yeah yeah yeah....we get it fat man..... you the type who wears a t shirt while swimming in an indoor pool...
u duh baby scurred to post pics... be serious about yo message.. be a spartan... be a man.
being this is about fitness.. pics be the only proof.. so keep spouting about nuffin until you do the spreads n continue to do the spreads... bitches hide while men man up n show what they is about no matter what stage they at fitness wise.. round or chisled.....
on duh reelz me winter hibernation coming towards an end... im sure youll like my phase two approach thats about to kick off... cause its much like phase 1
last go round me first month was a build up.... this time im cutting that in half.. while doing duh maintenance sit ups and push ups, ive be kept reps at around 75% of me numbas. this 2 week objective will be to condition the smaller musckles ligamints n shit thatll support throwing lots of punches again..
diet.. meals 5-7 times a day
week 1 reintroduction to not hurt meself
week 2 reintroduction to not hurt meself
week 3-8 back to what be workeded before
now the gym n weights will come into play but idk when. perhaps weeks 9-12
week 13 step back n relax a bit week
week 14 til nex winter repeats..
next winter.. bulk?? in gym.. regardless of bulking or not... hitting the warm ass gym.
while i was be wanting to go yoyo and cut bulk cut bulk.. imma hold off on that.. im too fat n out of shape for that extreme plan atm.. i dont wanna fry me horomones within the first 6 months at the gym jumping back n forth... n get stuck at 240 or sumin for a year
however once i do be lifting.. itll just be about getting stronger and continuing the weight loss until im in that 200-215 range. then ill be assess me non musckled leaned look... when i do bulk i want to bulk 6-12 months before cutting for 2-3 months.. id like to eventually limit the bulk cut cycle to 1-2 times year.. like bulk 9-10 months, cut fer 2-3.. or bulk 12 months cut fer 2-3 n repeat..
fer now i want to get me cardio back up to speed before i do less cardio and heavier gaineded lifting.. im more of a sprinter but id like to at least get me minute mile back in that 4:40-5:40 range before moving on.. idk, id probably settle fer 6-7 min miles at this the same time, being older i may just want to focus on low impact cardio to protect me aging joints... me plan be flex ready at all times so i can go do this and that, try this and that n not have to starve..