STFU up with that common ground shit!
Oh, I have TOTALLY admitted to being a HUGE Highlander fangurrl before! I gots no shame with my game! Both of the films and the series (and to a lesser extent the cartoons).
Highlander: The Source is indeed a BAD film but I am more and have always been more viscerally affronted by the "alien" buffoonery of
Highlander: The Quickening. Talk about dragging a simply awesome concept and the mythology it started through the fucking mud on the second attempt. {{shivers}}. I don't know WTF they were thinking with H: TQ and honestly you know it's bad when the third film has to try to "undo" the damage of the second by simply not acknowledging it's plot occurred. Fucking BRUTAL. The abomination that was the retconning of H: TS barely and I mean barely allows me to think of it as part of the Highlanderverse but H: TQ still takes the cake in that I operate like it never existed. . .AT ALL.
Well in defense, they did re-edit the shit out of the quickening, to remove the crazy alien concept and made the alien planet references into a flashback to some ancient hi tech earthly civilization (not that its any better).
I guess they don't get that some things are best left unexplained. If its hard to come up with an explanation everyone can be happy with, then leave it to my imagination.
how do immortal babies just show up on peoples door steps? where do they come from? Who the hell knows, but if you try and explain it you are going to do it badly, so stop.
Don't even get me started on the source though, I think what really soured me on that movie was how freakin amazing Adrian Paul said it was going to be.
my list of gripes:
1. were doing the shitty near future break down of society again?
2. Riduclous bad guys that move at the speed of light? Nowhere else ever in highlander did motherfuckers have any other powers other than not dying (save for highlander 3). and it was stupid.
3. Over the top Over the top bad guy (yes I said over the top twice). Its like they tried to make a bad guy as bad as the Kurgan and just went too over the top. (speaking of that im pretty sure the actor that played "the guardian" was already on an episode of the series)
4. Deftly Obese Immortals that cant move.
5. Not enough Methos.
6.the end fight was basically the same concept of Duncans final fight with the demon in season 6.
7. Lame ass ending, and redefinition of the whole point of the damn franchise.
I have the highlander anime : a search for vengeance which isnt too bad, its better than the source.
I still think a Methos and Joe spin off series would have been money instead of that stupid Raven.