Game of Thrones Thread


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Sep 15, 2012
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Here's your recap of the episode:

Started well enough with the dialogue (Tormund especially), then just tanked... It doesn't help that the whole mission beyond the Wall was Special person to begin with, but even discounting that, everything was just way too convenient and contrived. It was basically an 80's action movie and featured the most absurd abuse of the jetpacking perk yet.

- Bear attack: Action for action sake, but the fight sequence didn't make much sense (small gripe)
- They just "stumble upon" a litte roving band of one (1) White Walker and his little band of misfits (THIS COULD BE OUR CHANCE GUYS!). How convenient.
- Hmmm, kill the White Walker and a bunch of wights eat shit along with it... except 1 (JUST WHAT WE WERE LOOKING FOR! I GUESS OUR MISSION IS DONE!). By the way, we saw Jon take out a White Walker at Hardhome, and a bunch of wights didn't also each shit. But sure, I guess we're all learning things.
- Of course, the full army of the dead is right there because WHY THE FUCK WOULD THEY NOT BE?!!? (Reason #110011 this mission was Special person in the first place).
- Hey Gendry, apparently we're only like a couple blocks away from Eastwatch still. Run on back there, and tell them to send a fucking raven TO DRAGONSTONE to tell Dany that we're about to be murdered by the army of the dead. Dragonstone is not close.
- Of course Dany gets the message about five minutes later and, of course, decides to go (in her freshly knitted royal garb from the Targaryen winter collection), after some more tortured dialogue between her and Tyrion as if there was a debate. (Yeah, we get it, their relationship is on the skids).
- Meanwhile, Jon and gang spend the night sleeping on a rock, exposed to the elements surrounded by the damn army that brings the worst winter ever-- but hey, only Thoros froze to death, so I guess it's a win.
- Finally, the fighting starts and the sequence is pretty weak. Besides being completed surrounded and outnumbered by millions, they manage to keep the dead at bay until Jon says to "fall back" (to where), only to realize they're still on a rock and still surrounded! (no shit). Apparently it only took 10 minutes for the rear flank of zombies to reach the rock too!!
- Man, this is tense... Oh wait, no it's not because of course here's Dany in the nick of time to burn the dead with her jetpack enabled dragons. Emotional impact: Negative.
- Funny, for dragons that can somehow travel at the speed of sound, they have a really hard time evading surface-to-air projectiles hurling at a fraction of those speeds.
- But Dany saves the day, nonetheless, so hey Jon, get on the fucking dragon and let's gtfo... NO, must keep fighting and have another contrived near death experience as he gets dragged under water by undead! He's really screwed now! :panic:
- Nope... here he is coming out of the water. :shrug: How? Why? Fuck you. Regards, B&B.
- Well shit, guess Jon's alive, but there are still dead everywhere. He's super screwed again!! Nope. Coldhands. I mean, Uncle Benjen. Long time, no see, I guess? Well, thank you for your service. :yawn:
- Fuck it. Jon's soaking wet and it's cold as fuck. Ride like the wind to Eastwatch.

I will quibble a bit on your points.

1. The NK has an army. Armies historically employ scouts and so it is not out of the realm of possibility that they stumbled upon the scouts of the NK army.

2. It was said that killing a Wight Walker kills the undead it created. So the undead with the Scout happened to be created by him. So with respect to Wight Walker at Hardhome, was there anything in that scene that made it clear it had created those specific undead as if not then they wouldn't die by killing the Wight Walker?

3. Agreed Gendry running like Usain Bolt, the Raven getting to Dragonstone and the dragons arriving in the nick of time was very contrived. It's like the Dragons have an FTL drive or something.

4. The dragon didn't appear to see or care about the projectile until it killed him. We've seen dragons get hit by simple arrows before so I suspect they are not overall concerned about being tagged by projectiles as they can just brush most projectiles off with their dragon skin.

5. Agreed regarding how Jon magically survived being dragged down or how he didn't die of hypothermia after submerged in ice cold water for several minutes and then riding all the way back to the Eastwatch without anything to keep him warm. Unless he is some sort of undead/living hybrid, there is no way a normal human can survive in those conditions.


Well-known member
Dec 19, 2012
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The night king army is dead adversaries. But who are his horsemen? Did the children create them also or did nk do that? Were they men who chose to go to dark side?


CCS Donator
Nov 27, 2014
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The night king army is dead adversaries. But who are his horsemen? Did the children create them also or did nk do that? Were they men who chose to go to dark side?

I believe it is implied they were created by the NK using Craster's baby boys.......


CCS Donator
Nov 27, 2014
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I will quibble a bit on your points.

1. The NK has an army. Armies historically employ scouts and so it is not out of the realm of possibility that they stumbled upon the scouts of the NK army.

2. It was said that killing a Wight Walker kills the undead it created. So the undead with the Scout happened to be created by him. So with respect to Wight Walker at Hardhome, was there anything in that scene that made it clear it had created those specific undead as if not then they wouldn't die by killing the Wight Walker?

3. Agreed Gendry running like Usain Bolt, the Raven getting to Dragonstone and the dragons arriving in the nick of time was very contrived. It's like the Dragons have an FTL drive or something.

4. The dragon didn't appear to see or care about the projectile until it killed him. We've seen dragons get hit by simple arrows before so I suspect they are not overall concerned about being tagged by projectiles as they can just brush most projectiles off with their dragon skin.

5. Agreed regarding how Jon magically survived being dragged down or how he didn't die of hypothermia after submerged in ice cold water for several minutes and then riding all the way back to the Eastwatch without anything to keep him warm. Unless he is some sort of undead/living hybrid, there is no way a normal human can survive in those conditions.

I actually agree with this, the scout party was easy to believe, but that whole FTL thing about Gendry/raven/dragon's was just a bit too much. Not to mention the chains (why on Earth would anyone in Westeros have chains like that? Does the NK have a forge)?

So much of that was totally unnecessary and added nothing to the story.

Why not just have Dany and her Dragons at the Wall already? She could have had second thoughts and decided to fly to Eastwatch shortly after Jon and crew set sail, possibly arriving a few hours before Gendry ever showed up. As for Gendry, I guess it is possible he could have made it back to the wall in time, it never appeared Jon and company had been traveling that long. And when Viserion died, why not just have him crash on land, not fall into the lake, did dragging him out of the lake really add anything to the story?

Sloppy writing I am afraid, but, hey, I still enjoyed it, but could use a few less "come on man" moments.

On point number 5, it is possible (although highly unlikely) that the horse Jon was on gave off enough body heat to prevent hypothermia.

The Hawk

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Jan 21, 2014
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I will quibble a bit on your points.

1. The NK has an army. Armies historically employ scouts and so it is not out of the realm of possibility that they stumbled upon the scouts of the NK army.

2. It was said that killing a Wight Walker kills the undead it created. So the undead with the Scout happened to be created by him. So with respect to Wight Walker at Hardhome, was there anything in that scene that made it clear it had created those specific undead as if not then they wouldn't die by killing the Wight Walker?

3. Agreed Gendry running like Usain Bolt, the Raven getting to Dragonstone and the dragons arriving in the nick of time was very contrived. It's like the Dragons have an FTL drive or something.

4. The dragon didn't appear to see or care about the projectile until it killed him. We've seen dragons get hit by simple arrows before so I suspect they are not overall concerned about being tagged by projectiles as they can just brush most projectiles off with their dragon skin.

5. Agreed regarding how Jon magically survived being dragged down or how he didn't die of hypothermia after submerged in ice cold water for several minutes and then riding all the way back to the Eastwatch without anything to keep him warm. Unless he is some sort of undead/living hybrid, there is no way a normal human can survive in those conditions.

JOn had his special coat on along with Underarmor")

Warrior Spirit

The Truth
Sep 12, 2010
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Why people have so many hang ups about a fantasy, I'll never know.

Really have no idea how much time passed here or there so show runners have that going for them.

When Jon said send a crow, that's just a figure of speech, in emergency situations they actually send a falcon that travels in excess of 200 mph.

And why is anybody worried about hypothermia here? This man is a warrior not some pussy like you peeps on this mb who worry about ruining a QB's psyche by pushing him too fast. Also, this is the dude of fire and ice so not as susceptible to body temp changes as the average Joe.

Glad I could clear this up for you dorks.

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Well-known member
Aug 20, 2012
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If someone gets a good link to the final episode please post it. That last one was great. Appreciate it!

The Hawk

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Jan 21, 2014
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Jon is just more man than the likes of your hero Jorah the explorah and that's why he gets the girl next week.

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Maybe so. We will see. I am starting to think that Gendry will end up on the Iron Throne when all of the dust settles in this series and will have the backing of Jon. I also question whether Dany will marry Jon because of her being unable to have children and the fact that Jon likes redheads so much:)

Warrior Spirit

The Truth
Sep 12, 2010
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Maybe so. We will see. I am starting to think that Gendry will end up on the Iron Throne when all of the dust settles in this series and will have the backing of Jon. I also question whether Dany will marry Jon because of her being unable to have children and the fact that Jon likes redheads so much:)

There is nothing other than a witch's hex that says she can't have a child. She will have one and Jon ain't gonna let it be a bastard.

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The Hawk

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Jan 21, 2014
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I guessed correctly that Dany was going to help Jon against the WWs. Disappointed by the end of Jon's Uncle though. Can he turn now into a Zombie? Hope not. Somehow Sam Tarley is going to end up a hero in the fight against the Night King and his army. I also think that Brann is going to have a big impact with his ability to go back into time. Maybe he gets together with Sam and together they will figure out the history of the NK and figure out a way to kill him.

Warrior Spirit

The Truth
Sep 12, 2010
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Boat sex

Yeah. Saw a weird plot spoiler for how they do it on the show. Bran and Sam will be piecing together Jon's true parents as they keep cutting back and forth to Jon and Dany on the boat


Well-known member
Dec 19, 2012
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If it's true that the nk henchmen are castor children even though they look like old men could there be significance there with little sam? He's such a useless part of the story and with budgets useless people get cut out in movie world. Maybe little sam is key to defeating nk? I believe in the books it's mance kid they have but guess that was irrelevant enough to not make the show.

So how can we tie little sam importance to this....

Warrior Spirit

The Truth
Sep 12, 2010
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If it's true that the nk henchmen are castor children even though they look like old men could there be significance there with little sam? He's such a useless part of the story and with budgets useless people get cut out in movie world. Maybe little sam is key to defeating nk? I believe in the books it's mance kid they have but guess that was irrelevant enough to not make the show.

So how can we tie little sam importance to this....

i dont know what kind of paycheck Little Sam commands but I'm thinking not much.

With all these special swords and even dagger now, it's hard to say which one is required to kill the NK but remember Sam also took a sword from his father's house and I don't think Dad will be asking for it back.

The way I look at the army of the dead is those risen from the dead still decay and stuff along the way. The White Walkers weren't actually dead but transformed from babies except for the NK who was transformed from a man. What a White Walker's life expectancy is or how much they age, IDK. I would send out a hitman for NK cause when he's gone they all gone.

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Warrior Spirit

The Truth
Sep 12, 2010
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You know, Little Sam could be the cause of the Great War come to think of it. Men had a treaty with NK and his army that included Craster giving all these babies to NK but Little Sam got away. Treaty broken. Bad ass Night King is pissed and is bringing the harm because of it.

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Camden Cutler

Black Boy Fly
Aug 21, 2012
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You know, Little Sam could be the cause of the Great War come to think of it. Men had a treaty with NK and his army that included Craster giving all these babies to NK but Little Sam got away. Treaty broken. Bad ass Night King is pissed and is bringing the harm because of it.

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well damn...beard stroking material
