<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="MassHavoc" data-cid="210978" data-time="1381848540">
Just some things through reading.</p>
1.) Ton, you don't want to tear the extra features down because you've built them up. But you don't have time to maintain them so you are essentially letting the crumble themselves. On top of that, if we merge, you are still too busy to do them, so they are going to go away anyway? Then, you mention that they are revenue building, so they aren't going to be your problem anymore. If you keep the site and remove them, you are in the same place as if you merged. I don't understand the reasoning. They are going away either way. If we don't merge you don't have time for them. If we do merge you don't have time for them and don't get the revenue that you say they generate anyway.</p>
2.) Yes, I'm worried about things changing, not at the switch but 5-6 months down the road when we're all settled in and the revenue needs to be pumped up a bit. Not only could that lead to taming of posting to attract new posters, much like we've talked about here, but what about the opposite. What about posters trolls that need to be removed. Will the mods actually be able to do that or is that an Admin function and even allowed if it's revenue generation that we're talking about here.</p>
3.) I know you are all good people. But you have to stop saying nothing will change. You can't know, and you can't promise. Fact is it will change. It's a new Admin. You can't say everything is going to be the same and transfer over. It's just not that simple. No matter how much Cutsizzle wants to keep things the same, he runs a different ship than you. As would anyone on this board. It's not going to be a translucent crossover for that point along. Imagine how much different this board would be with Stu, PuckJim, IHF, RK, BHP, Pez, Me, Count, Lord, ect... as the ADMIN. We'd all do it our own specific way even though we all want things to stay the same. It's just human nature, and I think that's the main thing here is that everyone likes it the way it is, and no matter how much you keep the same it's going to be different.</p>
4.) Do I think we could do it, yes. Do I think it would be easy. Probably. But again I have to just ask the simple question of Why? We... as a community of IHN, still haven't really found out how this benefits us? I know what you are saying, better admin. But most of us don't look at the other content anyway so we don't care that it's lacking. The boards work. You are saying a one stop shop for all our Chicago Sports... we're all here for Hockey, and we have forums for that which we chat in for big stuff. They don't get much traffic so you can bet that folks don't really care. Hell the video game and book thread is probably the biggest but we aren't going to merge there either. You have said that it's a change to make IHN bigger, which I get, but I suspect many of those folks are just like us, if they want a hockey board they will go to a hockey board. If we want to get bigger there are better ways to do it than to join forces with people who already don't talk about hockey. At the end of the day it just feels like we are being used as a marketing tool or a focus group and we (IHN Community) are getting no real benefit from the move.</p>
5.) Maybe it would be best giving the pushback from the board if we talk about what is really motivating this from your end Ton. What I am hearing is 1. Cost. 2. Time. 3. Effort. I think if these are the main reasons they can all be managed individually. 1. Cost is no problem. You let folks know exactly how much it is, and we come up with a plan to fund. Time. We've already said that if you scale back all the extras the board pretty much runs itself now. Lot less time needed. And hopefully costs go down a bit without sacrificing too much revenue (Again other ways to generate this). Effort, through 1 and 2. hopefully the effort required would go down. And if you would loosen up the reigns a bit without losing control, I'm sure there are plenty of folks here who would be happy to be an active part of this site to help it stay the great community it has become. </p>
I know you've wanted to build this site into something bigger for a real long time. And I know it's hard for you to think about scaling it down because it seems like all that work you did is for nothing, but it helped build the community into the way that it is now. And without all the work and the extras we wouldn't have 2600 facebook followers. But the core of this site is the boards. That is why we are all here. And I think that's all anyone really cares about. I just don't see how the change benefits us. If we were adding a great smaller community to this site, I'd be all for it, but the other way around doesn't seem like a sound idea. I appreciate what CSS is trying to do. But I'm apart of two message boards, I'm not on a bears one, a blackhawks one, a cubs one, a white sox one... I'm one a Hawks one and one other one because that's what I am most passionate about. I would move and go over there and post and I'm sure I'd have no real problems, but other people are more particular and I'm here for them as much as me. If that starts to break down then there won't be much of a reason to be there anymore. I can use facebook or something. So just know that there is a chance that this could dissolve the entire site. And if that's the case what is worse, scaling back to the core or possibly losing the whole thing?</p>
I want to say that I agree 100% with my dear Nemesis, Mass. And I wish you guys weren't blocked at work because I would still be posting here.
