For the keto people.
There's literally a ton of keto channels on youtube. They show all kinds of ways to make popular carb food low carb such as pizza and bread, make fat bombs, how to make your own mayo w/olive oil or avocado oil rather than buy it with the canola oil, mug cakes, mug bread, tortillas made with almond flour or coconut flour, pancakes w/protein powder...the list is endless. I don't like making such an ordeal in preparing these things. To me, if you do all this kind of stuff, you likely have too much of an obsession with food. I like it simple. If I want meat, throw it in the pan or on the grill and it won't take long cause I like it rare. Keep a bunch of frozen bags of spinach and broccoli and when ever I want, 4 or 5 minutes to heat up and throw a half stick of Kerrygold on it. Snacks are right there to be had, reach for a bag of macadamia nuts, cut open an avocado and smush it up and add ketchup (it screams for ketchup. I really don't know how other people don't see this.) Want eggs, fry it, scramble it, hell if I already have some hard boiled I'll eat those.
The Keto and Paleo people who do this all the time make me laugh. They want to talk about eating the way man ate when he was the hunter gatherer, or get primitive with your eating habits like back in the Paleolithic era. Then they waste all this time and effort preparing this crazy shit as if it's gonna make one cum in his pants when he eats it. Damn sissy eaters.