Movie Thread (All forms)


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May 16, 2010
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kalamazoo, mi
told my wife there was a zero percent chance i was going to see "love and other drugs" with her saturday night so she went with her mom. when she returned home the first thing she said was "you missed out on seeing lots of Anne Hathaway's boobs".



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May 16, 2010
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told my wife there was a zero percent chance i was going to see "love and other drugs" with her saturday night so she went with her mom. when she returned home the first thing she said was "you missed out on seeing lots of Anne Hathaway's boobs".


Where have you been? They've made a lot of noise that she's in her all-together in the movie. Egotastic has a recap.


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May 16, 2010
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kalamazoo, mi
Where have you been? They've made a lot of noise that she's in her all-together in the movie. Egotastic has a recap.

i've been dicking around with redoing every GD room in my house before my kid arrives. internet life has fallen off. still no excuse i know.


CCS Donator
May 16, 2010
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Uptown baby!
I have laid in bed, hit the PS3 button on the controller to turn it on without having to get up, turned on Netflix and WATCHED movies that I own and are less than 10 feet away.

But that's at least understandable---that's just extreme vegging. But I mean really, why in the hell will I willingly sit through a an edited and commercialed movie when I own the completely unedited and commercial-free DVD? It's fucked up man. LOL


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May 16, 2010
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But that's at least understandable---that's just extreme vegging. But I mean really, why in the hell will I willingly sit through a an edited and commercialed movie when I own the completely unedited and commercial-free DVD? It's fucked up man. LOL

I've done it with Mallrats... well I used to because the cable-edit actually had scenes that the original didn't - but with the anniversary/special edition released, now there's no reason.

Maybe you need a better social life?


CCS Donator
May 16, 2010
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Uptown baby!
I've done it with Mallrats... well I used to because the cable-edit actually had scenes that the original didn't - but with the anniversary/special edition released, now there's no reason.

Maybe you need a better social life?

Dude, it was freezing and snow-covered on Sat. night! Eh, I just left WGN on after the highly-charged rollercoaster Bulls game, spent some time in the kitchen and when I came back I saw the movie beginning on the screen---one lazyass thing just led to another lazyass thing.


CCS Donator
May 14, 2010
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Plainfield, IL
Is it bad that even though I actually freakin' own Highlander: Endgame on DVD that when I was casually changing channels on Sat. night I saw the beginning credits on WGN and got all excited and decided to watch it all edited and chopped up and WITH commercials like it was some sort of "Must See TV" event or something? I have ZERO idea why I do this from time to time as if I couldn't just get up off my ass and grab it off the damn shelf. WTF is up with that?

A fellow Highlander fan? Have we found common ground?

I normally sit in silence after the mockery that was highlander: the source, and contain my fandom in secret. (Even though I still own that one) I figure I owned everything related to highlander printed on a disc, I may as well own that piece of shit.


CCS Donator
May 16, 2010
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Uptown baby!
A fellow Highlander fan? Have we found common ground?

I normally sit in silence after the mockery that was highlander: the source, and contain my fandom in secret. (Even though I still own that one) I figure I owned everything related to highlander printed on a disc, I may as well own that piece of shit.

STFU up with that common ground shit!

Oh, I have TOTALLY admitted to being a HUGE Highlander fangurrl before! I gots no shame with my game! Both of the films and the series (and to a lesser extent the cartoons). Highlander: The Source is indeed a BAD film but I have always been more viscerally affronted and creatively insulted by the "alien" buffoonery of Highlander: The Quickening. Talk about dragging a simply awesome concept and the mythology it started through the fucking mud on the second attempt. {{shivers}}. I don't know WTF they were thinking with H: TQ and honestly you know it's bad when the third film has to try to "undo" the damage of the second by simply not acknowledging it's plot occurred. Fucking BRUTAL. The abomination that was the retconning of H: TS barely and I mean barely allows me to think of it as part of the Highlanderverse but H: TQ still takes the cake in that I operate like it never existed. . .AT ALL.


CCS Donator
May 14, 2010
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Plainfield, IL
STFU up with that common ground shit!

Oh, I have TOTALLY admitted to being a HUGE Highlander fangurrl before! I gots no shame with my game! Both of the films and the series (and to a lesser extent the cartoons). Highlander: The Source is indeed a BAD film but I am more and have always been more viscerally affronted by the "alien" buffoonery of Highlander: The Quickening. Talk about dragging a simply awesome concept and the mythology it started through the fucking mud on the second attempt. {{shivers}}. I don't know WTF they were thinking with H: TQ and honestly you know it's bad when the third film has to try to "undo" the damage of the second by simply not acknowledging it's plot occurred. Fucking BRUTAL. The abomination that was the retconning of H: TS barely and I mean barely allows me to think of it as part of the Highlanderverse but H: TQ still takes the cake in that I operate like it never existed. . .AT ALL.

Well in defense, they did re-edit the shit out of the quickening, to remove the crazy alien concept and made the alien planet references into a flashback to some ancient hi tech earthly civilization (not that its any better).

I guess they don't get that some things are best left unexplained. If its hard to come up with an explanation everyone can be happy with, then leave it to my imagination.

how do immortal babies just show up on peoples door steps? where do they come from? Who the hell knows, but if you try and explain it you are going to do it badly, so stop.

Don't even get me started on the source though, I think what really soured me on that movie was how freakin amazing Adrian Paul said it was going to be.

my list of gripes:

1. were doing the shitty near future break down of society again?

2. Riduclous bad guys that move at the speed of light? Nowhere else ever in highlander did motherfuckers have any other powers other than not dying (save for highlander 3). and it was stupid.

3. Over the top Over the top bad guy (yes I said over the top twice). Its like they tried to make a bad guy as bad as the Kurgan and just went too over the top. (speaking of that im pretty sure the actor that played "the guardian" was already on an episode of the series)

4. Deftly Obese Immortals that cant move.

5. Not enough Methos.

6.the end fight was basically the same concept of Duncans final fight with the demon in season 6.

7. Lame ass ending, and redefinition of the whole point of the damn franchise.

I have the highlander anime : a search for vengeance which isnt too bad, its better than the source.

I still think a Methos and Joe spin off series would have been money instead of that stupid Raven.


CCS Donator
May 16, 2010
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Uptown baby!
Well in defense, they did re-edit the shit out of the quickening, to remove the crazy alien concept and made the alien planet references into a flashback to some ancient hi tech earthly civilization (not that its any better).

I guess they don't get that some things are best left unexplained. If its hard to come up with an explanation everyone can be happy with, then leave it to my imagination.

how do immortal babies just show up on peoples door steps? where do they come from? Who the hell knows, but if you try and explain it you are going to do it badly, so stop.

Don't even get me started on the source though, I think what really soured me on that movie was how freakin amazing Adrian Paul said it was going to be.

my list of gripes:

1. were doing the shitty near future break down of society again?

2. Riduclous bad guys that move at the speed of light? Nowhere else ever in highlander did motherfuckers have any other powers other than not dying (save for highlander 3). and it was stupid.

3. Over the top Over the top bad guy (yes I said over the top twice). Its like they tried to make a bad guy as bad as the Kurgan and just went too over the top. (speaking of that im pretty sure the actor that played "the guardian" was already on an episode of the series)

4. Deftly Obese Immortals that cant move.

5. Not enough Methos.

6.the end fight was basically the same concept of Duncans final fight with the demon in season 6.

7. Lame ass ending, and redefinition of the whole point of the damn franchise.

I have the highlander anime : a search for vengeance which isnt too bad, its better than the source.

I still think a Methos and Joe spin off series would have been money instead of that stupid Raven.


Indeed, as I admitted The Source was B-A-D! And I only just barely and like marginally consider it a part of the Highlanderverse dude. Eh, I enjoyed Raven for its very brief run because I liked the Amanda character and esp. Elizabeth Gracen portraying her. I have ALWAYS advocated for a Methos spin-off but of course the problem with any of the Highlander properties is that the longer they wait to churn out more mediocre or absurd bullshit on direct-to-video or the Scifi Channel or whatever is that actors get visibly older, LOL! Christopher Lambert was looking long in the tooth in Endgame! And well now you can never get your wish what with Jim and all, heh. You know a sci-fi/fantasy franchise has been driven all scorched-earth like into the ground when even the Scifi Channel can't churn out a decent fucking TV film and then dumps it faster than a partner with herpes after their feeble attempt.

And don't even get me started on the re-make of the original Highlander movie that was rumored earlier this year. Blech. THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE Kurgan goddamnit!


CCS Donator
May 14, 2010
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Plainfield, IL

Indeed, as I admitted The Source was B-A-D! And I only just barely and like marginally consider it a part of the Highlanderverse dude. Eh, I enjoyed Raven for its very brief run because I liked the Amanda character and esp. Elizabeth Gracen portraying her. I have ALWAYS advocated for a Methos spin-off but of course the problem with any of the Highlander properties is that the longer they wait to churn out more mediocre or absurd bullshit on direct-to-video or the Scifi Channel or whatever is that actors get visibly older, LOL! Christopher Lambert was looking long in the tooth in Endgame! And well now you can never get your wish what with Jim and all, heh. You know a sci-fi/fantasy franchise has been driven all scorched-earth like into the ground when even the Scifi Channel can't churn out a decent fucking TV film and then dumps it faster than a partner with herpes after their feeble attempt.

And don't even get me started on the re-make of the original Highlander movie that was rumored earlier this year. Blech. THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE Kurgan goddamnit!

just posting this for you if you've never seen it. (its interrupted with ads a few times so bear with it),vclip,1

The Highlander reunion special, a 17 minute short mini-episode, with Elizibeth Gracen, Peter Wingfield and Jim Byrnes (reprising their roles) that supposedly takes place after endgame, its funny how a 17 minute short comprising primarily just dialogue (there is a fight scene, but you dont see it) is better than some of the movies.


CCS Donator
May 16, 2010
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Uptown baby!
just posting this for you if you've never seen it. (its interrupted with ads a few times so bear with it),vclip,1

The Highlander reunion special, a 17 minute short mini-episode, with Elizibeth Gracen, Peter Wingfield and Jim Byrnes (reprising their roles) that supposedly takes place after endgame, its funny how a 17 minute short comprising primarily just dialogue (there is a fight scene, but you dont see it) is better than some of the movies.

Heh, yeah I've seen "Reunion" before. It was a tantalizing peek into "Oh, what could have been" if like the short some of the feature length movies had been left in the hands of ya know, people who actually fucking know Highlander. Tis a real pity the way the franchise has been mishandled. FYI, besides the fact that the actors did it gratis you know that short was shot at Peter Wingfield's house right? lol


Staff member
May 14, 2010
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WTF let's ramp this shit back up....

the more I see about Tron, the more I want to see it in 3D.... Either it's that good, or I'm that stupid. Either way. **** you.


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May 23, 2010
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I just watched Law Abiding Citizen.I thought it was gripping and had me guessing until the final twist at the end of the film.It reminds me of Taken,and you have to ask yourself what would you do in that situation,especially if you felt that the "system" has failed you.

Gerard Butler does a great job playing the vigilante handing out his brand of "justice" to each person,one by one but,smart enough to be able to blur the lines and work the system to fit the crimes.Jamie Fox has enough of a supporting cast to help him put the pieces together and finally figure out who's been taking out his team one by one,one scene that just may get you is the one in the judges office it caught me by

All in all it was gripping and I think it will have you rooting for both sides at because of him trying to get justice and second because of all the collateral damage that's scattered along the way in his pursuit of justice.

I would recommend this one for a movie night viewing.


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May 16, 2010
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Putzing around Netflix this weekend, I stumbled upon The Catherine Tate Show... which was a British sketch show where the comedienne Catherine Tate (also former Doctor Who Companion) basically takes on different zany roles.

If you dig Britihsh humor, I'd highly recommend. She's a master at different British dialects/accents and her "American" was the only one I could easily distinguish not being a "real" voice. It's almost like Carol Burnett Show meets Tracey Take On.

I also watched, Operation: Endgame which was produced by Richard Kelly's "Darko" production company. It wasn't horrible, but had a hard time figuring out if it wanted to be a dark-comedy, horror or spy movie. Ultimately, I think it was trying to be all three. Bob Oedenkirk, Ellen Barking Jeffery Tambor, Zach Galifianakis, Rob Corrdry and a few others make up the cast, but each felt like they were being under-used (especially Galifianakis). Can't say if I'd recommend it, really... but then I might need to give it another watch.


CCS Donator
May 14, 2010
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Plainfield, IL
I just watched Law Abiding Citizen.I thought it was gripping and had me guessing until the final twist at the end of the film.It reminds me of Taken,and you have to ask yourself what would you do in that situation,especially if you felt that the "system" has failed you.

Gerard Butler does a great job playing the vigilante handing out his brand of "justice" to each person,one by one but,smart enough to be able to blur the lines and work the system to fit the crimes.Jamie Fox has enough of a supporting cast to help him put the pieces together and finally figure out who's been taking out his team one by one,one scene that just may get you is the one in the judges office it caught me by

All in all it was gripping and I think it will have you rooting for both sides at because of him trying to get justice and second because of all the collateral damage that's scattered along the way in his pursuit of justice.

I would recommend this one for a movie night viewing.

The only thing that makes you remotely root for Jamie Foxx's camp is that "innocent" people get killed. What annoyed me is repeatedly the Jamie Foxx character, did get it. Like When he says "If you even think about touching my family" What? You will become just like GB's character? The movie left you wondering if Jamie Foxx learned anything or if he somehow justified what he did at the end as somehow being less bad than what GB did. Because essentially, he killed GB, by moving that bomb to his cell.

So the movie leaves you wondering if he did that, but still didn't learn the lesson GB was trying to teach him.


CCS Donator
May 14, 2010
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Plainfield, IL
I saw an IFC film that was new on demand, that was really good. For once, I didn't see the twist coming in a movie.

crap I can't think of the name but it had that daughter from the sopranos in it. The premise is they are on their way to LA for a wedding, and stop off at a motel and wierd shit starts happening.

Definitely kept you on your toes, and for once, a fucking movie with a twist didn't hint (too much) to the reality of what was going on. Was very good though.


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May 16, 2010
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I saw an IFC film that was new on demand, that was really good. For once, I didn't see the twist coming in a movie.

crap I can't think of the name but it had that daughter from the sopranos in it. The premise is they are on their way to LA for a wedding, and stop off at a motel and wierd shit starts happening.

Definitely kept you on your toes, and for once, a fucking movie with a twist didn't hint (too much) to the reality of what was going on. Was very good though.

Looks like it was called Beneath the Dark - sounds interesting, I'll have to check it out.


CCS Donator
May 14, 2010
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Plainfield, IL
Looks like it was called Beneath the Dark - sounds interesting, I'll have to check it out.

Definitely one of those movies you cant dick around doing something else while watching, expecially considered it is formatted in showing 2 completely seperate stories, that you dont learn how they are related until later on and, its never overtly explained, so if you dont pay attention you might miss it.


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May 23, 2010
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The only thing that makes you remotely root for Jamie Foxx's camp is that "innocent" people get killed. What annoyed me is repeatedly the Jamie Foxx character, did get it. Like When he says "If you even think about touching my family" What? You will become just like GB's character? The movie left you wondering if Jamie Foxx learned anything or if he somehow justified what he did at the end as somehow being less bad than what GB did. Because essentially, he killed GB, by moving that bomb to his cell.

So the movie leaves you wondering if he did that, but still didn't learn the lesson GB was trying to teach him.

Your right about that,but they never follow any of the cases he took after the event so I guess we'll never know if he did learn his lesson.I also think he had to become him to eventually beat him in the end,but all in the name of justice,or revenge which ever one he could use to fit the situation,like he said it's not about what you say it's what you can prove...
