Not the real quote
So, it would appear to me this is one such scene shot to confuse rather than ever being intended to use in the story line.
bullshit, show me evidence of other such scenes.
If you want to believe, as the articles says, the sisters didn't come together til after LF convinced her Arya was going to kill her in the finale, you have to believe
-Bran never mentioned a damn thing to her the entire season even though he was obviously on to LF from the moment he was handed the dagger
Except he wasn't, just as I described painfully, over and over to Remy. This is what Isaac said in that regards:
So what’s the deal with Bran holding back so much information?
It’s less of Bran just holding back this information because right now Bran doesn’t actually have the entire history of the world in his head. It’s like he’s got Kindle libraries of all the history of the universe, but he just hasn’t read every volume yet. The old Three-Eyed Raven sat and actually went through every single page and read every single word, so he has known by heart everything that happens. Bran still has to look stuff up in a massive encyclopedia, so it’s not that he doesn’t know. It’s like if people guide him in the right direction he can tell you anything and in his own time. He’s working through everything that’s happened. He needs like Samwell Tarly saying, “Can you see this?” Bran goes, “Oh, shit. Yeah, that actually did happen.” [He needs] Sansa to say, “What happened with Littlefinger?” Boom.
-There was serious tension between the sisters all season long which you stated before you didn't believe.
Where did I say this? If I did, I changed my mind after re-watching the episode and paying closer attention to the WF plot.
-Sansa was actually worried Arya was going to kill her which you said before you didn't believe.
I think my actual statement was I don't think Arya ever intended to kill Sansa, so I think you have that mixed up a little bit, understandable though.
-Sansa did, indeed, plan on trying and executing her sister which you said before you didn't believe.
I will admit, that one shocked me, I did not believe she had come to that conclusion.
-Then you have to explain why Sansa returned the dagger Arya handed her if she really feared Arya.
That's open to interpretation, I took it as Arya showing Sansa she had no intent to kill her.
-You have to explain why Arya was totally in on it when the table was turned on LF and said, "My sister asked you a question"
I never denied Arya was in on it by the time of the trial, the argument has always been when this came to take place.
Then you have to explain why the 2 sisters were so cordial toward each other after he was executed. Did all that intense tension just disappear cause Sansa had her execute LF instead?
Fair point, and yes, it had, after it was discovered LF was playing them against each other. This part could have been done much better, but at no time in that scene did they leave you to believe it had always been an elaborate con from the get go either.
It's ridiculous really and I'm shocked you support such nonsense based on an article in a weekly tabloid.
It's a quote from the actor that was in on the scene, I am shocked that you support a fan fiction theory that they actually shot fake scenes to throw off paparazzi.