Game of Thrones Thread


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Dec 19, 2012
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I'm curious to see what Dany and Jon's reaction will be once they know. The Targaryens are obviously notorious for incest, but I'm not sure if Dany wants to continue that trend. I can't recall if she's directly mentioned her family's incestuous past, at least on the show. I don't think Jon is exactly a big fan of incest, but I think the Starks have a history as well.

On the other hand, they do seem to make a pretty good couple. We'll see.

As for the throne, Jon has never really cared for the throne. He has always had a strong attachment to the North and Winterfell. I happen to think revelations on his bloodline won't change that. Rhaegar is his biological father, but his uncle Ned has been his real father, practically speaking. Both prefer honor over chasing power.

Although, I think many people will want him to be king, for good reason. I think it's possible that Dany and Jon end up ruling side by side, fully uniting the Targaryens and the Starks, effectively(Ice and Fire).

It depends on how many inches of snow she got and whether she got knocked up or not. Someone who thinks she can't get pregnant end up with a baby that's biblical signs brah


Well-known member
Dec 19, 2012
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An heir to the throne can't just say "nah, I'm good...let someone else rule" can they?

Also the way Tyrion was acting as the sex played out proves he knew all along, that Jon and Dany are related.

That's the most suspicious part of the show. Like he didn't want them hooking up. Or did he sell them out and that ship is about to be hit by euron? Cersei still in war mode, tyrion doesn't look happy, Jon and danerys not focused.......
Oct 9, 2012
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That's the most suspicious part of the show. Like he didn't want them hooking up. Or did he sell them out and that ship is about to be hit by euron? Cersei still in war mode, tyrion doesn't look happy, Jon and danerys not focused.......

Hmmm, maybe they'll both die and Queen Tatiana can claim the Iron Throne.



CCS Hall of Fame '20
Apr 18, 2010
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Jon wouldn't want to rule and Dany wouldn't stand in his way if he did want to, with him being the father of her human child.


But actually, yea, I wouldn't be surprised. Another possible outcome I could see is that Jon Snow ends up sacrificing himself or dying heroically defeating the NK. Dany ends up ruling solo with her child. I think that because I just don't really think Jon has ever fit in the politics of GOT. He's always been about the watch and defeating the WWs. His story might be done along with the WWs, which has pretty much been his rallying cry for seasons(e.g. uniting the wildlings and watch, getting Dany to help him,etc.).

Remember that Martin said the ending will be "bittersweet". Jon Snow's death could be part of that.


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Sep 15, 2012
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Arya is obviously a threat to anybody's life now. And LF likely feared she was more likely to kill him than Sansa and also knew, as all did, she would vigorously support Jon.

No, I didn't read the books but the show has surpassed them. Even in the show LF looked more clever and ahead of the game in earlier seasons. But what happens to the con man after many of his cons have played out and most are aware of the con man's game now? He becomes weaker and far less clever cause too many people see him for exactly what he is.

He has no reason to fear her because he has no reason to think she knows anything. His being afraid of her would make sense if he thought he knew something.

Otherwise why hasn't he plotted against Brienne or a hundred other characters that could kill him? The dude lives in a world of people that could easily kill him and decided to fuck with Arya for what reason?

Warrior Spirit

The Truth
Sep 12, 2010
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An heir to the throne can't just say "nah, I'm good...let someone else rule" can they?

Also the way Tyrion was acting as the sex played out proves he knew all along, that Jon and Dany are related.
I don't think Tyrion thinks any such thing. The chance also exists he is a Targaryen. Think his concern is just him having less say with Dany than Jon.

Jon could become a reluctant leader again and take the Iron Throne with Dany as King and Queen, no hurt feelings.
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Warrior Spirit

The Truth
Sep 12, 2010
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He has no reason to fear her because he has no reason to think she knows anything. His being afraid of her would make sense if he thought he knew something.

Otherwise why hasn't he plotted against Brienne or a hundred other characters that could kill him? The dude lives in a world of people that could easily kill him and decided to fuck with Arya for what reason?You
He saw her take it to Brienne and is familiar with the faceless men. Brienne is not Sansa's sister so obviously not as able to get in her ear nor would she support Jon over Sansa.
Oct 9, 2012
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I think when Tyrion found out that Cersei was prego he decided to switch allegiances due to feeling responsible for the loss of all her kids. He'll end up headless because of it.


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Apr 28, 2011
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Just watched last night's episode. Whew, a nice return to form. The previous few episodes weren't great and I was getting pretty worried, but last night's episode was pretty top tier.


CCS Donator
Nov 27, 2014
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Yes we all know they were creating more tension as that's my point. There is no good in story reason to drag this out.

There is no need to catch him off guard if ultimately it was a fake trial to begin with because his fate was sealed once Bran told them the truth. So the drama here is artificial as it's drama to please the audience. Not drama that makes sense in the story. In the story if they simply intended to rail road and murder him then the con is unnecessary.

He's going to die with or without the con.

Your operating under the assumption that Sansa/Arya tension all season long was just a long con, and I don't think that is the case. I believe the tension was real. It was not until episode 7 that Sansa put all the pieces together, using LF's own methods described here:


LF clearly doesn't breakdown until after Bran interjects Lf's complicity in the murder of Ned Stark. Yes he does admit to killing Lyssa, who was a "Troubled Woman" but strongly denies all the other allegations against him. As soon as Bran interjects, Lf gets that whole "shit, I am fucked look". He could have still maintained his innocence, asking for proof, but the proof could be found, and LF knows it.

Your hinging a lot of your arguments on Lord Royce, who himself had his life threatened by LF, and has first hand knowledge of how he operates. It would only make sense that Sansa had talked to him prior to the trial, admitted what really happened at the Vale, and Lord Royce accepted her explanation of events. I am not so quick as you as to think Lord Royce was at all out of character, quite the opposite.

As for proof, I can tell you a few scenes did end up on the editing room floor, and Sansa did have proof in the original draft. The Maester at WF had ever scroll every sent to WF in storage, including some sent by LF to Ramsay.


CCS Donator
Nov 27, 2014
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That's the most suspicious part of the show. Like he didn't want them hooking up. Or did he sell them out and that ship is about to be hit by euron? Cersei still in war mode, tyrion doesn't look happy, Jon and danerys not focused.......

There is an interview floating around out there from Peter D that explains his "look" prior to Jon boning Dany. According to Peter, he is not jealous, rather he fears for them and romances in times of war almost always end up going tragic.
