- Fascination with Dragons.
- Dragons love him.
- Hair Color
- Eye Color
- red priest Moqorro talks to Tyrion about Dragons “Dragons old and young, true and false, bright and dark. And you. A small man with a big shadow, snarling in the midst of it all.”
- Mad King loved his brothels, do does the Mad King. Tywin hated that in Tyrion.
- "You're no son of mine"
- Aerys “The Mad King” Targaryen lusted for Joanna Lannister
- Aerys took unwanted liberties with Joanna during her bedding ceremony.
He is already amidst dragons, that part is done. The no son of mine is what makes it a great twist, because he is actually the ONLY son of his.
Tyrion is the youngest, if the mad king had his way with Joanna at the bedding ceremony, the offspring that came of that would be Jamie and Cersei. The rest are reaches. Most men love Brothels, the dragons don't "love" him, they just don't torch him. We haven't seen Tyrion interact with the dragons since that one episode.