OT: Aaron Rodgers QB rating over the past 9 weeks is 81.1, lowest among all starters


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Aug 25, 2012
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I dont get why people rush to Rodgers like he is some God sent Angel. The dude is playing bad and has more talent than our qb currently has. Cutler isn't missing just his top receiver, he has been missing his top 5 receivers at some point as 3rd N Long has stated above. No one would believe Cutler would have had a nine game stretch like this missing that many key parts.

The other thing is, due to the Cutler sub forum, many late nights spent here and on the CBMB every man and his dog knows what Cutler is (it's taken this long but they do) The thing is, Rogers is having a shit patch and taken some glee from that, I see nothing wrong, and I don't need people trying to point it out to me either like I am blind to it. He will always outshine Cutler but let us not stop being able to laugh at the guy, that team, that head coach and that fan base during this time. These times are precious and we should enjoy them when we can, collectively.

Objectivity is all well and good, but letting your hair down once in a while and remembering what it's like to be full of piss and vineger and laughing at a much vaunted rival is fantastic, especially at this time of year.


Warrior Spirit

The Truth
Sep 12, 2010
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He has WR Cobb who hasn't missed a game this year 15 of 15 games played

He has WR Jones who hasn't missed a game this year 15 of 15 games played

He has TE Rodgers that hasn't missed a game this year 15 of 15 games played

He has Adams who has played in 12 of the 15 games

How is that worse than having your top 5 receiving targets being injured and missing a ton of games or playing injured? You think having to rely on Mariani, Bellamy, Meredith & Langford as receiving targets through most of that 9 game stretch has been a good thing? To top it off the Bears O-line hasn't exactly been stellar throughout that 9 game stretch. If you have been watching the games Cutler has been avoiding sacks left and right due to an O-line that is also injury riddled and starters who are playing poorly. Like Long not being a very good RT, the Center being bad at his job, the RG being bad regardless of who is there.

Please tell me more though about how I should feel bad for Rodgers and the awful O-line, WR, TE he has bringing down his rating over the last 9 weeks. LOL

Do you know how many QBs would sell their souls to have Alshon on that field even half the time? Jones sucks and the fact all those teams cut him should tell you that. What has Adams ever done? How overrated is Cobb? Isn't it a bit more difficult when you're not just throwing screens all the time? These are questions you need ponder.

Xuder O'Clam

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CCS Hall of Fame '20
Apr 22, 2015
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Amen to that, it's a shame that the crowd who always claims they hate the excuses. Funny how those same people are now using the same excuses but seem to have no idea that they are validating those excuses being made for Cutler after all these years. Like it isn't something they should have already been aware of but instead just elected to hate because that's what they do best.

The excuses for Cutler have been used for over 8 years, not 9 games.


Dissed membered
Aug 17, 2011
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Palatine, IL
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Circumstances always affect play. Aaron is still one of a very few.


CCS Donator
Aug 20, 2012
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Rodgers vs Cutlers ratings the last 9 games

69.7 - 94.4

96.6 - 100.5

83.6 - 151.0

86.9 - 70.4

62.4 - 90.8

96.2 - 64.2

99.5 - 117.0

68.8 - 93.4

66.2 - 100.2

If someone would have predicted this 9 game stretch of ratings for Rodgers VS Cutler what would you have said to that person?

Something like, your a fucking moron to believe that? A comment I probably would have agreed with at the time.

What if they then told you that the Packers would lose Nelson but the Bears WR/TE would have these problems.

1. WR Kevin White wouldn't play a down and account for ZERO yards in the above 9 game stretch. Playing in ZERO of those games.

2. Alshon would miss 6-7 games and account for 582 yards in the above 9 game stretch. Playing in 7 of those games

3. Wilson would miss 5 games and account for 66 yards in the above 9 game stretch. Playing in 5 of those games

4. Royal would miss 6-7 games and account for 69 yards in the above 9 game stretch. Playing in 4 of those games

5. Bennett would miss 5 games and account for only 115 yards in the above 9 game stretch. Playing in 5 of those games

6. Forte would miss 3 games and account for only 164 yards in the above 9 game stretch. Playing in 6 of those games

7. Cutler would only throw 4 INT during that 9 game stretch

8. Cutler would throw 12 TD during that 9 game stretch

9. Cutler would average throwing 243 yards during that stretch

10. Cutler would throw for 2183 yards during that stretch

11. Cutler would throw 996 of those yards to White, Alshon, Wilson, Royal, Forte & Bennett combined

If someone predicted those things before the year started & then proceeded to tell you that Cutler was still going to have a better rating than Rodgers over that 9 game stretch. What would you have said to that person?

Lol...who has the better season? Who is going to playoffs? When was the season the 9 games you want to chose? Cousins and Fitzpatrick better than them all...guess they are the best QBs


CCS Donator
Aug 20, 2012
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I'm a Cutler fan (nuthugger to the haters) but I would have bet all my money that he wouldn't be able to put up those numbers given the talent surrounding him and having to learn yet another offensive system. Yet he has done pretty darn good during this 9 game stretch and has played well this season. He seems very comfortable with the system that Gase and he designed before the season. One of the most important things is that the team is getting the play call in much faster most of the time. So Cutler has more time to read the defense and call an audible if need be. Also allowing him to get guys moved around and call out blocking assignments. The added bonus is that they have been eating up the clock most of the time by allowing the play clock to tick down low.

Thankfully Gase isn't the typical OC stooge the Bears like to running the show. The guy has been very good keeping injury riddled, inexperienced, porous O-line from getting the QB killed.

He has not been trying to run deep Home Run hitting routes with the likes of Bellamy, Mariani, Meredith & Langford. Like Martz would have tried doing with them.

It's great having an OC that doesn't expect to see them run routes or produce like Isaac Bruce, Tory Holt, Az-Zahir Hakim, Ricky Proehl & Faulk. Instead he seems to realize that his play calling needs to be toned down and much more conservative when the teams top 5 receiving targets are not on the field.

I get a little annoyed watching screen after screen. It seems like teams have been catching up with it and know what's coming ahead of time. Yet i'ts getting the ball out of Cutlers hands quickly and keeping the pass rush from just pinning their ears back and coming for Cutler.

The most important thing is that his play calling has been catered to Cutler mobility much more than any other Bears OC has done during Cutler time with the Bears.

It's almost like he did the unthinkable and watched what Cutler did in Denver and implemented what worked well for Cutler there. Which included being mobile and even calling plays for Cutler to run with the ball. Something that makes the defense actually have to worry about the QB taking off on them. Heck, I actually wish Gase would ask Cutler to run a few more times a game. For anyone that has played or watched the game their entire lives. Anyone playing in the secondary job becomes much harder to do when they know they have to worry about a QB taking off.

The one thing Gase and the coaching staff need to get cleaned up, is the league leading, O-line penalties. Those have been a consistent drive killing machine this season.

Dude, I couldn't agree more. It feels to good to know that there are others who see this.


Well-known member
Aug 21, 2012
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Lol...who has the better season? Who is going to playoffs? When was the season the 9 games you want to chose? Cousins and Fitzpatrick better than them all...guess they are the best QBs

Yes, Erin has more yards, more TDs, less INTs, more wins than Jay, yet you need to focus on the one stat.
Oct 9, 2012
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Aaron Rodgers makes the Packers playoff contenders every year. For a Bears fan to make fun of him after one down year is ridiculous.


CCS Donator
Aug 20, 2012
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3rd and long posts Cutler excuses and cant give same shit to someone else. It tells you the mind frame of someone who is being blind and ridiculous.

Rodgers: Injured throwing shoulder during this time...news when it was reported

Rodgers o-line: has been a mess and again 40+ sacks to Cutlers 20+......I guess to you this means Rodgers has better protection lol.

and last night-The team lost center Corey Linsley, right tackle Bryan Bulaga and right guard T.J. Lang to injuries throughout the course of the matchup against Arizona, though Linsley later returned.

Meanwhile, left tackle David Bakhtiari was already out to begin the game, making the composition of the offensive line at one point Don Barclay, Josh Sitton, Linsley, Lane Taylor and Josh Walker.

Wide Receivers: Jordy Nelson pro bowler and proven out the entire year...but I guess thats equal to White.

Adams out for weeks with ankle injury

Jones picked up off waivers due to Montgomery injury and Jeff Janis gets more reps

Quarless tight end missed games was injured

Lacy injured ankle and groin

Etc....we can go on and on...but whats the point...you will always have a excuse for Jay.....only Jay though

By the way...fuck the Packers and Rodgers.


CCS Donator
Aug 20, 2012
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If you actually read everything you would see that I was saying Rodgers does have those excuses to use now. Although I would prefer to refer to them as explanations as to why things work out they way they do.

The funny part is that you're one of the ones who said Rodgers makes everyone around him better. Well why isn't that the case so far this season? Could it be that Rodgers being elite doesn't magically make the guys around him better?

As far as the O-line goes, if you haven't been able to figure out that Rodgers holds the ball way too long and does so on a regular basis, that's on you. If Cutler held onto the ball that long as often and on such a regular basis like Rodgers does. You would be one of the first people to criticize Cutler & you would be justified in doing so. So why is it different with Rodgers. Whom has said himself that he prefers taking a sack by holding the ball longer, rather than risking an INT. With a great O-line that was a good way to play it. With the O-line that is falling apart, that is going to be a disaster if he holds onto the ball so long. He will either need to start throwing it away or taking chances. Either way it's not something he is used to being forced into doing on a regular basis.

I stopped reading when you said Rodgers makes no one better this season. His team is in the playoffs, like Brady and other greats they throw people open...defense? Theirs is not lights out....but winning the division and being probably the best QB in the league for years(Brady can argue).....your right, he doesnt do anything for Green Bay this year...only outthrows your guy on a bad season by 11 more tds this year....must be nice to call that a issue....30tds and 7ints, your QB is struggling


CCS Donator
Nov 27, 2014
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If you actually read everything you would see that I was saying Rodgers does have those excuses to use now. Although I would prefer to refer to them as explanations as to why things work out they way they do.

The funny part is that you're one of the ones who said Rodgers makes everyone around him better. Well why isn't that the case so far this season? Could it be that Rodgers being elite doesn't magically make the guys around him better?

As far as the O-line goes, if you haven't been able to figure out that Rodgers holds the ball way too long and does so on a regular basis, that's on you. If Cutler held onto the ball that long as often and on such a regular basis like Rodgers does. You would be one of the first people to criticize Cutler & you would be justified in doing so. So why is it different with Rodgers. Whom has said himself that he prefers taking a sack by holding the ball longer, rather than risking an INT. With a great O-line that was a good way to play it. With the O-line that is falling apart, that is going to be a disaster if he holds onto the ball so long. He will either need to start throwing it away or taking chances. Either way it's not something he is used to being forced into doing on a regular basis.

You really are clueless aren't you? This isn't about Rodgers love, fuck Rodgers and fuck the pack!

However, some of us see through your thinly veiled attempt to once again expound on the virtues of Cutler, despite being repeatedly proven just how useless the guy is (assuming the goal is to reach a superbowl).

Your fucking stats are so flawed its laughable. Maybe you should take into account the teams that the Packers played during that nine game stretch as opposed to the teams we played.


A less ignorant person would compare season statistics.......

But enjoy in your celebration, as the Pack once again head to the play-offs and we play a meaningless game against Detroit for sole possession of last place in the division.

In other words

Scoreboard bitch!


YUUUGE member
Aug 20, 2012
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Its one thing to discuss football
To get into pissy little whining matches over some dude, ANY dude, thats woman shit
FUCK ROGERS and his ball grippers can choke on a discount double dick


CCS Donator
Nov 27, 2014
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When the thread is talking about how Rodgers has the lowest rating the last 9 weeks. That's when your ignorant ass can expect it to not be about the entire season stats. Well up until about ten seconds after the thread begins and it upsets people that Rodgers isn't being given a blowjob in a thread.

LOL, yeah nice try Dufus.........

BTW the Bears D is ranked 16 in total defense while the Packers D is ranked 19.

Oh OOO Spanky, another dumbass argument out the window............

Seriously, think before you post please?


Well-known member
Aug 21, 2012
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LOL....you might be the dumbest poster I have ever tried to have a debate with. Notice I have mostly tried to stay away from saying the Packers defense as opposed to the Packers have given up. That's fine though here are some defensive points given up stats, combined with some special teams stats.

Packers have given up 303 points
Bears have given up 373 points

Packers defense has given up 20 passing TD and 12 rushing TD
Bears defense has given up 28 passing TD and 9 rushing TD

Packers defense has given up 32 TD's
Bears defense has given up 37 TD's

That's still a 35 points difference.

Packers special teams have given up 0 TD's
Bears special teams have given up 3 TD's

Packers Defense and special teams have given up 32 TD's
Bears Defense and special teams have given up 40 TD's

Please do tell me more about the rankings that make giving up 8 more TD's makes the Bears defense/special teams better. I await your wisdom on the subject.

wait, the Packers defense is ranked less than the Bears, but give up 70 points less? HOW DOES THAT WORK?


Well-known member
Aug 21, 2012
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Bears defensive rankings:




Packers defensive ranking:




how again are the Bears ranked higher now? weighted by that passing defense???

go fuck yourself.
