Game of Thrones Thread


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Aug 21, 2012
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I had many of the same thoughts as people already posted here.

Here are questions/comments I had....

1. Wtf was Bran doing when he warged? I assumed it would play a part, but I guess he just wanted to go for a flight?

2. I question the tactics like @remydat ... I'm sorry but the whole battle was just weird, I won't list all my gripes out so I don't get bitched out, but like the trench... chokepoints.... Unsullied in tight phalanx... nah? Why? The gate.... chokepoint... anyone in tight/phalanx formation... nah? Why?

3. The end of the fight with 8-10 people left standing because of plot armor, vs what looked like a few hundred Wights.... I found it odd.... 100K+ Wights..... Winterfell had 30-50k.... half the army died outside or fell back inside, but suddenly the fight narrowed to seemingly a sparse group of like 50-75 Winterfell soldiers vs just like 200-300 Wights.... I know they have to deal with a budget, but they showed me like 125-150k combatants and then it kinda felt like either there were hundreds of thousands of corpses I couldn't see, or alot of the combatants just disappeared? I know they wanted to narrow down to Night King walking in and going after Bran, it just felt like they gave me numbers and then pretended they didnt.... even the Ironborne, I figure Theon brought 50-100.... but only like 20 of them were in the Godswood with him.

4. I was jonesing for Night King vs Jon... it felt like they foreshadowed it with the stare down at Hardhome.... I wish Jon woulda fought the Night King and Arya jumped him once Jon was exhausted/about to die.... then again I was also disappointed with Jon not really fighting Ramsay Bolton, so I think the show just doesn't do showdowns the way I always hope.... Ned vs Jamie was cool, Mountain vs Hound was good, Mountain vs Viper was good, Hound vs Brienne was good, but they choose not to have it be a true one on one fight with Jon vs Ramsay and Jon never gets a fight with NK.

5. That whole scene where Dany lands with Drogon and then sits around until he is swamped and has to shake her and the Wights, made no fucking sense at all. She had no reason to chill there and let that happen to Drogon... Drogon had no reason to chill there... if anything you would think he would gtfo to make sure they couldn't climb him and hurt Dany.... instead they both did nothing until he had to shake her loose and go wild to try to shake off all the Wights. This was writing where someone went "Ok so now Dany is on the ground, surrounded by Wights.....annnnnnnnd Jorah Mormont shows up to protect her, but he dies!" and someone else goes "How did she wind up on the ground, she was on Drogon?".... and they go "Oh idk we'll have like her land and some Wights attack Drogon and she gets shaken off, we'll wave our hands at it"

6. Lol at Berric's death scenes... I swear like three consecutive time... I went "Sheeeeit Berric is dead.... wait nope! He somehow kept going"

7. I like how 1 giant made it in and Lyanna killed him.... there would have been dozens if not hundreds of giants, but Night King chose to keep them hanging out in the back I guess? With the Ice Spiders? I was hoping for some big ass Ice Spiders or some other Ice creatures... Old Nan was a lying ****.

That's all for now


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Aug 21, 2012
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Yea...when Sansa was complaining abt Dany, I was like "at least she's out fighting and not hiding in the crypts". Granted, she used Lord Friendzone as a shield but she was still out on the battlefield.

But yeah...I'm slightly disappointed that this is how they end the NK's story. I just wanted more background on him. Why did he start marching down when he did? What were his plans afterwards?

Maybe I saw it wrong, but wasn't Sansa standing out on the wall with Arya... both of them holding bows?

Or nah?

Cuz I thought Sansa had a bow in hand and I lol'd... "Bish u aint never shot a bow before, you specifically refused to ever do such unladylike things"


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Sep 15, 2012
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Yea...when Sansa was complaining abt Dany, I was like "at least she's out fighting and not hiding in the crypts". Granted, she used Lord Friendzone as a shield but she was still out on the battlefield.

But yeah...I'm slightly disappointed that this is how they end the NK's story. I just wanted more background on him. Why did he start marching down when he did? What were his plans afterwards?

Honestly if Sansa says shit to Dany, I'd just have one of the dragons burn her to death. She has gone back to being quite annoying and I thought she was past that the last few seasons.

Agreed on the NK story. Huge waste but should have figured that out since it was added by the writers of the show. These guys are not very imaginative when they stray from Martin. So they pretty much created this cool character and then didn't know what the **** to do wit him in the end.


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Sep 15, 2012
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Maybe I saw it wrong, but wasn't Sansa standing out on the wall with Arya... both of them holding bows?

Or nah?

Cuz I thought Sansa had a bow in hand and I lol'd... "Bish u aint never shot a bow before, you specifically refused to ever do such unladylike things"

She was at one point but then Arya was pretty much like, "***** you ain't helping anyone out here, go in the crypt with the other kids and useless people."


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Sep 15, 2012
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I had many of the same thoughts as people already posted here.

Here are questions/comments I had....

1. Wtf was Bran doing when he warged? I assumed it would play a part, but I guess he just wanted to go for a flight?

2. I question the tactics like @remydat ... I'm sorry but the whole battle was just weird, I won't list all my gripes out so I don't get bitched out, but like the trench... chokepoints.... Unsullied in tight phalanx... nah? Why? The gate.... chokepoint... anyone in tight/phalanx formation... nah? Why?

3. The end of the fight with 8-10 people left standing because of plot armor, vs what looked like a few hundred Wights.... I found it odd.... 100K+ Wights..... Winterfell had 30-50k.... half the army died outside or fell back inside, but suddenly the fight narrowed to seemingly a sparse group of like 50-75 Winterfell soldiers vs just like 200-300 Wights.... I know they have to deal with a budget, but they showed me like 125-150k combatants and then it kinda felt like either there were hundreds of thousands of corpses I couldn't see, or alot of the combatants just disappeared? I know they wanted to narrow down to Night King walking in and going after Bran, it just felt like they gave me numbers and then pretended they didnt.... even the Ironborne, I figure Theon brought 50-100.... but only like 20 of them were in the Godswood with him.

4. I was jonesing for Night King vs Jon... it felt like they foreshadowed it with the stare down at Hardhome.... I wish Jon woulda fought the Night King and Arya jumped him once Jon was exhausted/about to die.... then again I was also disappointed with Jon not really fighting Ramsay Bolton, so I think the show just doesn't do showdowns the way I always hope.... Ned vs Jamie was cool, Mountain vs Hound was good, Mountain vs Viper was good, Hound vs Brienne was good, but they choose not to have it be a true one on one fight with Jon vs Ramsay and Jon never gets a fight with NK.

5. That whole scene where Dany lands with Drogon and then sits around until he is swamped and has to shake her and the Wights, made no fucking sense at all. She had no reason to chill there and let that happen to Drogon... Drogon had no reason to chill there... if anything you would think he would gtfo to make sure they couldn't climb him and hurt Dany.... instead they both did nothing until he had to shake her loose and go wild to try to shake off all the Wights. This was writing where someone went "Ok so now Dany is on the ground, surrounded by Wights.....annnnnnnnd Jorah Mormont shows up to protect her, but he dies!" and someone else goes "How did she wind up on the ground, she was on Drogon?".... and they go "Oh idk we'll have like her land and some Wights attack Drogon and she gets shaken off, we'll wave our hands at it"

6. Lol at Berric's death scenes... I swear like three consecutive time... I went "Sheeeeit Berric is dead.... wait nope! He somehow kept going"

7. I like how 1 giant made it in and Lyanna killed him.... there would have been dozens if not hundreds of giants, but Night King chose to keep them hanging out in the back I guess? With the Ice Spiders? I was hoping for some big ass Ice Spiders or some other Ice creatures... Old Nan was a lying ****.

That's all for now

1. Yeah all I can think of is he wanted to say hello to the NK just to reinforce he was waiting for him as all they seemed to do was spot the NK and the NK looked back. I thought at first he did that to provide intell through the fog but nope. Unless somehow this comes up in later episodes.

2. Some of the worst military tactics I have even seen depicted in a show.

3. Yeah, how the hell all those wights got in the castle to chase after Arya but yeat damn near every significant character survived outside with their plot armor is beyond me.

4. It would have at least been cool for Jon and the NK to fight even if it was outside and the NK defeats him and then moves on to look for Bran.

5. Pretty much.

6. Yeah wasn't sure if that was supposed to be comic relief. I mean is he even dead, I am wondering if he will show up alive and say the lord of light saved him.

7. Guess the giants had other engagements. Heard one of them had to fight some pesky kid named David.


Silicon Valley CA Bears H
Aug 21, 2012
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Silicon Valley, CA
I LOL'd when they were yelling to "man the walls"....WTF, as in - that was the first time they thought it might be a swell idea?

But honestly it was entertaining, far from perfect or logical but fucking entertaining.


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Aug 21, 2012
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I LOL'd when they were yelling to "man the walls"....WTF, as in - that was the first time they thought it might be a swell idea?

But honestly it was entertaining, far from perfect or logical but fucking entertaining.

Yeah can't deny it was entertaining, but those WTF moments drive me nuts when you could just write it so they don't exist.

Like why didn't the archers on the wall on smother the Wights in arrows when they made their corpse bridge?

They just kinda stood there.... just have them shooting at the gap, show Wights dying.... instead of forcing me to wonder why archers manning the walls are just not shooting.


Silicon Valley CA Bears H
Aug 21, 2012
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Silicon Valley, CA
And how could they possibly not have some sort of anti-wall climbing defense at the ready?

Ahh, **** it, does not diminish my Mountain vs. Hound blood-lust.

Gonna miss the Dothraki tho...


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Sep 15, 2012
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Yeah can't deny it was entertaining, but those WTF moments drive me nuts when you could just write it so they don't exist.

Like why didn't the archers on the wall on smother the Wights in arrows when they made their corpse bridge?

They just kinda stood there.... just have them shooting at the gap, show Wights dying.... instead of forcing me to wonder why archers manning the walls are just not shooting.

Honestly the best tactic for an army without horses like the undead would have been to put the archers on the walls to take out the undead as they approach, light the trench and then when the Undead try and scale the wall, you have the unsullied with their spears replace the archers on the wall. As the undead try and climb the walls you then have the Dothraki attack their rear and as they retreat, you have the dragons burn the undead as well. Rinse and repeat. Only concern in that case would be the NK on the dragon but that is what Dany and Jon are for.


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Aug 21, 2012
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Honestly the best tactic for an army without horses like the undead would have been to put the archers on the walls to take out the undead as they approach, light the trench and then when the Undead try and scale the wall, you have the unsullied with their spears replace the archers on the wall. As the undead try and climb the walls you then have the Dothraki attack their rear and as they retreat, you have the dragons burn the undead as well. Rinse and repeat. Only concern in that case would be the NK on the dragon but that is what Dany and Jon are for.

Ponder me this.... wtf were the Dothraki planning to do on that charge if Melisandre had not shown up to light all their swords on fire?

Just charge into the complete darkness?


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Aug 21, 2012
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Also, paging Knights of the Vale... Yohn Royce.... did they wind up on Injured Reserve for this one?


Minister of Archaic Titillations
Aug 20, 2012
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Not sure anyone else thought this, but I kind of got the vibe that based on their conversations with each other all show long that when Sansa brought out the dagger behind a crypt that her and Tyrion were going to have a Romeo and Juliet ending.
I looked to my wife and said "No,no. They aren't going to kill themselves are they?"


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Sep 15, 2012
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Ponder me this.... wtf were the Dothraki planning to do on that charge if Melisandre had not shown up to light all their swords on fire?

Just charge into the complete darkness?

No fucking idea. It truly made no sense and clearly was done for dramatic purposes.


Well-known member
Dec 25, 2013
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No fucking idea. It truly made no sense and clearly was done for dramatic purposes.

I'm shocked, shocked to discover a fictional fantasy series with dragons, magic, and ice zombies would eschew hard realism in favor of dramatic license!


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Aug 21, 2012
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No fucking idea. It truly made no sense and clearly was done for dramatic purposes.

I read it as the TV writers following a pattern of saying "Oh here's a cool thing that will happen" and then they kinda duct tape together how you get from point A to point B, waving their hands, and asking the consumer of the content to ignore it.

It was clearly a really cool visual, the horsemen riding with the flaming swords into absolute darkness.... and it inspired a dread as they all went down, flickering out.

I don't mind the idea they had lol but they seem lazy when they ask me to not think, even a little bit, about how they even started with point A, much less got to point B.

Why would you put your light/fast horsemen out in front, with regular swords (not dragonglass AFAIK), with the intent to send them alone on a charge against an enemy line you can't see?

All these military tacticians in Brienne, Jamie, Jon, Jorah, Ser Davos(sorta), Ed (Night's Watch Cmdr), Tormund, Grey Worm, Dothraki leaders..... not a single one asked wtf they were doing charging straight at an enemy they couldn't see with weapons that wouldn't kill them, and no light source?

I realize this isn't a fucking military history/strategy/tactics show, but I find it hard to believe the Dothraki or anyone involved thought "Step 1... send Dothraki on a suicide charge... love it... keep going"

And I know, someone will say "Well maybe the Dothraki were meant to just scout/skirmish and obviously it went badly....."

Fine I will play along, they were going to scout/skirmish and come back....

How do you scout in the dark with no light?

How do you skirmish an enemy with weapons that cannot wound or kill them?

If your plan was to scout/skirmish.... why in the flying **** didn't most of them turn back as soon as they could see they were on a suicide charge? Why did they proceed full bore with a fucking suicide charge?

Dothraki might be nuts but not so nuts they would have gladly signed up to go on a blatant suicide charge.


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Aug 21, 2012
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I'm shocked, shocked to discover a fictional fantasy series with dragons, magic, and ice zombies would eschew hard realism in favor of dramatic license!

I'm all for some drama, but cmon.... the last 2 seasons they didn't just "eschew hard realism", they violate the laws of physics/logic in their own fantasy universe.
