I get it...and I'm on board. Winning a fight or fighting only when deemed appropriate - or by the right person - is as important as scoring a 5 on 3.
I get it and am now agreeing.
I broke down the goals they scored after that, and I dont think if Nick didnt fight - that they dont score on the delayed penalty, and all the others. But the masses seem to think that was the reason for it - so ok.
I agree...all the players were down after the Boynton fight and STL really took it to them. It never happens to a team when leading going into the third...they sit back. Teams dont do that, where the team down usually outshoots/out plays...D pinches/take more chances. It was clearly a result of the fight that happened at the 10 min mark of the second period.
So next time the Hawks - or any team is losing - they should immediately get into a fight - and gain an incredible amount of energy to come back. And any team that has a lead - should not fight, simply because it will give the other team energy and momentum.
I am on board now and fully understand. I dont know what I was thinking all these years. Fight when losing - dont fight when leading.
I'm now with everyone so we can move on.
Ohh yeah, I totally get your point now. Fighting has no effect on the game, and it doesn't matter when it happens. Neither team really benefits, and it never gives any team more momentum than the other. In fact its so pointless, why even do it when it spreads momentum equally to both teams? Blues surely didn't plan on benefiting from that fight, nope, in fact they probably thought it stupid since they were trying to get back in the game.
I get it now, Boynton fought so he could actually slow down the momentum for the other team... now that you put it that way, Boynton actually won the game for us because if he wouldn't have fought, maybe the Blues would have been more focused on the game instead of fighting, thus scoring more goals.
Got it, I'm on board. Smart ass, I can be sarcastic too lol!
I never said that the Boynton fight resulted in St. Louis coming back, but it did give them momentum which they took full advantage of and built off that effort in order to find the energy necessary to translate into mounting a comeback. Its called the turning point in the game, now was it all a result of Boyntons fight? No, but it spiraled from there.
Am I blaming Boynton? No, but there are better places to pick your spots. I would say the same if it were any other player on this team.
Who cares anyway, we were able to hold them off and we won. If anything I'm more concerned about Bollands play than Boyntons.