If we lose out...


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Apr 23, 2013
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Durango, CO
Not sure how you don't get simple concepts. What do you think is gained by winning 10 games on the futures outlook?

Same thing that winning 6,7,8, or 9 games likely.

They won't win the SB..........will get some draft picks, free agency, and have personnel decisions to make in order to try and improve next year.

Does winning 6 or 7 games give them a better chance to win 12 or 13 next year than winning 9 or 10?


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Apr 23, 2013
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Durango, CO
Hehateme I give you props on that library situation.

Staring at what other people do on the computer is rude.

I'm ashamed you would condone such behavior.


CCS Hall of Fame '20
Aug 20, 2012
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Can we pretend that you did but don't?

Awesome story.

You realize I give less than two shits? I'm sure you do. This is riveting..........please continue.

So pming you porn is okay? Noted.

Those are usually the best places, in my opinion.

Yes. I horrible at internets. Maybe someday you learn me.

Oh, I'm far more perverted than that. Give me some credit.

Is this prison lingo? I've never been.

I will try to act more civilized like the other posters here.

By using hashtags and posting gifs instead of actual words.

Yes, but not you. No. You showed me. With that 24 hour ban but now I'm right back here posting again.

I've learned my lesson. Yes sir. I won't be trouble for you anymore.

Do I need to post this in a different font for you to understand the sarcasm and the fact I don't give a fuck what old men you see in the library and what you do with him when no one is looking?

I'm new at internets.

You must be very proud.

I am sure that your opinions on bears football and how you carry yourself on here will find a comfortable niche in this online community.


Active member
Apr 23, 2013
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Durango, CO
I am sure that your opinions on bears football and how you carry yourself on here will find a comfortable niche in this online community.

It would fulfill a life long dream.


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Jun 29, 2010
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The OP
Same thing that winning 6,7,8, or 9 games likely.

They won't win the SB..........will get some draft picks, free agency, and have personnel decisions to make in order to try and improve next year.

Does winning 6 or 7 games give them a better chance to win 12 or 13 next year than winning 9 or 10?

Winning 6 or 7 games gives a team a better draft pick to use/trade in opportunity to improve a team better. By all of their picks being of higher value.

It in turn does give them a better chance to have better players which gives a team a better chance to win more games. So yes, a draft.status does impact it.

Why must I be Saad? Via Tapatalk


CCS Hall of Fame '20
Aug 20, 2012
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Time for bed.

The library opens at 9 tomorrow.

I don't want to be late.

watch out,

we got a sociopath over here.


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Apr 23, 2013
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Durango, CO
Winning 6 or 7 games gives a team a better draft pick to use/trade in opportunity to improve a team better. By all of their picks being of higher value.

We're likely talking about the difference between drafting anywhere from 12 (unlikely, it would seem by looking at the standings) to 16 or maybe 20 to 24. Probably no better or worse than that, you agree? In reality, we're probably talking about the difference in about 8 spots or so.

If they did get the 12th pick...........is Emery gonna trade it with so many big holes on defense? Maybe, but he hasn't trade a first round pick yet and this is considered a good draft with good first round prospects..........so I will make an assumption and say he won't.

Furthermore...........is an 8 spot difference that big? In what is considered a deep draft?

In any year past.........does the team drafting 16th really get a player light years ahead of the team drafting 23rd?

It in turn does give them a better chance to have better players which gives a team a better chance to win more games. So yes, a draft.status does impact it.

I disagree. If Emery knows what he is doing he should be able to find players that fit the system and can play at high level regardless of where he is picking. It is what he is paid to do. He missed big on McClellin but has apparently hit big on Long..........so we will see.

I just don't see where picking in the mid teens is going to make a bigger difference on the future than picking 22nd or 24th is. I don't see it.


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Aug 21, 2012
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Des Plaines, IL
Yeah, those damn 'kiddos' not subscribing to blanket statements and gut decisions. I always laugh my ass off when some kiddo sacks his bishop for better positioning in chess. Like, c'mon, you're giving up a temporary material advantage for the sake of a greater plan? What are you, four?

A football example here for the meatheads is this scenario; The Bears are in a tie game against the Packers at 17-17. There is a minute and a half left and green bay has the ball on the chicago 3 yard line. You can buckle down, play defense and hold them out of the enczone. But meanwhile, sitting with zero timeouts, greenbay is now attempting a game winning fieldgoal with 1 second left. The better strategy is to allow them to run into the endzone. A "losing" drive under any normal circumstances, but then again, these are not normal circumstances. You "lose" on that drive to give your team a chance to win.


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Jun 29, 2010
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The OP
We're likely talking about the difference between drafting anywhere from 12 (unlikely, it would seem by looking at the standings) to 16 or maybe 20 to 24. Probably no better or worse than that, you agree? In reality, we're probably talking about the difference in about 8 spots or so.

If they did get the 12th pick...........is Emery gonna trade it with so many big holes on defense? Maybe, but he hasn't trade a first round pick yet and this is considered a good draft with good first round prospects..........so I will make an assumption and say he won't.

Furthermore...........is an 8 spot difference that big? In what is considered a deep draft?

In any year past.........does the team drafting 16th really get a player light years ahead of the team drafting 23rd?

I disagree. If Emery knows what he is doing he should be able to find players that fit the system and can play at high level regardless of where he is picking. It is what he is paid to do. He missed big on McClellin but has apparently hit big on Long..........so we will see.

I just don't see where picking in the mid teens is going to make a bigger difference on the future than picking 22nd or 24th is. I don't see it.

What Emery could or couldn't do doesn't matter. It's a case of statistics and yes, it's been posted in this thread already how there is differences in top 15 and bottom 15 of the first round... There is even differences in the increments of 10s. But beyond that, don't ignore every draft pick is also more valuable as they're higher in each round.

If the team was no better or worse despite a 10-6/6-10 record difference. It's just strict ignorance or disdain of probability to say there's no difference.

Why must I be Saad? Via Tapatalk


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Jun 10, 2013
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In the snowbelt north of Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Bww you've done some outstanding work here. Very proud of you ... I've got tears from laughing so hard at your nonsensical nonsense.

But ... as always you don't disappoint in the field of football knowledge and authority. It's also good to see that there are a few posters here who also have an understanding of what the basic premise of football fandom is.

As your twin Mongo said,

"Win. Win now. Win later. Win every single time you go out to play.

That is how you win. "

Now that's going to be my signature here and everywhere else I go on the web. If you want to lose because you think it's going to put you in a better position down the road? Take your goddamn Orange and Blue off. You have no right to wear those colours if you ever want to see your team lose. Ever.


Message Board Hero
CCS Hall of Fame '20
Aug 20, 2012
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Any-Town, USA
My favorite teams
  1. Chicago Cubs
  1. Chicago Bulls
  1. Chicago Bears
  1. Chicago Blackhawks
  1. Michigan Wolverines
  2. Purdue Boilermakers

The Lions went 0-16 and had the worst record in the NFL.... They won 4games last year.

Your math doesn't add up???

LOL, seriously? With all the talent the Lions have put together? Their problem is the coach breeds undisciplined play. Chiefs have a ton of talent from getting high picks. Bills were playing well until their high pick QB went down. The playoffs aren't happening for the Bears, they've done so bad in the NFC it's damn near impossible to compensate. I won't be looking at wins and losses the rest of the season, I'll be looking at development. If they win, meh, if they lose, it isn't that bad a thing. It's not like we'll suddenly be rooting for losses, most of us just won't be as upset when they do, because it should help long term.


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Jun 10, 2013
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In the snowbelt north of Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Please allow me to give you some context, sport.

Just two days ago I was at the library checking out some pervert on a computer blah blah blah look at me I'm a hero ...

Pot meet kettle.

You're easily as offensive as you say Bww is but I don't think you even know that.

You should just do the honourable thing and admit that you have been out-witted, out-played and out-matched by Bww and his alter ego Mongo.

And just in case you've forgotten ... you still haven't answered Bww and Mongo's question.


New member
Jun 10, 2013
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In the snowbelt north of Toronto, Ontario, Canada
ijustposthere I love your signature picture ... too funny!


Message Board Hero
CCS Hall of Fame '20
Aug 20, 2012
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Any-Town, USA
My favorite teams
  1. Chicago Cubs
  1. Chicago Bulls
  1. Chicago Bears
  1. Chicago Blackhawks
  1. Michigan Wolverines
  2. Purdue Boilermakers
So you subscribe to the Cubs plan?

No really.

That's what it boils down to.

Are you Ok with losing now for "a chance" later?

Because the Cubs had a 2 year "plan" that is now a 6 year plan. Meanwhile, all we do is lose.

I am for winning now to build to win it all later. There is absolutely no guarantees that losing now makes you win later. There are many many examples of winning now and winning later...

Fuck, the Lions were the worst team in the history of the NFL. They won 4 games last year. FOUR. And if we didn't jettison our defense, we would be sitting in the drivers seat to knock them out this year.

Win. Win now. Win later. Win every single time you go out to play.

That is how you win.

LOL, the cubs NEVER had a 2 year plan. It was a 5 year plan. On top of that, people that rate talent now put the Cubs as a top 5 farm system in baseball. They're doing exactly what they said they wanted to do, build from the inside out.


Message Board Hero
CCS Hall of Fame '20
Aug 20, 2012
Liked Posts:
Any-Town, USA
My favorite teams
  1. Chicago Cubs
  1. Chicago Bulls
  1. Chicago Bears
  1. Chicago Blackhawks
  1. Michigan Wolverines
  2. Purdue Boilermakers
ijustposthere I love your signature picture ... too funny!

Yeah, it puts a smile on my face. Hopefully Trestman/Emery can continue to build on this team. Despite the bad defense, I do like the growth I've seen this year. I think Trestman is doing a good job to build team unity, but also show/confirm to Emery where the weaknesses are on this team.


Active member
Apr 23, 2013
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Durango, CO
What Emery could or couldn't do doesn't matter.

You are the one that brought up that a reason a higher pick is better is that is has better trade value.

Now what the GM of the team could or couldn't do with the pick doesn't matter?
If the team was no better or worse despite a 10-6/6-10 record difference. It's just strict ignorance or disdain of probability to say there's no difference.

The ignorance is in thinking they NEED to lose in order to improve..........and that is what I have been arguing against.


CCS Hall of Fame '20
Aug 20, 2012
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Pot meet kettle.

You're easily as offensive as you say Bww is but I don't think you even know that.

You should just do the honourable thing and admit that you have been out-witted, out-played and out-matched by Bww and his alter egos Mongo and babbyfan.

And just in case you've forgotten ... you still haven't answered Bww and Mongo's question.

