IHN and my time (Please read, everyone)


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May 15, 2010
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yer ma's pants
<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="mcatoms" data-cid="211400" data-time="1381987683">

Hi Friends.</p>


It's been quite some time since I walked these halls... But seeing as how I played a large (but now mostly forgotten role) in our exodus from the O's and the establishment of our new home and the fact that a few people I am in regular contact with reached out to me I thought I'd share my two cents.</p>


First of all: By legal right Ton did not have to consult or inform anyone of his intention to move/sell/disband/whatever. So well done sir. That's mighty standup of you.</p>


Now onto to my opinion:</p>


The IHN "business":</p>

The benefits for IHN as a business are: </p>
<ul>[*]An influx of new blood - For any site, forum or social entity to last it periodically needs new people coming in, with new thoughts and ideas. Otherwise it will become nothing but an echo chamber. 
[*]The social benefit of a larger community - With a larger community IHN will be able to command a certain amount of prestige and respect. However, since IHN would be absorbed into CCS the most immediate effect of this larger community would be felt by that organization. That being said, IHN users would still be able to experience some version of the benefits of such..
[*]The technical and structural benefits that come with being a part of a larger site - software updates, site maintenance, hosting, new features, optimizations... all of these things are done with a goal of improving the overall experience and long term viability of the site. And when you are part of a site that turns a profit and employs staff it is crucial to their livelihood to ensure that they happen.


The IHN users:</p>

All the concerns from IHNers I've seen appear to come down to one thing: Culture. The people here who have expressed a concern about moving to CCS really have a concern about their culture being lost. And the fact is that when two entities like this merge that is going to be a side effect. A little bit of who IHN is will be lost in the transition. All of that is a wash when it comes to this game of pros/cons. We have no idea what parts of the culture would be lost and therefore have no reliable way to judge this possible future.</p>


What we can reliably say is this:</p>
<ul>[*]IHN is nothing without it's users - The people who choose to spend their time trolling these halls make it what it is.
[*]IHN needs new users from time to time - As mentioned above: no new people = echo chamber.
[*]IHN needs administration and support - A person or committee has to run the site. Without maintenance it will collapse.
[*]IHN needs money to exist - This must either come from ad revenue, partnerships, sponsorships, donations or an "owner". And each of those carry their own dependencies...


This comes down to two very basic things: </p>

What does the "business" of IHN want? and What do the users of IHN want?</p>


Right now it seems that they want different things. The business wants to merge, the users don't want to merge.</p>


If the users do not want to merge and the business agrees that the users are the lifeblood of the site then it will accommodate their request - but it should only do so in a manner that satisfies the list above...</p>


All of this takes Ton and his personal responsibility out of the equation. This isn't about him. It's about the business of IHN (which happens to be currently run by him). If he no longer wants to fulfill the duties of his position a perfectly legitimate course of action is for him to sell. </p>


At the end of it all the question is:</p>

Who buys him out? The user base or CCS. Both options would fulfill his need to have a role with reduced responsibilities.</p>


Ahhh McSublimeyRuinAtoms. I am glad you stepped back in. I want it known that I never forgot the role you played in creating the life raft that was launched from the O's that became the ship of the damned known as IHN. </p>


Knowing what you do for a living (well, kinda), I trust every and any word you say about this issue. Thank you.</p>


Fire Waldron
Oct 31, 2014
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But it isn't a business. It's just a forum. A forum that is easily disabled, moved, or restored. People are reading way too much into this. Personally I am looking forward to picking on new people of we move to CCS. :lol:


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May 16, 2010
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St.Pete, FL
<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="Cutsizzle" data-cid="211373" data-time="1381980680">

Website stuff aside.....<u>HOW DO YOU NOT LIKE BREAKING BAD? WALT? MIKE? GUS? JESSSSSSIE?</u></p>


Really easy watched 5 episodes and was bored out of my mind. It moved so awfully slow. I thought Boardwalk Empire moved slow (which I like that show) but Breaking Bad was damn near a stand still</p>


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May 14, 2010
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Park Ridge, IL
<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="mcatoms" data-cid="211400" data-time="1381987683">

Hi Friends.</p>


It's been quite some time since I walked these halls... But seeing as how I played a large (but now mostly forgotten role) in our exodus from the O's and the establishment of our new home and the fact that a few people I am in regular contact with reached out to me I thought I'd share my two cents.</p>


First of all: By legal right Ton did not have to consult or inform anyone of his intention to move/sell/disband/whatever. So well done sir. That's mighty standup of you.</p>


Now onto to my opinion:</p>


The IHN "business":</p>

The benefits for IHN as a business are: </p>
<ul>[*]An influx of new blood - For any site, forum or social entity to last it periodically needs new people coming in, with new thoughts and ideas. Otherwise it will become nothing but an echo chamber. 
[*]The social benefit of a larger community - With a larger community IHN will be able to command a certain amount of prestige and respect. However, since IHN would be absorbed into CCS the most immediate effect of this larger community would be felt by that organization. That being said, IHN users would still be able to experience some version of the benefits of such..
[*]The technical and structural benefits that come with being a part of a larger site - software updates, site maintenance, hosting, new features, optimizations... all of these things are done with a goal of improving the overall experience and long term viability of the site. And when you are part of a site that turns a profit and employs staff it is crucial to their livelihood to ensure that they happen.


The IHN users:</p>

All the concerns from IHNers I've seen appear to come down to one thing: Culture. The people here who have expressed a concern about moving to CCS really have a concern about their culture being lost. And the fact is that when two entities like this merge that is going to be a side effect. A little bit of who IHN is will be lost in the transition. All of that is a wash when it comes to this game of pros/cons. We have no idea what parts of the culture would be lost and therefore have no reliable way to judge this possible future.</p>


What we can reliably say is this:</p>
<ul>[*]IHN is nothing without it's users - The people who choose to spend their time trolling these halls make it what it is.
[*]IHN needs new users from time to time - As mentioned above: no new people = echo chamber.
[*]IHN needs administration and support - A person or committee has to run the site. Without maintenance it will collapse.
[*]IHN needs money to exist - This must either come from ad revenue, partnerships, sponsorships, donations or an "owner". And each of those carry their own dependencies...


This comes down to two very basic things: </p>

What does the "business" of IHN want? and What do the users of IHN want?</p>


Right now it seems that they want different things. The business wants to merge, the users don't want to merge.</p>


If the users do not want to merge and the business agrees that the users are the lifeblood of the site then it will accommodate their request - but it should only do so in a manner that satisfies the list above...</p>


All of this takes Ton and his personal responsibility out of the equation. This isn't about him. It's about the business of IHN (which happens to be currently run by him). If he no longer wants to fulfill the duties of his position a perfectly legitimate course of action is for him to sell. </p>


At the end of it all the question is:</p>

Who buys him out? The user base or CCS. Both options would fulfill his need to have a role with reduced responsibilities.</p>



Thanks for the insight Adam. First off, thanks for the jump start you gave IHN. Without you, we wouldn't be here today. Second... This is a very well thought out explanation that does a good job portraying where we are at.</p>


Keep in mind, I'm already working on plan B, C, D, etc.. etc.. if this isn't the route that we, as a community, want to go.</p>


Also, I still think that people are misunderstanding one thing: I'm not really selling anything. I just can't shoulder the entire load, and if that's the case. ultimately the site will suffer (in the long run). Merging with a website that already has a foundation makes things a lot easier on my end. There are other options I am exploring if this doesn't work, but so far I think this is the best way, which is why I'm proposing this idea first.</p>


I don't want to downsize, cut the fat, etc.. etc.. That would be taking a step backward. We need to keep moving forward, and I'm just trying to find solutions so that we can accomplish that while reducing my workload.</p>


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May 14, 2010
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Park Ridge, IL
<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="Pez68" data-cid="211406" data-time="1381992890">

But it isn't a business. It's just a forum. A forum that is easily disabled, moved, or restored. People are reading way too much into this. Personally I am looking forward to picking on new people of we move to CCS. :icon-lol:</p>


It may not be a business, in the sense that there is profit made, but the way IHN is run is like a small business. For sure.</p>


At the same time... yeah, this is no larger than life type of thing. It's a message board. One website.</p>


I understand where both sides come from, so again, the vote will be important for everyone to have an honest say in it. To me, it doesn't matter which way we go. I'm just going to prepare for a "no" so that we can have another plan in place.</p>


<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="Pez68" data-cid="211406" data-time="1381992890">

But it isn't a business. It's just a forum. A forum that is easily disabled, moved, or restored. People are reading way too much into this. Personally I am looking forward to picking on new people of we move to CCS. :icon-lol:</p>



Not really.  It's the culture that is in question.  It's the reason we all came over here.  It's the fundamental thought process that brought us all here, no matter what's transpired over the 6 years or so.</p>


The basic question of Autonomy and Culture will remain.  Tony get's it and is obviously overwhelmed.  Look at the front page, it's still four months ago.  Which many could care less as they click straight to the boards.</p>


The Analogy I made, while a tad extreme, are very similar.  Once the vote comes it would be interesting to see what B, C, D ect are.  </p>


Either way I'm done caring really.  Most will meander off to other mediums, boards they are already participating in.  Maybe some go, but many won't.  Just the way it is.</p>


With FB/Twitter/other forums I suppose it really doesn't matter.</p>


CCS Donator
Oct 19, 2013
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Wish You Were Here
How can we make an informed vote without knowing what options B, C, D ect... are?</p>


Sep 28, 2010
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Somewhere in Indiana
<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="Cutsizzle" data-cid="211373" data-time="1381980680">

Website stuff aside.....<u>HOW DO YOU NOT LIKE BREAKING BAD? WALT? MIKE? GUS? JESSSSSSIE?</u></p>

Jessie's hot goth drug addict girlfriend?</p>


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May 15, 2010
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Belleville, IL
<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="winos5" data-cid="211415" data-time="1382018408">

How can we make an informed vote without knowing what options B, C, D ect... are?</p>




Which brings us back to my serious but snide remark about a loan officer rejecting this new 'business plan' because it is more like a chicken scratch note on a bar napkin than an actual business plan.  We don't have to know everything, Tony, but there are some very smart, well off, and capable people that could help you come up with alternative plans....if you let us....</p>


New member
Jun 4, 2010
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North Muskegon, MI
I have been trolling around on CCS and have observed some real IDIOTS starting threads from a completely uninformed position. If this group does go over there and our users go,  I cannot wait to see that collision.</p>


Here's one dandy example...wow. Would be getting ready "ignore" this clown.</p>




Staff member
May 14, 2010
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<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="EspoForever" data-cid="211440" data-time="1382027708">

I have been trolling around on CCS and have observed some real IDIOTS starting threads from a completely uninformed position. If this group does go over there and our users go,  I cannot wait to see that collision.</p>


Here's one dandy example...wow. Would be getting ready "ignore" this clown.</p>



Every Boards has it's Grimson's...</p>


Sep 28, 2010
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Somewhere in Indiana
<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="EspoForever" data-cid="211440" data-time="1382027708">

I have been trolling around on CCS and have observed some real IDIOTS starting threads from a completely uninformed position. If this group does go over there and our users go,  I cannot wait to see that collision.</p>


Here's one dandy example...wow. Would be getting ready "ignore" this clown.</p>




This was a thread that I participated in until it got to the point that I wanted to stab myself in the face with a rusty spoon.</p>


<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="EspoForever" data-cid="211440" data-time="1382027708">

I have been trolling around on CCS and have observed some real IDIOTS starting threads from a completely uninformed position. If this group does go over there and our users go,  I cannot wait to see that collision.</p>


Here's one dandy example...wow. Would be getting ready "ignore" this clown.</p>




I said that too.  Culture.  Who wins at that point.</p>


CCS Donator
Oct 19, 2013
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Wish You Were Here
Don't like the amount of adverts and embedded video on the CCS boards right off the bat from those 2 links.   I guess that pays the bills though....</p>


CCS Donator
May 15, 2010
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<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="EspoForever" data-cid="211440" data-time="1382027708">

I have been trolling around on CCS and have observed some real IDIOTS starting threads from a completely uninformed position. If this group does go over there and our users go,  I cannot wait to see that collision.</p>


Here's one dandy example...wow. Would be getting ready "ignore" this clown.</p>






WOW, even the O's are not THAT bad.   Sure we have someone there with the same conjecture, but that was quicky ended by facts and sensibility.</p>


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May 14, 2010
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Park Ridge, IL
<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="winos5" data-cid="211415" data-time="1382018408">

How can we make an informed vote without knowing what options B, C, D ect... are?</p>


I'm working on it. We have until the 27th to include more options, and if I'm comfortable with options B, C, D, etc.. etc.. then I'll propose them in this thread.</p>


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May 15, 2010
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Charlotte, NC
<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="BigPete" data-cid="211437" data-time="1382026498">

Which brings us back to my serious but snide remark about a loan officer rejecting this new 'business plan' because it is more like a chicken scratch note on a bar napkin than an actual business plan.  We don't have to know everything, Tony, but there are some very smart, well off, and capable people that could help you come up with alternative plans....if you let us....</p>

Oh dear Deity. I wouldn't even know how to respond to something like that. "The PK is the worst I've ever seen. I'm clueless and have no idea which players we traded who were on the PK last season. Crawford had to steal that game, which I was sure was fixed until the Hawks won."  Oh, the humanity.</p>


Yeah, I know I'm OT but it does seem sort of relevant. How will CCS respond to IHN responses to such a post?</p>


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May 31, 2010
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Naperville, IL
<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="FlaHawkFan" data-cid="211478" data-time="1382035327">

Oh dear Deity. I wouldn't even know how to respond to something like that. "The PK is the worst I've ever seen. I'm clueless and have no idea which players we traded who were on the PK last season. Crawford had to steal that game, which I was sure was fixed until the Hawks won."  Oh, the humanity.</p>


Yeah, I know I'm OT but it does seem sort of relevant. How will CCS respond to IHN responses to such a post?</p>

Meaning us ripping said poster into absolute shreds?</p>


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May 15, 2010
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Charlotte, NC
<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="thanson1990" data-cid="211480" data-time="1382035650">

Meaning us ripping said poster into absolute shreds?</p>

Precisely, Batman. Here, we would not be banned. There, . . .?</p>
