You understand that regular newspapers and news sites and subscription journals are dying right? So people have to get clicks/views to make money. They are adjusting to what works otherwise they'll be out of a job. Thanks for your take though Jabba the hut
There are still quality writers, who write intelligent, or semi intelligent columns without having to title everything “the sky is falling the sky is falling“ in order to get morons to click on it.
There’s no question that the quality of writing, and especially editing is disappearing. As we live in an era of anybody, and everybody, can post online and editors have no place, we get the type of writing we see from Erik Lambert, for example, where he finishes every sentence with the word ‘at’.
“The Bears are trying to see where they are at“.“He did not know where it was at.”
This shit will get you an F in third grade grammar.
At this time in the preseason, every writer is writing filler because fans want something every day, and there is just not something newsworthy every day. But a writer can tell you who is looking good in camp, and who is not without trying to make every headline sound like “this guy is dying“ or “that guy is a major bust“ after two days of practice.
Anybody can write on the internet. That does not make one a journalist. It’s important to know the difference.