**OFFICAIL** Bears 2024 Regular Season News & Schleisse - FTO Preferred - No ALTS! Derailing Is Discouraged!


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Sep 15, 2012
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The difference between Stafford & Rodgers is pretty simple.

The Jets were the only team that Aaron was willing to go to. You hold all the cards at that point. He was never going to stay in GB. He was either going to retire or go to the Jets.

We dont actually know that. You are assuming what has been publicly reported is all the information that teams have.

If for whatever reason the Jets didnt work out I doubt Rodgers retires and more likely considers other teams.

GB’s GM did very well in a trade in which he had very little leverage. Jets put themselves in a position to give up too much as their GM was rightly blasted for playing it all wrong. Rodgers will choke there as well and in 2(maybe 3) years, the Jets will be starting over in the front office

What leverage did the Jets have? They fucking blew the Wilson pick and Rodgers is their only hope of staving off being fired. No chance they draft another QB when the rest of the team is ready to win now and Rodgers is clearly a better gamble than Carr or JG.

He may end up sucking but the Jets had to go and get him if they view their team as ready to contend. If I were them there is no other QB that was available that I would gamble my job on unless Brady was willing to play another year or two. I certainly would not stick with Wilson.

What other options did the Jets have?
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CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Sep 15, 2012
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All true points, I think the QB position being so important will trump some logic with a certain amount of GM’s.

I’m not saying he is good or bad nor that he shouldn’t be traded, I just think that a team trading for him should pay less for him because of the balance is tipped toward them give Arizona’s situation.

NFL has such a short window as evidenced by Arizona. Two years ago they were probably viewed as one of the top ascending teams in the NFC.

One injury and couple of things happen at the wrong time to the wrong players and boom. Total rebuild.

Most of the GM’s in the nfl are under so much pressure to succeed and win that they often do foolish things that they otherwise wouldn’t.

I got a bunch of shit from tons of people on here bc I praised Poles for doing a great job of getting rid of everyone including even R. Smith. My point being with all the pressures, a ton of Adam’s wouldn’t have had the balls to do this! That’s what makes it so hard, pressure to win.

Look at the apples trade for Claypool, I know it can still work out but trading for what is technically one year of rookie contract with 1.5 years of just so so play for a 32 pick of the draft.(first round in my book). Forget Claypool, this type of trade goes against everything Poles stands for and especially half way through a season where we know he isn’t making the playoffs and how many spots that were needed to fill.

But the balance isnt tipped towards another team. That is just your perception. If a team thinks Murray is a franchise QB then they will pay franchise QB rates. You onky think the balance is tipped in that team's favor because you dont view Murray as a franchise QB.

You are also being presumptuous in claiming the Claypool trade went against everything Poles stood for as if you know Poles better than he knows himself. He hasnt been on the job for 2 years so your knowledge of him is severely limited.

By his own words, he said from the start getting a young QB weapons was a priority and given the lack of top FA options he clearly decided to target WRs in trade whether it be Claypool or Moore. Again the issue here is moreso he likely had a higher opinion on Claypool than you did.

So you are confusing differences of opinion in value with someone being foolish or going against their philosophy.

You’re ? right!

I live in Tampa, Fl and I watched some bucs football. I’m torn about how I would feel about the whole Brady Super Bowl.

They bought an ancient but best QB of all time with fully knowing they’d win one or maybe two SB’s at most when they made this move bc they had so many pieces with the defense and the wideouts already there but cant draft a qb and we’re not in really good positions the past few years to get one in the draft.

Yeah, winning a SB is great and all but there really wasn’t much skill involved in my view. It has a bought feel to it, I would feel that it was tainted. Maybe it’s just me. I mean you’re never going to draft all your own players with no FA’s, im probably stupid for feeling this way but I would’ve be as happy as building your own team.

No Bucs fan, player, or coach gives a shit about it allegedly being tainted. Only people that think that are fans of teams who didnt win the SB.

In addition Brady was considered by maby including Bellichek to be toast. So no the Bucs didnt know for sure they would win one or 2 Super Bowls. That is revisionist history.
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You wake him up, you keep him up
Staff member
CCS Hall of Fame '22
Aug 10, 2013
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We dont actually know that. You are assuming what has been publicly reported is all the information that teams have.

If for whatever reason the Jets didnt work out I doubt Rodgers retires and more likely considers other teams.

What leverage did the Jets have? They fucking blew the Wilson pick and Rodgers is their only hope of staving off being fired. No chance they draft another QB when the rest of the team is ready to win now and Rodgers is clearly a better gamble than Carr or JG.

He may end up sucking but the Jets had to go and get him if they view their teams as ready to contend. If I were them there is no other QB that was available that I would gamble my job on unless Brady was will to play another year or two.
Cool. I’m going with my version but thx for your thoughts tho


Well-known member
Mar 23, 2016
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We dont actually know that. You are assuming what has been publicly reported is all the information that teams have.

If for whatever reason the Jets didnt work out I doubt Rodgers retires and more likely considers other teams.

What leverage did the Jets have? They fucking blew the Wilson pick and Rodgers is their only hope of staving off being fired. No chance they draft another QB when the rest of the team is ready to win now and Rodgers is clearly a better gamble than Carr or JG.

He may end up sucking but the Jets had to go and get him if they view their teams as ready to contend. If I were them there is no other QB that was available that I would gamble my job on unless Brady was will to play another year or two.

I also doubt that retirement was really much of consideration for two reasons:

1. The money that he would have had to walk away from
2. It would most likely put him in the same HoF class as Brady, and imo, his ego did not want that - to be the 2nd qb in the class


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Sep 15, 2012
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Cool. I’m going with my version but thx for your thoughts tho

Emphasis on your version. I will stick with reality's version.

I also doubt that retirement was really much of consideration for two reasons:

1. The money that he would have had to walk away from
2. It would most likely put him in the same HoF class as Brady, and imo, his ego did not want that - to be the 2nd qb in the class

Agreed. Not to mention he still has an outside shot of finishing 2nd all time in most statistical categories. He gets one more Super Bowl and finishes 2nd all time statistically and he goes down as the 2nd greatest QB/player of all time.


I have the stride of a gazelle
CCS Hall of Fame '22
Jul 12, 2013
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The sewers
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But the balance isnt tipped towards another team. That is just your perception. If a team thinks Murray is a franchise QB then they will pay franchise QB rates. You onky think the balance is tipped in that team's favor because you dont view Murray as a franchise QB.

You are also being presumptuous in claiming the Claypool trade went against everything Poles stood for as if you know Poles better than he knows himself. He hasnt been on the job for 2 years so your knowledge of him is severely limited.

By his own words, he said from the start getting a young QB weapons was a priority and given the lack of top FA options he clearly decided to target WRs in trade whether it be Claypool or Moore. Again the issue here is moreso he likely had a higher opinion on Claypool than you did.

So you are confusing differences of opinion in value with someone being foolish or going against their philosophy.

No Bucs fan, player, or coach gives a shit about it allegedly being tainted. Only people that think that are fans of teams who didnt win the SB.

In addition Brady was considered by maby including Bellichek to be toast. So no the Bucs didnt know for sure they would win one or 2 Super Bowls. That is revisionist history.
Just because a team may think he’s a franchise QB, doesn’t mean they will pay franchise QB prices when they don’t have to.


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Just because a team may think he’s a franchise QB, doesn’t mean they will pay franchise QB prices when they don’t have to.

Agreed. Overpaying when it's unnecessary is a good way to get yourself fired as a GM. Usually if a QB is getting traded, it's because the original team has given up on that QB and is looking to recoup what they can. Everyone else in the league knows that too. So you're going to get a whole bunch of shit offers relative to contract or draft position or both. Because Murray signed that big extension and is coming off an ACL injury, his value is probably at the lowest it's been since he's been in the league. I don't think I'd offer higher than a 6th because of the contract/injury combo.


Dongbears is THE worst
Nov 29, 2014
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Agreed. Overpaying when it's unnecessary is a good way to get yourself fired as a GM. Usually if a QB is getting traded, it's because the original team has given up on that QB and is looking to recoup what they can. Everyone else in the league knows that too. So you're going to get a whole bunch of shit offers relative to contract or draft position or both. Because Murray signed that big extension and is coming off an ACL injury, his value is probably at the lowest it's been since he's been in the league. I don't think I'd offer higher than a 6th because of the contract/injury combo.


Well-known member
Apr 18, 2013
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But the balance isnt tipped towards another team. That is just your perception. If a team thinks Murray is a franchise QB then they will pay franchise QB rates. You onky think the balance is tipped in that team's favor because you dont view Murray as a franchise QB.

You are also being presumptuous in claiming the Claypool trade went against everything Poles stood for as if you know Poles better than he knows himself. He hasnt been on the job for 2 years so your knowledge of him is severely limited.

By his own words, he said from the start getting a young QB weapons was a priority and given the lack of top FA options he clearly decided to target WRs in trade whether it be Claypool or Moore. Again the issue here is moreso he likely had a higher opinion on Claypool than you did.

So you are confusing differences of opinion in value with someone being foolish or going against their philosophy.

No Bucs fan, player, or coach gives a shit about it allegedly being tainted. Only people that think that are fans of teams who didnt win the SB.

In addition Brady was considered by maby including Bellichek to be toast. So no the Bucs didnt know for sure they would win one or 2 Super Bowls. That is revisionist history.
You’re right, it is my opinion. I never said it was fact.

My point was all opinion, as are most posts on here. I personally think that Arizona is in the lesser of the spots in terms of negotiation but I also admitted that the QB position is so important and GM’s are under tons of pressure but all things considered, the teams trading for Murray should have the upper hand in these negotiations.

In fact, I don’t think they should even trade for him, Arizona won’t keep him in the team with that contract unless they decide to keep him and rebuild around him.

I personally wouldn’t enjoy a Super Bowl as much if we brought in an ancient QB to win, I would for some odd reason think that winning with own talent would be much more satisfying- don’t know exactly why, but that’s the way I feel.

I know tons of Bucs fans that don’t like this last SB nearly as much as the previous one amd they hated Dilfer for his entire career for some reason. They admit(not all) but a lot of them feel the last SB was rented or bought so to speak. At the end of the day it’s a SB, don’t know why but lots of us would feel it’s an asterisk type win.

The bucs new going in that they had an amazing chance at 1 maybe 2 SB’s bringing in Brady and they were right. Almost every pundit thought they were going to win at least 1 with that team adding Brady.

I respect your views but I have mine too.not arguing


Well-known member
Apr 18, 2013
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I may be misremembering, but wasnt it Rodgers who opened his mouth to the media first?

The thing is, I would expect the Jets to still have been in the driver's seat on this one, and that is why Detroit got more for Stafford than GB did for Rodgers. I would agree with the poster that recommended a 4th rounder on Murray simply because he doesnt have the professional success to be worth more in a trade.
I concur! That was me that recommended the 4th. All things considered, a fourth would be the highest he’s worth, especially with that contract and injury.

And, I really believe that the GM for Arizona will draft a QB knowing that they more than likely will finish with the lost losses or very close to it. So, why hold onto a bloated contract with an unproven guy with a huge contract when you can add another top QB in the draft for Pennie’s in comparison?

That being said Arizona in my opinion, is in a poor position to ask for the moon.


Monday Morning QB
Aug 21, 2012
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You’re right, it is my opinion. I never said it was fact.

My point was all opinion, as are most posts on here. I personally think that Arizona is in the lesser of the spots in terms of negotiation but I also admitted that the QB position is so important and GM’s are under tons of pressure but all things considered, the teams trading for Murray should have the upper hand in these negotiations.

In fact, I don’t think they should even trade for him, Arizona won’t keep him in the team with that contract unless they decide to keep him and rebuild around him.

I personally wouldn’t enjoy a Super Bowl as much if we brought in an ancient QB to win, I would for some odd reason think that winning with own talent would be much more satisfying- don’t know exactly why, but that’s the way I feel.

I know tons of Bucs fans that don’t like this last SB nearly as much as the previous one amd they hated Dilfer for his entire career for some reason. They admit(not all) but a lot of them feel the last SB was rented or bought so to speak. At the end of the day it’s a SB, don’t know why but lots of us would feel it’s an asterisk type win.

The bucs new going in that they had an amazing chance at 1 maybe 2 SB’s bringing in Brady and they were right. Almost every pundit thought they were going to win at least 1 with that team adding Brady.

I respect your views but I have mine too.not arguing
Sorry, Remy knows exactly what every single Buc fan thinks and if you disagree in any fashion you will exchange 5,000 posts until he believes you agree or he’s somehow proven his point (opinion).

This is the part where you refuse the mission if you’re smart (my opinion).

Good luck on your journey if you choose the wrong option!


CCS Donator
Aug 20, 2012
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Montgomery, TX
Tampa Bay, Minnesota, GB, Detroit— could be a lot of teams interested in him depending on their direction after this year. Hell, Miami could be in a position to trade for him if Tua gets his eggs scrambled again.
Oooh yeah, now that you mention it, I could really see Miami doing something like this. Mike McDaniel is a mad-scientist, and I can totally see how Fields' mobility caused problems for did to his defense having his mind racing about the possibility.


CCS Donator
Aug 20, 2012
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Montgomery, TX
GB’s GM did very well in a trade in which he had very little leverage. Jets put themselves in a position to give up too much as their GM was rightly blasted for playing it all wrong. Rodgers will choke there as well and in 2(maybe 3) years, the Jets will be starting over in the front office
I despise Rogers, but part of me hopes he doesn't choke there just to rub-it-in to entitled Green Bay fans.


You wake him up, you keep him up
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CCS Hall of Fame '22
Aug 10, 2013
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I despise Rogers, but part of me hopes he doesn't choke there just to rub-it-in to entitled Green Bay fans.
Im okay with that outcome too. Favre had the Jets at 8-3 before he tore his bicep(?) and their season fell apart.


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Sep 15, 2012
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Just because a team may think he’s a franchise QB, doesn’t mean they will pay franchise QB prices when they don’t have to.

But who says they dont have to? We saw what guys like Wentz got. Yall are living outside NFL reality when it comes to QBs.


I have the stride of a gazelle
CCS Hall of Fame '22
Jul 12, 2013
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The sewers
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But who says they dont have to? We saw what guys like Wentz got. Yall are living outside NFL reality when it comes to QBs.
I never said they won’t have to. I merely stated that there’s no need for that team to get into a bidding war with itself. That the free and open market will determine Kylers worth

To state that it will take first round pick(s) as some guaranteed cost for him is living outside of reality when it comes to asset valuation in sports, economics, anything


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Sep 15, 2012
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Funny how your just as much assumed reality is absolute reality, meted out for everyone to accept in all your dickish glory.

No I responded to his dismissive comment by offering one of my own. I asked a basic question of what options did the Jets have better than Rodgers and he decided to ignore the question most likely because he didnt have an answer. If you going to claim the Jets had all this leverage you should at least be able to offer up an alternative just as good or better than adding Rodgers.
You’re right, it is my opinion. I never said it was fact.

My point was all opinion, as are most posts on here. I personally think that Arizona is in the lesser of the spots in terms of negotiation but I also admitted that the QB position is so important and GM’s are under tons of pressure but all things considered, the teams trading for Murray should have the upper hand in these negotiations.

In fact, I don’t think they should even trade for him, Arizona won’t keep him in the team with that contract unless they decide to keep him and rebuild around him.

I personally wouldn’t enjoy a Super Bowl as much if we brought in an ancient QB to win, I would for some odd reason think that winning with own talent would be much more satisfying- don’t know exactly why, but that’s the way I feel.

I know tons of Bucs fans that don’t like this last SB nearly as much as the previous one amd they hated Dilfer for his entire career for some reason. They admit(not all) but a lot of them feel the last SB was rented or bought so to speak. At the end of the day it’s a SB, don’t know why but lots of us would feel it’s an asterisk type win.

The bucs new going in that they had an amazing chance at 1 maybe 2 SB’s bringing in Brady and they were right. Almost every pundit thought they were going to win at least 1 with that team adding Brady.

I respect your views but I have mine too.not arguing

Show me a supposed franchise QB traded for a 4th rounder. I am simply saying your idea of value doesnt agree with the reality of what teams give up to acquire potential franchise QBs.

Obviously my comment about Bucs fans was hyperbole. The point is most fans are quite happy and if you are saying you would rather be the Bears vs the Bucs you are lying to yourself.

There is nothing that was bought. This is not MLB or the NBA were there is no hard cap. The NFL has the same cap for all teams and the Bucs assembled that team using that cap.

When people refer to buying a championship it usually refers to a team like the Yankees or say the Lakers who can spend more than other teams to try and win. It is misapplied to a situation where the Bucs spent within the cap. With the TV deal no team is restricted in teams of cap spend. The NFL is the fairest league in that regard.

Sorry, Remy knows exactly what every single Buc fan thinks and if you disagree in any fashion you will exchange 5,000 posts until he believes you agree or he’s somehow proven his point (opinion).

This is the part where you refuse the mission if you’re smart (my opinion).

Good luck on your journey if you choose the wrong option!

Obviously my comment was hyperbole. It is just delusional for fans of a franchise that hasnt won a SB since 1985 to pretend there would be some great angst if Brady had come to the Bears and delivered a SB. The vast majority of fans would not give a shit and no one would care about those that did.

The Bucs won within the same salary cap parameters of the other 31 teams.
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