Nice story. Have anything to back it up?
Its moreso common sense. You own AH... why deal with the city? AH caved and gave you the concessions you wanted -- but you are still working with the city?? If you had the money (particularly after the concessions) your focus would be 100% on building in AH.
Not everything needs to be spelled out. We can read between the lines my friend.
Moreover, and here is the kicker.... you cannot waste people's/the city's
time, money and resources out of some elaborate power play to get a better deal with AH as some have theorized. Doing so will open you up to being sued out of the arse. There is a thing called "good faith" and other principles in law that prohibit that - "misrepresentation” and even “fraud” being others. These easily/quickly come to mind for me and this type of law was never my specialty. I am quite sure a lawyer that specializes in this area will be able to come up with other legal theories to get their butts sued as well. No, what they are doing with the city is real.
The only way I see a deal with AH working is if: a). the Bears sell, or b). they take on a partner to help carry the monetary load.