*OFFICIAL* Offseason Rumors, Signings, and Shenanigans


CCS Donator
Nov 27, 2014
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You mean Brady, Gronk, and some dude named Haeg? It wasn't really that many players that came over in FA. It was like the Rams or the Eagles "dream team" of years ago.

Sorry, but it's hard for me to say that signing anyone but they greatest QB to play the game to date really contributed that much in terms of FA importance to that team.
Add Suh to the list as well, not saying it was more than the Rams, but is was significant. They were a 8-9 win team before FA.


CCS Donator
Nov 27, 2014
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Not that I’m arguing the other side of the debate because I believe sustainable success comes from good drafting and good drafting alone.

But most of that TB team’s best players were FA’s. Brady, Gronk, AB, Barrett, Fournette, JPP, Jensen. I think Suh even had 6 sacks for them in their SB year.

They have also drafted some really good defensive players the last several years also White, Winfield, etc….
It's a combination of both. LA has taken the approach that good veteran talent is worth using high draft picks for.
Bears have taken the approach that high draft picks are for making gambles with.

One thing worth mentioning is the Bears "draft a 1st round QB then fire the GM/Coach approach" is counter-intuitive.
While no fault of JF, last years pics should have been used on core players, as the same for this years. As it now stands, 3 years of Justin Fields rookie contract years will have been wasted on a team in a rebuild. When the Bears are finally playoff completive, it will be year 4-5.


Well-known member
Sep 9, 2012
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Lake Forest
What Tampa & Ram team are you talking about? Lot's of those "sparingly used" pieces, not saying they haven't made some good draft picks, just saying. You think the Rams win the SB w/o those FA's?
I picked 2 teams that built significant parts if not majority of their core players through FA to show that there's not just 1 way to build a successful/super bowl as long as you are making high quality decisions. I thought it was obvious sarcasm because of the teams I chose for examples but apparently Poe's law is not to be underestimated.


CCS Donator
Jan 11, 2014
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How many starting players can we get out of this draft and at what positions?

WR—sure, a WR2 or WR3 to start, especially if they go in the 2nd; maybe in the 3rd round
OL—sure, especially a LT, if they go in the 2nd, maybe in the 3rd
LB—if they are drafted in the 2nd
CB—if they are drafted in the 2nd
DT—if they are drafted in the 2nd

That's about all I can see. Not sure a 5th round pick can start, MAYBE on the OL? IDK.



Well-known member
Apr 28, 2013
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How many starting players can we get out of this draft and at what positions?

WR—sure, a WR2 or WR3 to start, especially if they go in the 2nd; maybe in the 3rd round
OL—sure, especially a LT, if they go in the 2nd, maybe in the 3rd
LB—if they are drafted in the 2nd
CB—if they are drafted in the 2nd
DT—if they are drafted in the 2nd

That's about all I can see. Not sure a 5th round pick can start, MAYBE on the OL? IDK.

Poles and the Chiefs got starters with both 2nd round picks and a starter in the 6th last year. They didn't have a 3rd.

The Bears 2nds will be much earlier than the Chiefs 2 last year, and their 3rd is 8 picks after the Chiefs got Creed Humphrey, so they certainly should get starters or very key contributors with those picks. Getting 1 starter on Day 3 isn't a daunting task either. Bears themselves have gotten Mooney, Nichols, Jackson, Howard and Amos as basically day one starters on Day 3. That doesn't include Bush, DHC, Cohen, Gipson, etc. who have been contributors as rookies.

With how much talent the Bears need, I wouldn't expect Day 3 starters (because I never do) but I wouldn't be surprised if by the end of 2022 the Bears have 4 guys from this class as potential future building blocks.


Well-known member
Aug 14, 2011
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I feel like 90% of the talk this offseason has been around drafting a WR high. And while we need a WR for sure, we also need to draft a CB just as bad. Maybe even more actually. I am stunned actually that they have not signed more players in the secondary for depth.
