Game of Thrones Thread


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Sep 15, 2012
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It was from an interview from the actor that plays Bran, if that is not enough evidence, then I don't know what is.

“Funny enough, we did actually shoot a scene that didn’t make it into that episode where Sansa knocks on Bran’s door, and I don’t know whether they actually want to change the story, but as I understand it, Sansa came to Bran and goes, ‘Can you just look some of this up before I kill my sister?’ That kind of sentiment. Sansa just checking that fact,” said the actor.

The bold makes it obvious that the actor doesn't know if the story changed. It was left on the cutting room floor for a reason. We don't know what the final intent of the writers was aside from the fact they left the scene out of the show.

If you are going to take what the actor said then you have to take all of what he said which includes the fact he doesn't know if the story changed.


Yes that's how I felt about this WF storyline.


CCS Donator
Nov 27, 2014
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No the biggest debate of the last few pages was whether the tension was real. The original debate as noted in post 5086 and as you responded to was much greater than that as it centered around the writing being poor and things being done for dramatic purposes.

Which I proved, it was, so what's your point? You were stating that the writing was poor do to the fact the long con was stupid. I pointed out that there was no long con. Now that you have had your ass handed to you, you want to change your narrative and say, well Ok, I was wrong, but the writing is still stupid. Different argument, you lost the first one, now you want to change what the argument was even about. Keep flailing, someone might believe you.

The story isn't any less stupid or contrived because it's Special person for Sansa, Arya or Bran to not have discussed LF when Bran first gives Arya the dagger. They are literally discussing how you can't trust LF but apparently it doesn't dawn on anyone there to simply ask Bran to find out the truth. Again it's just poor writing. The only reason for them not to talk about it then is because the writers want to create tension between Arya and Sansa for the audience's sake.

blah blah blah.

So what’s the deal with Bran holding back so much information?

It’s less of Bran just holding back this information because right now Bran doesn’t actually have the entire history of the world in his head. It’s like he’s got Kindle libraries of all the history of the universe, but he just hasn’t read every volume yet. The old Three-Eyed Raven sat and actually went through every single page and read every single word, so he has known by heart everything that happens. Bran still has to look stuff up in a massive encyclopedia, so it’s not that he doesn’t know. It’s like if people guide him in the right direction he can tell you anything and in his own time. He’s working through everything that’s happened. He needs like Samwell Tarly saying, “Can you see this?” Bran goes, “Oh, shit. Yeah, that actually did happen.” [He needs] Sansa to say, “What happened with Littlefinger?” Boom.

So the major element of my argument still remains even if the tension was real. It's still poor writing and editing. The story still doesn't make sense as the characters do stupid things for no good reason. We have simply shifted the stupidity somewhat. Instead of the tension being stupid, it's the fact that Sansa and Arya didn't bother to ask Bran about LF until they almost killed each other that's stupid. Anyway you slice it, the characters actions simply do not make sense.

This is a matter for personal opinion, my take is they hadn't fully grasped what Bran was capable of at the time, if you choose to see it differently, there is nothing I can do to prove otherwise.


CCS Donator
Nov 27, 2014
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“Funny enough, we did actually shoot a scene that didn’t make it into that episode where Sansa knocks on Bran’s door, and I don’t know whether they actually want to change the story, but as I understand it, Sansa came to Bran and goes, ‘Can you just look some of this up before I kill my sister?’ That kind of sentiment. Sansa just checking that fact,” said the actor.

The bold makes it obvious that the actor doesn't know if the story changed. It was left on the cutting room floor for a reason. We don't know what the final intent of the writers was aside from the fact they left the scene out of the show.

If you are going to take what the actor said then you have to take all of what he said which includes the fact he doesn't know if the story changed.

Yes that's how I felt about this WF storyline.

it might help if you used that actual quote the actor said, not some paraphrased version. This is what he said:

We actually did a scene that clearly got cut, a short scene with Sansa where she knocks on Bran’s door and says, “I need your help,” or something along those lines. So basically, as far as I know, the story was that it suddenly occurred to Sansa that she had a huge CCTV department at her discretion and it might be a good idea to check with him first before she guts her own sister. So she goes to Bran, and Bran tells her everything she needs to know, and she’s like, “Oh, s—.”

The scene was edited because the directors wanted a gotcha moment, it's your prerogative to call it bad writing, because that is a matter of opinion.


CCS Donator
Nov 27, 2014
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What I have heard about is them shooting extra scenes to throw off paparazzi who watch the filming to get spoilers. In past seasons we would see those type spoilers show up from time to time. This season there was just a ton more than usual due to the hacking which gave access to all the scripts.

Don't care if they want to say it was an interview or whatever. Seen plenty of actors who said they never said the things in these tabloids they're said to have. But really, I would, under no circumstances, give any credence to anything coming out in a weekly tabloid.

LOL. okkkkkkkkkkkkkk

NOw to support your argument your accusing people of making up quotes by the actors themselves? If were going to sink to that level of debate, anything goes.

Warrior Spirit

The Truth
Sep 12, 2010
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It was from an interview from the actor that plays Bran, if that is not enough evidence, then I don't know what is.
Allow me to point out some things you may have skipped over.

- I will never accept info from a weekly tabloid as being true whether they say it's from an interview or not. I know I've heard actors say they were misquoted or never even said the stuff these tabloids claim they did and I'm sure you have to.

- At virtually the same time I point out they often shoot extra scenes to throw off the paparazzi, Remy caught something he highlighted.
“Funny enough, we did actually shoot a scene that didn’t make it into that episode where Sansa knocks on Bran’s door, and I don’t know whether they actually want to change the story, but as I understand it, Sansa came to Bran and goes, ‘Can you just look some of this up before I kill my sister?’ That kind of sentiment. Sansa just checking that fact,” said the actor.

So, it would appear to me this is one such scene shot to confuse rather than ever being intended to use in the story line.

If you want to believe, as the articles says, the sisters didn't come together til after LF convinced her Arya was going to kill her in the finale, you have to believe

-Bran never mentioned a damn thing to her the entire season even though he was obviously on to LF from the moment he was handed the dagger

-There was serious tension between the sisters all season long which you stated before you didn't believe.

-Sansa was actually worried Arya was going to kill her which you said before you didn't believe.

-Sansa did, indeed, plan on trying and executing her sister which you said before you didn't believe.

-Then you have to explain why Sansa returned the dagger Arya handed her if she really feared Arya.

-You have to explain why Arya was totally in on it when the table was turned on LF and said, "My sister asked you a question"

Then you have to explain why the 2 sisters were so cordial toward each other after he was executed. Did all that intense tension just disappear cause Sansa had her execute LF instead?

It's ridiculous really and I'm shocked you support such nonsense based on an article in a weekly tabloid.


CCS Donator
Nov 27, 2014
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What I have heard about is them shooting extra scenes to throw off paparazzi who watch the filming to get spoilers. In past seasons we would see those type spoilers show up from time to time. This season there was just a ton more than usual due to the hacking which gave access to all the scripts.

Don't care if they want to say it was an interview or whatever. Seen plenty of actors who said they never said the things in these tabloids they're said to have. But really, I would, under no circumstances, give any credence to anything coming out in a weekly tabloid.

So, you want to discredit actual quotes by the actors themselves, describing them as fluff, and then turn around and use pure fan speculation (shooting extra scenes to throw off paparazzii, pfft) when it suits your narrative? Do you have any proof any scenes where shot with this intent in mind?


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Sep 15, 2012
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Which I proved, it was, so what's your point? You were stating that the writing was poor do to the fact the long con was stupid. I pointed out that there was no long con. Now that you have had your ass handed to you, you want to change your narrative and say, well Ok, I was wrong, but the writing is still stupid. Different argument, you lost the first one, now you want to change what the argument was even about. Keep flailing, someone might believe you.

blah blah blah.

So what’s the deal with Bran holding back so much information?

It’s less of Bran just holding back this information because right now Bran doesn’t actually have the entire history of the world in his head. It’s like he’s got Kindle libraries of all the history of the universe, but he just hasn’t read every volume yet. The old Three-Eyed Raven sat and actually went through every single page and read every single word, so he has known by heart everything that happens. Bran still has to look stuff up in a massive encyclopedia, so it’s not that he doesn’t know. It’s like if people guide him in the right direction he can tell you anything and in his own time. He’s working through everything that’s happened. He needs like Samwell Tarly saying, “Can you see this?” Bran goes, “Oh, shit. Yeah, that actually did happen.” [He needs] Sansa to say, “What happened with Littlefinger?” Boom.

This is a matter for personal opinion, my take is they hadn't fully grasped what Bran was capable of at the time, if you choose to see it differenly, there is nothing I can do to prove otherwise.

Nope I am not changing the argument. I always said the writing was stupid because the show doesn't explain things in enough detail.

From post 5172
No I am hinging my arguments on the fact that it's shitty fucking writing to leave all this shit unsaid. If you want me to just assume all this shit took place off camera then what's the point of me watching the show? I might as well write my own fan fiction that fills in all the gaps in the story.

From post 5205

Lol, I am not saying you have to be in complete agreement with each other in order to disagree with me. I am saying the fact you guys can't agree as to what actually happened is proof it was an incoherent story. Again you seem confused by the argument. This was a major death that ends LF's story and yet we can't even agree on what actually happened. That's not good writing.

I was stating the writing was poor because too much shit was left out of the show and left for us to speculate. One element of that speculation was when the plot was hatched but that was never the main point. That was a tangent from the main argument which was that this shit should have been included in the show.

So even after this time you are still confused by the argument. The main issue has always been leaving this shit out of the show and leaving it to us to speculate is terrible writing. The fact you have to rely on what an actor said just proves this point further. And this actor still doesn't settle the issue because the actor says flat out he doesn't know if the story was changed.

So for all we know they originally intended for the tension to be real, shot the scene but then removed it because the scene would make Sansa look like a fucking moron for almost murdering her sister because of LF. So now, we don't know what the final intent was because it's not in the show and the actor has no fucking clue as to why the scene was cut from the show. A show needs to stand on its own. Not rely on deleted scenes for people to make sense of things. That's been one of my arguments from the start. You just haven't been following along apparently.

Warrior Spirit

The Truth
Sep 12, 2010
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So, you want to discredit actual quotes by the actors themselves, describing them as fluff, and then turn around and use pure fan speculation (shooting extra scenes to throw off paparazzii, pfft) when it suits your narrative? Do you have any proof any scenes where shot with this intent in mind?



CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Sep 15, 2012
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And if you want to know how we got on this subject of the tension being real, it due to post 5187. I was pointing out once again that the story is so shitty that you and Spartan couldn't even agree on whether the tension was real or not even though at that time both of you were debating against me. I then later on stated that I agreed with Spartan's version of events ie the tension being staged but the whole point was not whether the tension was staged but the fact that us not being able to agree is the reason the story is shitty.

Where did I say I was offering proof? It's my opinion. I simply provided evidence that my opinion was shared by others. Sansa didn't figure things out. Bran told them, lol. Again the story would have been much better if Bran wasn't involved. LF could have been condemned without him. Instead the writers decided to include him so we are left to assume he used his magic foresight powers to tell them so giving Sansa credit is a bit laughable. Also you assuming the tension was real is in fact an assumption. Spartan is saying it was a con the whole time. You can't prove or disprove his claim because the story isnt explicit. There is nothing to suggest that Bran didn't know the truth from the time he came to WF and he and his sisters obviously talked about LF prior to the tension. So why would Bran not have told them from the start. For your theory to work, we have to assume that Bran for some inexplicable reason waited until the sisters were going after each other to tell them the truth. The most likely time for Bran to have revealed the truth was when they were in the garden talking about LF. Not after Sansa and Arya were fighting.

THe bold is still largely true. There is nothing in the story to prove when they knew. And the reason why I didn't think your version of events was true is as true as ever. It is still pretty inexplicable that Bran doesn't search for the truth about LF or Sansa doesn't ask prior to the sisters trying to kill each other. That idea is still fucking absurd to me. So again, a deleted scene doesn't change the fact the shit should have been in the show not on the cutting room floor. And the actor has no idea why the scene is deleted but makes it clear the story could have changed.

So I will agree that the original intent clearly favors your interpretation of events but it's still a shitty story not because I was proven wrong because I already told you why I thought it was shitty long before this article came out. It's shitty because this stuff should be in the final cut of the episode and it was not. It's shitty because it pretty stupid for Bran not to look into LF around the time of the garden scene and it's even more Special person that Sansa was on the verge of killing her sister before she consulted Bran. Those things are still true article or not.


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Sep 15, 2012
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it might help if you used that actual quote the actor said, not some paraphrased version. This is what he said:

We actually did a scene that clearly got cut, a short scene with Sansa where she knocks on Bran’s door and says, “I need your help,” or something along those lines. So basically, as far as I know, the story was that it suddenly occurred to Sansa that she had a huge CCTV department at her discretion and it might be a good idea to check with him first before she guts her own sister. So she goes to Bran, and Bran tells her everything she needs to know, and she’s like, “Oh, s—.”

The scene was edited because the directors wanted a gotcha moment, it's your prerogative to call it bad writing, because that is a matter of opinion.

I didn't paraphrase anything. The Yahoo story quotes the actor saying what I posted.

“Funny enough, we did actually shoot a scene that didn’t make it into that episode where Sansa knocks on Bran’s door, and I don’t know whether they actually want to change the story, but as I understand it, Sansa came to Bran and goes, ‘Can you just look some of this up before I kill my sister?’ That kind of sentiment. Sansa just checking that fact,” said the actor.

So if there is a problem with the quote then the problem is with Yahoo not me. Just goes to show Spartan has a point about relying on tabloid quotes. Or maybe the actor gave slightly different responses to different interviewers. At any rate in the Yahoo quote of him, he clearly says he doesn't know if the story changed.


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Sep 15, 2012
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Well I wouldn't call it game, set match. It moreso proves that ultimately once again, this shit should have been clarified in the show. The fact we are trading interpretations from the writers, actors, etc. just goes to show the best place for this shit to have been explained was on the actual show in the final cut. Instead we have a convoluted mess of a story IMO.

Warrior Spirit

The Truth
Sep 12, 2010
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Well I wouldn't call it game, set match. It moreso proves that ultimately once again, this shit should have been clarified in the show. The fact we are trading interpretations from the writers, actors, etc. just goes to show the best place for this shit to have been explained was on the actual show in the final cut. Instead we have a convoluted mess of a story IMO.
Well, we could take the writers word that they were attempting to build a believable rift between Sansa and Arya all season long to sell that final scene where LF is killed or we can go ncOg's way and believe a weekly tabloid.



CCS Donator
Nov 27, 2014
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Allow me to point out some things you may have skipped over.

- I will never accept info from a weekly tabloid as being true whether they say it's from an interview or not. I know I've heard actors say they were misquoted or never even said the stuff these tabloids claim they did and I'm sure you have to.

And yet when it suits your narrative, you find it perfectly ok to use the same source (weekly tabloid) to support your argument. You can't have it both ways. Can you provide any evidence by anyone other than such a tabloid that fake scenes where actually shot to throw off the paparazzi? Guess what, you can't. That is a pretty costly endeavor btw.

- At virtually the same time I point out they often shoot extra scenes to throw off the paparazzi, Remy caught something he highlighted.
“Funny enough, we did actually shoot a scene that didn’t make it into that episode where Sansa knocks on Bran’s door, and I don’t know whether they actually want to change the story, but as I understand it, Sansa came to Bran and goes, ‘Can you just look some of this up before I kill my sister?’ That kind of sentiment. Sansa just checking that fact,” said the actor.

Not the real quote

So, it would appear to me this is one such scene shot to confuse rather than ever being intended to use in the story line.
bullshit, show me evidence of other such scenes.

If you want to believe, as the articles says, the sisters didn't come together til after LF convinced her Arya was going to kill her in the finale, you have to believe

-Bran never mentioned a damn thing to her the entire season even though he was obviously on to LF from the moment he was handed the dagger

Except he wasn't, just as I described painfully, over and over to Remy. This is what Isaac said in that regards:

So what’s the deal with Bran holding back so much information?

It’s less of Bran just holding back this information because right now Bran doesn’t actually have the entire history of the world in his head. It’s like he’s got Kindle libraries of all the history of the universe, but he just hasn’t read every volume yet. The old Three-Eyed Raven sat and actually went through every single page and read every single word, so he has known by heart everything that happens. Bran still has to look stuff up in a massive encyclopedia, so it’s not that he doesn’t know. It’s like if people guide him in the right direction he can tell you anything and in his own time. He’s working through everything that’s happened. He needs like Samwell Tarly saying, “Can you see this?” Bran goes, “Oh, shit. Yeah, that actually did happen.” [He needs] Sansa to say, “What happened with Littlefinger?” Boom.

-There was serious tension between the sisters all season long which you stated before you didn't believe.

Where did I say this? If I did, I changed my mind after re-watching the episode and paying closer attention to the WF plot.

-Sansa was actually worried Arya was going to kill her which you said before you didn't believe.

I think my actual statement was I don't think Arya ever intended to kill Sansa, so I think you have that mixed up a little bit, understandable though.

-Sansa did, indeed, plan on trying and executing her sister which you said before you didn't believe.

I will admit, that one shocked me, I did not believe she had come to that conclusion.

-Then you have to explain why Sansa returned the dagger Arya handed her if she really feared Arya.

That's open to interpretation, I took it as Arya showing Sansa she had no intent to kill her.

-You have to explain why Arya was totally in on it when the table was turned on LF and said, "My sister asked you a question"

I never denied Arya was in on it by the time of the trial, the argument has always been when this came to take place.

Then you have to explain why the 2 sisters were so cordial toward each other after he was executed. Did all that intense tension just disappear cause Sansa had her execute LF instead?

Fair point, and yes, it had, after it was discovered LF was playing them against each other. This part could have been done much better, but at no time in that scene did they leave you to believe it had always been an elaborate con from the get go either.

It's ridiculous really and I'm shocked you support such nonsense based on an article in a weekly tabloid.

It's a quote from the actor that was in on the scene, I am shocked that you support a fan fiction theory that they actually shot fake scenes to throw off paparazzi.


CCS Donator
Nov 27, 2014
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rewatch that, and I already had seen that. They say nothing that disputes what Isaac said.

So much of that scene is what happens before hand and building up the tension between Arya and Sansa where you really believe one might potentially kill the other, it's one of the benefits of this show where so may characters have been killed, and so many characters have made decisions that you wish they hadn't that you actually believe that one might kill the other. Knowing that your aiming at that it really helped in the writing of it as your only goal is to build to what feels like a real rift between them in a way that makes it extremely fraught when you get in that room with them in the end.


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Sep 15, 2012
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Well, we could take the writers word that they were attempting to build a believable rift between Sansa and Arya all season long to sell that final scene where LF is killed or we can go ncOg's way and believe a weekly tabloid.


Yes but Bran said the tension was real and Bran knows all bro.

Warrior Spirit

The Truth
Sep 12, 2010
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rewatch that, and I already had seen that. They say nothing that disputes what Isaac said.

So much of that scene is what happens before hand and building up the tension between Arya and Sansa where you really believe one might potentially kill the other, it's one of the benefits of this show where so may characters have been killed, and so many characters have made decisions that you wish they hadn't that you actually believe that one might kill the other. Knowing that your aiming at that it really helped in the writing of it as your only goal is to build to what feels like a real rift between them in a way that makes it extremely fraught when you get in that room with them in the end.
You have to be kidding. And you were making fun of Remy a while back for needing everything spelled out for him?

Hahah, OK, I'll try to spell it out even more.


CCS Donator
Nov 27, 2014
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And if you want to know how we got on this subject of the tension being real, it due to post 5187. I was pointing out once again that the story is so shitty that you and Spartan couldn't even agree on whether the tension was real or not even though at that time both of you were debating against me. I then later on stated that I agreed with Spartan's version of events ie the tension being staged but the whole point was not whether the tension was staged but the fact that us not being able to agree is the reason the story is shitty.

You: story line is shitty
Me and Spartan: Story line not shitty (to further this, I said it was the best written episode of the season)

You and Spartan it was a long con from the beginning
me: no, it was not a long con

So what's your point?

THe bold is still largely true. There is nothing in the story to prove when they knew. And the reason why I didn't think your version of events was true is as true as ever. It is still pretty inexplicable that Bran doesn't search for the truth about LF or Sansa doesn't ask prior to the sisters trying to kill each other. That idea is still fucking absurd to me. So again, a deleted scene doesn't change the fact the shit should have been in the show not on the cutting room floor. And the actor has no idea why the scene is deleted but makes it clear the story could have changed.

I have explained this countless times before, I have provided quotes from the actor himself, no need to go over it again. Bran is pretty preoccupied atm and he only has access to the information, he doesn't know everything yet, he is still processing 8000 years of history, that is why he is what he is at the moment.

So I will agree that the original intent clearly favors your interpretation of events but it's still a shitty story not because I was proven wrong because I already told you why I thought it was shitty long before this article came out. It's shitty because this stuff should be in the final cut of the episode and it was not. It's shitty because it pretty stupid for Bran not to look into LF around the time of the garden scene and it's even more Special person that Sansa was on the verge of killing her sister before she consulted Bran. Those things are still true article or not.

Fair enough, opinions are useless to debate, And i myself have been on record as saying some of the writing has been questionable at best (episode 6) but I thought this was a much better written episode, if you know accept how events unfolded, and still feel otherwise, its your opinion, nothing I can do to change that. I have however offered plausible explanations to a number of things you take issue with, yet even I will concede there are still some plot holes.


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Sep 15, 2012
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Just to clarify something Ncog. The quote I listed was in fact real. Your quote comes from an interview that the actor gave to Variety.

My quote comes from an interview the actor gave to Huffington Post.

Isaac Hempstead Wright told HuffPost that a deleted finale scene would’ve explained things a little better.

“Funny enough, we did actually shoot a scene that didn’t make it into that episode where Sansa knocks on Bran’s door, and I don’t know whether they actually want to change the story, but as I understand it, Sansa came to Bran and goes, ‘Can you just look some of this up before I kill my sister?’ That kind of sentiment. Sansa just checking that fact,” said the actor.

So his answer to Huffington Post clearly says that he didn't know whether they actually want to change the story. So again, the article proves nothing about the final intent. All we know is that the scene is not in the final cut so as it stands now, people are free to speculate and from my perspective, it's terrible editing and writing to leave this out of the final cut.

That is all!


CCS Donator
Nov 27, 2014
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Well, we could take the writers word that they were attempting to build a believable rift between Sansa and Arya all season long to sell that final scene where LF is killed or we can go ncOg's way and believe a weekly tabloid.


that's comical, and convenient.

So much of that scene is what happens before hand and building up the tension (special note, not fake tension, not appearing to build up the tension) between Arya and Sansa where you really believe one might potentially kill the other(aka the tension has reached a level to where you actually think it is to the point one might kill the other), it's one of the benefits of this show where so may characters have been killed, and so many characters have made decisions that you wish they hadn't that you actually believe that one might kill the other. Knowing that your aiming at that it really helped in the writing of it as your only goal is to build to what feels like a real rift between them in a way that makes it extremely fraught when you get in that room with them in the end.

What they are saying here is not that the rift wasn't real (and they never said that) that there is a rift between them so great your expecting one to kill the other. By the time of the trial the rift had been diffused (but we didn't know that). You have completely isolated two words out of what they were saying in order to give it meaning which is out of context with everything else. Furthermore, if they were trying to show us that this was all a ruse from the beginning, they would have stated as much, in much clearer terms.

The problem with your interpretation is the scene which got edited out, never would have been shot in the first place as there would have been no need for it, unless your clinging to that fake scene to throw off the paparazzi BS, which by the way was shot on a closed set, ergo, no paparazzi.


CCS Donator
Nov 27, 2014
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Just to clarify something Ncog. The quote I listed was in fact real. Your quote comes from an interview that the actor gave to Variety.

My quote comes from an interview the actor gave to Huffington Post.

Isaac Hempstead Wright told HuffPost that a deleted finale scene would’ve explained things a little better.

“Funny enough, we did actually shoot a scene that didn’t make it into that episode where Sansa knocks on Bran’s door, and I don’t know whether they actually want to change the story, but as I understand it, Sansa came to Bran and goes, ‘Can you just look some of this up before I kill my sister?’ That kind of sentiment. Sansa just checking that fact,” said the actor.

So his answer to Huffington Post clearly says that he didn't know whether they actually want to change the story. So again, the article proves nothing about the final intent. All we know is that the scene is not in the final cut so as it stands now, people are free to speculate and from my perspective, it's terrible editing and writing to leave this out of the final cut.

That is all!

Maybe, but looks more like a paraphrase of the real quote I gave, because the bolded makes no sense. Seems he would understand a scene he was in, regardless the scene was shot.
