In order to sue someone you need a reason and money. You have neither. Jeff, you live in your parents house and you are 47 years old.
What you could do is continue driving by my house 10 times a day in that beater car of yours. Or you can come onto my property again and the Sheriff will arrest you as you have already been warned.
BTW, you can leave the board if you are uncomfortable. That would be a first for you considering you are normally IP Banned from forums.
Now, go away or I will taunt you a second time
You know nothing Mr. Rosenthal, and I see your juvenile behavior has not changed judging by your postings.
The difference between you and I is, I don't utilize the internet to portray myself as someone I am not...that's your M/O.
As far as anything else is concerned, had you actually dug deeper you wouldn't have posted.
Now get lost, I just posted my age in another thread earlier and you couldn't even get that right...fuckface.
Christ, nobody would bother visiting you if you had a terminal disease...keep fantasizing.