IHN and my time (Please read, everyone)

Shantz My Pants

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Dec 10, 2014
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<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="IceHogsFan" data-cid="211657" data-time="1382193605">

I find it refreshing that Ton is willing to go a vote.

After reading some of the crap posted in this thread I think I would have just done it and moved on.</p></blockquote>

Had be just moved on, it seems he would of had about 10+ people very unhappy and 1-2 content with the move.

Nothing has been brought on that really changes anyone's mind. The same reasons people are saying no keep coming up and unfortunately there is nothing to change that opinion due to the nature (trust).

That's why we just want to get a vote done and over with so we can move on with the other options.


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May 14, 2010
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Aurora, IL
<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="Ton DeFrancesco" data-cid="211647" data-time="1382145135">

I guess there is no option C or D... it's just either we move or we stay at this point. So the vote really doesn't change, it's yes or no.</p>




I would still say there is more than two options. Because your core concern/problem still exists...</p>


A - Merge with CCS</p>

B - Stay here and change nothing</p>

C - Stay here and change stuff (like homepage and other features, maybe add staff to fulfill maintenance needs, gather donations)</p>

D - Stay here and change management/ownership (let the new management handle content/features/maintenance/cost)</p>

E - Burn it all to the ground with fire.</p>

F - Kick RK in the balls (just cuz)</p>

G - Dany?</p>


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May 16, 2010
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St.Pete, FL
Can I pick two? Since F is an awesome option, just doesnt solve much</p>


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May 14, 2010
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Park Ridge, IL
Well, essentially I figure that option's B-D will all keep IHN here, so if everyone votes "no" then I'll have to figure that one out. I'm not sure voting for those options is necessary. At that point I will make a decision that makes the most sense, instead of having another vote. Shutting down isn't an option, and obviously everyone will vote for F and G, so we can't include those... haha</p>


At this point, I'm not burning off sections of the website to make things easier or anything like that. I also don't want to make people come here to "work" per say with all these shared responsibilities, nor donate, because those are not long-term solutions. Not saying that people can't donate, but again, I don't want to rely on that for revenue. Most come here to post. But I do think there is a way around all that.</p>

Shantz My Pants

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Dec 10, 2014
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What is your goals for long term? I mean if we merge with Rush, there isn't much long term goals considering you won't have the real final say.

I think most people long term just want the message board to stay as is. I understand you don't want to tear down, but if the other content is an issue with no constant upkeep, won't that have to go if we don't go to CCS?

I know you want this to stay as a "all fun" area, but if some people want to take on additional roles, and help make the site prosper, isn't that a good thing?


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May 14, 2010
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Park Ridge, IL
<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="Trev" data-cid="211706" data-time="1382220309">

What is your goals for long term? I mean if we merge with Rush, there isn't much long term goals considering you won't have the real final say.

I think most people long term just want the message board to stay as is. I understand you don't want to tear down, but if the other content is an issue with no constant upkeep, won't that have to go if we don't go to CCS?

I know you want this to stay as a "all fun" area, but if some people want to take on additional roles, and help make the site prosper, isn't that a good thing?</p>


Well if we merge with CCS, there is still a long term goal to help them prosper and improve their Blackhawks section, along with the long term stability that they would provide by already being a self sustaining website. Again, I would still be involved as well as the staff in place now, if they choose so.</p>


As far as the content, everything would transfer over there. I could still write, you could still write, and all the little trinkets, such as the chat, would move too.</p>


As far as people taking on additional roles.... again, I don't believe that is a long term solution. We've had people help out in the past only to fizzle out. People don't come here to update things, they come here to post. And I understand that 100%. I'll go back to bar analogy, you don't go to a bar to clean their toilets, wash dishes, and scrub the floor. You go to talk to your friends, watch a game, and enjoy yourself. No matter how much you love that bar, if they started giving you those responsibilities eventually you'd stop doing them those favors to get back to enjoying the atmosphere. The same applies here. I don't want people to come here to keep things updated and have that pressure on them unless they can truly handle it and they want to donate their time to be a bigger part of things.</p>


Sidenote/Shameless Plug: Check out the IceHogs photos, Kris Gray does a fantastic job on here.</p>


TSD has offered to help, and maybe that will be enough. We've talked extensively about it the last few days and I think that could work too. He's on a lot, and I think if he's willing to help with the support then I will take that as another option. I don't want to say I'm skeptical, but again, he's aware that this must be a long term solution. Four years, and maybe more after that depending on my situation.</p>


<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="mcatoms" data-cid="211700" data-time="1382210884">



I would still say there is more than two options. Because your core concern/problem still exists...</p>


A - Merge with CCS</p>

B - Stay here and change nothing</p>

C - Stay here and change stuff (like homepage and other features, maybe add staff to fulfill maintenance needs, gather donations)</p>

D - Stay here and change management/ownership (let the new management handle content/features/maintenance/cost)</p>

E - Burn it all to the ground with fire.</p>

F - Kick RK in the balls (just cuz)</p>

G - Dany?</p>



Just don't hit Michelle's purse to hard... "K"...?</p>


<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="Supra" data-cid="211702" data-time="1382214951">

Can I pick two? Since F is an awesome option, just doesnt solve much</p>



Ok ****** I laughed!</p>


<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="Ton DeFrancesco" data-cid="211713" data-time="1382226990">

Well if we merge with CCS, there is still a long term goal to help them prosper and improve their Blackhawks section, along with the long term stability that they would provide by already being a self sustaining website. Again, I would still be involved as well as the staff in place now, if they choose so.</p>


As far as the content, everything would transfer over there. I could still write, you could still write, and all the little trinkets, such as the chat, would move too.</p>


As far as people taking on additional roles.... again, I don't believe that is a long term solution. We've had people help out in the past only to fizzle out. People don't come here to update things, they come here to post. And I understand that 100%. I'll go back to bar analogy, you don't go to a bar to clean their toilets, wash dishes, and scrub the floor. You go to talk to your friends, watch a game, and enjoy yourself. No matter how much you love that bar, if they started giving you those responsibilities eventually you'd stop doing them those favors to get back to enjoying the atmosphere. The same applies here. I don't want people to come here to keep things updated and have that pressure on them unless they can truly handle it and they want to donate their time to be a bigger part of things.</p>


Sidenote/Shameless Plug: Check out the IceHogs photos, Kris Gray does a fantastic job on here.</p>


TSD has offered to help, and maybe that will be enough. We've talked extensively about it the last few days and I think that could work too. He's on a lot, and I think if he's willing to help with the support then I will take that as another option. I don't want to say I'm skeptical, but again, he's aware that this must be a long term solution. Four years, and maybe more after that depending on my situation.</p>



I think you might be surprised and as we said financially we can have funds.  So there are other options, and keeping our "autonomy" which most seem concerns them, is better than losing half the board, and those of us that frequent more than others.</p>


Discussion is good.</p>


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Aug 5, 2010
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Hey guys n gals!  Ive been reading this topic ever since it's been posted.....just haven't had time to reply.  Ton......I get where you are coming from with being busy n all.....I have a LOT on my plate and been super busy......which in turn has neglected me to post on here and even write my blog which I miss posting.  So I get the whole wanting to merge with CSS cause of your schedule but to be honest I would miss everything....sure we all don't agree on things but we get to voice our opinion whether someone agrees with it or not.....who isn't to say thats gonna change....which everyone is saying.   Although.... I do give you props for at least letting us vote as a family.  Im pretty sure from reading everyones post that majority will be "No".  I agree with what Mass posted here though......</p>

<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="MassHavoc" data-cid="211057" data-time="1381861585">

I vote for Bookie to take over the Twitter account. hah</p>

Rex get's the facebook account.</p>

Stu gets GDTs...</p>

RK gets chat....</p>


What am I missing?</p>


And the whole TSD helping you out def sounds good.   Im sure things will work out and hopefully they do!</p>






P.S. Hey TSD.....you got a girlfriend?!?!  You make six figures........share the wealth please! Thanks ;)</p>


CCS Donator
May 15, 2010
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If nothing more this thread has shown interest from a few ladies who have decided to post.</p>



That is a good thing.</p>


Scratched for Vorobiev
Dec 8, 2014
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  1. Portland Timbers
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<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="MassHavoc" data-cid="211601" data-time="1382109106">

To be fair... them being idiots about the hawks I would imagine is one of the reasons merging with them would be good for the site. It would bring a slightly.... more knowledgeable voice to the conversation and hopefully improve the overall jackassedness around there. And B.) I'm sure that folks from all other sites come here and thing some of the same things about our memembers... but again, i only looked at the two posted threads for the most part.</p>

I did have a look over there this weekend.</p>


On one hand, some of the people here with good hockey knowledge would straighten some of those twat-waffles out--like explaining why guys like Kane and Hossa aren't overrated.</p>


On the other hand, unless my eyes deceived me, it was some of the mods over there that were making the ill-informed posts. I could see how that would cheese off anyone here--unless it was bonafied IHN people where were the mods--and only IHN people being mods, I don't think it would work well with the group here.</p>


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May 15, 2010
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Belleville, IL
<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="Ton DeFrancesco" data-cid="211713" data-time="1382226990">

TSD has offered to help, and maybe that will be enough. We've talked extensively about it the last few days and I think that could work too. He's on a lot, and I think if he's willing to help with the support then I will take that as another option. I don't want to say I'm skeptical, but again, he's aware that this must be a long term solution. Four years, and maybe more after that depending on my situation.</p>




I still think this is your best option.  Also, the more you reveal about budget and equipment shortcomings, the more I believe people will be willing to help.  </p>


I held the first ever hockey game and gathering of Hawks bloggers at DuPage Ice Rink several years ago (before Orland or Rockford etc).  I paid for the three hours of ice time out of pocket, then asked for 'donations' afterwords.  It wasn't until I admitted the costs and my recuperation that some guys reached back into their wallets and gave more appropriate 'donations'.  Several of them even left our dressing room to chase down other attendees that had not 'donated' enough.</p>


Just my $0.02 </p>



And a plug for Tim here: he was involved in the event from conception and kept urging me to set up a Paypal account or something like it.  So he has the proper mindset to ensure both system integrity and business integrity.</p>


Staff member
May 14, 2010
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Honestly Ton.... I'm not worried about who is going to be doing what... I want to know what you would be doing going forward and if you will have a coverage plan. I said it before and you agreed with me that a lot of the new initiatives that have been started around here whether it be blogs are weekly articles have been farmed out and fizzled out rather quickly. But you have dropped the ball on a few of them. And the two main ones being probably the most important two in generating posts and fresh meat.... I mean new members on this site. The facebook page may have 2600 followers but that means nothing considering theres been what a few posts all month if that? And the twitter feed has 1100 tweets but only 4 since June? Those two things alone are the number one tools this site has to producing excellent threads and ad hits and they are basically unused. I get that you are too busy. But if we had a active facebook page and twitter feed driving people to threads on the boards I think it would go a long way to keeping this place exactly what we all want it to be.</p>


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May 15, 2010
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yer ma's pants
Wait a minute. We are looking at this the wrong way.....</p>


Everyone is saying some of the posters there are dopes. Maybe we merge with them and then we destroy it. Figure its like the Trojan horse. Or we could be all viking like and just sack the entire site. Pillage and rape CCS as it were. </p>


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May 7, 2010
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<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="jakobeast" data-cid="211885" data-time="1382411558">

Wait a minute. We are looking at this the wrong way.....</p>


Everyone is saying some of the posters there are dopes. Maybe we merge with them and then we destroy it. Figure its like the Trojan horse. Or we could be all viking like and just sack the entire site. Pillage and rape CCS as it were. </p>


Hey..if anybody is going to be doing any pillaging and raping...it's probably going to be me. </p>


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May 15, 2010
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yer ma's pants
<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="Cutsizzle" data-cid="211894" data-time="1382421896">

Hey..if anybody is going to be doing any pillaging and raping...it's probably going to be me. </p>


Wait, we get to pillage and rape you? Im starting to come around....</p>


CCS Donator
May 15, 2010
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<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="jakobeast" data-cid="211899" data-time="1382441255">

Im starting to come around....</p>




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Dec 31, 2011
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It's probably been a year since I last posted here but I've read the site from time to time.  I want to share with you an outsider's opinion here:</p>


1) This site needs new blood - you don't have any.  You have about 20 users here.  Regardless of what the user count says you have about 20 active posters and it's the same 20 or so names I saw last year here. </p>

2) I joined this site all excited and got turned off after a couple posts cause anyone with a different opinion is attacked mercilessly here.  Variable was a respected member here but reading through this thread he is now the whipping boy and you guys are starting to eat your own.  Does that sound like a long-term business model to you?  Think of the other good people you have lost over time - Bri, eRuns come to mind.  When someone like Bri exits that tells you something.</p>

3) Some of you are only happy if you have someone to call a troll and name call.  You chase them off the board and then move on to the next one while never realizing your membership numbers continue to decline.  As someone mentioned in another post in this thread, when everyone here that is left are only here cause they sing the same hymn then it does start to sound like an echo chamber and gets boring.  To spice things up it appears a member is chosen from the group, called a troll, and chased off.  Then we rinse and repeat. </p>

4) I am not surprised to see this board collapsing as I never felt welcome here when I joined and quickly left.  Ton needs to take some responsibility for the collapse here as he has the highest control of the board, and set the rules (or lack thereof) of civility towards others.  When you run your board like crap you end up with the result you have now.  Remember a fish stinks from the top down and this board is seriously in need of a regime change. </p>


LOL!  Yea it wasn't your posts at all.  Variable respected?  When?</p>


Eruns is on twitter and doesn't post on any board but I'll tell him you said hi!  LOL</p>
