Game of Thrones Thread


CCS Donator
Nov 27, 2014
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That would be you're an idiot. Should probably use proper grammar when you're calling other people idiots.

Go away little man, you can't even admit when you have been proven wrong.


Discoverer of Dragosaurs
CCS Hall of Fame '22
Aug 20, 2012
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I just hope that the eventual VD/Blu-Ray release will include a ton of deleted scenes within episodes, rather than as "additional material."


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Sep 15, 2012
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Go away little man, you can't even admit when you have been proven wrong.

There were several elements of the debate. All the article does is provide evidence that the tension was real. Great i accept that. However it proves nothing about the rest of the debate hence why it doesn't end the discussion.

1. The writing and editing was still terrible because this shit should have been on the show not something revealed by an actor in an interview.

2. It's still Special person that LF never follows up on the Chaos comments. This artcile changes nothing about that debate.

3. Sansa and Arya didn't con anyone. In fact LF apparently had Sansa ready to kill her sister despite all the shit LF has done to her. This article makes Sansa look like a fucking moron for almost falling for LF's tricks. Bran bailed her out.

5. LF confessing is still stupid given his personality.

So not sure you point. I accept the article for what it reveals which is only the issue of when they found out. It changes none of the above.


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Sep 15, 2012
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I just hope that the eventual VD/Blu-Ray release will include a ton of deleted scenes within episodes, rather than as "additional material."

Yeah I suspect the unedited versions will be a lot better than what they actually released.


CCS Donator
Nov 27, 2014
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There were several elements of the debate. All the article does is provide evidence that the tension was real. Great i accept that. However it proves nothing about the rest of the debate hence why it doesn't end the discussion.

1. The writing and editing was still terrible because this shit should have been on the show not something revealed by an actor in an interview.

2. It's still Special person that LF never follows up on the Chaos comments. This artcile changes nothing about that debate.

3. Sansa and Arya didn't con anyone. In fact LF apparently had Sansa ready to kill her sister despite all the shit LF has done to her. This article makes Sansa look like a fucking moron for almost falling for LF's tricks. Bran bailed her out.

5. LF confessing is still stupid given his personality.

So not sure you point. I accept the article for what it reveals which is only the issue of when they found out. It changes none of the above.

The biggest debate was based on as to whether or not This whole Sansa/Arya thing was a con from the get go, and you based a lot of your opinions in the debate (we were having) based off this incorrect assumption on your part. You were also so bold as to cal me out for telling you scene(s) had been left on the editing room floor that would have made it more clear, accusing me of fabricating things.

Again, you were wrong.

Starting to see a pattern here?

The rest of your hollow rant is all your personal opinion, I can't nor do I wish to debate you on such matters, it's rather pointless, you just don't get it. I have provided plenty of explanations too most of the things you posted, and even have gone as far to agree with you on a few points (yes, the writing could be better).

The undeniable fact remains, you were wrong, and debated the con for well over 6 pages.


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Aug 21, 2012
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Did you guys know "commandership" doesn't appear in the dictionary?

I worry the Hawk might be a fucking idiot...

Warrior Spirit

The Truth
Sep 12, 2010
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There were several elements of the debate. All the article does is provide evidence that the tension was real. Great i accept that. However it proves nothing about the rest of the debate hence why it doesn't end the discussion.

1. The writing and editing was still terrible because this shit should have been on the show not something revealed by an actor in an interview.

2. It's still Special person that LF never follows up on the Chaos comments. This artcile changes nothing about that debate.

3. Sansa and Arya didn't con anyone. In fact LF apparently had Sansa ready to kill her sister despite all the shit LF has done to her. This article makes Sansa look like a fucking moron for almost falling for LF's tricks. Bran bailed her out.

5. LF confessing is still stupid given his personality.

So not sure you point. I accept the article for what it reveals which is only the issue of when they found out. It changes none of the above.
The article is just fluff from a tabloid. It changes nothing for me. Makes zero sense. The tabloid article would have us believe Sansa was really about to pass sentence on Arya before consulting Bran. So when she tells the Guard to get her sister and bring her to the hall, it would be to execute her as it was made to appear. So why did she return the dagger to Arya in the first place. Why was Arya totally aware Sansa was turning the table on Baelish? Why was only a nod from Sansa required at the moment she wanted Arya to take him out? Why were they so cordial to each other afterwards? Just because LF was executed for past crimes doesn't mean the tension between the sisters would vanish. This all makes less sense than anything discussed in this entire thread. When you get your info from a tabloid, you'll always end up looking like an idiot.
Last edited:


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Sep 15, 2012
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The biggest debate was based on as to whether or not This whole Sansa/Arya thing was a con from the get go, and you based a lot of your opinions in the debate (we were having) based off this incorrect assumption on your part. You were also so bold as to cal me out for telling you scene(s) had been left on the editing room floor that would have made it more clear, accusing me of fabricating things.

Again, you were wrong.

Starting to see a pattern here?

The rest of your hollow rant is all your personal opinion, I can't nor do I wish to debate you on such matters, it's rather pointless, you just don't get it. I have provided plenty of explanations too most of the things you posted, and even have gone as far to agree with you on a few points (yes, the writing could be better).

The undeniable fact remains, you were wrong, and debated the con for well over 6 pages.

No the biggest debate of the last few pages was whether the tension was real. The original debate as noted in post 5086 and as you responded to was much greater than that as it centered around the writing being poor and things being done for dramatic purposes.

The story isn't any less stupid or contrived because it's Special person for Sansa, Arya or Bran to not have discussed LF when Bran first gives Arya the dagger. They are literally discussing how you can't trust LF but apparently it doesn't dawn on anyone there to simply ask Bran to find out the truth. Again it's just poor writing. The only reason for them not to talk about it then is because the writers want to create tension between Arya and Sansa for the audience's sake.

So the major element of my argument still remains even if the tension was real. It's still poor writing and editing. The story still doesn't make sense as the characters do stupid things for no good reason. We have simply shifted the stupidity somewhat. Instead of the tension being stupid, it's the fact that Sansa and Arya didn't bother to ask Bran about LF until they almost killed each other that's stupid. Anyway you slice it, the characters actions simply do not make sense.


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Sep 15, 2012
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The article is just fluff from a tabloid. It changes nothing for me. Makes zero sense. The tabloid article would have us believe Sansa was really about to pass sentence on Arya before consulting Bran. So when she tells the Guard to get her sister and bring her to the hall, it would be to execute her as it was made to appear. So why did she return the dagger to Arya in the first place. Why was Arya totally aware Sansa was turning the table on Baelish? Why was only a nod from Sansa required at the moment she wanted Arya to take him out? Why were they so cordial to each other afterwards? Just because LF was executed for past crimes doesn't mean the tension between the sisters would vanish. This all makes less sense than anything discussed in this entire thread. When you get your info from a tabloid, you'll always end up looking like an idiot.

The story doesn't make sense any way you slice it. Either Sansa is a fucking moron for almost falling for LF's shit again and for not asking about LF sooner or the tension was a ruse that IMO doesn't fit in story.

Ncog is simply so happy that his version of events is supported by the actor playing Bran that he doesn't see how stupid this revelation makes Sansa. She was literally ready to murder her own sister due to LF. All because for some inexplicable reason instead of asking Bran about LF earlier, she decides to wait until she is just about to kill Arya before she thinks, "Oh hey before I murder my sister based on something the dude that got me raped repeatedly said, let me talk to Bran."

It's simply not a well thought out plot. They simply wanted LF dead before Season 7 was over and did so in the most hamfisted and Special person way possible.

Warrior Spirit

The Truth
Sep 12, 2010
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The story doesn't make sense any way you slice it. Either Sansa is a fucking moron for almost falling for LF's shit again and for not asking about LF sooner or the tension was a ruse that IMO doesn't fit in story.

Ncog is simply so happy that his version of events is supported by the actor playing Bran that he doesn't see how stupid this revelation makes Sansa. She was literally ready to murder her own sister due to LF. All because for some inexplicable reason instead of asking Bran about LF earlier, she decides to wait until she is just about to kill Arya before she thinks, "Oh hey before I murder my sister based on something the dude that got me raped repeatedly said, let me talk to Bran."

It's simply not a well thought out plot. They simply wanted LF dead before Season 7 was over and did so in the most hamfisted and Special person way possible.
Why Bran would not offer the info to keep his sister out of harms way is also beyond me. No doubt he knew about LF the moment he handed him the dagger. He knew who it belonged to but is not going to dig up the other info he has access to on LF? Please. That's totally Special person.

And as I pointed out before, Sansa was having none of LF before Arya returned. She hated him for selling her to the Boltons. She had the attitude that she knew he was just full of shit. There were several scenes in which she just walked away from him or totally disrespected him.

LF: "What do you want that you do not have?"
Sansa "At the moment, peace and quiet"

Then there was the moment a very disinterested Sansa said to him, "No need to seize the last word, Lord Baelish, I'll assume it was something clever."

Now, because of some stupid tabloid article we're suppose to believe she started listening to him and again and respect what he said? GTFO


Señor Member
Aug 25, 2012
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Did you guys know "commandership" doesn't appear in the dictionary?

I worry the Hawk might be a fucking idiot...

He makes up entire plot lines that don't exist, combines characters to create new creepy hybrid characters.

Making up words? That's like a light snack for The Hawk.


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Sep 15, 2012
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Why Bran would not offer the info to keep his sister out of harms way is also beyond me. No doubt he knew about LF the moment he handed him the dagger. He knew who it belonged to but is not going to dig up the other info he has access to on LF? Please. That's totally Special person.

And as I pointed out before, Sansa was having none of LF before Arya returned. She hated him for selling her to the Boltons. She had the attitude that she knew he was just full of shit. There were several scenes in which she just walked away from him or totally disrespected him.

LF: "What do you want that you do not have?"
Sansa "At the moment, peace and quiet"

Then there was the moment a very disinterested Sansa said to him, "No need to seize the last word, Lord Baelish, I'll assume it was something clever."

Now, because of some stupid tabloid article we're suppose to believe she started listening to him and again and respect what he said? GTFO

Well to be fair, it's the actor saying it but even he admits he has no idea if they wanted to change the story. So it's not even a guarantee of what the final intent was. For all we know they intended for the tension to be real, shot the scene then decided, "nah that makes Sansa look like an idiot so let's just drop it."

“Funny enough, we did actually shoot a scene that didn’t make it into that episode where Sansa knocks on Bran’s door, and I don’t know whether they actually want to change the story, but as I understand it, Sansa came to Bran and goes, ‘Can you just look some of this up before I kill my sister?’ That kind of sentiment. Sansa just checking that fact,” said the actor.


Well-known member
Dec 19, 2012
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It doesn't end the discussion at all since it's not actually in the show. So we are back to pointing out how shitty the story is because it cut out important elements.

As I said earlier obviously this stuff was important because someone apparently decided to shoot it and yet they left it on the cutting room floor resulting in the actual story told being incoherent and disjointed. That's not good writing or editing.

Even the Yahoo article that someone posted said "confusing finale" again proving it was shitty. Maybe next time they should just leave these scenes in the show and they wouldn't be accused of being shitty writers. Until then the show as aired reeked of shitty writing and editing.

It absolutely ends the discussion pretty much nail in coffin lol let's move on to something else please!

Warrior Spirit

The Truth
Sep 12, 2010
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Sansa to Bran; "Oh shit, Bran. Glad I came to see you. I was just about to execute my sister but now that I know all this horrible stuff LF did, even some that I actually witnessed and totally forgot about, I'll just execute LF instead and pretend everything is A OK with my sister"


Warrior Spirit

The Truth
Sep 12, 2010
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Well to be fair, it's the actor saying it but even he admits he has no idea if they wanted to change the story. So it's not even a guarantee of what the final intent was. For all we know they intended for the tension to be real, shot the scene then decided, "nah that makes Sansa look like an idiot so let's just drop it."

“Funny enough, we did actually shoot a scene that didn’t make it into that episode where Sansa knocks on Bran’s door, and I don’t know whether they actually want to change the story, but as I understand it, Sansa came to Bran and goes, ‘Can you just look some of this up before I kill my sister?’ That kind of sentiment. Sansa just checking that fact,” said the actor.
What I have heard about is them shooting extra scenes to throw off paparazzi who watch the filming to get spoilers. In past seasons we would see those type spoilers show up from time to time. This season there was just a ton more than usual due to the hacking which gave access to all the scripts.

Don't care if they want to say it was an interview or whatever. Seen plenty of actors who said they never said the things in these tabloids they're said to have. But really, I would, under no circumstances, give any credence to anything coming out in a weekly tabloid.


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Sep 15, 2012
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It absolutely ends the discussion pretty much nail in coffin lol let's move on to something else please!

No it doesn.t

“Funny enough, we did actually shoot a scene that didn’t make it into that episode where Sansa knocks on Bran’s door, and I don’t know whether they actually want to change the story, but as I understand it, Sansa came to Bran and goes, ‘Can you just look some of this up before I kill my sister?’ That kind of sentiment. Sansa just checking that fact,” said the actor.

The actor said a scene was shot but it obviously didn't make the final cut and he says he doesn't know if that's because they wanted to change the story. So it is entirely possible they originally intended for the tension to be real hence the scene but realized how Special person that Sansa wanting to kill Arya because of LF would be and thus cut the scene.

All we know is that the final product does not include this scene and the actor that claims this scene exists flat out says he doesn't know if the story was changed. It is pretty clear they didn't want to include the scene in the show so it proves nothing except original intent.


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Sep 15, 2012
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What I have heard about is them shooting extra scenes to throw off paparazzi who watch the filming to get spoilers. In past seasons we would see those type spoilers show up from time to time. This season there was just a ton more than usual due to the hacking which gave access to all the scripts.

Don't care if they want to say it was an interview or whatever. Seen plenty of actors who said they never said the things in these tabloids they're said to have. But really, I would, under no circumstances, give any credence to anything coming out in a weekly tabloid.

Yeah at this point, I'll just wait for Martin to finish his book and hopefully he'll tell a more coherent story regarding LF's final comeuppance.


CCS Donator
Nov 27, 2014
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The article is just fluff from a tabloid. It changes nothing for me. Makes zero sense. The tabloid article would have us believe Sansa was really about to pass sentence on Arya before consulting Bran. So when she tells the Guard to get her sister and bring her to the hall, it would be to execute her as it was made to appear. So why did she return the dagger to Arya in the first place. Why was Arya totally aware Sansa was turning the table on Baelish? Why was only a nod from Sansa required at the moment she wanted Arya to take him out? Why were they so cordial to each other afterwards? Just because LF was executed for past crimes doesn't mean the tension between the sisters would vanish. This all makes less sense than anything discussed in this entire thread. When you get your info from a tabloid, you'll always end up looking like an idiot.

It was from an interview from the actor that plays Bran, if that is not enough evidence, then I don't know what is.


CCS Donator
Nov 27, 2014
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No the biggest debate of the last few pages was whether the tension was real. The original debate as noted in post 5086 and as you responded to was much greater than that as it centered around the writing being poor and things being done for dramatic purposes.

The story isn't any less stupid or contrived because it's Special person for Sansa, Arya or Bran to not have discussed LF when Bran first gives Arya the dagger. They are literally discussing how you can't trust LF but apparently it doesn't dawn on anyone there to simply ask Bran to find out the truth. Again it's just poor writing. The only reason for them not to talk about it then is because the writers want to create tension between Arya and Sansa for the audience's sake.

So the major element of my argument still remains even if the tension was real. It's still poor writing and editing. The story still doesn't make sense as the characters do stupid things for no good reason. We have simply shifted the stupidity somewhat. Instead of the tension being stupid, it's the fact that Sansa and Arya didn't bother to ask Bran about LF until they almost killed each other that's stupid. Anyway you slice it, the characters actions simply do not make sense.

