I always hoped the threat of the WWs was more of the end-game than the politics of the Iron Throne, and as such I'm kind of disappointed that the major threat to all of humanity is gone and they're back to squabbling over a chair. For all the mystery surrounding the Walkers it's kind of unsatisfying that there weren't any real answers as to motivation, the specific beef with Jon, all the holy/supernatural intervention, and so on. Perhaps it is as simple as them still trying to fulfill the purpose they were created for by the Children; to destroy humanity. But then why all the symbolism (spirals/other signs) and such? The lack of a deeper meaning is my issue, I guess. Actually, I would have been perfectly happy with the NK eventually wiping everyone out. That, at least, would be a stark contrast to the typical happy ending plots we're so accustom too.
Who knows though, maybe they do have one more big surprise in store and the NK rezzes himself or was only a puppet of the true evil (the Children have been hiding out, biding their time until humanity weakened itself enough, ahhhhhh...magical midgets!!!!) or something; but I doubt it given the limited time left.
Whatever way it goes it's still an all-time great series.