Rate the last movie you watched


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Aug 20, 2012
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I tried to watch The Disaster Artist and had to turn it off.

Finally caught Wonder Woman on HBO the other day and for all the hype it got I wasn't impressed. Same ol' super hero movie plot line, at this point they've become rinse and repeat to me. Gal was hot though.

I did take the kids recently to see Jumanji. Was entertained and pre-teen kids and the girl loved it. They didn't ruin the original like I thought they would.


Well-known member
Aug 20, 2012
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I really want to see the new Thor movie and it's cool to see good reviews on here. Confused about the Dark World hate though. The first Thor movie was hot garbage other than Natalie Portman. I thought the second was decent... maybe that's just me.

Sicario has a sequel coming out which should be interesting.


This place is dead and buried.
CCS Hall of Fame '21
Aug 21, 2012
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I really want to see the new Thor movie and it's cool to see good reviews on here. Confused about the Dark World hate though. The first Thor movie was hot garbage other than Natalie Portman. I thought the second was decent... maybe that's just me.

Sicario has a sequel coming out which should be interesting.

I really liked it- but the humor aspect was a little tiresome. Was totally able to look past it.

Example- At the very beginning, thor is hanging from a chain all tied up. He is talking to his captor, and starts to rotate away from the guy... causing him to pause the conversation.
Funny the first rotation, beating a dead horse on the second. they repeatedly milk one gag far too long.

Beyond that, Jeff goldblums character is outstanding, the humor with loki is great, and the back and forth arguing with thor and hulk is pretty good. the action kicks ass and hela is an awesome adversary.

* the cameos in the play scene crack me up too. they scored 3 pretty solid actors to play the actors playing Loki, Thor, and Odin.


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Aug 21, 2012
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Did you guys read that SW twitter guy that explains why he feels this was the only choice for Luke?


Sorry this dude is an unfiltered fanboy who simply made up rules that don't exist to force this to be the only way Luke could proceed in the story.

Bryan YoungVerified account
@swankmotron · Jan 8
And here's where Luke decided it was ultimately the right thing for the Galaxy to end the Jedi and quit the Force. Because these cycles of violence will happen between good and evil jockeying for power. And the constant in Luke's view was the Jedi.

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Bryan YoungBryan YoungVerified account
@swankmotron · Jan 8
Their failure. Hypocrisy. Hubris.

If they were off the playing field, there would be no Vader. Or Kylo Ren. So instead of doubling down and training NEW Jedi to take down his nephew, he simply ends the cycle.

VIolence begets violence and Luke would no longer participate.

This premise that violence begets violence and the only reason the Evil Sith exist is because of the Jedi.

This makes no genuine sense.

The Jedi went away for a long time while Yoda/Obi-Wan were in exile.... did the Sith realize their purpose of ending the Jedi was complete (at least for the moment) and slink back to the shadows to allow the galaxy to proceed unhindered?

Nah the Sith went ahead and ruled the galaxy and did damage, regardless of whether the Jedi were there to oppose them or not.

Luke died and left Rey (Jedi) to fight Ben (Sith).... nothing Luke did ended the cycle of violence lol

Nothing this dude wrote as a rationalization for a shitty story is correct.

Not a shot at you, brett, I just think the guy you linked is 100% full of shit.


Apr 28, 2009
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FTR, I am not saying he's right, but I do give him credit for making an attempt. It did give me reason to want to watch it again which to date has not occurred. :)


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Aug 21, 2012
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FTR, I am not saying he's right, but I do give him credit for making an attempt. It did give me reason to want to watch it again which to date has not occurred. :)

Oh sure... I mean the guy is entitled to his opinion.

But his premise is based on some rigid foundation that IMO is easily ripped apart.

To say there was only one possible way to write the story and then base that on opinions you have about Luke and this false notion that Jedi vs Sith was a cycle of violence that could only be broken by Luke doing what he did.... it comes off badly to me.

The guy didn't say "I liked Luke's ending and here's why I think it made sense"

He said "This was the only way for Luke's ending to happen"

If you want to tell me there was only one possible way to tell a story, you better have alot more than just your opinion and some weak interpretation of Good vs Evil.


CCS Hall of Fame '20
Apr 18, 2010
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He should be... that was a shit character they put out and a horrible way to end his character.

I have a few issues with TLJ, but I don't think Luke was really one of them. I wish we had seen more training with Luke and Rey, but overall I thought the direction they took his character was pretty good.


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Aug 21, 2012
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I have a few issues with TLJ, but I don't think Luke was really one of them. I wish we had seen more training with Luke and Rey, but overall I thought the direction they took his character was pretty good.

Turning him into a bitter pussy who didn't even get off his ass and actually face Kylo Ren in-person?

And on top of that they didn't expound on the incident that turned him into a bitter old Jedi hermit well enough.

They gave us like 5-10 mins of total exposition on that point.... Luke sensed some generic darkness in Kylo.... he went to confront him.... it went badly... the Jedi Temple was vaguely destroyed and a bunch of other Jedi trainees we never saw either died or turned dark.

So a character built over 3 movies was turned into something unrecognizable and IMO they gave us the gist of why and then said "Yeah just take our word for it"

Why were there no Luke/Kylo flashbacks thru Force Awakens and then Last Jedi that shows you the kind of relationship Luke had with Kylo and thus making sure you understand why that incident was so bad.... why Kylo turned to dramatically.... why it affected Luke so deeply that he turned bitter and hid away.

Nah just take it on faith.... we need to spend time showing you Fin and Rose on some useless subplot.

The path they put Luke on was meant to mimic both Yoda and Obi-Wan and his death was meant to mimic both of their deaths... it was brutally obvious.

If it had to go that way I would have preferred to see Luke actually show up and go down fighting.... or do the cheesy thing Obi-Wan did with Vader where he let him do it.... anything would have been better than Luke being a pussy who wouldn't leave his island and actually fight.


CCS Donator
May 15, 2010
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luke going out while taking on dat battalion of at-ats n kylo would have been a better end...... den let him go obi wan poof at kylos hand while the ress got away..


Well-known member
Jul 25, 2012
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Ready Player One 8/10

Fair warning, I went into this without ever reading the book. I've heard that this is quite a bit different from the book. I had a lot of fun with this movie. It does have it's flaws, but overall, it's a pretty good time. There are a lot of pop culture references, as to be expected. For the most part, I thought the cast did a good job. The visuals were absolutely stunning. If you're going to see this movie, I HIGHLY recommend seeing it an IMAX. Unfortunately, I don't have one close to me so I had to see it on a regular screen. I strongly feel that this is a movie that needs to be seen on the biggest screen possible.


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Aug 21, 2012
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The Death of Stalin - 8/10

I genuinely didn't know this was a satire movie.... I saw it show up on torrents one day and have been on a cold war documentary binge, so I snagged it.

Then I turned it on and Steve Buscemi was playing Nikita Khrushchev and everyone was British and I couldn't stop laughing.

It does have some dark/serious moments, but most of it is pretty lolz.


Well-known member
Dec 19, 2012
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Star Wars rebels 10/10

Between that and clone wars they have done an incredible job with their animation part of the Star Wars world. Maybe they should get some of the people involved in that to work on those shit fucking movies


CCS Hall of Fame '20
Apr 18, 2010
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Turning him into a bitter pussy who didn't even get off his ass and actually face Kylo Ren in-person?
I mean, him not being in there in person was the whole point, since it distracted Kylo and the First Order, allowing time for the resistance to escape. He played Kylo like a fiddle. His force projection even changed clothes to what he had in the temple, I think.

I mean, was he supposed to take on Kylo and the First Order himself? He's a damn good jedi, sure. But then you realize that if you try to make an argument like that, it works the same for Obi-Wan in the original trilogy. He knows he's not going to be slicing and dicing his way through the first order, just as Obi-Wan knew that with the empire. He ended up helping Luke through the Force after his death, which ultimately helped lead to the fall of the empire. I think we're going to see Luke communicate similarly in 9.

And on top of that they didn't expound on the incident that turned him into a bitter old Jedi hermit well enough.
Well, Kylo turned on him(and likely some others, i.e. Knights of Ren), burning the temple and killing a number of jedi. That's a pretty dark and traumatic event, and it stems back to Luke's mistake. Luke is definitely a bit bitter, but some of it is understandable. Don't think I would want to be doing any more jedi training/teaching after that,either.

We do have another movie in the trilogy, I imagine there might be some more discussed regarding this incident, the first order, knights of ren(where the **** are they?),etc.

They gave us like 5-10 mins of total exposition on that point.... Luke sensed some generic darkness in Kylo.... he went to confront him.... it went badly... the Jedi Temple was vaguely destroyed and a bunch of other Jedi trainees we never saw either died or turned dark.
Yea, and Luke was worried about Kylo's power as well.

I don't disagree there could have been a little more detail here. Hopefully episode 9 will expand a little here.

So a character built over 3 movies was turned into something unrecognizable and IMO they gave us the gist of why and then said "Yeah just take our word for it"
Well, I don't think Luke was exactly going to be the same as he was when he was still basically a kid in the original trilogy, especially after that screw up that cost him the jedi,temple,etc.

Why were there no Luke/Kylo flashbacks thru Force Awakens and then Last Jedi that shows you the kind of relationship Luke had with Kylo and thus making sure you understand why that incident was so bad.... why Kylo turned to dramatically.... why it affected Luke so deeply that he turned bitter and hid away.
Again, the event itself was pretty traumatic. Also, I think part of the idea with TFA was that we weren't exactly sure what was going on with Luke. I suppose there could have been some flashbacks in TFA, maybe. And, again, this is movie 2 of a trilogy. There's still room to expound.

Nah just take it on faith.... we need to spend time showing you Fin and Rose on some useless subplot.
Except the uselessness of their plot was the entire point. It shows that risk taking has its consequences. And it also provides important character development for Finn. I think there are some things that could be improved in that aspect, for sure, though.

The path they put Luke on was meant to mimic both Yoda and Obi-Wan and his death was meant to mimic both of their deaths... it was brutally obvious.
You mean turning into the force? Well,yea, that was similar to Obi-wan and Yoda. There's obviously some reference/mimicry there, but also experienced jedi or jedi masters now know how to be one with the force in the afterlife(thanks to Qui Gonn). It's not just about mimicry, it's also an important skill/power the jedi developed, and Luke likely learned from Obi-Wan and/or Yoda how to do that.

Generally speaking, he seemed to be pretty expunged anyway. Force projecting onto a different planet seems like it took a lot out of him.

The circumstances of his death/turn-to-the-force wasn't the same as Obi-Wan or Yoda, really.

If it had to go that way I would have preferred to see Luke actually show up and go down fighting.... or do the cheesy thing Obi-Wan did with Vader where he let him do it.... anything would have been better than Luke being a pussy who wouldn't leave his island and actually fight.

Well, I don't think Luke had a way to get off the planet, did he? Or maybe I'm wrong? I'm sure, in the event you're discussing, they could have written that differently.

I think Luke fighting Kylo straight up isn't nearly as interesting or clever or meaningful as Luke force-project-trolling Kylo. Luke used Kylo's emotions against him and fooled him into thinking he was actually there. I thought it was a nice twist. It was about using the force more than using his lightsaber, which is a pretty important tenet of what the jedi are supposed to be. Their lightsaber is honestly more of a secondary tool.

A repeat of Obi-wan Vader would have sucked, and been an obvious rehash(which there already is arguably too much of)


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Aug 21, 2012
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I mean, him not being in there in person was the whole point, since it distracted Kylo and the First Order, allowing time for the resistance to escape. He played Kylo like a fiddle. His force projection even changed clothes to what he had in the temple, I think.

I mean, was he supposed to take on Kylo and the First Order himself? He's a damn good jedi, sure. But then you realize that if you try to make an argument like that, it works the same for Obi-Wan in the original trilogy. He knows he's not going to be slicing and dicing his way through the first order, just as Obi-Wan knew that with the empire. He ended up helping Luke through the Force after his death, which ultimately helped lead to the fall of the empire. I think we're going to see Luke communicate similarly in 9.

Well, Kylo turned on him(and likely some others, i.e. Knights of Ren), burning the temple and killing a number of jedi. That's a pretty dark and traumatic event, and it stems back to Luke's mistake. Luke is definitely a bit bitter, but some of it is understandable. Don't think I would want to be doing any more jedi training/teaching after that,either.

We do have another movie in the trilogy, I imagine there might be some more discussed regarding this incident, the first order, knights of ren(where the **** are they?),etc.

Yea, and Luke was worried about Kylo's power as well.

I don't disagree there could have been a little more detail here. Hopefully episode 9 will expand a little here.

Well, I don't think Luke was exactly going to be the same as he was when he was still basically a kid in the original trilogy, especially after that screw up that cost him the jedi,temple,etc.

Again, the event itself was pretty traumatic. Also, I think part of the idea with TFA was that we weren't exactly sure what was going on with Luke. I suppose there could have been some flashbacks in TFA, maybe. And, again, this is movie 2 of a trilogy. There's still room to expound.

Except the uselessness of their plot was the entire point. It shows that risk taking has its consequences. And it also provides important character development for Finn. I think there are some things that could be improved in that aspect, for sure, though.

You mean turning into the force? Well,yea, that was similar to Obi-wan and Yoda. There's obviously some reference/mimicry there, but also experienced jedi or jedi masters now know how to be one with the force in the afterlife(thanks to Qui Gonn). It's not just about mimicry, it's also an important skill/power the jedi developed, and Luke likely learned from Obi-Wan and/or Yoda how to do that.

Generally speaking, he seemed to be pretty expunged anyway. Force projecting onto a different planet seems like it took a lot out of him.

The circumstances of his death/turn-to-the-force wasn't the same as Obi-Wan or Yoda, really.

Well, I don't think Luke had a way to get off the planet, did he? Or maybe I'm wrong? I'm sure, in the event you're discussing, they could have written that differently.

I think Luke fighting Kylo straight up isn't nearly as interesting or clever or meaningful as Luke force-project-trolling Kylo. Luke used Kylo's emotions against him and fooled him into thinking he was actually there. I thought it was a nice twist. It was about using the force more than using his lightsaber, which is a pretty important tenet of what the jedi are supposed to be. Their lightsaber is honestly more of a secondary tool.

A repeat of Obi-wan Vader would have sucked, and been an obvious rehash(which there already is arguably too much of)

I'm not going to get into a multi-quote frenzy with you.

I get it, you ate up what they sold you... I did not like it at all.

I have to lolz at the part I bolded though.... they are repeating the plot of episodes 4/5/6, but a repeat of Obi-Wan/Vader would have sucked.

That was a repeat of Obi-Wan/Vader..... Master vs Evil Student... Master has outsmarted his evil student and is just playing for time.... he even lets Kylo light saber him like Obi-Wan did, cept he is force-projecting, so he doesn't die right then and there.

Then Luke's death winds up being a rehash of Yoda's death.... Master Jedi dying on his hermit hideaway planet, vanishing into thin air.

Everything they are making is just a rehash of episode 4/5/6... you do realize this, yes?
