Kapernick settles collusion case against the NFL


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Aug 14, 2011
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You'd have to ask him. My point was I highly doubt he had this all planned out to end as it did, as you were trying to put forth.

I am saying that after the fact, fringe players wish they would have done it because it would have been worth the monetary value. That's my opinion obviously.


Variant Also Negotiates
Aug 21, 2012
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Most people will look at this as a win for Kaep, and that the NFL was wrong to silence the protests. You and some others may not. My whole point in responding to your long post was that this suit was not Kaep trying to forward his cause on police brutality, but to show he was mistreated over his protests. I'm not sure why you are so stuck on proving this is a loss for him on his social issues. Because it isn't.
Again, without knowing CK's true motivation from kneeling to lawsuit, no one can say if he accomplished his intended goal or his goals changed along the way. If it was financial then he is a huge victor, if it was to elicit long lasting dialog to achieve social change then I would say not so much. Not stuck on proving anything, it is what it is good, bad , or indifferent.


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Aug 14, 2011
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NFL fucked up, but they were likely afraid of losing sponsorship with the military. I know there were a few anecdotes of military personnel saying they had no problem with Kaep kneeling. Who knows though what kind of pressure they got though from higher members that had a "real" say in the matter in the way of DOLLARS given to the NFL.


Variant Also Negotiates
Aug 21, 2012
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So you don't recall comparing CK to the likes of Rosa Parks and MLK....

Oooohhhhkay then.
Sorry, that you were unable to understand that I was not comparing them, but rather alternative endings to their protest. And I just can't decipher what your one sentence posts are trying to point out.


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Sep 15, 2012
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In my opinion, I don't think the NFL handled it the best way they could. But it doesn't "prove" anything. There is little to no public knowledge of collusion or not. No one has any idea what the parties were agreeing to previously. Just because there is a settlement now doesn't mean both parties were willing to settle for previously or what the numbers were prewviously. Maybe CK lawyers were holding out for 200m and the NFL got them down to 90m. This is just speculating on a situation which we have zero closed door knowledge of. There is no proof of anything.

Most people are approaching this as emotional as they were when it happened. Lawyers don't have that luxury of being emotional. This settlement was business. CK had his price and the NFL found it and vice-versa.

Not arguing it is proof of anything. Just saying the NFL took the L on this because they did.


Mod in Training/Fire Forum
CCS Hall of Fame '21
Sep 7, 2014
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Sorry, that you were unable to understand that I was not comparing them, but rather alternative endings to their protest. And I just can't decipher what your one sentence posts are trying to point out.

Here, I'll help you out: your attempt at an apples to apples comparison (that you didn't compare, lol), is disingenuous at best. The names you brought up in contrast to CK is like an apples to dump trucks comparison. Your entire premise was fucked from the get go.

Inb4 I'm somehow mad


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Sep 15, 2012
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I have said before CK was a backup level QB that created more baggage than he was worth and wanted starter money, so I don't see that they needed to collude for him to not get an NFL job.

But let's say that the owners colluded to keep him off the field so that he would not take a knee to raise awareness of what he considers a biased targeting of blacks by the police. If that is true, I am not sure how a settlement whether it be for $8M or $80M is a win for what he started this whole thing about.

If his intent was to create a spectacle around his flagging career leading to an end game of a financial windfall from the NFL, then he most certainly won. If his goal was to start a dialog that would lead to improvement in race/police relations, his decision to take the money and run with no required admission from the NFL is a complete sell out, just as Larry Johnson and others have said.

For those extolling a CK thrashing of the NFL, would you say Rosa Parks was the victor if she had quietly moved back to the back of the bus for a lifetime Montgomery bus pass?

Would Vivian Malone Jones, Dave McGlathery and James Hood been triumphant if rather than facing the hardship of being the first blacks to be forcefully admitted to the Univ of Alabama, they settled for a full ride at Tuskegee University allowing the state of AL to continue segregating schools with impunity?

Would you be saying MLK Jr had won if he had been banned from giving his, "I have a dream" speech at the Lincoln Memorial and sued the fed gov for and received an undisclosed settlement to just go away?

Whatever the #'s , CK had a big win for himself yesterday, but by settling for what amounts to Matt Barkley's salary for one season from each team to be a good boy and be (contractually) quiet about it is a huge L for the cause he professes to be so passionate about, as the # of protesting players had dropped to 2, Reid and Kenny Stills, by mid season this year.

I don't recollect a significant social equality figure ever agreeing to a confidential "I got mine" settlement that elicitedsocial change. I could be wrong, but no one comes to mind.

You are confusing the social protest which was won when the NFL pledged 90 million with his personal lawsuit. 2 different things.

So this would be like MLK getting reparations for all blacks and then also getting a huge check for himself. Win win.

All told Kap got the NFL to pony up 140-170 million as a result of his protest.


Variant Also Negotiates
Aug 21, 2012
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Here, I'll help you out: your attempt at an apples to apples comparison (that you didn't compare, lol), is disingenuous at best. The names you brought up in contrast to CK is like an apples to dump trucks comparison. Your entire premise was fucked from the get go.

Inb4 I'm somehow mad
I'm tiring of trying to explain things that you don't want to understand. Good evening.


Variant Also Negotiates
Aug 21, 2012
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You are confusing the social protest which was won when the NFL pledged 90 million with his personal lawsuit. 2 different things.

So this would be like MLK getting reparations for all blacks and then also getting a huge check for himself. Win win.

All told Kap got the NFL to pony up 140-170 million as a result of his protest.
I would agree the the $90M the NFL ponied up was a big win for him, but his protest has petered out with only 2 players continuing to participate and nothing really seeming to have really changed. And with his confidential non disclosure settlement, it seems it sort of has died on the vine. But I am done here, I knew any no horse in the race type post, would be trashed as anti CK, blah, blah blah crap


Mod in Training/Fire Forum
CCS Hall of Fame '21
Sep 7, 2014
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I would agree the the $90M the NFL ponied up was a big win for him, but his protest has petered out with only 2 players continuing to participate and nothing really seeming to have really changed. And with his confidential non disclosure settlement, it seems it sort of has died on the vine. But I am done here, I knew any no horse in the race type post, would be trashed as anti CK, blah, blah blah crap

It's not a "no horse" type post when you pick a horse within the post. Just fyi


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Aug 14, 2011
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I wonder what the reaction would be if Kaep signed with a team and then stood for the anthem. Would it mean the NFL made him in the non-disclosure agreement?


CCS Hall of Fame '20
Aug 20, 2012
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I wonder what the reaction would be if Kaep signed with a team and then stood for the anthem. Would it mean the NFL made him in the non-disclosure agreement?

Maybe just wonder dumb stuff to yourself and not post it


Variant Also Negotiates
Aug 21, 2012
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So this would be like MLK getting reparations for all blacks and then also getting a huge check for himself. Win win.
You would consider MLK getting paid and an additional amount of money to maybe build a few nice high schools for his silence a win-win?

Xuder O'Clam

CCS Donator
CCS Hall of Fame '20
Apr 22, 2015
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You would consider MLK getting paid and an additional amount of money to maybe build a few nice high schools for his silence a win-win?

Silence over what exactly? The details of a court case, or about perceived injustices? You think the non disclosure agreement silences Kaep from talking about what he initially knelt for?

I don't understand what you are on about here.

Monsieur Tirets

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Nov 8, 2012
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That's quite the mood swing you've had in this thread.
Unless someone flat out declares their mood in a post it's probably best not to assume one's mood by interpreting text on a screen.

And it's easy to laugh at fools.

Sent from my SM-G960U using Tapatalk

Xuder O'Clam

CCS Donator
CCS Hall of Fame '20
Apr 22, 2015
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Fuck crappernick.

He was a shitty qb that got benched and needed a new career plan. That's it. He wasn't pulling shit when he was getting paid and starting.

The only collusion was no one wanted a worthless qb thats a fucking idiot too boot.

Sent from my SM-G960U using Tapatalk

Lol this thread.

Sent from my SM-G960U using Tapatalk

Unless someone flat out declares their mood in a post it's probably best not to assume one's mood by interpreting text on a screen.

And it's easy to laugh at fools.

Sent from my SM-G960U using Tapatalk

Yeah, okay.


Well-known member
Aug 28, 2017
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I wonder what the reaction would be if Kaep signed with a team and then stood for the anthem. Would it mean the NFL made him in the non-disclosure agreement?

Now that he got his money, maybe he can afford to sign with an AAF team for the measly sum they are offering their players.
