Martellus Bennett traded to Patriots

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Dec 2, 2013
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Had he been healthy that #7 pick might have been on the field, and should have contributed as a #7. However you want to frame it, wasn't Pace's fault.

Of course it was.

He picked him.

White had a stress fracture when he got to camp.

There is no doubt that it probably occurred as a result of his intense training to get his 40 time down.

You're saying it's not his fault he picked a WR that we wouldn't need if we had Marshall, who had a broken leg coming into camp?


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Aug 29, 2012
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florence, ky
Pace has made rookie mistakes.

It's going to happen.

He's learning on the job.

And truth be told, I think he's made the team better. I honestly do think we will have a better record next year. And I think we will all value our talent more.

But that's not my point. I feel he could be doing better.

And as I have said before, I will call it like it is.

If Cutler is performing, I will say it. If he sucks, I will say it.

I like Pace. (so far).

But that doesn't mean I become a blind advocate.

I like Mcphee. But if he takes a play off, I will call it. I like Alshon. But if he gives up on a route, I will call it.

What's sad is that I am pointing out things our GM could do better to help the team and people here just want to jump all over me for pointing it out instead of understanding that my point is that I want the team to be better and win.
Now see I actually said that I get why you was saying what you was. Maybe I'm misreading your intent, or maybe you're just speaking in general. I would suspect nearly everyone would call any player, coach, or front office personnel if it warrants it. Maybe there are some that wouldn't, but for the most part people would call it the way they see it. At the end of the day we are all big time bears fans, we all want our team to win and bring home championships, it's just that everyone has differing views of how to get there. That's where a majority of the conflicts I've seen on here come into play, well that and the hadful of people that bitch just for the sake of bitching, or some that come here with the sole purpose of starting shit and most of the time succeeding. Anyway I'm not jumping on anyone. I see and understand what you are saying, just like I fully get why others are saying the things they are.


Well-known member
Jul 8, 2013
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Matt Forte
Adam Gase bailing
Eddie Royal
CJ Anderson

Every single one of those points are horrible.

1. Matt Forte is well passed his prime and is stunting the growth of the young guys behind him.
2. Pace had literally no choice but to let Gase go. You can't stop a guy from getting a HC gig.
3. 6-10 is actually an achievement considering the talent on this team.
4. Because Pace could predict Eddie Royal's injuries right?
5. Last time I checked C.J Anderson won't be wearing a Bears jersey anyway.


Agreed, he will be a bust if he never produces, everybody loved the pick going into the draft and afterwards, I couldn't fault Pace for that. I would fault him if he picked the idiot that can jump out of a swimming pool #7 doe.

I think some ppl were on the gurley wagon instead... just saying...

BUT im not willing to call white a bust yet... ill give him 3 years.

hopefully he is healthy and can stretch the field. If his speed is back and he can go and get the rock, it will help the offense tremendously


Well-known member
Dec 2, 2013
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BUT im not willing to call white a bust yet... ill give him 3 years.

Is it PC now to not call players a bust?

He is a year 1 bust. Period

Career? Still TBD


Well-known member
Dec 2, 2013
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Every single one of those points are horrible.

1. Matt Forte is well passed his prime and is stunting the growth of the young guys behind him.
2. Pace had literally no choice but to let Gase go. You can't stop a guy from getting a HC gig.
3. 6-10 is actually an achievement considering the talent on this team.
4. Because Pace could predict Eddie Royal's injuries right?
5. Last time I checked C.J Anderson won't be wearing a Bears jersey anyway.

Every single one of your responses are excuses.


Is it PC now to not call players a bust?

He is a year 1 bust. Period

Career? Still TBD

if his career is only a year.. sure..

was his first year a disappointment - yeah

however, " i" generally like to give rookies a few years to develop or not before labeling them a bust..

im not a pc peep.. if you wanna call him a gap tooth bitch bust - feel free..


CCS Donator
Aug 23, 2012
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Enemy Territory via southern C
Pace has made rookie mistakes.

It's going to happen.

He's learning on the job.

And truth be told, I think he's made the team better. I honestly do think we will have a better record next year. And I think we will all value our talent more.

But that's not my point. I feel he could be doing better.

And as I have said before, I will call it like it is.

If Cutler is performing, I will say it. If he sucks, I will say it.

I like Pace. (so far).

But that doesn't mean I become a blind advocate.

I like Mcphee. But if he takes a play off, I will call it. I like Alshon. But if he gives up on a route, I will call it.

What's sad is that I am pointing out things our GM could do better to help the team and people here just want to jump all over me for pointing it out instead of understanding that my point is that I want the team to be better and win.
Don't forget TE Khari. Or whoever we paid a 6th for. I saw that exactly as a rookie mistake. Low ceiling player sure to be cut at some point last season if you just waited.


New member
Jul 29, 2015
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Is it PC now to not call players a bust?

He is a year 1 bust. Period

Career? Still TBD

I would not call a player who missed his 1st year because of injury a bust. It was unfortunate and dissapointing, nothing else can be said. In order to be a bust you actually need to play snaps and suck at your job. Kinda how McClellin, Gabe Carimi, Chris Williams, etc were busts.

Leon Sandcastle

CCS Donator
Feb 5, 2013
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So he isn't a pro-bowler based on his play last year?

Wouldn't that then mean we should have traded him before the season when he threw a fit? Probably could have gotten a 2nd rounder or early 3rd.

Instead we gave him up, under contract, and a pick. Just for a late 4th rounder....

No matter how it is spun, Pace got bent over.

Would you even be on here posting if Pace would have "won"? Me thinks not.

Leon Sandcastle

CCS Donator
Feb 5, 2013
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I honestly can't remember the last time Mongo was actually right about something.

He said that no one would want to come to Chicago because of Cutler. Yet Cutler was mentioned by 3 of the signees as major reasons they signed. Hicks would rather play with Cutler than Brady. Freeman would rather play with Cutler than Luck.

He said that no one would sign Shea. Yet the smartest team out there ended up signing him with the 2nd smartest team almost signing him.

Mongo's reply to this "So you dont want to win?"


Dongbears is THE worst
Nov 29, 2014
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Essentially we traded Jon Bostic and Martellus Bennett for a 4th rounder.
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