I dont know about all that. I think people need to know the scout. Scouts put more emphasis to certain aspects then others. There are scouts who will always value overall tools then polish at certain points in there career. They are some who play it safe and like high floor, low ceiling guys. I, which I am no scout, put more emphasis on stuff and potential over guys I know will be average ML players. Scouts explain their thinking and say what they look for more. People just need to read it more.
As far as Hendricks, my personal opinion is he is a 5ish type of starter. He has to keep pin point control to be effective. He will not get away with mistakes. This is why I try to tell people to temper there expectations. He is doing well so far, but it means very little. Being effective the first go around the league happens more often then people think. Its when players see a pitcher 2 or 3 times is when they start to get a beat on him. A lot more film is giving to the player and they will have tendencies for the pitcher. Could he better? Yea, but I dont think so. I may be wrong. Wont be the first or last time I am wrong, but I have to see him do it when batters have faced him a couple of times. Its why I didnt like the whole Maddux comparison that some people took to heart.