IHN and my time (Please read, everyone)


Funny the people that have logged into this thread to read it.  I wonder why...</p>


Scratched for Vorobiev
Dec 8, 2014
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<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="Variable" data-cid="211313" data-time="1381955151">

You know, I used to think I knew what the word "trolling"  meant, but now I'm not sure anymore. It seems to have been stretched to include a few other things.</p>


Disagreement? Trolling.</p>


Holding a not-as-popular view on something? Trolling.</p>


Asking honest questions, trying to understand the other side of an issue? Trolling.</p>


Trolling, trolling, trolling. Really nothing I've mentioned or brought up in this thread isn't something that already was by another person.</p>

Well, from my position, I try not to be an overt dickweed unless I run across something horribly dumb, but unfortunately sarcasm detection on the interwebs is in an infantile state (pun intended), and it's hard to read when someone is really trolling, when they are instigating, or when they have a real question.</p>


Still, as brutal as these boards get, they are rather tame.  I know that we tend to not always have the same views on things (i.e. fighting in the league), but I hope I haven't been a fartknocker to you when it comes down to it.</p>


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May 15, 2010
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Charlotte, NC
<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="MassHavoc" data-cid="210978" data-time="1381848540">

Just some things through reading.</p>


1.) Ton, you don't want to tear the extra features down because you've built them up. But you don't have time to maintain them so you are essentially letting the crumble themselves. On top of that, if we merge, you are still too busy to do them, so they are going to go away anyway? Then, you mention that they are revenue building, so they aren't going to be your problem anymore. If you keep the site and remove them, you are in the same place as if you merged. I don't understand the reasoning. They are going away either way. If we don't merge you don't have time for them. If we do merge you don't have time for them and don't get the revenue that you say they generate anyway.</p>


2.) Yes, I'm worried about things changing, not at the switch but 5-6 months down the road when we're all settled in and the revenue needs to be pumped up a bit. Not only could that lead to taming of posting to attract new posters, much like we've talked about here, but what about the opposite. What about posters trolls that need to be removed. Will the mods actually be able to do that or is that an Admin function and even allowed if it's revenue generation that we're talking about here.</p>


3.) I know you are all good people. But you have to stop saying nothing will change. You can't know, and you can't promise. Fact is it will change. It's a new Admin. You can't say everything is going to be the same and transfer over. It's just not that simple. No matter how much Cutsizzle wants to keep things the same, he runs a different ship than you. As would anyone on this board. It's not going to be a translucent crossover for that point along. Imagine how much different this board would be with Stu, PuckJim, IHF, RK, BHP, Pez, Me, Count, Lord, ect... as the ADMIN. We'd all do it our own specific way even though we all want things to stay the same. It's just human nature, and I think that's the main thing here is that everyone likes it the way it is, and no matter how much you keep the same it's going to be different.</p>


4.) Do I think we could do it, yes. Do I think it would be easy. Probably. But again I have to just ask the simple question of Why? We... as a community of IHN, still haven't really found out how this benefits us? I know what you are saying, better admin. But most of us don't look at the other content anyway so we don't care that it's lacking. The boards work. You are saying a one stop shop for all our Chicago Sports... we're all here for Hockey, and we have forums for that which we chat in for big stuff. They don't get much traffic so you can bet that folks don't really care. Hell the video game and book thread is probably the biggest but we aren't going to merge there either. You have said that it's a change to make IHN bigger, which I get, but I suspect many of those folks are just like us, if they want a hockey board they will go to a hockey board. If we want to get bigger there are better ways to do it than to join forces with people who already don't talk about hockey. At the end of the day it just feels like we are being used as a marketing tool or a focus group and we (IHN Community) are getting no real benefit from the move.</p>


5.) Maybe it would be best giving the pushback from the board if we talk about what is really motivating this from your end Ton. What I am hearing is 1. Cost. 2. Time. 3. Effort. I think if these are the main reasons they can all be managed individually. 1. Cost is no problem. You let folks know exactly how much it is, and we come up with a plan to fund. Time. We've already said that if you scale back all the extras the board pretty much runs itself now. Lot less time needed. And hopefully costs go down a bit without sacrificing too much revenue (Again other ways to generate this). Effort, through 1 and 2. hopefully the effort required would go down. And if you would loosen up the reigns a bit without losing control, I'm sure there are plenty of folks here who would be happy to be an active part of this site to help it stay the great community it has become. </p>


I know you've wanted to build this site into something bigger for a real long time. And I know it's hard for you to think about scaling it down because it seems like all that work you did is for nothing, but it helped build the community into the way that it is now. And without all the work and the extras we wouldn't have 2600 facebook followers. But the core of this site is the boards. That is why we are all here. And I think that's all anyone really cares about. I just don't see how the change benefits us. If we were adding a great smaller community to this site, I'd be all for it, but the other way around doesn't seem like a sound idea. I appreciate what CSS is trying to do. But I'm apart of two message boards, I'm not on a bears one, a blackhawks one, a cubs one, a white sox one... I'm one a Hawks one and one other one because that's what I am most passionate about. I would move and go over there and post and I'm sure I'd have no real problems, but other people are more particular and I'm here for them as much as me. If that starts to break down then there won't be much of a reason to be there anymore. I can use facebook or something. So just know that there is a chance that this could dissolve the entire site. And if that's the case what is worse, scaling back to the core or possibly losing the whole thing?</p>

I want to say that I agree 100% with my dear Nemesis, Mass. And I wish you guys weren't blocked at work because I would still be posting here. :(</p>


Scratched for Vorobiev
Dec 8, 2014
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<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="BigPete" data-cid="211334" data-time="1381959317">

Here is my example:</p>


The original BlackHawkZone message boards (cir 2004) were the only 'adult' alternative to the Chicago Blackhawks homepage message boards once Adam and McDickBag Nazi'd the **** out of them.  </p>


We could swear, we could rant, we could threaten life or limb and it was all taken in jest as this site has been able to do for many moons (for the most part).</p>


The creator of the site was in his early 30s and had his first child and bowed out of the 'admin/owner' role.  He handed the board over to three long time members who begged to keep it running.</p>


Less than one month later, they turned the place into another Nazi'd up joint where words as tame as 'sucks' and 'dick' were no longer allowed.  THIRTY FUCKING DAYS that is all it took for them to ruin the place.  </p>


The point of this story is not that my example is going to happen, but it most certainly COULD happen.  And when it does, some of us will be left here saying, "I fucking told you........".</p>

Playing Devil's advocate--even if Ton handed it over to once of us they could theoretically still "nazi up the joint" (I'm stealing that from you, BTW) the same as CCS.</p>


Probably less of a chance that they do that but you know the saying: All power corrupts, but absolute power...is even more fun.</p>


Really though, i don't have much of a stake either way.</p>


<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="LordKOTL" data-cid="211342" data-time="1381959818">

Well, from my position, I try not to be an overt dickweed unless I run across something horribly dumb, but unfortunately sarcasm detection on the interwebs is in an infantile state (pun intended), and it's hard to read when someone is really trolling, when they are instigating, or when they have a real question.</p>


Still, as brutal as these boards get, they are rather tame.  I know that we tend to not always have the same views on things (i.e. fighting in the league), but I hope I haven't been a fartknocker to you when it comes down to it.</p>



His post was trolling.  He knows it.  It's a big game to him/her what ever.  It has been since registration.  From the time he/she's a friend of a friend, the sole purpose to be here was to back hand troll.</p>


The Mods know it.  The users know it, and just about everyone else on this board knows it.  That's why the comments come towards it from all over the place.</p>


Sep 28, 2010
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Somewhere in Indiana
<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="BigPete" data-cid="211333" data-time="1381958875">

Tim just offered to pilot the ship...................................did you miss it?  </p>


Here is a serious question (and not born from ignorance):</p>

What does it take for you to run the site?  Please include (as briefly or verbosely as you would like) equipment, costs, time, etc.</p>


I'm trying not to be a dick, but if I was a loan officer or investor and you came to me with this business proposal I would have a gazillion questions and deny you all the way to China and back.  You can't blame everyone for doing the same in this thread.</p>

I had the same questions.</p>

It would be interesting to do some side by side comparisons to boards that are cheaper, etc. to run.

Maybe that comes at a cost (security, etc.) that I'm unaware of.

What does IHN cost compared to a stripped down version (boards only with maybe a WP site)?

What was the expense when we left the Os in 2007?</p>


Sep 28, 2010
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Somewhere in Indiana
<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="FlaHawkFan" data-cid="211345" data-time="1381960000">

I want to say that I agree 100% with my dear Nemesis, Mass. And I wish you guys weren't blocked at work because I would still be posting here. :icon-sad:</p>

That's the best time to talk hockey.</p>


CCS Donator
May 15, 2010
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<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="The Super Douchiev" data-cid="211294" data-time="1381951993">

Like I said I'd do it.  I am a single guy and make almost 6 figures a year, the financial aspect isn't a big deal and I sit in front of a computer all day, addressing issues with the site wouldn't be a big deal.  Just throwing it out there.</p>





















CCS Donator
May 15, 2010
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If hosting cost is an issue, I can always check to see if I can always check the space I have available on one of the hosting locations that I pay an annual amount to, and maybe just need assistance for the additional traffic.</p>


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Jul 24, 2010
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<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="LordKOTL" data-cid="211342" data-time="1381959818">

Well, from my position, I try not to be an overt dickweed unless I run across something horribly dumb, but unfortunately sarcasm detection on the interwebs is in an infantile state (pun intended), and it's hard to read when someone is really trolling, when they are instigating, or when they have a real question.</p>


Still, as brutal as these boards get, they are rather tame.  I know that we tend to not always have the same views on things (i.e. fighting in the league), but I hope I haven't been a fartknocker to you when it comes down to it.</p>


It's not just that. It's that simply having a different view on something and then trying to explain it is labeled as "trolling". It's dumb. The  times I've gotten into discussions where the other person was actually discussing the matter at hand (like you) rather than trying to hurl insults at me, things have worked out well, even if we didn't end up agreeing at the end of it. If Grimson can do that as he has at times with me, fucking anyone can do that.</p>


It's when people take things personally  when I don't have the same view as them, like it's an affront to them, that's when all this stupid, juvenile he/she trolling bullshit comes out.</p>


Ridiculum Anserini
Dec 6, 2014
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Out Back Chopping Trees
I'm old, and change frightens/confuses me.</p>




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May 7, 2010
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<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="Trev" data-cid="211142" data-time="1381882677">

For the record, I have no hostility towards Ton and his feelings. I understand where he is coming from commitment wise. My only thing is that I wish this was brought up earlier so we could of attempted to distribute help. My comments have never been directed at Ton and if that's how they were taken, they have been out of context.

In this situation, I just don't trust an outside source when it comes to this type of move. While the whole things sounds great in theory, it doesn't mean down the line things won't change for what CCS thinks is for the betterment of their site. Those changes will be out of our control. I want Rush to admit that it's a business move and that growth through us whether it be now or a year from is a factor. The fact that it's not a real reason, just adds more fuel to what I feel is my only concern is.</p>


Where did I deny that "growth via the IHN community" was not a motivating factor? That is the MAJOR motivating factor. By bringing in quality Blackhawk posters, that encourages our current posters to post more, potential lurkers to join up and post, etc. The revenue generated by IHN is not substantial by any means. I don't even believe it covers the operating costs. If you are claiming I will increase my revenue by bettering my community, that is a possibility. However my goal isn't to increase my profit through this. If it happens, that's pretty dandy. However, my motivating force through this is to create an active Blackhawks section.</p>


Stripping the IHN identity and general flow of posting would be stupid as hell for me to do. However it sounds like you guys have dealt with some very intense retards in the past, so I don't blame you for having that concern that down the line I may completely **** you over. However, I can assure you, I have no intention of pissing off any portion of the userbase on my site, or the community. If this all goes through, I would do everything in my power to insure that things, FOR YOU, remain as close to the same as possible. I understand you have to go through hypotheticals and what if's since none of you know me but, hopefully you can believe me when I say, I am not Special person and I know how to handle things appropriately. Also I watch Breaking Bad. That should be enough for you to want me to take you out for ice cream. </p>


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May 16, 2010
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St.Pete, FL
<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="Cutsizzle" data-cid="211357" data-time="1381968409">

Where did I deny that "growth via the IHN community" was not a motivating factor? That is the MAJOR motivating factor. By bringing in quality Blackhawk posters, that encourages our current posters to post more, potential lurkers to join up and post, etc. The revenue generated by IHN is not substantial by any means. I don't even believe it covers the operating costs. If you are claiming I will increase my revenue by bettering my community, that is a possibility. However my goal isn't to increase my profit through this. If it happens, that's pretty dandy. However, my motivating force through this is to create an active Blackhawks section.</p>


Stripping the IHN identity and general flow of posting would be stupid as hell for me to do. However it sounds like you guys have dealt with some very intense retards in the past, so I don't blame you for having that concern that down the line I may completely **** you over. However, I can assure you, I have no intention of pissing off any portion of the userbase on my site, or the community. If this all goes through, I would do everything in my power to insure that things, FOR YOU, remain as close to the same as possible. I understand you have to go through hypotheticals and what if's since none of you know me but, hopefully you can believe me when I say, I am not Special person and I know how to handle things appropriately. Also I watch Breaking Bad. That should be enough for you to want me to take you out for ice cream. </p>


Well i dont like breaking bad. so there.</p>


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Jun 4, 2010
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North Muskegon, MI
Ton, and all moderators, thanks for everything. It seems to me that the people on this board have a passion for the Hawks and for free speech and discourse even if it's not always civil.

Wherever those things are fostered IHN or CCS it seems a matter of semantics....I am sure the discussion, humor and the insults will be sure to follow.

I certainly understand the demands of life on our time so whatever happens I'm behind you.

Go Hawks.

Spunky Porkstacker

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Jun 6, 2010
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<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="R K" data-cid="211367" data-time="1381976157">

I vote Yes!       :eek:ccasion-xmas:</p>

Obviously  a voter under the influence.</p>


<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="Spunky Porkstacker" data-cid="211369" data-time="1381977963">

Obviously  a voter under the influence.</p>




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May 7, 2010
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<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="Supra" data-cid="211363" data-time="1381971950">

Well i dont like breaking bad. so there.</p>


Website stuff aside.....<u>HOW DO YOU NOT LIKE BREAKING BAD? WALT? MIKE? GUS? JESSSSSSIE?</u></p>
