<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="Ton DeFrancesco" data-cid="212291" data-time="1382813476">
It's not just him. There's plenty of people that I've talked to face-to-face that have said similar things. I don't really know the answer to that problem, but it's worth noting that it's not just 1 or 2 people that experience that when they come here. Most don't even bother to post.
Didn't your mother teach you: "Now Ron, if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it at all."
The model you propose is one where we all sit around a campfire and stroke each other. Like minded people gravitate to one another and extremely different personalities are shunned. It's sociology 101. Don't blame a few posters on that culture norm.
This site is like your favorite corner bar from pre-internet days. New members don't show up everyday and when they do they get vetted by the group through conversation that often includes criticism, hard language, and even intimidation.
If you some of you don't understand that it might be because you think a bar has to have loud music, and half naked waitresses.
This place might as well be the bar from Cheers. How often did new people show up there and immediately sit next to Norm?
If you want more traffic to the site, you need frequent and consistrbtly high quality articles about the Hawks, the game, sports in general, and Chicago. Don't pin this on the two tables with big personalities in the corner.