If we lose out...

Chris Sojka

Well-known member
Aug 25, 2012
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No, life is not about being mediocre. You should do you best to excel in those areas that are in your control. The Bears winning or losing is not in your control. This is a hobby, this is supposed to be fun. I am as pissed as anybody when the Bears lose. I am like a fucking lunatic on here. Then it is over. I am so looking forward to Monday Night football next week, from the pre-game show on. The Bears in the spotlight. You want to lose that game.

Excel in your career, take care of your family. Help out those that are in need. That is what you can control. There is where you can rise above mediocrity, not winning a Superbowl.

Sorry... I wan't superiority in every way possible...

Winning a Superbowl greatly benefits the city of Chicago in multiple ways... Sports teams have an effect on people just as you admitted in your post above...

When the bears lose you go crazy and feel like shit correct?

So what would the high feel like if the bears were to win the superbowl? Do you remember when Hester returned the opening kick in the superbowl? That was the most amazing feeling as a fan that I have ever had... I want that feeling again... it was amazing... Ill continue my attempt to sway the opinion of the fanbase in order to influence change in the organization as much as I can... Like you said control what you can control...

By staying up to date and having conversations about our team we become enlightened together as a franchise... which means we demand something from our GM and our coaches and it comes down to the ownership to implement it...

If you think the hiring of Phil Emery and Marc Trestman wasn't due to the long overdue complaints of fans not seeing a competent offense then you are completely wrong... it might have taken what seemed like forever but it eventually happened...

BTW i refuse to believe that people come to conclusions all by themselves... that includes the bears front office and the president in the oval office... we are all influenced by the people around us whether we like it or not...


CCS Hall of Fame '20
Aug 20, 2012
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No, life is not about being mediocre. You should do you best to excel in those areas that are in your control. The Bears winning or losing is not in your control. This is a hobby, this is supposed to be fun. I am as pissed as anybody when the Bears lose. I am like a fucking lunatic on here. Then it is over. I am so looking forward to Monday Night football next week, from the pre-game show on. The Bears in the spotlight. You want to lose that game.

Excel in your career, take care of your family. Help out those that are in need. That is what you can control. There is where you can rise above mediocrity, not winning a Superbowl.



Active member
Apr 23, 2013
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Durango, CO
Ill continue my attempt to sway the opinion of the fanbase in order to influence change in the organization as much as I can.

So............you think posting on a message board full of idiots someone can influence change in a NFL franchise?


Active member
Apr 23, 2013
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Durango, CO
If you think the hiring of Phil Emery and Marc Trestman wasn't due to the long overdue complaints of fans not seeing a competent offense then you are completely wrong... it might have taken what seemed like forever but it eventually happened...

Emery was hired because his predecessor was fired for failing to achieve the goals set forth in front of him.

Trestman was hired because Emery thought he was the best guy for the job, and because the team has long struggled on offense despite having talent.

Fans had nothing to do with it.

Chris Sojka

Well-known member
Aug 25, 2012
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So............you think posting on a message board full of idiots someone can influence change in a NFL franchise?

If I didn't think the opinions of the fan base were important then I wouldn't talk to all the other die hard fans on the message board...

Do you think a butterfly can play a part in a hurricane?


Active member
Apr 23, 2013
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Durango, CO
If I didn't think the opinions of the fan base were important then I wouldn't talk to all the other die hard fans on the message board...

Well then you should probably stop typing now.

Because based on your logic Emery would have never drafted Kyle Long last year.

Do you think a butterfly can play a part in a hurricane?

Of course you realize when Lorenz said that about the butterfly effect he was trying to be poetic? It was hyperbole.


New member
Apr 19, 2013
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Look at the Packers. They have had some bad seasons over the past 20 years but only 1-2 which I would say they sucked. And they have been fine. The Packers have drafted well in late rounds which is the key to their success. They have 2 players on this years team that were not drafted by them 2!!. This is the same argument people have in the Cubs forum with the Cardinals, or Red Wings in the NHL. Each of Chicago's arch rivals have been arguably the best team in their conference the past 20 years and never sucked. No need for Chicago teams to do it. Value can be found all over the draft, especially in the NFL. It's not the NBA where only the top 5 picks are worth a damn


Drinking da Bears better
Aug 20, 2012
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Some interesting info for this little cockfight.

Published Sunday, Apr 22, 2012

A half-dozen facts about the last 10 NFL drafts, by pick:

— Every first-round draft position (1-32) has produced at least one Pro Bowl player.

— The draft positions that have produced the most Pro Bowl players are the third pick, 11th pick, and 24th pick (six each).

— The first and second picks have produced 10 players who have been to the Pro Bowl: five No. 1 picks and five No. 2 picks.

—The 27th overall pick has produced exactly as many Pro Bowl players (five) as the No. 1 and No. 2 overall picks.

—The first, third, eighth, 11th, 12th, and 24th picks have each produced the most players (four) who have been to multiple Pro Bowls.

— The sixth pick in the draft has been snake-bitten, with only two players who have been to a Pro Bowl and zero multiple-Pro Bowl players.

Great post that needed repeating

Chris Sojka

Well-known member
Aug 25, 2012
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Emery was hired because his predecessor was fired for failing to achieve the goals set forth in front of him.

Trestman was hired because Emery thought he was the best guy for the job, and because the team has long struggled on offense despite having talent.

Fans had nothing to do with it.

The motto in this town has been defense wins championships... That has changed because the fan base is tired of it and the media is in touch with the fan base... The media makes it an issue and then if it checks out and holds water the necessary measures are taken to correct the problem...

Not to mention... It was the fans who realized that you need a top notch QB to win championships in the NFL long before our GM figured it out... As a matter of fact the media who are also just televised fans have a huge effect on players coaches GMs and owners... They talk all the time about how hard it is to play in certain cities because of how insane the fans and media are... If you think its easy to be the head coach of the Jets you need to seriously check your brain...

you make no sense to me... just an oblivious goon arguing for the sake of arguing?

why are you even here arguing on a forum? obviously if changing my opinion wont make a difference... what is the point then? you just want to influence my opinion for my well being?


Well-known member
Dec 2, 2013
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So............you think posting on a message board full of idiots someone can influence change in a NFL franchise?

Emery is an avid reader on these boards... I heard...

Chris Sojka

Well-known member
Aug 25, 2012
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Look at the Packers. They have had some bad seasons over the past 20 years but only 1-2 which I would say they sucked. And they have been fine. The Packers have drafted well in late rounds which is the key to their success. They have 2 players on this years team that were not drafted by them 2!!. This is the same argument people have in the Cubs forum with the Cardinals, or Red Wings in the NHL. Each of Chicago's arch rivals have been arguably the best team in their conference the past 20 years and never sucked. No need for Chicago teams to do it. Value can be found all over the draft, especially in the NFL. It's not the NBA where only the top 5 picks are worth a damn

Everyone already agrees that talent is all over in the draft...

People don't seem to understand that you have a better chance at getting a more talented player the earlier you draft... Do you believe that Clowney is the best DE in the draft? if so then why won't he fall to pick number 100? because he is projected to be better in the NFL than the other DEs in the draft...that is why... that doesn't mean someone won't shock the world or go unnoticed and suddenly turn into a superstar...


Active member
Apr 23, 2013
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Durango, CO
There is no evidence that the McCaskey family or any Bears GM has ever made a decision based on fan or media perception.

That is a ridiculous assumption not based on any reality.

Please cease talking out of your ass. You're embarrassing yourself kid.
why are you even here arguing on a forum?

Because it's fun. I enjoy verbally bitch slapping internet idiots such as yourself. It's a hobby and I'm good at it.

obviously if changing my opinion wont make a difference... what is the point then?

I'm not attempting to change your opinion, why would I? If you are content being a moron, I'm content allowing you to be one. More laughs for me.

you just want to influence my opinion for my well being?

I would try to make sense out of this question but I'd likely just end up with a headache.

Chris Sojka

Well-known member
Aug 25, 2012
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Emery is an avid reader on these boards... I heard...

Not at all... I simply believe that every concept that holds water will stick and become very popular... every concept that doesn't will be dismissed...

Kinda like drafting later is the same as drafting 1st overall... that argument just makes no sense so no GM, media outlet or franchise would ever adopt that idiotic idea...

Franchises clearly believe that the earlier you pick in the draft the more choices you have... the more options to choose from the better...


Active member
Apr 23, 2013
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Durango, CO
People don't seem to understand that you have a better chance at getting a more talented player the earlier you draft.

You don't seem to understand that history suggest otherwise.
Do you believe that Clowney is the best DE in the draft? if so then why won't he fall to pick number 100? because he is projected to be better in the NFL than the other DEs in the draft...that is why... that doesn't mean someone won't shock the world or go unnoticed and suddenly turn into a superstar...

Clowney is RATED the best.............doesn't mean he will BE the best. Which is why it's no guarantee that the team that gets him will improve while the teams that miss out won't.

Learn the difference between projection and reality.

How often does the highest projected player at each position actually end up being the best?


Active member
Apr 23, 2013
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Durango, CO
Franchises clearly believe that the earlier you pick in the draft the more choices you have... the more options to choose from the better...

Clearly. That's why Belichick has made it routine to trade back often, more than once he's traded out of the first round to get more picks later on.

Yet the Patriots are a yearly contender, while never having a top pick.

How often do you see teams that win consistently trade up in the draft? Almost never.

Chris Sojka

Well-known member
Aug 25, 2012
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There is no evidence that the McCaskey family or any Bears GM has ever made a decision based on fan or media perception.

That is a ridiculous assumption not based on any reality.

Please cease talking out of your ass. You're embarrassing yourself kid.

Because it's fun. I enjoy verbally bitch slapping internet idiots such as yourself. It's a hobby and I'm good at it.

I'm not attempting to change your opinion, why would I? If you are content being a moron, I'm content allowing you to be one. More laughs for me.

I would try to make sense out of this question but I'd likely just end up with a headache.

You enjoy bitch slapping idiots on a forum? Nothing you said made sense.. drafting later in the draft isn't better... making the playoffs and losing doesn't mean shit...

you contradicted yourself when you said

Its a crap shoot and you have to trust your GM to see the right talent...

Its one or the other not both... you are fucking stupid...


Well-known member
Dec 2, 2013
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Kinda like drafting later is the same as drafting 1st overall... that argument just makes no sense so no GM, media outlet or franchise would ever adopt that idiotic idea...

Drafting well, doing your homework, being a good talent evaluator - regardless of where you are drafting - is the only thing that ensures a good pick.
