I am convinced Mark Potrash is the new Dan Wiederer — except he is worse. The Wiederer of last year was at least smart and thoughtful. Potash? Always negative, always full meat ball. He wrote “Fields went 7 for 7 with 4 touchdowns,” and acknowledged that protection was not always good and that coach Flus said guys may not always be running the right route… despite all of these objective facts, Potash went on to write that “Fields looked shaky” on the day.
Shaky?? Really? Shaky - really? This is the ONLY guy saying something this ignorant. This is the kind ignorant mouth breather that we don’t need in our media. How he still has a job I will never know.
Don’t give us fluff … but don’t be unfair to our guys either. This guy does not have a fair, objective bone in his body. Any media member who desires to “create” a narrative instead of letting the “facts” create the narrative, should not be given a platform.