Packers fans keep shut about the Trevaithon hit


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Dec 2, 2013
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Clearly turned his feet and pushing forward and fighting for yards



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CCS Hall of Fame '21
Aug 21, 2012
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Was that a few teeth flying out?

Not talking about the mouthguard, I saw what I thought was teeth flying out.

Kinda dirty hit. But also want to note, the flag came out really late as well. Wasn't thrown until he as already knocked out.

He seemed to be fighting to stay up and gain yards. Might be splitting hairs. I'm not sure this would have been flagged 5 or 6 years ago.

I agree on the teeth... Rewound a couple times to make sure- just to the right of the mouthguard there was certainly something flying through the air- chunk of a tooth or a piece of the helmet.


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Aug 23, 2012
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Enemy Territory via southern C
Gunzaan is a fucking bitch.

Victims? I mean....the hit was probably the culmination of lots of cheap shots and trash talk. I don't think it helped that Adams ran over two people previously to jam it in the end zone.

I think he should be suspended. I know the Packers fans are going to be upset and they ought to be, I'm just frustrated after all I have seen this is the hit we are going to be sensationalizing. I'd love for the cheap shots to end. Can we have a truce?

20-1....Packers can win. I would rather the bullshit just stop and they play us at football.

I remember where Adams went to college, Fresno State. Near my other home town. Of course first and foremost, no long term repercussions. The injuries in football do get felt for a lifetime, I should be more serious.

This was too soon. I've just been sick to my stomach for years at the bullshit that goes down and nobody talks about like it isn't happening, or its not in football. I can't imagine the Bears locker room doesn't prepare for a dirty game every time, because they have to. That leads to this type of stuff, even when its not really intentional and "just trying to make a play" like Danny said, you get caught in that gray area where you want to pay something back, you want to make the play, you want to get him for scoring on you and talking ish, and end up hurting them when all you wanted to do was demonstrate a big hit.

I don't think its black or white on a football field. Thank you to the better minded gentleman for returning focus to the most important thing, his health.

This was inappropriate and I self ban.

I think you should edit Guzaan's posts and assume he may be drunk tonight. I've said too much fucked up too many times, I will self punish to the end of the year, post blackhawks season.


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Dec 2, 2013
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Then blow the whitle. The guy has a ball in his hands and it was not a play where he was completely stopped. Trevathan deserves zero blame for a legal hit.

He was fighting for yards.

He was not stood up.

He was pushing hard.

Had leaned forward and stretched his right leg out to push for more.

Hard hit.

Don't feel it was illegal


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Sep 10, 2012
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You need to walk away. This is unacceptable behavior, even on this board. This is an interesting test for the mods here on what is allowed and what isn't. The entire community is watching, mods.


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THey may try to fine him.

But, I think the evidence is clear.

It wsan't in the act of the catch.

Adams was up and fighting for more yards.

He definitely hit the shit out of him.. But, I don't think it was malicious. Again, the ref only threw the flag when he saw him knocked out.

I agree with Mongo. The ref dropped the flag to cover his ass for the crew's grading review this week. Adams is still trying to fight for yards and Danny came in hard and ended up being high. Shit happens fast out there. He gets a fine, if he's suspended that's a joke.

Hawkeye OG

Formerly Hawkeye
CCS Hall of Fame '21
Mar 1, 2015
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I agree, it was a nasty hit and probably avoidable, but DT was just playing fast and hard football. He was caught up in the moment and that would have been a big stop for the Bears. It just so happens that Adams was twirled around right as Danny was coming in. It's football. This shit is going to happen. Danny will take his fine and continue on. I don't think for one minute that Danny was trying to hurt Adams.

I did dislike the showboating that was going on while Adams was down. I'm sure the Packers were talking shit to him which didn't help the situation.


CCS Donator
Nov 27, 2014
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For the record, that was a shitty play. But I don't think it was intentional. I think it was bad luck/accidental.

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It's not the responsibility of the league, or the refs for that matter to determine intent. He should be suspended. I am quite sure a drunk driver that accidentally ran over a young mother and her infant daughter did not "intend" to kill them, but his actions are still his and his only responsibility. He lead with his head, case closed.


Aug 24, 2012
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Honestly, in that hole thing, Rodgers needed to shut his bitch a*s up. Man has no idea what it's like to play defense and he was in there the whole time flapping his c**k sucker.

In Trevathan's defense, it's goal line play... third down... they want to make a stop. Game was not out of reach at this time. He's trying to make a play... helps a teammate make a tackle... bad hit... everyone jumps on his s**t. I'm 100% sure he feels bad about it. Probably said before, but I think it needs to be repeated.



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Dec 28, 2010
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It's just unfortunate.

We've seen dumbass plays where players get in that scrum and churn out another 5 yards. Dez did it Monday night and got a TD.

Ttevathon is a LB. LBs are paid specifically to make sure runners stop moving. If he doesn't, he has no job.

On that play, if he doesn't clean up the play, chances are likely Adams goes down after another yard. But there is always a chance he breaks free, and somehow scores. Then everyone would be bitching about the idiot LB who didn't do his job.

I know why he went to finish the play, just got a bit unlucky that Adams gave up and started going down when he did, which led him to crown his ass.

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Exactly this. If Adams had gotten loose and ran for another ten yards, what then. Sucks that the dude got his bell rung, but that wasn't a dirty hit or a cheap shot.


Jul 11, 2011
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It's not the responsibility of the league, or the refs for that matter to determine intent. He should be suspended. I am quite sure a drunk driver that accidentally ran over a young mother and her infant daughter did not "intend" to kill them, but his actions are still his and his only responsibility. He lead with his head, case closed.
Lol dude over here talkin about drunk drivers when these guys are playing football. Not to mention, about 50% of the league still leads with their heads.

Never understood why people get so emotional when a violent play happens in a violent sport.

Yes the play was shitty. But Danny's history says he's not a dirty player, and where he hit him was more than likely an accident.

He'll get a game, probably. It's whatever. Anything more than two and I'd have a problem with.

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CCS Hall of Fame '21
Aug 20, 2012
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How many times have all of us seen runners break out of tackles like that for big gains? Tons right? I have zero problems with this hit. Runner was still fighting for yards.


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Jul 15, 2016
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I watched that 17 jumping in at every altercation, I saw him earlier in the year, get a corner back ejected from his cheap shop, its just karma. Did anyone hear a whistle?


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Aug 29, 2012
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He will be suspened, which is a joke. Clean, clean, clean. Adams took the brunt of a hard hit, that is all. There is nothing Trevathan did wrong. It is football....getting too soft for some people.


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Aug 20, 2012
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That wasn't a cheap shot the only reason why he was flagged was the aftermath. I agree the rivalry was getting out of had for the obvious refs not calling the game better. However I am sure there will be a fine maybe suspension but that is all technicality now. It's was hard to watch you don't want to see anyone like that but it's going to happen and for those who try and compact it to 30 years ago are absurd. That hit happens after the play was over not stopping the play so this is football this is going to happen from time to time. But it was absolutely not intended Danny is not a that kind of player never has been so. That wasn't the reason we lost glennon was

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CCS Donator
Aug 21, 2012
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The 815
I don't want to hear it. Nobody likes that, nobody should see or do that. In my lifetime I have seen over 2 dozen cheap shots that handicapped the Bears roster. Blatant, total bullshit, poorly officiated by the league and allowed to happen to the Bears.

Its about damn time. If we do that every game for the next 20 years its even. I mean...that is how my lesser minds feel about it. I hope Adams is ok, he went to college in Illinois I believe? Or has a connection. I hate seeing athletes get hurt,

just forgive me for rolling my eyes a little bit because I can't tell you how many goddamn times the Packers players have taken deliberate, egregious and late penalties against the Bears.

If Adams is hurt it isn't on the Bears, it isn't on Trevaithon, its on the refs and NFL for allowing this rivalry to be out of hand and allowing the Packers to get away with 10x other teams because they have 10,000 times the owners supposedly.

Just shut it. I don't want to hear about this hit, this hit is buried in a deep mass grave of escalation and I have almost always been astonished we don't fight back more just to protect ourselves.

Some bullshit was going on in this game, thats why Trevaithon hit a man hard in the head. Refs fault.

That hit was brutal, no defending it, accident or no accident, should be suspended at least a couple games. It looked awful intentional to me. It wasn't like he was aiming for the ball and Adams kind of fell into it.......looked to me like he launched right at his dam head.

And I believe Adams went to Rutgers.


CCS Donator
Nov 27, 2014
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Lol dude over here talkin about drunk drivers when these guys are playing football. Not to mention, about 50% of the league still leads with their heads.

Never understood why people get so emotional when a violent play happens in a violent sport.

Yes the play was shitty. But Danny's history says he's not a dirty player, and where he hit him was more than likely an accident.

He'll get a game, probably. It's whatever. Anything more than two and I'd have a problem with.

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You missed the point entirely. I never brought into question the intent of the hit, or as to if Danny had a history of being a dirty player. The fact still is, he lead with his head, has been taught not to do so, and knows of the possible repercussions if he does it. The results of his actions could have left a guy paralyzed for life. Yet some of the people here want to argue intent, as to if that should make a difference. I am saying as far as fines and suspensions go, it should not make a difference.
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