shows on right now, but it only averages around 10 million viewers a show (probably more with illegal streaming, etc.) Compared to a lot of other shows in history, 10 million isn't that much. Maybe because it's on HBO, and not everyone has HBO, idk.

It didn't appeal to me either, but I got hooked. Actually, after I watched three episodes, I actually found the show boring, and didn't watch the 4th one until 3 months later when I had nothing else to do. Got hooked after that.

In regards to people constantly going on about the show, I think that's common for all popular shows. It's the same way with the Walking Dead, it was like that for Breaking Bad, and I'm sure a million other shows.

I was just gonna mention Breaking Bad... I actually never watched it while it was airing... I watched the first few episodes and was kinda meh on it, wondered why people had hyped it up so much to me.... then I pressed on and binged the whole series over the course of like 2-3 weeks.

One thing to remember as an outside observer, a show will never be as enthralling to you starting off as it is to the viewer who has seen 50 episodes and wants more.

That's not to say the show isn't great, just you should not assume you will be a raging addict of the show off one hit lol


Captain Objectivity
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Aug 20, 2012
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So too many people enjoy the show, thus you don't like the show, while admittedly never having bothered to watch a single episode.

Eh, no, that isn't exactly what I said. I said "maybe that's partly why I avoid it", not "that's certainly the entire reason I avoid it".

I've never been interested in fantasy stuff, and reading some of the posts in this thread, it does appear there's an element of magic/fantasy in it. If I liked the sound of the show I would have watched at the beginning before it outgrew Hinduism, Roman Catholicism and Adele in its following.

In regards to people constantly going on about the show, I think that's common for all popular shows. It's the same way with the Walking Dead, it was like that for Breaking Bad, and I'm sure a million other shows.

You're probably right. I tried BB but wasn't hooked, and TWD is of absolutely zero interest to me for reasons mentioned above.

I did binge watch Shameless and Girls though :)


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Aug 21, 2012
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If you don't like fantasy/sci-fi I can't help.... lol I think 99% of my shows are fantasy/sci-fi

The Americans is fantastic if you've not seen it...


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Sep 15, 2012
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She was given the poison two episodes ago, far pass the time for any antidote to be effective. They might have built up some resistance, but even Ellaria had to take the antidote fairly quickly after she gave the deadly kiss to Mrycella. While I guess in GOT anything is possible, it would be a huge plot hole to imagine that a month after the poison had been administered an antidote could still be effective, if that were the case, the dose of poison probably wasn't fatal to begin with.

Now, Bronn might find out and be enraged by this, and I hope that is a case, and it leads to his changing sides, as he is one of my favorite characters, and I was quite conflicted in the last battle scene, wanting Dany to slaughter the Lannisters, yet have Bronn and Jamie live.

Like I said, it's far fetched and unlikely. Just saying in the world of TV, as you said anything is possible. Ellaria taking the antidote doesn't necessarily mean much as she could have built up a resistance in her kids starting young. We don't know when they started using the poison so quite possible Ellaria was already an adult by the time she came to acquire knowledge of it. Hence why only her children had the chance to build up a resistance. But mainly I'm just playing devil's advocate.

The Hawk

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It seemed like they were right outside King's Landing. Just before the attack Tarly rolls up to Jaime and says they just got the gold in the city, which I take to mean their army is camped relatively near by. So I assume that was Blackwater Bay.

Now, how the depth went from shallow enough for Jaime to gallop through to suddenly it's the briny deeps, I don't know. Maybe the Bears need to draft Bronn as a hard hitting safety because apparently he can lay lumber hard enough to send Jaime out to sea.

Good stuff. Since they are that close to King Landing, maybe Jamie and Bronn can make it there. Wouldn't be surprised if the Imp helps out his brother and Bronn to escape. Clearly he loves Jamie.

The Hawk

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Jaime's character, at least in my opinion, is far and away the most interesting in terms of how he has developed over the course of the series.

I agree. He is clearly a conflicted soul who still has some honor in him despite some of bad things he has done in his life.


You wake him up, you keep him up
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CCS Hall of Fame '22
Aug 10, 2013
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Am I the only person in America who has never watched this show?

get with the program

dont be afraid that you'll get hooked. its not like its meth, once you start you wont become some ass backwards hick living in the deep south boonies shoplifting from walmart


CCS Donator
Nov 27, 2014
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So too many people enjoy the show, thus you don't like the show, while admittedly never having bothered to watch a single episode.

FYI you are not the first person I've encountered who has done this routine.... thus far they have all wound up trying the show out and then binge the entire series.

You have no obligation to watch the show, but I would say don't deprive yourself of a good show just because people are cult fanatics.... truth be told I did that during the 1st season, then I watched it and never looked back.

Heh, I did the same and didn't watch until season 5, then binge watched the entire 5 seasons, fun times, I wish this option came up more often.

The Hawk

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Yeah I was just using the Hawk's terminology. My point was simply once this attack is known and I am the Iron Bank, there is no logical reason for me to lend Cersei more money for an army until these dragons are dealt with. It's wasted money.

It would be like lending money for a guy to go buy more guns when the opponent has a nuke. Until you neutralize the nuke, all you are doing is throwing money down the toilet.

Unless of course that money is being spent on building a shit ton of those dragon cross bows. It's a lot easier to promise more loans and shit when a dragon attack is just theory. Now people have seen what 1 can actually do and she has 3 of them.

What do we know about the Iron Bank itself. It clearly controls the world's money supply but does it also have its own army or the capacity to get one? Clearly when Cersei had that meet-up with its representative, the guy seemed more than willing to loan her some more money if necessary but that was before Dany kicked ass on the Lannister army. Also, if they can get Worm and company out of Casterly Rock, They will have Cersei pretty well cornered. I am sure that Jamie will relate to her that it was the Tyrells that killed Joffrey not the Imp and Jamie will probably try to talk her into surrendering in order to save the carnage due to rain down on Kings Landing. I think that Jamie and the Imp have probably seen enough of what dragons and Dothraki can do to the Lannisters.

The Hawk

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Dude, she has already been given the poison, what part of that don't you understand, she is dead. Same way Cersie's daughter died. So how in anyone's world is it logical? If you don't like the insults, stop being so dam dense.

Dude? For every poison there is an antidote. Quit being so shallow. It is logical to the story line. I really do not understand why you choose to insult me for giving an opinion on what indeed might happen. Do you think that somehow it is only your opinion that matters? I would say that is pretty self serving and arrogant on your part.

Gustavus Adolphus

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I agree. He is clearly a conflicted soul who still has some honor in him despite some of bad things he has done in his life.

Don't take this the wrong way, but in this thread, I'd prefer to not have you agree with me.

The Hawk

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They got the gold, but lost all the food. Tarly's fate is as much, if not more in question than Jamies. But your right, they only lost a small portion of the Army, but still, little loss's add up.

We do not know how much of the army they lost. COnsidering that they were worried about whipping the soldiers carrying the food, I'd say that most of their forces were involved in that enterprise than were guarding the gold and that was the lion's share of the army. So I'd guess that a lot more than half of their army was lost in that battle.

Gustavus Adolphus

CCS Hall of Fame '20
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Dude? For every poison there is an antidote. Quit being so shallow. It is logical to the story line.
This is a pretty fair point. Of course it assumes Bronn gets there before the poison kills her. It also assumes Bronn is able to assess the situation in time. It further assumes he's able to find a maester in time to give her the antidote. So sure, if Bronn is able to all do that before the poison kills the girl that is chained up in a dungeon, yeah, it's logical to the story line.

The Hawk

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She was given the poison two episodes ago, far pass the time for any antidote to be effective. They might have built up some resistance, but even Ellaria had to take the antidote fairly quickly after she gave the deadly kiss to Mrycella. While I guess in GOT anything is possible, it would be a huge plot hole to imagine that a month after the poison had been administered an antidote could still be effective, if that were the case, the dose of poison probably wasn't fatal to begin with.

Now, Bronn might find out and be enraged by this, and I hope that is a case, and it leads to his changing sides, as he is one of my favorite characters, and I was quite conflicted in the last battle scene, wanting Dany to slaughter the Lannisters, yet have Bronn and Jamie live.

YOu do not know the poison's lethality anymore than anyone else does so knock it off. The potioneer himself said it depends on the person's constitution.


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Dec 19, 2012
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maybe you guys just assuming too much that bron cares about these skunks or snakes. He cares about himself and gold not much else


CCS Donator
Nov 27, 2014
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Dude? For every poison there is an antidote. Quit being so shallow. It is logical to the story line. I really do not understand why you choose to insult me for giving an opinion on what indeed might happen. Do you think that somehow it is only your opinion that matters? I would say that is pretty self serving and arrogant on your part.

Well, first of all your wrong, there is not an antidote for every poison, but I will grant you that there is an antidote for the poison ingested by Tyene. It's not logical to the story, the episode was titled "queens justice". AKA justice was served for Mycella's poisoning. Bronn has been away from KL, for at least a month, this was obvious in both the fact he traveled to the reach, fought the battle, then returned, and as at the end of episode 4, still wasn't back in Kings Landing. So, saying he is not captured and brought to Dragonstone next epidsode (which would further delay his "rescue attempt"); at the very least, Tyene, who was poisoned in episode 3, ingested the poison at least a month, if not more, that feasibly possible before Bronn could ever make it to her. Antidotes don't work when the victim is already dead.

Your grasping at straws here. So, barring the Red priest showing up and resurrecting her, Tyene is dead, or D & D has a massively huge plot hole.

And to put this argument to rest, so you can stop arguing just for point of argument, Ellaria star Indira Varma, has already gone on public record, stating Showrunners David Benioff and Dan Weiss called her and said she (and the SS's) were done.


CCS Donator
Nov 27, 2014
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We do not know how much of the army they lost. COnsidering that they were worried about whipping the soldiers carrying the food, I'd say that most of their forces were involved in that enterprise than were guarding the gold and that was the lion's share of the army. So I'd guess that a lot more than half of their army was lost in that battle.

And you would be wrong again, the bulk of those forces were the stragglers, as was shown during the episode. Your saying guard the food, not the gold?
