Game of Thrones Thread


CCS Donator
Nov 27, 2014
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Find that part about Jon and Dany having to travel North of the wall especially interesting as it would go a long way in confirming something I've come across recently. Jon will lose his first square off against the NK when his sword is shattered. He then learns NK has to be killed with a very specific weapon. This weapon has never been mentioned by the well known prophecy people have been going by and trying to make more sense of. He'll need to retrieve the exact dagger the children of the forest used in creating the NK. Makes sense Dany would go with him to retrieve, as you call it, this 'relic' that will lead to the NK's destruction.
Everyone is so wrapped in in the "lightbringer" thing. But, "lightbringer was not Valyrian Steel, the long night was 8000 years ago, and Valyria only dates back 5000 years. So, scratch the whole "what valyrian steel blade in westeros is "lightbringer" deal. Secondly, lightbringer never killed the night king in the first place, as he was merely driven back. Now, I thought the CotF, when they created the first NK, that the dragonglass just kinda went inside him and never came out?


Warrior Spirit

The Truth
Sep 12, 2010
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Everyone is so wrapped in in the "lightbringer" thing. But, "lightbringer was not Valyrian Steel, the long night was 8000 years ago, and Valyria only dates back 5000 years. So, scratch the whole "what valyrian steel blade in westeros is "lightbringer" deal. Secondly, lightbringer never killed the night king in the first place, as he was merely driven back. Now, I thought the CotF, when they created the first NK, that the dragonglass just kinda went inside him and never came out?

I hadn't been taking the prophecy literally but my thinking was regardless what sword he used, there had to be a sacrifice cause Mel has been all about that and what irony if it turned out that she was the one that need be sacrificed.

I was thinking the same as you on 2 things you mentioned there. I also thought the dragon glass was just left inside him which is why I didn't mention that til I saw you heard they have to go beyond the wall to get something. Seemed to fit at that point. Also agree this "lightbringer" sword didn't kill NK before so no cause to believe it ever would.

It's also been a long time theory that Jon, himself, is Lightbringer and the prophecy was not meant to be taken literally. Jon was Rhaegar's 3rd child and as the prophecy stated it was the third attempt that Azor Ahai managed to forge Lightbringer when he drove his sword through his wife's chest. This was also Rhaegar's 3rd attempt to father the prince that was promised so, metaphorically speaking, he drove his own sword through Lyanna and Lightbringer (the Prince that was promised) was conceived.


CCS Donator
Nov 27, 2014
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I hadn't been taking the prophecy literally but my thinking was regardless what sword he used, there had to be a sacrifice cause Mel has been all about that and what irony if it turned out that she was the one that need be sacrificed.

I was thinking the same as you on 2 things you mentioned there. I also thought the dragon glass was just left inside him which is why I didn't mention that til I saw you heard they have to go beyond the wall to get something. Seemed to fit at that point. Also agree this "lightbringer" sword didn't kill NK before so no cause to believe it ever would.

It's also been a long time theory that Jon, himself, is Lightbringer and the prophecy was not meant to be taken literally. Jon was Rhaegar's 3rd child and as the prophecy stated it was the third attempt that Azor Ahai managed to forge Lightbringer when he drove his sword through his wife's chest. This was also Rhaegar's 3rd attempt to father the prince that was promised so, metaphorically speaking, he drove his own sword through Lyanna and Lightbringer (the Prince that was promised) was conceived.

I think this is most likely, but I am hoping Jamie is the one that kills the night king in sort of a mini-twist. he can first kill Cersei (nissa-nissa) "forge is sword, and then kill the Night King. Doubt it will happen, but it kinda a two birds one stone (fulfills two prophecies)


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Aug 20, 2012
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I think this is most likely, but I am hoping Jamie is the one that kills the night king in sort of a mini-twist. he can first kill Cersei (nissa-nissa) "forge is sword, and then kill the Night King. Doubt it will happen, but it kinda a two birds one stone (fulfills two prophecies)
He is the King Slayer!

Warrior Spirit

The Truth
Sep 12, 2010
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Less then a week to go!
Spoilers out for the first episode. Doesn't look like any big surprises in it except...
Jon is apparently told about his true identity in the last scene of the very first episode.


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Dec 19, 2012
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This is good lol


Señor Member
Aug 25, 2012
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This thread has deteriorated into theories and spoilers, I do appreciate the spoiler tags though.

I have no theories or spoilers, but I liked this video about one of my favorite TV characters of all time.



CCS Donator
Nov 27, 2014
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This thread has deteriorated into theories and spoilers, I do appreciate the spoiler tags though.

I have no theories or spoilers, but I liked this video about one of my favorite TV characters of all time.

Well, it hasn't been on in a year and a half, what do you expect?


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Aug 20, 2012
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A couple questions for the well informed -- or good guessers... Talking About TV Only.

1. In the last ep, Jamie didn't like Cersei's plan, and he left the Landing, looked like he's traveling... Do you know, where did Jamie go? is going to tell Khaleesi about Cersei's deception?

2. I got when Cersei told her brother Jamie that the Sea King (whatever his name is) left to gather his ships and an army to bring back. I understand the Bank is going to fund it, but I'm not sure where Cersei is hiring the soldiers? Thoughts?

3. Cersei's plan is to let the Dead and Khaleesi army kill each other off, and then attack who's ever left. But I wonder if that would require her to send part of her army, for looks at least, to go fight the Dead? (but she didn't mention that when she talked to Jamie.)
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Gustavus Adolphus

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The army they are hiring is the Golden Company. I don't think they've been mentioned a lot in the show, but in the books I"m pretty sure there is a lot.


Well-known member
Dec 19, 2012
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My guess Jamie can’t go alone he’s going to take an army with him. Frey’s are gone and the eerie is already in the north so my guess is the river land armies.

As for Cersei paid for army golden company. But we have seen money can’t buy loyalty with guys like Dario noharis. So not really a winning formula for Cersei.

Cersei is pretty confident. A little too confident and that might explain allot of the Tyrion will be a traitor theories


CCS Donator
Nov 27, 2014
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A couple questions for the well informed -- or good guessers...

1. In the last ep, Jamie didn't like Cersei's plan, and he left the Landing, looked like he's traveling... Do you know, where did Jamie go? is going to tell Khaleesi about Cersei's deception?

2. I got when Cersei told her brother Jamie that the Sea King (whatever his name is) left to gather his ships and an army to bring back. I understand the Bank is going to fund it, but I'm not sure where Cersei is hiring the soldiers? Thoughts?

3. Cersei's plan is to let the Dead and Khaleesi army kill each other off, and then attack who's ever left. But I wonder if that would require her to send part of her army, for looks at least, to go fight the Dead? (but she didn't mention that when she talked to Jamie.)

1) Going to Winterfell, He will fight along side the Northerners against the army of the dead. The trailers have shown him fighting at WF against the dead. I am sure he will tell Dany and JOn about Cersei's betrayal, it's not as though it won't be obvious when he shows up with zero Lannister soldiers with him.

2) Hiring the Golden Company our of Bravos.

3) No, why would you think this? It is possible Jamie recruits some of the other forces to come with him, such as the dornish, the Tully's, the Freys, etc.


CCS Donator
Nov 27, 2014
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The army they are hiring is the Golden Company. I don't think they've been mentioned a lot in the show, but in the books I"m pretty sure there is a lot.

Yes, the GC was specifically mentioned as the Army Cersei was hiring, and they have been mentioned before (Stannis wanted to hire them).


CCS Donator
Nov 27, 2014
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My guess Jamie can’t go alone he’s going to take an army with him. Frey’s are gone and the eerie is already in the north so my guess is the river land armies.

As for Cersei paid for army golden company. But we have seen money can’t buy loyalty with guys like Dario noharis. So not really a winning formula for Cersei.

Cersei is pretty confident. A little too confident and that might explain allot of the Tyrion will be a traitor theories

The GC has only broke contract once when being hired, so as mercenaries go, they are the best in this regard.

Gustavus Adolphus

CCS Hall of Fame '20
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I read an interesting theory, maybe it was here, that now that the Iron Bank has been paid off they don't need to have any interest in Cersei or the Lannisters at all. That, while they still owed them money they would always have an eye on KL. Now that the "Lannister's have paid their debts" why the hell would they care about supporting them in anyway? Theory went that once the IB sees Dany and Jon win against the NK, they'd pay the GC off to stop fighting for Cersei.


Well-known member
Aug 20, 2012
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3) No, why would you think this? It is possible Jamie recruits some of the other forces to come with him, such as the dornish, the Tully's, the Freys, etc.
Cersei pledged to fight the Dead with Khaleesi/Snow. If no Landing army joins them in the North, they'll notice.

Maybe they decide they must wipeout Cersei first... lest Cersei attack their army's rear, or at the very moment they've defeated the Dead. How about that? Don't you think Cersei has to make some showing, however small, to help decrease the chances of suspicion and investigation? She can send a small initial army with a general who knows nothing except he's to fight with Khaleesi against the Dead. Sounds like standard procedure to me. You don't think so?

Furthermore, if/when Cersei finds out Jamie is going north and may, or may not, reveal her plan, maybe she doubles down and sends a Landing army to prove she isn't planning a betrayal? We wouldn't think they'd believe Cersei over Jamie, but maybe Cersei thinks they'd believe her if her Landing army is actually there, more than they'd believe Jamie's word. Plus, she has to assume there's a chance Jamie says nothing.
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Gustavus Adolphus

CCS Hall of Fame '20
Jun 15, 2010
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i think Jamie is deader than fried chicken


CCS Donator
Nov 27, 2014
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Cersei pledged to fight the Dead with Khaleesi/Snow. If no Landing army joins them in the North, they'll notice.

Maybe they decide they must wipeout Cersei first... lest Cersei attack their army's rear, or at the very moment they've defeated the Dead. How about that? Don't you think Cersei has to make some showing, however small, to help decrease the chances of suspicion and investigation? She can send a small initial army with a general who knows nothing except he's to fight with Khaleesi against the Dead. Sounds like standard procedure to me. You don't think so?

Furthermore, if/when Cersei finds out Jamie is going north and may, or may not, reveal her plan, maybe she doubles down and sends a Landing army to prove she isn't planning a betrayal? We wouldn't think they'd believe Cersei over Jamie, but maybe Cersei thinks they'd believe her if her Landing army is actually there, more than they'd believe Jamie's word. Plus, she has to assume there's a chance Jamie says nothing.

Wiping out Cersei first is not an option. From the time they find out Cersei's armies are not coming until the WW's arrive at Wf will be a matter of days. Long story short, not enough time for all your what if scenarios. The North's only plan will be deal with WW's first, and if they survive, Cersei second.
