Rate the last movie you watched


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Aug 20, 2012
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Laura (1944)

Laura (1944)

Excellent film noir film about a detective unraveling a murder, but it's not hard boiled, it actually digs into the characters to get to whodonit and why. It's more of a mystery-drama but is still straight up film noir in construction. Has some weaknesses as far as getting to know the two main characters and a lack of spark. Has an early Vincent Price as a playboy.


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Jul 25, 2012
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Fantastic Beasts 2 was boring and at times hard to follow...just a jumbled mess. Easily the worst movie in the Harry Potter franchise. Jude Law as Dumbledore was a great casting choice but he wasn’t in the movie that much.

Daredevil season 3 was fantastic. It starts out slow then really takes off. vincent d'onofrio is amazing. In my opinion he’s the best villain actor in the whole MCU.


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Aug 20, 2012
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Green Room

I don't want to give anything away... it's a band that gets a gig at a white supremacist bar (but that doesn't play into the plot, they're just a gang), and things get deadly.

It's alright. It's a fairly entertaining little violent drama. It's a bit more a thriller than horror. I was expecting a lot more based on some reviews I saw. It's a bit better than most of the crap violent drama horrors, but let's not get ridiculous here. There's a tad bit more character development, and the detail of how a real band thinks about things today is a nice feature, but it's not like that's used much at all through to the climax, which wasn't anything special but it's competent.


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Jul 13, 2011
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Laura (1944)

Excellent film noir film about a detective unraveling a murder, but it's not hard boiled, it actually digs into the characters to get to whodonit and why. It's more of a mystery-drama but is still straight up film noir in construction. Has some weaknesses as far as getting to know the two main characters and a lack of spark. Has an early Vincent Price as a playboy.

Hard-boiled film noirs are typically the worst and have no energy. I'd take Detour and Gun Crazy any day over The Big Sleep.


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Jul 25, 2012
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I thought Widows was a little over rated. I liked it but didn’t think it was quite as good as all these critics were saying

Axl Rose

and I knew the silence of the world
Oct 11, 2011
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Saw "Suspiria". if ya see it... go to a matinee. 3 / 10
Plus it's 2hrs.+

The originals plot was trash. It was all about style. It had a very cool dreamy nightmarish look.

Taking the plot premise, subduing the colors making them drab, and stretching the length out....I just idk.


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Jul 13, 2011
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I thought Widows was a little over rated. I liked it but didn’t think it was quite as good as all these critics were saying

I'd say more than a little. There was too many characters, and not only was everything spread thin, but everything and everyone was so spaced out. Major characters and plotlines would just disappear from the movie for like 15 minutes at a time.

Also, from what I remember, only one character had an actual arc. Elizabeth Debicki, the tall girl. Pretty much everyone else remained the same throughout the movie. Crazy.

The Boletarian

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Aug 20, 2012
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Journey's End. Was looking for a good WWI movie and unfortunately this one wasn't it. Although the acting was pretty good, the overall story kinda sucked.



Well-known member
Aug 20, 2012
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Hard-boiled film noirs are typically the worst and have no energy. I'd take Detour and Gun Crazy any day over The Big Sleep.
Yes, I prefer more coherence in plot, where you're right there trying to figure things out, like the dick is supposed to be trying to do, and that usually leads to more and deeper character development, which leads to being able to identify with the characters.

Still, I think some hard-boiled manage to have plenty of energy, one of which is The Big Sleep (though Bogart's character certainly wasn't without morality, as some definitions give to hard-boiled: most all desires are for money and sex; cynical, where legal system is just as corrupt as criminals). It's not easy to pull off that movement energy, but I was racing along with that film's fast pace, snappy dialogue and nifty direction. But the plot... yeah, that was pretty immaterial and fuzzy. And not every film can have a Bogart.

The Maltese Falcon is hard-boiled with energy, but it certainly has a lot more plot and rich characters than Sleep. Double Indemnity is another hard-boiled film noir in theme, but still manages to be a successful thriller with a deeper plot and characters.

Thanks for the recommendations for Detour and Gun Crazy. I don't think I've ever seen those. Did you ever see Asphalt Jungle? That's on my list.


Well-known member
Aug 20, 2012
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The originals plot was trash. It was all about style. It had a very cool dreamy nightmarish look.

Taking the plot premise, subduing the colors making them drab, and stretching the length out....I just idk.
That's too bad about the remake of Susperia.

I was surprised how much I liked the rich color palette, staging, direction and overall cinematography in Susperia. Obviously the plot was washy, so to stick to that plot and drop the color is a bizarre choice. It's not like there's many films today that do that original Susperia type of cinematography.


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Jul 13, 2011
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Yes, I prefer more coherence in plot, where you're right there trying to figure things out, like the dick is supposed to be trying to do

I'll partially refer to Hitchcock on the subject of mysteries.


The style of hardboiled is just boring to me. Some crime has happened before the movie started (maybe some character you never see or care about was killed), so to catch you up, the movie repeatedly has talky exposition dumps as a pretty mundane detective goes around interviewing a bunch of people. I can't really get invested in them because I don't care about the crime, nor who committed it. None of my three favorite film noir: The Third Man, Sunset Boulevard, and Double Indemnity are hardboiled.

Detour and Gun Crazy are both thrillers. They're kind of like film noir versions of Tarantino's True Romance. The energy I speak of, comes from the fact that the criminals, rather than the detectives, are the protagonist.
You focus on Bonnie and Clyde, not the detective chasing them.

I started but never finished Asphalt Jungle. Don't remember much about it.


Well-known member
Aug 20, 2012
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I'll partially refer to Hitchcock on the subject of mysteries.

The style of hardboiled is just boring to me. Some crime has happened before the movie started (maybe some character you never see or care about was killed), so to catch you up, the movie repeatedly has talky exposition dumps as a pretty mundane detective goes around interviewing a bunch of people. I can't really get invested in them because I don't care about the crime, nor who committed it. None of my three favorite film noir: The Third Man, Sunset Boulevard, and Double Indemnity are hardboiled.

Detour and Gun Crazy are both thrillers. They're kind of like film noir versions of Tarantino's True Romance. The energy I speak of, comes from the fact that the criminals, rather than the detectives, are the protagonist.
You focus on Bonnie and Clyde, not the detective chasing them.

I started but never finished Asphalt Jungle. Don't remember much about it.
Thanks for the Hitchcock video. Interesting take on the difference between mystery and suspense, he would know. He directed the film The Lady Vanishes which is considered a mystery thriller, and any general genre of film can have suspense in it... just to say that a film noir can have that intellectual exercise and also suspense, and many do.

I don't know that hard boiled is a well agreed upon term. Not only that, I've read quite a few different aspects from different sources. For instance, wiki notes the first use of the term as, "it meant the tough (cynical) attitude towards emotions triggered by violence." And in literary fiction it's an antihero detective solving a murder committed by organised crime in an environment where the legal system is just as corrupt.

Another source described hard boiled film noir as a setting where characters are mainly interested in money and sex, and a hardluck economy.

Top Ten Film Noir Movies - Hard-Boiled Fiction lists Double Indemnity #1.


Huevos Rancheros
Mar 11, 2015
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Saw Bohemian Rhapsody and thought it was fully entertaining.

run and shoot

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Apr 28, 2013
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Fantastic Beasts 2 was boring and at times hard to follow...just a jumbled mess. Easily the worst movie in the Harry Potter franchise. Jude Law as Dumbledore was a great casting choice but he wasn’t in the movie that much.

Daredevil season 3 was fantastic. It starts out slow then really takes off. vincent d'onofrio is amazing. In my opinion he’s the best villain actor in the whole MCU.

Fantastic Beasts 2 was boring and at times hard to follow.

Very boring...I was hoping it would be exciting, but NO. I actually thought about leaving ( I did feel asleep midway...woke and saw the last15-20min) You're right it was hard to follow. And it was 2hrs. + that didn't help

Saw "windows" that was decent 7.5 / 10

run and shoot

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Quote Originally Posted by run and shoot View Post
Saw "Suspiria". if ya see it... go to a matinee. 3 / 10
Plus it's 2hrs.+

The originals plot was trash. It was all about style. It had a very cool dreamy nightmarish look.

Taking the plot premise, subduing the colors making them drab, and stretching the length out....I just idk.

Well it seemed on one hand they going for a "horror movie".....then they tried to mix 'satanic dance' and the occult....and the gore.
I think they were trying to do too much and it ended up disjointed. AND as I thought it was gone from the theaters in a few weeks.

run and shoot

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I thought Widows was a little over rated. I liked it but didn’t think it was quite as good as all these critics were saying

I liked Widows better than The Girl in the Spider's Web

What was your take in terms of the story-line, plot etc.? What do think could've made it better? What do you think about the "believability factor"?


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Oct 5, 2017
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You were never really here - 8/10
Not bad. Violent movie. Good acting by Joaquin.


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Jul 13, 2011
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Creed 2 was pretty dull. Way too much family drama stuff.

Wreck It Ralph 2 was good, but should've been more focused.
