Game of Thrones Thread

The Hawk

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Jan 21, 2014
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I think he wanted commandership of their armys

I know you are trying to insult me but once again, you just made a fool of yourself. By the way, smart ass, ARMYS? -------> ARMIES.


CCS Donator
Nov 27, 2014
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But again you are starting with a conclusion and then trying to fit things to your conclusion. It's backwards logic.

Your argument is thus. Because you need the story to make sense you are jumping through hoops and having all sorts of things explained off screen to support your conclusion that that the story must make sense.

I on the other hand have reviewed the story as told on the show and concluded it does not make sense because I don't have a need or desire to fit the story into a preconceived conclusion by assuming a bunch of shit happened off screen.

Except that is complete nonsense. The story as told on the show fits much better into my depiction of events, so get a clue. Either way, there had to be a lot going on off screen in either scenario, so that has to be the absolute stupidest argument you have made to date. If what your trying to say is nothing of any relevance happened off screen, well then, you just proved me right, thank you for that.


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Sep 15, 2012
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And to clarify a point. LF doesn't need to know what Bran is. All he needs to know is Bran said something that only LF and Varys should know.

So either this is coincidence or Bran is a grave threat. For a character that rose from nothing to the heights if power by being devious and trading on information, it makes no sense for him to just assume it's the former.

Again it goes against everything LF. At a minimum he should have questioned Bran to see what more he knows. And if Bran us not forthcoming then he should have taken steps to figure out how Bran came to have this knowledge.

Given thus is a world where magic and prophecy and other weird shit exists, there is no reason for LF to not do anything about Bran's comment. Especially when again his philosophy us to imagine the worst. The worst implications of Bran's comment is that he knows LF's secrets so it's a completely out of character moment for LF to never pursue the truth.


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Aug 21, 2012
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I know you are trying to insult mebu t once again, you just made a fool of yourself once again. By the way, smart ass, ARMYS? -------> ARMIES.

So are you saying one cannot gain commandership of an armys? but they can gain commandership of armies?

The entire concept of commandership is a bit beyond my comprehension, I wish you would explain more.


CCS Donator
Nov 27, 2014
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Funny stuff. Why is it that when what they think should happen doesn't end up the way they want it, they attribute it to bad writing. I think that the writing was just fine. I liked the ruse and said that Arya was playing Littlefinger. That was logical and made sense. She learned to play people and how to wear many faces. SHE WAS ACTING and set LF up.

I'm not quite sure what your alluding too, the argument is (and I say it's BS) that both Arya and Sansa together were playing LF. It sounds like your saying it was only Arya playing LF, which is an interesting theory, one that could work within the context of the in show universe.

The Hawk

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IF anyone has any questions about anything on GoT, you have to ask Ares. He read the books and knows the story He also could have written the series better than the professional writers employed by the producers of the best HBO program of all time. If you have any doubts, just ask him. He will tell you how great he is:)


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Sep 15, 2012
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Except that is complete nonsense. The story as told on the show fits much better into my depiction of events, so get a clue. Either way, there had to be a lot going on off screen in either scenario, so that has to be the absolute stupidest argument you have made to date. If what your trying to say is nothing of any relevance happened off screen, well then, you just proved me right, thank you for that.

The story making sense is not a requirement. It's fiction. People write stories that don't make sense all the time and these writers have done so several times already.

So again you are drawing a conclusion or making an assumption that the story must make sense and then making up events off screen to fit your narrative. That's not how a logical argument works.

I take what the story shows at face value. Season 7 is filled with shit that doesn't make sense. The story as told in the show falls off the rails the minute LF hears Bran's comment and does nothing about it.

The writers wanted to excite people. They don't care if something doesn't make sense upon closer inspection so long as it's exciting. We crossed that bridge where excitement or drama trumps plot years ago.


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Aug 21, 2012
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IF anyone has any questions about anything on GoT, you have to ask Ares. He read the books and knows the story He also could have written the series better than the professional writers employed by the producers of the best HBO program of all time. If you have any doubts, just ask him. He will tell you how great he is:)

Well I don't make up words like commandership like a fucking Special person, so there's that.


CCS Donator
Nov 27, 2014
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And to clarify a point. LF doesn't need to know what Bran is. All he needs to know is Bran said something that only LF and Varys should know.

So either this is coincidence or Bran is a grave threat. For a character that rose from nothing to the heights if power by being devious and trading on information, it makes no sense for him to just assume it's the former.

Again it goes against everything LF. At a minimum he should have questioned Bran to see what more he knows. And if Bran us not forthcoming then he should have taken steps to figure out how Bran came to have this knowledge.

Given thus is a world where magic and prophecy and other weird shit exists, there is no reason for LF to not do anything about Bran's comment. Especially when again his philosophy us to imagine the worst. The worst implications of Bran's comment is that he knows LF's secrets so it's a completely out of character moment for LF to never pursue the truth.

Wrong....again. The logical thing to assume, would be it was either coincidence, or Bran had talked to (or heard from) someone that had information about that conversation. Not a stretch considering Vary's is now on team Jon. But the point you don't seem to grasp, it there was nothing in that conversation that was particularly incriminating to LF, nothing that would put his life at risk. There was nothing at all concerning the Starks or the North in the context of that conversation he was having with Varys.


CCS Donator
Nov 27, 2014
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Not at all. She must protect the remaining Starks from this man who was just plotting against Arya. Do you deny it?

?? That's to far removed from the topic to really even matter. Sure she must protect the Starks, but in order to do so she didn't have to go through all that.

Bran: Look at the knife LF gave me
Sansa: Careful, LF doesn't give anything of value to anyone unless he gets something in return
bran: I know, he killed Lyssa, he Killed our father, he killed Lord Arryan, He sold Sansa
Arya: Let's kill him
Sansa: No, I have a better plan, lets play a game
Arya: Why?
Sansa: because we have to show the Northern Lords he is trying to make us fight
Bran: That's beutifull

Warrior Spirit

The Truth
Sep 12, 2010
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?? That's to far removed from the topic to really even matter. Sure she must protect the Starks, but in order to do so she didn't have to go through all that.

Bran: Look at the knife LF gave me
Sansa: Careful, LF doesn't give anything of value to anyone unless he gets something in return
bran: I know, he killed Lyssa, he Killed our father, he killed Lord Arryan, He sold Sansa
Arya: Let's kill him
Sansa: No, I have a better plan, lets play a game
Arya: Why?
Sansa: because we have to show the Northern Lords he is trying to make us fight
Bran: That's beutifull
WTF? He was just plotting to have another Stark killed and you don't have a problem with that? Than goodness you are not Lady of Winterfell.

The Hawk

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I'm not quite sure what your alluding too, the argument is (and I say it's BS) that both Arya and Sansa together were playing LF. It sounds like your saying it was only Arya playing LF, which is an interesting theory, one that could work within the context of the in show universe.

It was a general comment not aimed at anyone specifically. I just get tired of people who think the story should go a certain way complain about the writing being weak or stupid. And other times, people talk about some minutia in the story not being logical or possible. I think that people should just sit back and enjoy what they are presented with and accept that it is fantasy not reality. It is fun to speculate. I do it like everyone else does and am wrong sometimes but so what?

Personally I think Arya cooked up the scheme against LF and then brought Arya into it. That makes sense to me. I do not think that both she and Sansa did it from the beginning but there is no way to prove it one way or the other. Whatever happened I thought that the end of Little Finger was good. I loved it when Sansa listed the charges and then turned her head away from Arya to him and asked him directly. The change in his face from the smirk to shock was great.

The Hawk

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Jan 21, 2014
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So are you saying one cannot gain commandership of an armys? but they can gain commandership of armies?

The entire concept of commandership is a bit beyond my comprehension, I wish you would explain more.

Um..... for someone claiming to be a great writer....... ARMYS? What exactly is an "ARMYS"?

As for "commandership", I am sorry that you do not comprehend the word. So, this one time I will help you out in your attempt to be the great writer that you claim to be already: From Wikipedia:

commander +‎ -ship commandership (plural commanderships) The role of a commander.

Perhaps you may of heard other derivations which marry the "role of" (ship) to a noun (commander). For example, "role of" (ship) to a noun (leader).

Commandership = The role of a commander.

Leadership = The role of a leader.

I hope that this helps you in your continuing quest to impress us with your abilities at writing:)


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Sep 15, 2012
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Wrong....again. The logical thing to assume, would be it was either coincidence, or Bran had talked to (or heard from) someone that had information about that conversation. Not a stretch considering Vary's is now on team Jon. But the point you don't seem to grasp, it there was nothing in that conversation that was particularly incriminating to LF, nothing that would put his life at risk. There was nothing at all concerning the Starks or the North in the context of that conversation he was having with Varys.

Lol um no, this again is a world of magic and prophecy. And LF doesn't leave stuff like that to chance.

Bran has not come near Varys this whole show. He was presumed dead came from the North which is nowhere near Varys. Even if we imagine LF being stupid enough to think it is coincidence, it's in his nature to investigate to be sure because again as he told Sansa he thinks or prepares for the worst.

Again you keep dodging the question. What's the worst implications of what Bran said? Please stop dodging and answer that simple question as once you do, it reveals why LF's actions make no fucking sense.

If LF investigates and it's just coincidence then he loses nothing. If LF stupidly assumes it's coincidence then as we saw he fucking dies. It's obvious what a character like LF would do. He would spend the resources to ensure the WORST is not true. It's like you and the writers want everyone to completely forget the type of character LF is just to suit this obviously dumb narrative.

payton 34ever

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Apr 21, 2010
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Hey, everyone, just stopped by to talk about the show, since some major stuff happened and we might not see it again until 2019. Oh, we're just going to have pissing contests and moan about the quality of the writing? See you when it comes back on, I guess.


Well-known member
Aug 20, 2012
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Hey, everyone, just stopped by to talk about the show, since some major stuff happened and we might not see it again until 2019. Oh, we're just going to have pissing contests and moan about the quality of the writing? See you when it comes back on, I guess.


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Sep 15, 2012
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Or you can just talk about what you want to talk about and I'm sure people will respond.

Oh right crying is more productive. Be the change you want to see bro!
